Ukrainian Automobile Manufacturers, or UkrAutoProm (Ukrainian: Асоціація автовиробників України or УкрАвтоПром), is a Ukrainian automobile and motor vehicle association. The Association “Ukrautoprom” was organized in 1998 on the initiative of the leading enterprises and organizations of the motor-car industry in Ukraine, supported by the Ministry of industrial policy with the aim of representing their interests in defining the strategy of the development of the automobile-building, creating the legal basis for the state support and stimulation of this major economical field. UkrAutoProm is headquartered in 15/2 Zaplavna, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Association "Ukrautoprom" is a member of International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA). Association "Ukrautoprom" is also the organizer of Kyiv International motor show SIA.
- Etalon-Auto Corporation
- Eurocar
- UkrAuto Corporation
- Bogdan Corporation
- AutoKrAZ
- PozhSpetsMash Factory
- Premier Expo
- DerzhAvtoTrans
See also
- Automotive industry in Ukraine
- Economy of Ukraine
- Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association
- Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association
External links
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