Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
/* jshint maxerr:999 */
This page is designed to only load items on specific pages
It makes use of an irresponsible number of if-else statements
The main loop covers whether a page is Special or not
The secondary loop covers page actions
There are some exceptions afterward for mixed situations
But first, load scripts wanted everywhere
// Blah
var cfg = mw.config.get();
/* Everywhere */
// Config for [[Wikipedia:Tools/Navigation popups]], [[MediaWiki:Gadget-popups.js]], [[MediaWiki:Gadget-navpop.css]]
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window.popupAdminLinks = true;
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window.popupContribsPreviewLimit = 35; // Default is 25
window.popupThumbAction = 'sizetoggle'; // Default is 'imagepage'
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window.popupLastEditLink = false; // Default is true
// Config for [[Wikipedia:Comments in Local Time]], [[User:Gary/comments in local time.js]], [[MediaWiki:Gadget-CommentsInLocalTime.js]]
window.LocalComments = {
dateDifference: true,
// dateFormat: 'dmy',
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twentyFourHours: true,
// dayOfWeek: true,
// dropMonths: 0,
dropDays: 62
// Might reload the page
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Amorymeltzer/unhide.js]]
// [[MediaWiki:Gadget-markblocked.js]] originally installed via [[User:NuclearWarfare/Mark-blocked script.js]], now loaded via prefs
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Amorymeltzer/seventabs.js]], a much improved version of [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Six tabs]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Bellezzasolo/Scripts/adminhighlighter.js]], [[User:Ais523/adminrights.js]], [[User:Amalthea/userhighlighter.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/crathighlighter.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Lenore/autolink.js]], [[User:Lenore/autolink]] Try to display templates, etc in comments everywhere
// mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:MZMcBride/nulledit.js]], [[User:Splarka/nulledit.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/nulledit.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Smith609/toolbox.js]], [[User:קיפודנחש/viewstats.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/pinfo.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // Mix of namespaces, actions, etc. [[User:Amorymeltzer/pagemods.js]]
/* Should probably make these next two more specific */
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Enterprisey/more-listing-items.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Suffusion_of_Yellow/filter-highlighter.js]]
// Quick access for quick access
$(function () {
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-personal', '//', 'My logs', 'pt-mylogs', 'Your logged actions', '', '#pt-logout');
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-personal', mw.util.getUrl('User:Amorymeltzer/mass'), 'Mass', 'p-mass', 'MASS'); // [[User:Amorymeltzer/mass]]
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mw.util.addPortletLink('p-navigation', mw.util.getUrl('Special:RandomInCategory/All article disambiguation pages'), 'Random disam', 'n-randomdisam', 'Random disambiguation page', 'b');
Is the page Special or not, and if so, choose between the various sub-options
/* Special */
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case 'Contributions':
if ($('.mw-pager-body').length) { // Save some space
var paraGone = $('.mw-pager-body')[0].previousSibling; // Remove <p> tag revision date nav
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Markhurd/hidetopcontrib.js]]
window.userHideAllSubsequent = true;
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/massRollback.js]]
// Create button to turn on [[User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/massRevdel.js]]
// Script is immensely helpful, but the individual links and OS bolding are as well
$('.mw-pager-body').before("<span id=toggle_massrevdel class='toggle_massrevdel' style='font-size:85%;'>" +
"<span style='margin-left:0.4em;'>(<a style='cursor:pointer;' title='Mass RevDel' class='mass_revdel_on'>Mass RevDel</a>)</span>" +
$(document).on('click', '.mass_revdel_on', function() {
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/massRevdel.js]]
// Tighten/shorten massRevdel stuff
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util'], function() {
mw.util.addCSS('#revdelCP {margin-left: 0.4em;}');
$(document).on('click', '#revdelCP', function() {
$('#revdelLabel').text('RevDel >'); // Would prefer this to begin with but so be it
// Will run once on load, then also after each endlesscontribs load
