 | This user is of Korean descent. |
Personal life
17Y | This Wikipedian was born on 15 December 2007 and is 17 years, 2 months, and 24 days old. |
♀ | This contributor to Wikipedia is female. |
she/they | Refer to this user using feminine or gender-neutral pronouns. |
 | This user has a slim build. |
en | English is not this user's first language, so expect this user to make mistakes every now and then. |
zh-0 | 這位用戶無法理解中文,或難以理解中文。 这位用户无法理解中文,或难以理解中文。 |
es-0 | Este usuario no entiende español (o lo entiende muy difícilmente). |
 | This user likes to be barefoot at home and usually is. |
 | This user has bilateral amazia. and embraces it. |
Pure | This user is still a virgin. |
 | This user is naturally and precociously stoic, and is able to control her outward emotions... most of the time... |
 | This user is a nerd. 🤓 |
 | This user is always sleepy, but is still able to keep herself awake and alert... unlike the Emoji on this userbox... |
 | This user is shy. |
 | This user likes to be alone. |
 | This user has very sensitive ACs in her house. |
 | This user does not wear makeup. |
 | This user does not wear bras. |
 | This user sleeps, but not for predictable amounts of time. |
This user does not smoke.
 | This user is so bad at math that she has to use a calculator. |
 | This user has limited education. |
 | This user uses Notepad on the regular. |
 | This user draws vectors using Scratch. |
General opinions and interests
 | This user thinks she looks cute :3 |
 | This user likes anime, but not at a weeb level. but is slowly descending into that level at this point maybe |
 | This user, despite not having played the games, is a fan of Touhou Project. |
Hi! | This user likes the code font. |
Hi! | This user likes the comic sans font. |
 | This user loves hugs. |
  | This user likes getting nose-booped. |
 | This user might like you... |
 | This user believes humanity is screwed. |
 | This user will not apply for live organ donation out of concern for her health. |
 | This user believes that all sites should detect whether an application file is a virus before letting it go public. |  |
 | This user does believes that the monkey selfies should not have went to court. |
 | This user will support the legal recognition of the WTFPL. |
 | This user will support the age deregulation of consensual tattooing, and believes that parental consent should be sufficient. |
 | This user is willing to respect any opinions she disagrees with and is never offended by different opinions. |
 | This user believes the world would be a happier, safer and saner place if everyone respected everyone else's freedom of belief. |
 | This user believes that the death penalty should only be used for atrocity crimes and that all execution methods should be quick and painless. |  |
Religious opinions and beliefs
Political opinions
 | This user is politically neutral and unbiased and usually prefers to stay far away from directly political discussions. |
 | This user supports social and economic fairness and is a libertarian. |  |
 | This user does not like biased news. |
 | This user does not like going to protests and should not be expected to show up at any. |
 | This user does not consider herself an activist. |
 | This user views bikinis as an acceptable minimum for public attire. |  |
    | This user does not form opinions on countries. |
 | This user stands with the people of both sides in a war, and not with the governments of one. |
 | This user believes that peace treaty signatures should always be the conclusion of a war. |
  | This user likes to study primates sometimes. |
 | This user wants to become a musician at some point. |
 | This user wants to learn how to make original vector icons in the style of projects such as Tango!, GNOME, and Nuvola at some point. |  |
 | This user is willing to use files under their original licenses. (unless its them entering the public domain) |
 | This user uses the Vector legacy (2010) skin. |  |
| This user uses the light theme. |
 | This user believes that the public showing of others' IP addresses is a major privacy violation and that registration should be a full requirement to edit on Wikipedia as a result. |
 | This user believes that sockpuppets are a major problem on Wikipedia. |  |
 | This user only contributes to other Wikipedias to fix serious problems, such as presences of copyright violations. She uses Google Translate to cite reasoning behind her edits if the Wikipedia is in another language she doesn't understand. |
 | This user makes mistakes sometimes and should not be expected to be correct at everything. |
 | Don't expect this user to donate to the Wikimedia Foundation, she can't afford to or has no credit card, she's underage. |  |
 | This user likes to make custom userboxes such as this. |
  | This user uploads fair use images to Wikipedia and places them in articles she feels may need them. |
 | Most content created by this user and uploaded to Commons is in the public domain. |
 | This user doesn't mind fair use images being used on Wikipedia. |
 | This user believes you shouldn't be afraid to upload fair use images to Wikipedia when needed. |
 | This user is pro-construction. |
m | This user may have a bad habit of tagging certain edits as minor edits even when they might not be. |
 | This user fixes file licenses. |
Spam | This user likes to spam this userbox. |
Spam | This user likes to spam this userbox. |
Spam | This user likes to spam this userbox. |
Spam | This user likes to spam this userbox. |
Spam | This user likes to spam this userbox. |
Spam | This user likes to spam this userbox. |
Spam | This user likes to spam this userbox. |
Spam | This user likes to spam this userbox. |
Spam | This user likes to spam this userbox. |
Spam | This user likes to spam this userbox. |
This user is dead. There is no need to check back later. |
 | 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 |
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