re -0This person does not understand regular expressions (or understands them with considerable difficulties, or does not want to write them).
This user activates the Stargate to invade other planets.
Alvas (short for alvations) is a geek with a hint of linguistics, dabbling in philosophy.
Occam's razor is his rule of thumb and sometimes he wanders into his Truman's land or his Norwegian Wood .
Currently, alvas is working on machine translation, language learning technologies and Natural Language Processing at Rakuten Institute of Techonology . Previously, alvas was working on translation technoloiges(human and machine) in the Translation Technology Group at the Sprachwissenschaften sowie Übersetzen und Dolmetschen department @ Universität des Saarlandes . Previous previously, alvas was a linguistics graduate student in Bond lab @ NTU (ミニオンはいつまでたってもミニオン). In his linguistics pursuit, he would love to work with his mother tongue, Hokkien. Meanwhile he's trying to let computers understand and produce human language and spreading Awesomeness .
Currently, alvas seldom edit stuff on Wikipedia, but here's some things that alvas did on wikipedia:
Setup a wikipedia page for SemEval during the "Language and Computer" course
Build a wiki page for all those mugging for the ASTRO MCQ in NTU...
Wrote some wiki pages for WSD and its variants but now they became redirects into the SemEval page. So here's my archived version:
Here's a peek on where i live in Singapore...
*blink *blink... no one sees this line ^_^, for those who did, good for you.
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