var shortenText = function() {
// Shorten revdel; change rollback to r; current to top
// Adapted from [[User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/watchlistContribs.js]]
$('[class^="mw-uctop"]').each(function(index, link) {
link.innerHTML = 'top';
$('[class^="mw-rollback-link"] a').each(function(index, link) {
link.innerHTML = link.innerHTML.replace(/rollback: (\d+) edit/, 'roll$1');
$('[class^="mw-revdelundel-link"] a').each(function(index, link) {
link.innerHTML = 'RevDel';
// mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:Bradv/endlesscontribs.js]], [[User:Bradv/endlesscontribs]] // placeholder
// Testing post-load callback
// Will be added to below
window.endlesscontribsExec = shortenText;
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Amorymeltzer/endlesscontribs.js]]
case 'Watchlist':
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Equazcion/LagToMinutes.js]] Display lag in minutes on watchlist
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Equazcion/ReverseMarked.js]] Hide visited pages on watchlist [[User:Amorymeltzer/ReverseMarked.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Evad37/Thanky.js]], [[User:Evad37/Thanky]]
case 'Log':
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Amorymeltzer/logSwap.js]] initially inspired by [[User:PleaseStand/common.js]]
case 'Whatlinkshere':
// Add history and delete links
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[meta:User:He7d3r/Tools/AddActionLinks.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/wlhActionLinks.js]]
// Quick count of transclusions and links
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[wikidata:MediaWiki:Linkscount.js]]
case 'Block':
// Automatically watch user talk pages when blocking
$('input[name=wpWatch]').prop('checked', true);
case 'Search':
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Mr. Stradivarius/gadgets/SearchEditLink.js]]
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Amorymeltzer/Search_sort.js]], [[User:PrimeHunter/Search_sort.js]]
case 'AbuseLog':
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Amorymeltzer/osal.js]]
case 'Wantedcategories':
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[]], [[User:Qwerfjkl/scripts/hideUnwantedCategories]]
/* Masses [[UserAmorymeltzer/mass]] */
switch (cfg.wgPageName) {
case 'Special:Massedit':
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case 'Special:Massdelete':
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case 'Special:Massrestore':
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Timotheus Canens/massrestore.js]]
case 'Special:Massblock':
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Timotheus Canens/massblock.js]]
case 'Special:MassUnblock':
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:X!/massunblock.js]], [[User:Timotheus Canens/massunblock.js]]
case 'Special:Massprotect':
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Timotheus Canens/massprotect.js]]
case 'Special:Massmove':
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Plastikspork/massmove.js]]
} else {
Load everything that shouldn't be on a special page
This will eventually devolve to Mainspace or not
/* Not Special */
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Ale jrb/Scripts]], [[User:Ale jrb/Scripts/csdhelper.js]]
window.notifyByDefaultDec = true; // default is true
// window.notifyByDefaultDel = true; //default is false
window.notifyByDefaultPrd = true; // default is true
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// window.redirectAfterDel = '';
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mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:BethNaught/hideSectionDesktop.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/hideSectionDesktop.js]]
// Was [[User:The Earwig/permalink.js]], now [[User:The Earwig/copy-section-link.js]], but see also [[User:Enterprisey/copy-section-link.js]] via [[User:Enterprisey/copy-section-link]]
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
// Diffs
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util'], function() {
if (mw.util.getParamValue('diff') || mw.util.getParamValue('oldid')) {
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
// Buttons are moved to the end of p-cactions below
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Enterprisey/abusefilter-diff-check.js]], [[User:Enterprisey/abusefilter-diff-check]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/abusefilter-diff-check.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Enterprisey/link-deleted-revs.js]], [[User:Enterprisey/link-deleted-revs]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Enterprisey/diff-context.js]], [[User:Enterprisey/diff-context]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Enterprisey/offset-history-link.js]], [[User:Enterprisey/offset-history-link]]
