{{percentage|numerator|denominator|decimals to round to (zero or greater)}}
Figures smaller than 0.0001% are shown in scientific notation.
{{Percentage | 1 | 3 | 0 }}
yields 33%{{Percentage | 1 | 3 | 2 }}
yields 33.33%
Negative values can be used:
{{Percentage | -1 | 3 }}
yields -33%
Normal operation is to cut off all decimal zeroes from right in rounding:
{{Percentage | 1 | 5 | 2 }}
yields 20%{{Percentage | 1111 | 10000 | 4 }}
yields 11.11%
Add |pad=yes
to always get as many decimals as specified, padding with zeroes where needed:
{{Percentage | 1 | 5 | 2 | pad=yes }}
yields 20.00%{{Percentage | 1111 | 10000 | 4 | pad=yes }}
yields 11.1100%
Third parameter can also be given through |pad=N
{{Percentage | 111 | 1000 | pad=4 }}
is same as{{Percentage | 111 | 1000 | 4 | pad=yes }}
and yields 11.1000%
Default denominator is 100:
{{Percentage | 20 }}
yields 20%
Default precision is zero:
{{Percentage | 1 | 3 }}
yields 33%
Override the percent symbol
{{Percentage | 1 | 3 | % = percent}}
yields 33 percent
Use a prescribed number of significant figures
{{Percentage | 1 | 4000 | sigfig = 3}}
yields 0.0250%
Use a prescribed number of significant figures with small percentages
{{Percentage | 1 | 40000000 | sigfig = 3}}
yields 00%
Use a prescribed number of significant figures with small percentages without scientific notation
{{Percentage | 1 | 40000000 | sigfig = 3 | nonscinote = y}}
yields 00%
Use a prescribed number of significant figures with large percentages
{{Percentage | 40000000 | 2 | sigfig = 3}}
yields 2.00×109%
Use a prescribed number of significant figures with large percentages without scientific notation
{{Percentage | 40000000 | 2 | sigfig = 3 | nonscinote = y}}
yields 2000000000%
Dividing by zero will result in "nan" (undefined)
{{Percentage | 0 | 0 | 0 }}
yields nan%
TemplateData for Percentage
Calculates and displays a percentage value.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
Numerator | 1 | The Numerator of the calculated value. The percentage will be calculated as Numerator divided by Denominator. Use of comma as a thousands separator is optional. | Number | required |
Denominator | 2 | The Denominator of the calculated value. The percentage will be calculated as Numerator divided by Denominator. