- 1488
- NOTE(1488 is a well known Neo-Nazi symbol)
- \( *\. *\).*\( *\. *\)
- NOTE(ASCII art breasts)
- (base64|fromhex)
- NOTE(used for trolling by encoding insults into usernames)
- [^\s]{25}
- LABEL(long username without spaces),WAIT_TILL_EDIT,LOW_CONFIDENCE,NO_SIM_MATCH
- [A-F0-9]{6,}-[A-F0-9]{4,}-[A-F0-9]{4,}-[A-F0-9]{4,}-[A-F0-9]{6,}
- LABEL(UUIDs and other similar-looking strings)
- arse
- (\b)anal(\b)
- anus
- (\b)anus(\b)
- (anal|butt|bum|ass+|arse|anus|azz+)[ -]*(sex|sec*k+s|sechs|bleeding|leakage|seepage|hole)
- (ass+|arse|butt|bum|anus|azz+)[ -]*(head|h[o0][l1][e3]?|hat|munch|lick|lover|suc?k|cheek|crack|plug|eater|eating)
- LABEL(AssFoo)
- (my|your|his|her|their|big|huge)[ -]*(ass|arse|butt|bum|anus|azz|willy)
- balls[ -]*(up|deep)
- ball[ -]*(bag|sack)
- (my|his|her|their|our|own|its)[ -]*balls
- barf
- ba+[sz]+t+[ae]+r+d
- LABEL(Bastard with optional character repeats)
- batty[- ]?m[ae]n
- NOTE(See Batty boy)
- behanchod|behenchod|behnchod
- bich
- NOTE(Bich can be a Vietnamese name or an Anglo-Saxon surname - make sure this is not the case before blocking.)
- bitch
- biatch
- bios firmware
- NOTE(repeat AMI/Award/Phoenix vandal)
- biotch
- beeyotch
- beyotch
- bytch
- bite ?me
- blowjob
- blow(s|ing)?(-|\s)?(me|my|you)
- LABEL(Blowfoo)
- bollock
- bollox
- bollix
- boner
- boobs
- boobies
- brain[- ]*dead
- buk+ak+e
- NOTE(Bukkake is a type of sex act)
- bully|bullies|bullied
- bumming
- bung[- ]?hole
- cess[- ]*(pool|pit)
- NOTE(scatology -- a pit for sewage)
- (my|his|our|her|their|own|its) ?(dick|cock|prick)
- LABEL(MyDick)
- dick[- ]*butt
- is[- ]?a?[- ]?(cancer|tumor|tumour)
- censor
- ching[ -]*ch[ao]ng
- NOTE(imitation of the Chinese language)
- cluebot
- NOTE(reference to anti-vandalism tool)
- cock
- cockbag
- oxlong
- LABEL(MyDick)
- coons
- cornhol
- ([^s]crap|\bcrap|(is|was|does|has)crap)|crap(his|her|my|your|their)|crap(ping|per|ped)
- LABEL(CrapFoo)
- \bcumm*\b|cumm* ?(in|over|on|inside|all over) ?(my|your|him|his|her|their|you|me)
- LABEL(CumFoo)
- cum+[- ]*shot
- cunnilingus
- cunt
- kunt
- cvnt
- cuck
- NOTE(abbreviation of "cuckold")
- curry[- ]?muncher
- NOTE(ethnic slur for South Asians)
- constipat
- cooch
- crime
- (black|white|asian|ginger|tight) *pussy
- i *dare *you
- dee+[sz]+ *nu+t+[sz]+
- NOTE(reference to scrotum/testicles)
- defecat
- deserve[sd]? ?to ?die
- need[s]? ?to ?die
- must ?die
- destroy
- destruction
- diaper
- diarrhoea
- diarrhea
- diarrea
- (big|stiff|hard|massive|huge|enormous|giant|throbbing|tiny) ?(dick|cock|prick)
- LABEL(Dicksize)
- (dick|cock|prick) ?(up|in|over|into) ?(my|your|his|her|their)
- LABEL(Dick in)
- (dick|cock|prick) ?(bag|b[i1]t[e3]|ch[o0]d[e3]|h[e3]ad|l[e3]ss|l[i1]c?k|suc?k|wad|face)
- LABEL(Dickfoo)
- d1ck|d!ck|c0ck|pr1ck|pr!ck
- NOTE(Deliberate obfuscation)
- dildo
- dimwit
- dipshit
- dirty
- doo+(-|\s)?doo+
- NOTE(Slang for feces)
- dookie
- NOTE(U.S. slang for feces)
- donkey *punch
- douche[- ]*bag
- dreck
- NOTE(German for "filth")
- dumb[- ]*ass
- (is|was|are|were) ?(a|the)? ?dumb
- ejaculat
- enema
- erection
- (your|my|his|her|their) ?fanny
- (he|she|it|they) or fart(ed)? (on|at)
- LABEL(FartFoo)
- fapping
- fapped
- fa?eces|fa?ecal
- LABEL(Feces)
- (fat|big|huge)[- ]?ass
- hugh.?jass
- NOTE(Inappropriate gag name)
- felch
- fellat
- filth
- fisted
- fister
- fisting
- f[aeio]?ck(er|ing)
- LABEL(fucking)
- fu+c+k
- f--k
- f\*\*k
- fcuk
- fc+k
- NO_SIM_MATCH,NOTE(Obfuscation of "fuck".)