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Enterprisey/diff-permalink.js]]
mw.loader.load('//øby/diffedit.js&oldid=22620102&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); // [[meta:User:Jon_Harald_Søby/diffedit.js]], [[meta:User:Jon_Harald_Søby/diffedit]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Elominius/gadget/diff arrow keys without CTRL.js]], [[User:Elominius/gadget/diff arrow keys]]
// Shorten revdel
// Should probably combine this with the identical one for Special:Contributions
$(function () {
if (cfg.wgRevisionId) {
$('[class^="mw-revdelundel-link"] a').each(function(index, link) {
link.innerHTML = 'RevDel';
// [[User:Nardog/MoveHistory]], this bit just recapitulates [[User:Nardog/MoveHistory.js]]
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
$(function moveHistory() {
if (!document.getElementById('p-tb')) return;
mw.loader.using('mediawiki.util', () => {
let clicked;
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', '#', 'Move history', 't-movehistory').firstElementChild.addEventListener('click', e => {
if (clicked) {
if (window.moveHistoryDialog);
clicked = true;
// [[User:Nardog/MoveHistory-core.js]]
'mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.Title', 'oojs-ui-windows',
'oojs-ui-widgets', 'mediawiki.widgets', 'mediawiki.widgets.DateInputWidget',
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Most things aren't needed on articles, so define articles first
That being said, some things are articles and elsewhere
/* Articles and Drafts */
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/* Articles and Talk */
// Only on articles and talk
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/* Edit/create redirects with [[User:Wugapodes/Capricorn]] ([[User:Wugapodes/Capricorn.js]])
* [[User:Sam Sailor/Scripts/Sagittarius+]] ([[User:Sam Sailor/Scripts/Sagittarius+.js]])
* [[User:Kephir/gadgets/sagittarius]] ([[User:Kephir/gadgets/sagittarius.js]]) */
mw.loader.load('//'); /* --skipUpdate-- */
// [[User:Evad37/rater.js]], [[User:Evad37/rater/app.js]], [[User:Kephir/gadgets/rater.js]]
// Loading here rather than via rater.js to get specific version
'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.Title',
'oojs-ui-core', 'oojs-ui-widgets', 'oojs-ui-windows',
'oojs-ui.styles.icons-content', 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-interactions',
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// Do not operate on non-existent pages or their talk pages
if (!$('[id|=ca-nstab]').length) {
/* Articles */
if (cfg.wgNamespaceNumber === 0) {
// [[Wikipedia:HotCat]], [[MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js]], [[commons:Help:Gadget-HotCat]]
// Installed here to be only in mainspace
window.hotcat_no_autocommit = true;
window.hotcat_del_needs_diff = true;
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Smith609/toolbox.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/pedit.js]]
/* Backlinks for pedit:
[[User:Lourdes/Backlinks.js]], [[m:User:Zhaofeng_Li/Reflinks.js]]], [[User:Lourdes/Backlinks.js]]
[[User:Edward/Find link]], [[User:Evad37/duplinks-alt]], [[User:Ucucha/duplinks.js]]
[[User:Qwertyytrewqqwerty/DisamAssist.js]], [[MediaWiki:Gadget-citations.js]], [[Wikipedia:AutoEd/complete.js]]
[[User:GregU/dashes.js]], [[User:Salix_alba/Citoid.js]], [[User:Ohconfucius/script/formatgeneral.js]]
[[User:Ohconfucius/script/Common Terms.js]], [[User:Dr_pda/editrefs.js]], [[User:TheJJJunk/ARA.js]]
[[User:Mesidast/Tidy citations.js]], [[User:Cameltrader/Advisor.js]], [[User:PC-XT/Advisor.js]]
[[MediaWiki:Gadget-ProveIt.js]], [[WP:ProveIt]], [[m:User:TMg/autoFormatter]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Gary/smaller templates.js]]
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Sam Sailor/Scripts/WRStitle.js]] Link to reference search [[WP:WRS] [[User:Amorymeltzer/WRStitle.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Gary/subjects age from year.js]]
mw.loader.load('ext.gadget.XTools-ArticleInfo'); // [[MediaWiki:Gadget-XTools-ArticleInfo.js]], [[mw:XTools/ArticleInfo.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/articleinfo-gadget.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Rublov/refspace.js]], [[User:Rublov/refspace]]
// Load [[User:Evad37/EditWarChecker.js]], [[User:Evad37/EditWarChecker]], running it only after clicking a button
var ewcLink = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', 'ew check', 'ca-ewchecker');
$(document).on('click', '#ca-ewchecker', function() {
} else { // END ARTICLES
Most scripts aren't needed in mainspace, so load them individually
Some will be any nonzero namespace, some in specific categories (WP, etc.)
