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The Department of Agriculture and Stock was established on 1/1/1904 and abolished on 26/9/1963.

It was a Queensland Government department responsible for agricultural development, research and education, and disease control.

The department was part of multiple portfolios from 1 July 1904 to 26 September 1963.



In 1904 the Agriculture Department and the Stock Branch ceased to operate as separate entities, the Stock Branch was fully integrated into the department, and the name changed to the Agriculture and Stock Department.[1]


The department has been part of Ministerial portfolios as follows:[1]

Portfolio From To
Secretary for Agriculture 1/7/1904 7/2/1911
Secretary for Agriculture and Stock 7/2/1911 12/8/1957
Minister for Agriculture and Stock 12/8/1957 9/6/1960
Minister for Agriculture and Forestry 9/6/1960 26/9/1963


The Department of Agriculture and Stock was abolished on 26 September 1963.[1]


The agency had the following responsibilities:[1]

  • The primary production responsibilities of the Agriculture and Stock Department included the following functions and activities:
  • land utilisation, soil conservation, irrigation, artificial breeding (1955), pest and disease control,
  • cold storage and transportation of fresh agricultural produce, quarantine, markets, supervision and inspection of exports,
  • sale of seed, agricultural experimentation, Sugar Experiment Stations, State Farms, promotion of agricultural products,
  • registration of livestock, encouragement of meat and dairy industries - and other industries including tobacco
  • agricultural education support,
  • subsidisation of agricultural societies,
  • preparation of agricultural statistics and development of standards,
  • the State Nursery, the Agricultural College (to 1923), Herbarium and Botany Branch, Botanic Gardens, Queensland Museum, the Agricultural Bank
  • In 1905 responsibility for fauna preservation was transferred to the Department, and over time other branches and functions were also added including the Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations c. 1901, and a Publicity Branch, created c. 1920, which took over the publication of the "Agricultural Journal" (published from 1897); art works and photographs related to primary industries were produced for this and other publications.
  • In the post-World War II period, the Department was actively involved in land use and development projects, often in conjunction with the Lands Department.

Agencies controlled

The department controlled 30 governmental bodies as follows:[1]

The department controlled more than ten other agencies or offices.
Agency From To
Agriculture and Stock Department, Chief Office (Publicity) 13/3/1897 1/1/1922
Board Of Stock Commissioners 1/1/1904 9/2/1905
Adavale Marsupial Board 1/1/1904 31/12/1918
Belyando Marsupial Board 1/1/1904 31/12/1918
Clermont Marsupial Board 1/1/1904 31/12/1918
Agriculture and Stock Department, Plant Industry Division, Agricultural Chemical Laboratory Branch 1/1/1904 26/9/1963
Office of the Chief Inspector of Stock 1/1/1904 26/9/1963
Office of the Registrar of Brands 1/1/1904 26/9/1963
Central Sugar Cane Prices Board 6/10/1915 26/9/1963
Dawson Dingo Board 1/1/1918 24/12/1930
St George Dingo Board 14/11/1918 24/12/1930
Adavale Dingo Board 1/1/1919 5/1/1931
Belyando Dingo Board 1/1/1919 28/2/1931
Clermont Dingo Board 1/1/1919 28/2/1931
East Moreton Dingo Board 21/2/1919 5/1/1931
Burnett Dingo Board 13/9/1919 1/3/1931
West Moreton Dingo Board 13/9/1919 1/3/1931
Wide Bay Dingo Board 17/9/1919 1/3/1931
Agriculture and Stock Department, Publicity Branch 1/1/1922 1/7/1948
Cheese Marketing Board 1/1/1922 26/9/1963
Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers 20/7/1923 26/9/1963
Agricultural Bank I 1/9/1924 31/12/1938
Queensland Cane Growers' Council 22/10/1925 26/9/1963
Cotton Marketing Board 11/3/1926 26/9/1963
Queensland Dairy Products Stabilisation Board 8/2/1934 26/9/1963
Queensland Milk Board 21/12/1937 26/9/1963
Queensland Dairymen's Organisation 26/4/1940 9/6/1960
Stock Routes and Rural Lands Protection Coordinating Board 19/4/1945 26/9/1963
Agriculture and Stock Department, Plant Industry Division, Horticulture Branch 1/7/1945 26/9/1963
Primary Industries Department, Plant Industry Division, Horticulture Branch, Food Preservation Research Laboratory 4/8/1960 1/5/1969

Administered Acts

The department executed its functions and responsibilites via various Acts and regulations. Acts administered by the department included:[1]

There were more than ten Acts administered by the department.
  • Marsupials Destruction Acts
  • Native Birds Protection Act
  • Diseases in Stock Acts
  • Diseases in Sheep Acts
  • Brands Act 1898
  • Meat and Dairy Produce Encouragement Act 1893
  • Dairy Act Diseases in Plants Act 1896
  • Slaughtering Act 1898
  • Agricultural Bank Act 1901
  • Agricultural bank Amendment Act 1904
  • Regulation of Cane Sugar Prices Act 1915
  • Wheat Pool Act 1920
  • Primary Producers' Organisation Act 1922
  • Fruit Marketing Organisation Act 1923
  • Primary Producers' Organisation and Marketing Act 1926

Administrative structure

In 1904, the office of the Agriculture and Stock Department under a Secretary (or Minister) for Agriculture comprised: an Under-Secretary for Agriculture who also acted as Chief Inspector of Stock and Sheep, Registrar of Brands, and Inspector under the Diseases in Plants Act; a Chief Clerk who acted as Deputy Chief Inspector of Stock and Sheep; Deputy Registrar of Brands and Secretary of Board of Stock Commissioners; other departmental officers included an Agricultural Chemist, Instructor in Fruit Culture, Colonial Botanist, Government Entomologist and Vegetable Pathologist, Tobaco Expert, Dairy Expert, Inspectors under the Diseases in Plants Act, Inspectors of Stock, Poultry Lecturer, Instructor in Tropical Agriculture, Artist and Photographer. In 1945, the Department was reorganised and its various branches were grouped into divisions according to their activities: Administration, Animal Industry, Plant Industry, Land Utilisation, Dairying and Fisheries, and Marketing. Following a change of State Government, the Department was renamed, on 26 September 1963, the Department of Primary Industries (disambiguation).[1]


  1. ^ Queensland State Archives agency identity number
  2. ^ More than one portfolio. Only the last one is shown in the information box. See article details.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h "Department of Agriculture and Stock – Id:39". Queensland State Archives. Retrieved 11 April 2020.


  • Queensland Government Gazette 1904, Vol. LXXXII, No. 149, p. 1796
  • Queensland Government Blue Book 1904, p.56
  • Queensland Votes and Proceedings 1905, Vol. II, p.441
  • Queensland Government Gazette 1963, Vol. CCXIV, pp. 271-279
  • Queensland Parliamentary Papers 1964-65, p.1103
  • Law, Cliff: Administrative History of the Department of Primary Industries (QSA)
  • Queensland Year Book 1976, p.100


This Wikipedia article was originally based on Agency Details: Department of Agriculture and Stock published by the State of Queensland under CC-BY 3.0 AU licence (accessed on 11 April 2020) Category:Articles incorporating text from the Queensland State Archives

Category:Former government departments of Queensland Category:1904 establishments in Australia Category:Government agencies established in 1904 Category:1963 disestablishments in Australia Category:Government agencies disestablished in 1963

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