- fjuck
- phuc?k
- fuk ?off
- fukk
- fux
- NOTE("Fux" is a real last name.)
- fri(ck+|k+)[ie]n
- NOTE(Euphemistic form of "fucking")
- \b(hate)r?s?\b|ihate|wehate|allhate|h8er
- LABEL(hate...),NOTE(Please only block user if the name actually refers to hatred of other people or groups of people.)
- despise
- despicable
- is ?a ?ho
- (his|my|your|their) ?(cock|dick|balls|nuts)
- gandu
- get(ting)?[ ]?roasted
- gism
- goatse
- god[ -]*dam
- groyp[er]
- NOTE(Groypers, US far-right trolls)
- have *sex
- hurensohn
- NOTE(German for "whoreson")
- incest
- idiot
- is my .*hom(e ?boy|ie)
- SOCK_PUPPET(Incorrigible Troll)
- (jerk|dick)wad
- (jerk|jack)(s|ed|ing)?[ -]?off
- LABEL(Jacking off)
- jism
- kiss ?(my|his|her)
- l phillips
- laxative
- lawsuit
- lick ?(my|his|her)
- LABEL(LickFoo)
- libtard
- librul
- ligma
- LABEL(LickFoo)
- sugma
- LABEL(Suckfoo)
- l+o+l+o+l
- loves ?cock
- loves ?the ?cock
- mast[ue]rb[ai8]
- LABEL(MasturbateFoo)
- mike ?hunt
- minge
- m(a|o)lest
- mongoloid
- moron
- motherfu
- muthafu
- muff(\s-)?diver
- my\s?teacher
- necrophil
- nekkid
- numpty
- nutsack
- omfg|gtfo|stfu
- NOTE(offensive initialism)
- onaniert
- NOTE(vulgarism in German)
- Ostoneo
- SOCK_PUPPET(Ostoneo)
- pee[- ]?pee
- poo[- ]?poo
- peeing
- (pee|piss)[- ]?hole
- peanus
- \bpenus\b
- p[e3][nm][i1!][sc5z]
- piss
- (pi55|p1ss|p155)
- NO_SIM_MATCH,NOTE(this may be a deliberate obfuscation of "piss")
- pissing
- piss (in|on|over|all over)
- pissed
- pisser
- pizzle
- ploppy
- pmsl
- pooey
- poohead
- p[o0][o0]+p
- LABEL(Poop)
- p[o0][o0]+h?-?p[o0][o0]+
- LABEL(Poop)
- p [0o] [0o] p
- LABEL(Poop)
- p([o0]r|r[0o])n
- LABEL(Porn),LOW_CONFIDENCE,NOTE(The word "porn" is sometimes part of Thai and German names - check google for legitimate uses before blocking.)
- porno
- prank
- NOTE(generally associated with vandalism),NO_SIM_MATCH
- prick
- prostitute
- pubes
- pubic
- pubis
- puke
- putka
- NOTE(Slang for female genitalia)
- putt?ana
- rectum
- retard
- report *me
- rick[ -]?roll
- rimming
- ruin
- scheiss
- NOTE(German for shit)
- schlong
- NOTE(Slang for penis)
- screw(ed|ing|s)? ?(me|him|her|us|them|you|u)|(I|he|she|you|u|they|we) ?screw|am ?screwing|have ?screwed|will ?screw
- LABEL(ScrewFoo)
- scrotum
- scrote
- (ball|nut)[- ]*sack
- dee+[sz]+[- ]?nu+t+[sz]+
- NOTE("deez nutz")
- (is|are) ?scum
- scumbag
- semen
- sex *with
- shemale
- shit
- NOTE(Please note that many names contain the string "shit" especially names from India - be careful that this is not the case before blocking.)
