Hi, I am Anna DelaMerced and I am from Washington. I am a student at the University of Washington (http://www.washington.edu/) studying Human Centered Design and Engineering (http://www.hcde.washington.edu/) with a focus on Human-Computer Interaction. At the University of Washington, I am participating in research groups in the department as well as the Human Centered Design and Engineering Student Association. I am also planning on minoring in Mathematics. I attended Holy Names Academy in Seattle for high school www.holynames-sea.org. I am interested in design, technology, art, and science and hope to find more opportunities that reflect my interests and help my career. I am currently working in a research team through the Human Centered Design and Engineering Department (http://courses.washington.edu/commprac/) which studies Wikipedia user behavior in the Request for Adminship (RfA) process and Wikiproject. This research team studies Communicative Practices in the Virtual Workspace.
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