: –– (Home: –– ; Road: ––), Points
# | Visitor | Score | Home | Location/Attendance | Decision | Record | Points |
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{{User:B2project/Template4 | Start of header template. |
team = | The abbreviation of the NHL team as indicated on the table below. |
month = | Full name of calendar month. |
display = | Whether to expand month. |
wins = | Wins |
losses = | Losses |
ot = | OT/SO losses |
hwins = | Home wins |
hlosses = | Home losses |
hot = | Home OT/SO losses |
awins = | Away wins |
alosses = | Away losses |
aot = | Away OT/SO losses |
points = | Points for month |
{{User:B2project/Template4 | team = | month = | display = | wins = | losses = | ot = | hwins = | hlosses = | hot = | awins = | alosses = | aot = | points = }}
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