- shii+t
- shyt
- NOTE(obfuscation of 'shit')
- sh1t
- shitt
- is ?a ?slag
- skank
- slut
- sodom(ist|ite|ize|y)
- sperm
- sphincter
- spoo+ge
- spunk
- NOTE(UK slang for semen)
- stiffy
- LOW_CONFIDENCE,NOTE(Slang for erection)
- sucks
- sucked
- sucker
- sucka
- suc?k(\s|-)?(on|it|me|my|you|your|ya|yer|him|his|her|us|them|off)
- LABEL(Suckfoo)
- suck
- sux
- suxx
- swallow(\s|-?)
- tampon
- tards?$
- test(a|i)cle
- LABEL(testicle)
- test(e|es|is)
- LABEL(testicles)
- titties
- tits
- tranny
- trannie
- turd
- twat
- (up|in) ?(the|your|yer|ya|my|his|her|their) ?(bum|butt|ass|arse|anus|azz)
- LABEL(Arsefoo)
- urethra
- urine|urination|urinal
- vagina
- vadge
- vomit
- vulva
- wank
- wee+(\s|-)*wee+
- NOTE(Slang for penis and/or urine)
- wet ?dream
- whack ?off
- whore
- yiff
- NOTE(Slang for furry porn)
- (ya|your|yer|yur|ur|yo|yo')\s?(mom|mum|mother|motha|mamm?a)
- LABEL(Your mom),NOTE(Not everything someone has to say about your mom is against policy.)
- i *shag
- LOW_CONFIDENCE,LABEL(shagging = British slang for sexual intercourse)
- gonorrhea
- syphilis
- syphilitic
- chlamydia
- herpes
- (genital|anal|penile|penis) ?wart
- beaner
- bean[- ]*eater
- chink
- coolie
- darkey
- darkie
- g[iy]ppo
- honky|honkey|honkie
- \bjaps?\b
- jew(ing|ed)
- jews(\s|-)*did
- jew(\s|-)*(boy|down)
- jewbag
- jigg?aboo
- kaffir|kaffer|kafir|kaffre|kuffar
- NOTE(racial slur of South African origin: note however that "kaffir" can be a variety of lime)
- kike
- (nappy|towel|rag)[- ]?head
- nigga
- n[i1]gg[3eou]?r
- LABEL(nigger)
- nigguh
- niglet
- nignog
- nigra
- paki
- picc?ann?inn?y
- LABEL(picaninny)
- pikey
- sheeny
- spearchucker
- spic
- uncle *tom
- wetback
- white ?trash
- whitey
- \b(wog)s?\b
- \b(yid)s?\b
- (white|black|yellow|asian|jewish|caucasian|negro|aryan|master|superior|inferior|slave)[- ]?race
- LABEL("X race")
- slave[ -]?(master|owner|trader|driver|holder)
- LABEL(SlaveFoo)
- racial
- bugger
- bum[- ]?boy
- (carpet|rug)[ -]?munch(er|ing)
- LABEL(Munchfoo)
- dyke
- fag
- \bfag\b
- fagg[o0]t
- fag[- ]?(lover|lord)
- fags
- fudgepack
- LABEL(Fudgepack...)
- gayest
- gayness
- gay ?fag
- ghey
- NOTE(obfuscation of "gay")
- homo
- LOW_CONFIDENCE,NOTE(Homo is Latin for "man" and Greek for "same". Please keep this in mind when evaluating a name.)
- lesbo
- NOTE(Pejorative variation of word "lesbian")
- (is|was) ?a ?fag
- are ?fags
- (is|was|are|were) ?(a|the)? ?gay
- NOTE("Aregay" is a real last name.)
- the ?gay
- gaywad
- hentai
- NOTE(Japanese term meaning "abnormal" or "pervert" commonly referring to pornography)
- queef
- queers
- queer
- LOW_CONFIDENCE,NOTE(the use of the word "queer" is not necessarily offensive: please consider the context)
- nazi
- NOTE(Usernames that promote a controversial or potentially inflammatory point of view may be in violation of the username policy due to creating a hostile editing environment- but some real names contain the string "nazi" - especially names from the Middle East - be careful that this is not the case before blocking.)