/* Anywhere but articles */
// YAAFCH originally from [[User:Timotheus Canens/afchelper4.js]]
// Manually installed rather than via gadget to keep off User pages
// [[User:Enterprisey/afch-master.js]], [[User:Enterprisey/afch-master.js/core.js]
if ($.inArray(cfg.wgCanonicalNamespace, ['Project', 'Project_talk', 'Draft']) >= 0) {
mw.loader.load('ext.gadget.afchelper'); // [[MediaWiki:Gadget-afchelper.js]]
if (cfg.wgNamespaceNumber === 4) {
/* Wikipedia project space, not talk */
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Enterprisey/strike-archived.js]], [[User:Enterprisey/strike-archived]]
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Splarka/oldafd.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/oldafd.js]]
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:MusikAnimal/responseHelper.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/responseHelper.js]]
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:MusikAnimal/userRightsManager.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/userRightsManager.js]]
// Not at the moment, needs updating for restructured layout
// mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Amorymeltzer/qrfpp.js]] from [[User:Evad37/RPPhelper.js]] and [[User:MusikAnimal/userRightsManager.js]]
// mw.loader.load('// Canens/spihelper.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); [[User:Timotheus Canens/spihelper.js]] Not clerking atm. Duplicated in responseHelper?
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Enterprisey/delsort.js]]
// [[MediaWiki:Gadget-XFDcloser.js]], [[User:Evad37/XFDcloser/v3.js]], [[User:Evad37/XFDcloser.js]], [[User:Mr.Z-man/closeAFD.js]]
// Originally installed here to keep off certain pages but now installed via gadget
// mw.loader.load('ext.gadget.XFDcloser');
/* Only for [[WP:AFC/R]] */
if (cfg.wgPageName === 'Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/Redirects') {
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Enterprisey/AFCRHS]], [[User:EnterpriseyBot/AFCRHS.js]]
} else if (cfg.wgPageName === 'Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/Script') {
// JWB only active on [[Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/Script]]; see also []
// No way to reliably ensure JWB is safe, since it loads configs stored as js rather than json, without copying, which is too much of a drag.
// mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Joeytje50/JWB]], [[User:Joeytje50/JWB.js]] /* --skipUpdate-- */
} else if (cfg.wgNamespaceNumber === 14) {
/* Categories */
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Equazcion/CatListMainTalkLinks.js]] Display main/talk/hist links for pages in categories [[User:Amorymeltzer/CatListMainTalkLinks.js]]
} else if (cfg.wgNamespaceNumber === 6) {
/* Files */
// TinEye link, from [[meta:User:Krinkle/Scripts/TinEye]], [[File:Krinkle_TinEye.js]], [[commons:MediaWiki:Gadget-Tineye.js]], [[commons:MediaWiki:Gadget-Tineye]]
var imgs = $('#file img');
if (imgs.length) {
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '' + encodeURIComponent(imgs[0].src), 'TinEye', 'ca-tineye');
} else if (cfg.wgNamespaceNumber === 8) {
/* MediaWiki, but really just [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition]] */
if (cfg.wgPageName === 'MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition') {
// Link and prettify gadgets [[User:Erutuon/scripts/gadgets-definition.js]], [[wikt:User:Erutuon/scripts/gadgets-definition.js]]
}// END else if LOOP but remain in not articles
/* WP and all talks */
if ((cfg.wgNamespaceNumber === 4) || (cfg.wgNamespaceNumber % 2 === 1)) {
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Ais523/votesymbols.js]], [[User:Pythoncoder/Scripts/voteSymbols.js]], [[User:Pythoncoder/Scripts/voteSymbols]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Evad37/OneClickArchiver.js]], [[User:Technical 13/Scripts/OneClickArchiver]], [[User:Technical 13/Scripts/OneClickArchiver.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Evad37/TimestampDiffs.js]], [[User:Evad37/TimestampDiffs]]
/* All talks */
if (cfg.wgNamespaceNumber !== '4') {
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Jackmcbarn/editProtectedHelper.js]]
/* User talks */
if (cfg.wgNamespaceNumber === '3') {
// Could move to [[User:Novem_Linguae/Scripts/UnblockReview.js]] aka [[User:Novem_Linguae/Scripts/UnblockReview]] but it's a lot to review FIXME TODO
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Enterprisey/unblock-review.js]]
}// END not articles
}// END ENTIRE LOOP (not special, etc.)
