The Explicator is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal of literary criticism. It began publication in October 1942 and is now both printed and available in an electronic version. Routledge acquired the journal from Heldref Publications in 2009, and now it is owned by Taylor & Francis. Issues often include between 25 and 30 articles on works of literature, "ranging from ancient Greek and Roman times to our own, from throughout the world."[1] According to a library guide, "As the title of the journal suggests, the focus is on explication, or close readings, of the works. As such, the articles tend to use less jargon and are easier to understand than some other articles in literature studies."[2]
Leonard Neidorf, Shenzhen University, China
Managing Editor
Na Xu, Nanjing University, China
Nana Jin, Shenzhen University, China
Associate Editors
William Baker, Northern Illinois University, USA
Florence Bourgne, Sorbonne Université, France
Jonathan Chua, Ateneo de Manila University, The Philippines
Jayda Coons, University of Tennessee, USA
Emma Depledge, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Darren Freebury-Jones, Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, UK
M.A.R. Habib, Rutgers University, USA
Magda Hasabelnaby , Ain Shams University, Egypt
Ning He, Nanjing University, China
Jessica Hemming, Corpus Christi College, Canada
Carole Hough, Glasgow University, UK
Sandro Jung, Fudan University, China
Klaudia Lee, City University of Hong Kong, China
Francis Leneghan, University of Oxford, UK
Rafael J. Pascual, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Ingo Peters, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Chitra Sankaran, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Matthew Sussman, University of Sydney, Australia
Ato Quayson, Stanford University, USA
Susan J. Wolfson, Princeton University, USA [3]
The Explicator is abstracted/indexed in: Clarivate Analytics: Arts & Humanities Citation Index® and Current Contents/Arts & Humanities®Dietrich's Index Philosophicus; EBSCOhost Online Research Databases; Elsevier: Scopus; Gale Cengage: Academic ASAP, Academic OneFile, Expanded Academic ASAP, General OneFile, General Reference Center, General Reference Center Gold, General Reference Centre International, InfoTrac Custom, InfoTrac Student Edition, Shakespeare Collection, Student Resource Center: College Edition; H.W. Wilson: Book Review Digest Plus, Humanities Abstracts, Humanities Full Text, Humanities Index, Humanities Index Retrospective, Wilson OmniFile: Full Text Mega Edition; Wilson OmniFile: Full Text Select; International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ); MLA International Bibliography; OCLC: ArticleFirst, Arts and Humanities Search, Periodical Abstracts; ProQuest: Humanities Module, ProQuest Central, ProQuest Research Library, ProQuest Research Library Core.[4]
- ^ "Aims and Scope". Taylor & Francis. Retrieved 1 September 2023.
- ^ "LibGuides". Bethel University Library. Retrieved 1 September 2023.
- ^ "Editorial Board". Taylor & Francis. Retrieved 25 November 2024.
- ^ "Journal Information". Taylor & Francis. Retrieved 1 September 2023.
External links
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