- national ?social(ist|ism)
- NOTE(Usernames that promote a controversial or potentially inflammatory point of view may be in violation of the username policy due to creating a hostile editing environment.)
- communis(m|t)
- NOTE(Usernames that promote a controversial or potentially inflammatory point of view may be in violation of the username policy due to creating a hostile editing environment.)
- fascis(m|t)
- NOTE(Usernames that promote a controversial or potentially inflammatory point of view may be in violation of the username policy due to creating a hostile editing environment.)
- bin ?lad[ei]n
- al[ -]?qa[ei]da
- LABEL(Al-Qaeda)
- \bISI[SL]\b
- islamic[- ]?state
- taliban
- jihad
- NOTE("Jihad" may also be used as a Muslim given name)
- jihadi
- rac(ial)?(ism|ist)
- NOTE(Accusations of racism may constitute a personal attack)
- anti[- ]?semit
- NOTE(Accusations of racism or antisemitism may constitute a personal attack)
- bigot
- NOTE(Accusations of bigotry may constitute a personal attack)
- stink(|s|ing|er|y)
- LOW_CONFIDENCE,WAIT_TILL_EDIT,NOTE(the word "stinky" is not of itself sufficiently offensive to be blockable)
- smell(y|s)
- LOW_CONFIDENCE,WAIT_TILL_EDIT,NOTE(the word "smelly" is not of itself sufficiently offensive to be blockable)
- disgust
- stupid
- loser
- bleeding
- spastic
- NOTE(highly offensive playground insult when used as a noun to describe disabled people in the UK)
- midget
- NOTE(outdated and offensive term for people with dwarfism)
- (pwn[e3]d|pwn[a4]g[e3]|pwnz|pwn[e3]r|pwn[i1]ng|pwns|[o0]wn[a4]g[e3])
- LABEL(Ownage),NOTE(This pattern is common in vandalism-only accounts. It is not a username violation in and of itself.),LOW_CONFIDENCE
- is ?a? ?(stupid|dumb)
- in *hell
- down ?with ?the
- get ?stuffed
- minger
- ha(s|ve) ?no ?life
- spammer
- spamming
- abuse
- abusing
- abusive
- dead ?(jew|arab)
- disembowel
- hitler
- f(u|ü|ue)hrer
- NOTE(possible Nazi-referencing trolling)
- massacre
- mengele
- stalin
- pol pot
- rap(ist|ing|es|ed)
- rape
- raep
- NOTE(this misspelling of "rape" is often deliberately used by vandals)
- castrat(e|or|ion)
- squaw
- NOTE(ethnic slur for Indigenous North American women)
- terrorist
- terrorism
- torture
- traitor
- (T|t)rueman ?31
- SOCK_PUPPET(Trueman31)
- quisling
- pa?edo(ph|bear)
- pederast
- predator
- genocid
- ethnic ?cleans
- murder
- kidnap
- ku ?klux ?klan|\bklan\b|klansm[ae]n
- LABEL(Ku Klux Klan)
- kill(ing|s|ed)?(\s|-)*(the|all|you|him|her|them)
- LABEL(Killfoo)
- killer
- death(\s|-)*to
- (must|will)(\s|-)*(die|kill)
- (want|wants|going) *to *(die|kill)
- \bhat(e|es|er|ers|ing|ed|red)\b
- scissor(ed|ing)
- stalk(er|ing)
- suicide *bomb
- LABEL(suicide bomber)
- suicide
- suicidal
- kill *myself
- revenge
- s(ie|ei)g ?heil
- surpri[sz]e(\s|-)*(sex|secks|sechs)
- NOTE(implies rape)
- (卍|卐|☭|࿕|࿖|࿗|࿘)
- LABEL(swastika or hammer-and-sickle in username)
- waffen *ss
- ᛋᛋ
- LABEL(symbol of the Nazi SS)
- fake[- ]*news|disinformation|propaganda
- gestapo
- Bimbo wales
- NOTE(Often used to insult Jimbo Wales),SOCK_PUPPET(Connell66)
- bimbowales
- NOTE(Often used to insult Jimbo Wales),SOCK_PUPPET(Connell66)
- massive cock
- SOCK_PUPPET(grawp),NOTE(Page move vandal)
- f[uo]+erdai
- NOTE(repeated vandalism)
- s[ou]ck[- ]*p[uo]ppet
- (\b)returns?(\b)
- NOTE(Usually when a username contains "returns" it's a sockpuppeteer trying to be obvious)
- (\b)(is|are) ?back(\b)
- NOTE(Usually when a username contains "is back" it's a sockpuppeteer trying to be obvious)
- norman rogers
- Collectonian
- AnmaFinotera
- ScratteLover
- NOTE(Often used by prolific sockpuppeteers)
- (Ba L|La B)imp
- SOCK_PUPPET(The Sisser),NOTE(Please report to the SPI case ASAP)