A number of items need to load for some special pages and certain actions
Including them in the above would make it too complex
Or would require loading them multiple times in different places
Instead, load them here in overly complex, inefficient, and redundant if statements
Basically, places where rollback/diffs exist, a username exists, or places with wikilinks in dropdown menus
/* MIXED */
if (cfg.wgAction === 'history' || cfg.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'Contributions'
|| cfg.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'Watchlist' || cfg.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'Recentchanges') {
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Mr.Z-man/rollbackSummary.js]], [[User:Writ Keeper/rollbackSummary.js]]
// Will run once on load, then also after each endlesscontribs load
var possiblyContribs = function() {
/* Hist/watch/rece/contribs */
// Shows inline diffs everywhere (hist, watch, recent, contribs)
window.inspectText = 'show diff';
window.showText = 'show diff';
window.hideText = 'hide diff';
// window.inlineDiffBigUI = "true"; //Text is hardcoded, breaks above options
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/commonHistory.js]]
// This might need to be moved out? FIXME TODO
mw.loader.load('//קיפודנחש/apiRollback.js&oldid=924056620&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); // [[User:קיפודנחש/apiRollback.js]]
if (cfg.wgAction === 'history' || cfg.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'Contributions') {
/* History OR Contribs */
// Loads in [[User:Ale_jrb/Scripts/waLib.js]]
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
// [[User:Ale jrb/Scripts/userhist.js]]
// Adjusted to work with [[User:Bradv/endlesscontribs.js]] aka [[User:Amorymeltzer/endlesscontribs.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Amorymeltzer/userhist.js]]
// Placeholder for userhist's getScript to check for any updates to waLib, rare though they may be
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
// Already established above, so add to it
var tmpFunc = window.endlesscontribsExec;
window.endlesscontribsExec = function() {
if (cfg.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName !== 'Contributions') {
// Add diffOnly links everywhere but diff pages
window.DiffOnly = {
history: true,
recentchanges: true,
watchlist: true,
contributions: true,
diff: false
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Mr. Stradivarius/gadgets/DiffOnly.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/DiffOnly.js]]
/* mw.config.exists('wgRelevantUserName') */
if (mw.config.exists('wgRelevantUserName')) {
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:PleaseStand/userinfo.js]], see also [[User:Equazcion/sysopdetector.js]] Display perms, edit count, age, gender, last edited [[User:Amorymeltzer/userinfo.js]]
// [[User:Animum/EasyBlock]], but for the modern skin [[User:Animum/easyblock.js]], [[User:Animum/easyblock.css]]
// Also loads on all diffs; putting it here should be light than just adjusting ebPrefs.showOnPages
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Amorymeltzer/easyblock-modern.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/easyblock-modern.css]]
window.ebPrefs = {
// returnTo:"Wikipedia:Administrator_intervention_against_vandalism&action=purge"
loadPageOnSubmit: false
/* cfg.wgRelevantPageIsProbablyEditable */
// Excessive perhaps, but want this after userinfo
if (cfg.wgRelevantPageIsProbablyEditable) {
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
// mw.loader.load('//'); // placeholder
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/deletionFinder.js]], [[User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/googleTitle.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/deletionFinder.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Amorymeltzer/suppressionFinder.js]] As above
/* js/css/json pages, likely MediaWiki or userspace */
if ((['javascript', 'css', 'json'].indexOf(cfg.wgPageContentModel) !== -1) && ($.inArray(cfg.wgAction, ['view', 'edit', 'submit']) >= 0)) {
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Kangaroopower/rawtab.js]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/raw.js]]
// Show diffs in monospace. Maybe include Scribunto?
