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The Commercial Free EP is a live album recorded by North Carolina hip hop group, Little Brother, in Raleigh, North Carolina on October 9, 2005 and released in 2006. Many of its tracks were included on Little Brother's 2005 album, The Minstrel Show, but some are brand new. The album has an anti-music industry sentiment and discuss various topics such as how they have to create three more tracks for the Japanese versions of their albums on "The Japanese People Never Took It".

Track listing

Tracks 10-14 are described as "Bonus Outtakes & Bloopers" within the album's information booklet and are not songs.

# Title Songwriters Producer(s) Performer (s)
1 "Words From The Champ (Intro)" *Intro*
2 "Watch Me" P. Coleman, T. Jones, C. Tyson, V. Basemore, H. Cosby, S. May 9th Wonder Little Brother
3 "The Olio" P. Coleman, T. Jones, P. Douthit, L. Clifford, C. Mayfield 9th Wonder L.E.G.A.C.Y., Little Brother
4 "Slow It Down" P. Coleman, T. Jones, P. Douthit, C. Curtis Gadson, R. Sanders, R. Sanders 9th Wonder Darien Brockington, Little Brother
5 "A Dedication To Louis Giron (Break)" *Interlude*
6 "Hold On (Tellin' Me)" *Uncredited* 9th Wonder Little Brother
7 "The Becoming/Sincerely Yours/Effabeat Medley" P. Coleman, P. Douthit, T. Dulain/T. Jones, P. Douthit, T. Callier, L. Wade 9th Wonder Little Brother
8 "Lovin' It" P. Coleman, T. Jones, P. Douthit, J. Griffin, R. Joyce, V. Pike, T. Randazzo 9th Wonder Joe Scudda, Little Brother
9 "Still Lives Through" P. Coleman, T. Jones, P. Douthit 9th Wonder Little Brother
10 "A Word From Our Sponsors"
11 "Shawn Boog, Smoothie Champ/Leg's Late Arrival"
12 "The Japanese People Never Took It"
13 "From Darien To D. Brock"
14 "Joe Scudda, The Sellout"


Watch Me

The Olio

Slow It Down

Hold On (Tellin' Me)

  • "Sitting On The Edge Of My Mind" as performed by Jermaine Jackson; written by Garfield, Fletcher, O'Hara and O'Hara

The Becoming

Sincerely Yours

  • "Whatever Goes Around" as performed by Jerry Butler; written by T. Callier and L. Wade

Lovin' It

  • "One Night Affair" as performed by The Stylistics; written by R. Joyce, V. Pike and T. Randazzo

Still Lives Through

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