- Sapvdj
- SOCK_PUPPET(Sapvdjksfsqd),NOTE(Please report to the SPI case ASAP)
- grawp
- SOCK_PUPPET(grawp),NOTE(Page move vandal),ALTERNATE_TARGET(Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/SPI/Subpage - Bot reported cases)
- gravvp
- SOCK_PUPPET(grawp),NOTE(Page move vandal),ALTERNATE_TARGET(Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/SPI/Subpage - Bot reported cases)
- hagger
- SOCK_PUPPET(grawp),NOTE(Page move vandal),ALTERNATE_TARGET(Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/SPI/Subpage - Bot reported cases)
- bambi|teletubbies
- SOCK_PUPPET(Bambifan101),ALTERNATE_TARGET(Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/SPI/Subpage - Bot reported cases)
- spider's web|a pig's tale
- SOCK_PUPPET(Bambifan101),ALTERNATE_TARGET(Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/SPI/Subpage - Bot reported cases)
- NOTE(creator of multiple vandalism accounts - all containing the word ALLCAPS in their names)
- krichel
- NOTE(series of abusive usernames targeted at a single individual)
- j.delanoy
- NOTE(series of abusive usernames targeted at a single individual)
- jerks
- transsexuel
- a(dd|cl|ql)min
- NOTE(misspelling of "admin" used for trolling)
- huggle
- NOTE(reference to Wikipedia antivandal tool)
- vandal
- LOW_CONFIDENCE,NOTE(account names with references to vandalism are almost always username trolls)
- vandai
- NOTE(mis-spelling of the word vandal used by persistent username troll)
- organization|com+it+ee|com+is+ion|comitée|comisión|association|associates?|corporation|company|companies|incorporated|corporate|collective|foundation|stiftung|consortium|community|industries|alliance|department|secretariat|public ?affairs|club|council|family|task ?force|agency|agents|centre|center|podcast|partnership|school|college|university|syndicate
- LABEL(role account?),NOTE(Usernames containing this string are often role accounts - check if this is the case)
- \bteam$|\bgroup$|\bsocial$|\bmedia$
- LABEL(role account?),NOTE(Usernames containing this string are often role accounts - check if this is the case)
- limited|incorporated|gmbh|institute|marketing|service|management|advertise|advertising
- LABEL(Promotional? 1),NOTE(Usernames containing this string are often promotional in nature - check if this is the case)
- (magazine|entertainment|promotions|productions|solutions|public|consultants|consultancy|consulting|relations|records|communications|enterprises|ventures|allies|podcast|fund|conference|studios|holdings)\b
- LABEL(Promotional? 2),NOTE(Usernames containing this string are often promotional in nature - check if this is the case)
- (blog|website)
- NOTE(suggests affiliation with a website)
- official
- NOTE(Not of serious concern but may imply a position of authority or a role account)
- \bseo\b
- NOTE("SEO" stands for the promotional technique "search engine optimization" - but Seo is a Korean surname)
- seo ?(program|solution|service|web|trick)
- NOTE("SEO" stands for the promotional technique "search engine optimization" - but Seo is a Korean surname),LABEL(SEOFoo)
- (web|effective|best) ?seo
- NOTE("SEO" stands for the promotional technique "search engine optimization" - but Seo is a Korean surname),LABEL(FooSEO)
- (admin|coordinator|bureaucrat|check *user|developer|moderator|oversight|steward|sysop|committee|staff)
- NOTE(Name may imply a position of authority)
- bot ?[0-9]*$
- NOTE(Name may imply an unauthorized bot. Do not block accounts in which the "bot" suffix arises naturally)
- wikip(ae|e|é)dia
- troll
- LOW_CONFIDENCE,NOTE(The word troll may imply an intent to disrupt Wikipedia - but that is not certain. Please use discretion to determine if this is a violation or not.)