if (cfg.wgDiffNewId) {
$('td.diff-addedline, td.diff-deletedline, td.diff-context').css('font-family', "Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace");
// Activate wikilinks, from [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Autolink]]
// Requires commas between consecutive items
// Awkward fix to avoid the edit box
var targetdiv;
if (cfg.wgAction === 'view') {
targetdiv = document.getElementById('mw-content-text');
} else {
// edit or submit
targetdiv = document.getElementById('wikiPreview');
var content = targetdiv.innerHTML;
content = content.replace(/([^[])\[{2}([^[\]|<>\n]*)([^[\]<>\n]*?)?\]{2}([^\]])/g, '$1<a class="autolink" href="/wiki/$2">[[$2$3]]</a>$4'); // Make wikilink code into links
targetdiv.innerHTML = content; // Write it back
// Add personal js/css nav
var ss = window.document.getElementsByClassName('subpages')[0];
if (ss && cfg.wgArticleId) { // In case the page was deleted
var modLink = ' | <a href="/wiki/User:Amorymeltzer/modern.js" title="User:Amorymeltzer/modern.js">modern.js</a> | <a href="/wiki/User:Amorymeltzer/modern.css" title=' +
'"User:Amorymeltzer/modern.css">modern.css</a> | <a href="/wiki/Special:PrefixIndex/User:Amorymeltzer/" title="wiki/Special:PrefixIndex/User:Amorymeltzer/">subpages</a>';
ss.innerHTML = ss.innerHTML + modLink;
} else { // Not js/css/json
if (cfg.wgAction === 'edit' || cfg.wgAction === 'submit') {
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Anomie/previewtemplatelastmod]], [[User:Anomie/previewtemplatelastmod.js]] Display info about transcluded templates
if (cfg.wgNamespaceNumber !== 0) {
// Turn enhanced toolbar off if not in mainspace
// Defined here to easily allow the code editor on the above pages
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util'], function() {
mw.util.addCSS('#wikiEditor-ui-toolbar {display:none;}');
/* Delete, (Un)Protect, RevisionDelete, Block, or AbuseLog */
// Resurrected version of [[User:Ale jrb/Scripts/csdcheck.js]], requires some CSS (Exampless in [[User:Amorymeltzer/csdcheck.js]] or [[User:Amorymeltzer/modern.css]])
if (['delete', 'protect', 'unprotect'].indexOf(cfg.wgAction) !== -1 || ['Revisiondelete', 'Block', 'AbuseLog'].indexOf(cfg.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName) !== -1) {
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Ale jrb/Scripts]], [[User:Amorymeltzer/csdcheck.js]]
Some scripts need to be loaded only for certain actions
if (cfg.wgAction === 'history') {
/* History */
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Enterprisey/url-select-revdel.js]], [[User:Enterprisey/url-select-revdel]]
// Make compare and revdel buttons act as links [[User:Amorymeltzer/historyButtonLinks.js]] (see [[phab:T244824]] and [[User:Mattflaschen/Compare link.js]]
// Compare link
$('input.historysubmit').on('click', function(e) {
// Sysop links
$('button.historysubmit').on('click', function(e) {
window.histCombNoCollapse = true; // Don't collapse edits on load
window.histCombMyBg = '#F0FFF0'; // background on your edits (light green)
window.histCombTalk = 't'; // string to replace 'Talk'
window.histCombContrib = 'c'; // string to replace 'contribs'
window.histCombUndo = 'u'; // string to replace 'undo'
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Alex Smotrov/histcomb.js]]
// Shorten rollback to r; thanks to t; block to b
// Adapted from [[User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/watchlistContribs.js]]
// Set here rather than customize [[User:Alex Smotrov/histcomb.js]]
$(function () {
// $('[class^="mw-rollback-link"] a')[0].innerHTML = 'r' //By definition, there can be only one rollback on a history page
$('[class^="mw-rollback-link"] a').each(function(index, link) {
link.innerHTML = link.innerHTML.replace(/rollback: (\d+) edit/, 'r$1');
$('[class^="mw-thanks-thank-link"]').each(function(index, link) {
link.innerHTML = 't';
$('[class^="mw-usertoollinks-block"]').each(function(index, link) {
link.innerHTML = 'b';
} else if ((cfg.wgAction === 'edit') || (cfg.wgAction === 'submit')) {
/* Edit and Submit */
/* ajaxPreview stuff
Lives at [[User:Js/ajaxPreview.js]] ([[User:Js/ajaxPreview]]), with
the meat at [[User:Js/preview2.js]]. As with DisamAssist, it pulls
in a user script directly, so ugh. The preference option in the
editing tab is nice, and saves the crap here, but I actually rather
like having *both* option...
