This user is polite and expects others to act accordingly.
^_^This user reads manga.
This user enjoys comics.
WebcomicsThis user reads webcomics.
This user enjoys the works of George Orwell.
Big Brother is watching this user.
This user is a hoopy frood who really knows where their towel is.
This user prefers the Nintendo DS over the PlayStation Portable.
This user plays online using the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
This user still enjoys the underrated Sega Dreamcast.

Current Situation: Wanting to be able to contribute more to Wikipedia, also wanting someone to make a Wiki iPod hack that supports 5G iPods. Still in College (High School).

I was born on March 13th 1990, in the town of Darlington, UK. I lived there until the age of two until I moved to North Yorkshire, in the United Kingdom. I'm a student, currently studying AS-level, but about to move onto A2-Level.

Not that you're interested, but I'm hoping to read Physics at the University of Oxford.

I also visit the BBC's "Have Your Say" section of the BBC News site under the alias BrokenLink.


  • Drawing
  • Music
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Playing Video Games


  • Spiders


Personal Sites and Art Galleries

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