- trolol+ol
- NOTE(trolling)
- lmfao
- NOTE(stands for "laughing my f-ing ass off")
- grief(er|ing)
- NOTE(in gaming slang a "griefer" is an aggressive player that gets their kicks from disrupting others)
- spam
- sock[- ]?puppet|meat[- ]?puppet
- password
- NOTE(Usernames which expose their passwords should be blocked.)
- (^un\s?b[1l][o0]ck|b[1l][o0]ck\s?(m[3e]|my|th[i1][5s]))
- LABEL(BlockFoo),NOTE(Usernames referencing blocking or unblocking may be considered inappropriate)
- (white|black)[- ]*(power|supremacy|identity)
- supremacist
- abus[e3][- ]*f[i1][lI]t[e3]r
- LABEL(abuse filter),NOTE(Usernames referencing Wikipedia's anti-abuse mechanisms may be considered inappropriate)
- (will|won't|can|can't|must|mustn't|shall|shan't)\s?(un)?b[1l][o0]ck
- LABEL(BlockFoo2),NOTE(Usernames referencing blocking or unblocking may be considered inappropriate)
- (is|am|are) ?unstoppable|can't ?stop ?(us|me)
- NOTE(suggests malicious intent)
- b[1l][o0]ck[e3]d ?by
- NOTE(Usernames referencing blocking or unblocking may be considered inappropriate)
- (\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4})
- LABEL(Phone number),NOTE(The pattern of numbers in the name resembles a North American phone number. Usernames that contain personal information about people such as a telephone number may be considered disruptive.)
- \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+
- LABEL(IP address),NOTE(The pattern of numbers in the name resembles an IP address. IP addresses may be potentially be used to identify people and their presence in names may be considered disruptive.)
- due *to *aids
- NOTE(this has been used repeatedly in various inappropriate usernames)
- 4chan|8chan|reddit
- NOTE(these are typically names created as part of campaigns either from within or against one of these sites)
- .{40}
- NO_SIM_MATCH,LABEL(40chars),NOTE(Username exceeds 40 characters.)
- \.[ ]*(aero|arpa|asia|au|biz|ca|cat|co|coop|de|edu|es|eu|gb|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|mobi|museum|name|net|nz|org|pro|ru|se|tel|travel|uk|us|xxx)$
- NO_SIM_MATCH,LABEL(Top level domain),HTTP_CHECK(ignore_fail),NOTE(Please check whether this name is promoting a Web site. Names may coincidentally resemble URLs or point to parked domains so take care.)
- \. *com$
- LABEL(Top level domain),HTTP_CHECK,NOTE(Please check whether this name is promoting a Web site. Names may coincidentally resemble URLs or point to parked domains so take care.)
- http
- NOTE(Please check whether this name is promoting a Web site. Names may coincidentally resemble URLs or point to parked domains so take care.)
- dot *(com|net|org|biz|xxx|info)
- LABEL(dotfoo),NOTE(Please check whether this name is promoting a Web site. Names may coincidentally resemble URLs or point to parked domains so take care.)
- www(\.|dot)
- LABEL(WWW),NOTE(Please check whether this name is promoting a Web site. Names may coincidentally resemble URLs or point to parked domains so take care.)
- ^www...*(com|net|org)$
- LABEL(WWW),NOTE(Please check whether this name is promoting a Web site. Names may coincidentally resemble URLs or point to parked domains so take care.)
- ha(ve|ving|s|d)[\s\-]?[s5z][e3](x|[ck]+s)
- LABEL(have sex)
- .*henry.*rebadulla.*
- SOCK_PUPPET(HENRY APPLEGATE),ALTERNATE_TARGET(Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/SPI/Subpage - Bot reported cases)
- Flaky564
- NOTE(Long term abuse)
- yolo
- LOW_CONFIDENCE,NOTE(Although this string is not a username violation in and of itself, it may indicate disruptive editing.)
- favonian
- Impersonation of user Favonian by long-term vandal.