Placehoders for any upstream updates, rare though they should be
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util', 'user.options', 'jquery.textSelection'], function () {
// window.ajaxPreviewPos = 'left'; //buttons on the left
window.ajaxPreviewPos = 'bottom'; // buttons on the bottom, old with >
/* Putting previews on the bottom precludes these options */
// window.ajaxPreviewKey = ''; //"preview" button accesskey
// window.ajaxDiffKey = ''; //"changes" button accesskey
// window.ajaxPreviewButton = 'Ω'; //"preview" button text
// window.ajaxDiffButton = 'Δ'; //"changes" button text
window.ajaxPreviewMsg = {
emptydiff: 'No changes',
difftip: 'shift-click the button to show changes compared to this old version',
diff2old: 'comparison to old version',
viewtip: 'shift-click the button to update interwiki and categories as well\
(<a href="//" target=_blank>more</a>)'
var ajaxPreviewPos = window.ajaxPreviewPos || 'right';
if (!document.getElementById('wpSave')) {
// Load in the meat of the script
var previewToolbar;
if (ajaxPreviewPos !== 'bottom') {
previewToolbar = $('<div style="float:' + ajaxPreviewPos + '" />');
if (mw.user.options.get('usebetatoolbar')) {
$('#wikiPreview').after('<div style="width:100%; clear:both" />', previewToolbar);
} else {
var el = $('#toolbar');
if (el.length) {
} else {
addBtn(window.ajaxPreviewButton, 'wpPreview', window.ajaxPreviewKey || 'p');
if (cfg.wgArticleId === 'wgArticleId') {
addBtn(window.ajaxDiffButton, 'wpDiff', window.ajaxDiffKey || 'v');
function addBtn(name, id, akey) {
var $btnOld = $(document.getElementById(id));
if ($btnOld.length === 0) {
var $btn = $('<input type="button" />')
.attr('id', id + 'Live')
.attr('title', $btnOld.val() + ' (ajax)');
if (ajaxPreviewPos === 'bottom') {
} else {
if (!name) { // extract last word from standard buttons
name = $btnOld.val(); var i = name.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1;
name = name.substring(i, i + 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(i + 1);
$btn.val(name).css({height: '22px', padding: '0 1px'}).appendTo(previewToolbar);
if (akey) { // reassign acces key
if ($btnOld.attr('accesskey') === akey) {
$btn.attr('accesskey', akey).updateTooltipAccessKeys();
// code to execute after each preview update
window.ajaxPreviewExec = function(previewArea) {
// Enable popups
if (window.setupTooltips) {
previewArea.ranSetupTooltipsAlready = false;
// Sortable tables/collapsible elements
], function() {
$('#wikiPreview .collapsible').makeCollapsible();
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:ערן/autocomplete.js]], [[he:MediaWiki:Gadget-autocomplete.js]] Doesn't work with tab or beta syntax highlighter
// Replace "smart" curly quotes with the proper "'. Not in pedit since arguably useful everywhere
// [[User:GorillaWarfare/script/curlies.js]], [[]
// Also loads [[meta:TemplateScript]], the successor to [[meta:User:Pathoschild/Scripts/Regex menu framework]]
// tools-static still arguably unsafe-ish, so turn off TemplateScript
// mw.loader.load('//');
// More succinct text when editing
// Don't watch super active projectspace pages
// AIV, RFPP (and subpages), UAA, ANI, Sandbox
$(function () {
if (cfg.wgNamespaceNumber === 4 && ['Administrator intervention against vandalism', 'Requests for page protection', 'Requests for page protection/Increase', 'Requests for page protection/Decrease', 'Usernames for administrator attention', 'Administrator intervention against vandalism/TB2', 'Usernames for administrator attention/Bot', "Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents", 'Sandbox'].indexOf(cfg.wgTitle) !== -1) {
$('#wpWatchthis').prop('checked', false);
} else if (['purge', 'watch', 'unwatch'].indexOf(cfg.wgAction) !== -1) {
/* Purge, (un)Watch */
/* Automate purge/watch/unwatch confirmation dialog */
$('form[action*="action=' + cfg.wgAction + '"]').submit();
// Do stuff once the page has finally loaded. Most of these are
// shortening some personal tool names. Twinkle requires this,
// but the built-in elements don't, I think because the TW code is
// loaded too late. This way, they all change at the same time
// Also move a bunch of crap around and the like
// Doesn't always work
function loadFunct() {
// Move portlets around, from [[User:MZMcBride/tabaway.js]] and Splarka
function movePortletLi(liid, portletid, clone) {
var li = document.getElementById(liid);
var portlet = document.getElementById(portletid);
if (!li || !portlet) {
var ul = portlet.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
var newli = li.cloneNode(true);
if (!clone) {
$('li#pt-userpage a').text('Amory');
// $('li#pt-preferences a').text('prefs');
// $('li#pt-mycontris a').text('contribs');
$('li#t-userrights a').text('User groups');
$('li#ca-unprotect a').text('uprotect');
$('li#ca-undelete a').text('udelete');
$('li#ca-unwatch a').text('uwatch');
$('li#ca-AutoEd a').text('Auto Ed');
$('li#tw-unlink a').text('unlnk');
$('li#tw-batch a').text('dbatch');
$('li#tw-pbatch a').text('pbatch');
$('li#tw-batch-undel a').text('ubatch');
