Este usuario no tiene ningún conocimiento del español (o lo entiende con mucha dificultad).
I've been working on various pages (some created, many edited), mainly having to do with parts of Africa I am most familiar with (mainly West Africa) and with African languages. A large part of that has been a spinoff of work on the PanAfrL10n wiki for the PanAfrican Localisation project (the project finished in 2008 and its successor, the African Network for Localisation, hosted the wiki until 2013; the wiki is now hosted by Bisharat). I also continue to work in this area through Bisharat (A language, technology & development initiative.
I also have contributed to a range of other pages on other topics from time to time. For example, in 2010 I created a table with various animal and veterinary terms in Karimojong language, which was deleted as a WP page, but salvaged as a user page. In the process I created several stub pages on animal diseases endemic in East Africa. Since those pages are linked from the table, it may also serve as a quick way to access a fairly complete set of articles on major animal diseases and conditions observed in that region.
Also taking advantage of the user page feature to compile information on the "faux-French" term Nigerois (user page), which of course is not the accepted way to refer to people from Niger (it's Nigerien).
I've set up a "to-do" page, though frankly have not had time to work through much of it. See: User:A12n/todo
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