- weather *editor|aercus
- well-known sockfarm
- \+ *91
- NOTE(Indian phone number prefix, used by Indian love magic spammers)
- vashikaran
- NOTE(Indian folk magic practice, used by Indian love magic spammers)
- (love problem|love marriage|black magic|marriage problem)
- NOTE(Used by Indian love magic spammers)
- specialist
- LOW_CONFIDENCE,NOTE(Used by Indian love magic spammers)
- kidd(y|ie)[- ]*[fd]iddler
- NOTE(slang for pedophile)
- (ltd|pty)
- NOTE(Usernames containing this string are often promotional in nature - check if this is the case)
- chode|choad|choot
- NOTE(stands for fuck)
- phuddi
- NOTE(stands for pussy)
- puzzy
- NOTE(obfuscation of "pussy")
- b(ai|eh)nchoa?d
- NOTE(stands for sisterfucker)
- ghanta
- NOTE(slang for dick)
- tatta
- NOTE(stands for testicle(s))
- bund
- NOTE(stands for ass)
- madarchod
- NOTE(stands for motherfucker)
- mupamh?igwa
- NOTE(name of person being promoted)
- onwell
- NOTE(name of person being promoted)
- clinton|hillary|hilary|trump|drumpf|biden|obama|kamala
- NOTE(possible reference to former or current U.S. president, VP, or candidate - please review),LOW_CONFIDENCE
- putin
- NOTE(possible reference to current Russian president),LOW_CONFIDENCE
- user ?name|policy|blacklist
- NOTE(policy or username self-reference is often associated with abuse)
- sro23
- NOTE(username of user on the receiving end of a harassment campaign by a username troll)
- we *are *legion
- NOTE(Slogan of Anonymous)
- \ba[a-z]{,3}dmins?\b
- NOTE(Usernames that refer to -- and typically contain general abuse of -- admins)
- ridicul(e|ous|ing)
- NOTE(ridicule)
- autis(t|m)
- LABEL(autism),NOTE(Do be aware that some users who use this string may genuinely be autistic - please be careful and make sure you are dealing with a vandal/LTA first)
- filmmakers[0-9]+
- NOTE(possible sockpuppet of User:FilmMakers00023)
- edge[- ]?lord
- n[- ]+word
- falun
- NOTE(username references to Falun Gong are often associated with sockpuppet accounts)
- f\.?c\.?$
- NOTE("FC" is an abbreviation of "Football Club")
- poofta|poofs
- NOTE(derogatory term for homosexuals)
- auschwitz|holocaust
- NOTE(possible Nazi-referencing trolling)
- throw[- ]?away
- NOTE(suggests throwaway account for one-time use)
- soleimani
- NOTE(politically controversial recently deceased Iranian general as of Jan 2020)
- fauci
- NOTE(political controversy over COVID-19 pandemic)
- insane|psychopath|criminal
- schizophreni[ac]
- cult leader
- escort
- call[- ]?girl
- (...).*\1.*\1.*\1.*\1
- NOTE(internal repetition),NO_SIM_MATCH
- (....).*\1.*\1.*\1
- NOTE(internal repetition),NO_SIM_MATCH
- (..)\1\1\1\1
- NOTE(internal repetition),NO_SIM_MATCH
- (...)\1\1\1
- NOTE(internal repetition),NO_SIM_MATCH
- (....)\1\1
- NOTE(internal repetition),NO_SIM_MATCH
- corona *virus|COVID|plague
- redrose
- NOTE(suspected sockpuppets of Northernrailwaysfan)
- lyric
- NOTE(Possible lyrics website spammer),NO_SIM_MATCH
- royal.?bank
- NOTE("Royal Bank" spammer)
- noob
- NOTE(generally insulting Internet slang term)
- ^shko|shko\d*$
- ^S201050066
- SOCK_PUPPET(S201050066)
- ^CheezDeez
- SOCK_PUPPET(CheezDeez)
- Vergewaltigung
- NOTE(German for rape)
- Fotzengesicht
- NOTE(German profanity)
- M[Il]LF
- NOTE(See MILF, abbreviation for Mother/Mature I'd Like to Fuck)
- (black|white|brown|colou?red) ?(person|people|m[ae]n|wom[ae]n|boy|girl|guy|dude|lad(y|ies)|child|kid|bab(y|ies)|toddler|infant)
- NOTE(Color terms for race are sometimes associated with racism, but many usernames with them are benign — make sure this is not the case before blocking.),LABEL(color terminology for race),LOW_CONFIDENCE
- hawk[- ]?(tuah|tuhh)
- NOTE(sexual innuendo relating to spitting on a penis)
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