Currently, I am a student at the University of Victoria, completing my BSc in geography. As of January 2008, I have 2 classes left to complete. In the future I will go to law school, or a masters, maybe take a second degree in economics. Currently I work for the Integrated Cadastral Information Society.
I'm not just a student or GIS tech though, I'm a philosopher, a counselor, a semi-environmentalist, a lover, a non-denominational Christian, a music aficionado, a surfer, a snowboarder, a photographer, a writer, a reader... lots of things.
My new favorite movie is Lord of War, I quote. "They say evil prevails when good men fail to act,... what they should say is 'evil prevails.'" "The ones who know don't care anymore, and the ones who care don't know." Cynicism, I love it.
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