$('li#ca-disamassist-page a').text('Disam page');
$('li#ca-disamassist-main a').text('Disam primary');
$('li#ca-disamassist-same a').text('Disam dab');
$($('.blockmenu a')[0]).text('easyblock');
// $('#pt-logs').after($('#t-log'));
movePortletLi('n-specialpages', 'p-navigation');
movePortletLi('n-recentchanges', 'p-navigation');
movePortletLi('n-randompage', 'p-navigation');
movePortletLi('n-randomredirect', 'p-navigation');
movePortletLi('n-randomdisam', 'p-navigation');
movePortletLi('t-peer', 'p-edit');
// movePortletLi('t-wdlh-check', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('t-findlink', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('ca-findduplicatelinks', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('pt-dabfix', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('pt-dabsolve', 'p-edit');
// movePortletLi('ca-disamassist-page', 'p-edit');
// movePortletLi('ca-disamassist-main', 'p-edit');
// movePortletLi('ca-disamassist-same', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('t-checklinks', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('t-citationbot', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('t-reflinks', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('t-iabot', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('citoid', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('t-edit-refs', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('ca-formatcitations', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('t-addmetric', 'p-edit');
movePortletLi('ca-AutoEd', 'p-edit');
// Move to the end, otherwise they get mixed up and that's annoying.
// Should ideally have a better place for 'em
movePortletLi('pt-abusefilter-examine', 'p-cactions');
movePortletLi('pt-abusefilter-test', 'p-cactions');
var rece = $('#n-recentchanges');
rece.html(rece.html() + ' <span style="font-size: x-small"><a href="/w/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&hideliu=1">(a)</a></span>');
var rando = $('#n-randompage');
rando.html(rando.html() + ' <span style="font-size: x-small"><a href="/w/index.php?title=Special:Random&action=edit">(e)</a></span>');
window.onload = loadFunct();
// Check Check 1-2 1-2
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Amorymeltzer/test.js]]
/* Interesting, but not now
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:Enterprisey/talk-tab-count.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:Equazcion/SafetyEdit.js]]
var sysopSafety = true;
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:Bradv/splitpreview.js]] Preview on the side, not top
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:Enterprisey/undo-last-edit.js]]
mw.loader.load('// Keeper/Scripts/watchlistContribs.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); //[[User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/watchlistContribs.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:Kangaroopower/MRollback.js]] Good menu though!
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[m:Ajax sysop]]
mw.loader.load('// Scott/Scripts/pendingchanges.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); //[[User:Joshua Scott/Scripts/pendingchanges.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:Bellezzasolo/Scripts/arb.js]] Discretionary sanctions
[[meta:User:Krinkle/Scripts/CVNSimpleOverlay]] //Too similar to mark blocked? Maybe try on a vandal not yet blocked
[[meta:User:Krinkle/Tools/Real-Time_Recent_Changes]]; also a local gadget
mw.loader.load('// rand/HistoryView.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); //[[User:Yair rand/HistoryView.js]] Visual hist with section headers, autodiffs. Maybe edit for toggle?
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:BethNaught/exportUserOptions.js]
mw.loader.load('// links.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); //[[User:PrimeHunter/Source links.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:Kangaroopower/ajaxMove.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:Evad37/TextDiff.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); //Busted with [[Wikipedia:Metadata gadget]] gadget at the moment [[User:Pyrospirit/metadata/projectbanners.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:Nihiltres/assesslinks.js]] Color links on a page
/* Not working, seem fixable
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:Paranomia/simplevote.js]] Seems fixable for modern, maybe like XfD closer
mw.loader.load('// link.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); //[[User:Dipankan001/external link.js]]
mw.loader.load('// redirect.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); //[[User:Gary/namespace redirect.js]]
mw.loader.load('// pda/prosesize.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); //[[User:Dr pda/prosesize.js]]
mw.loader.load('//'); //[[User:Barticus88/WhatLinksHere.js]]
/* Reference
[[Wikipedia:User_scripts/List]] //See also Guide
[[Wikipedia:User scripts/Most_imported_scripts]]
[[User:Haza-w/Drop-down_menus]] //[[m:MoreMenu]]
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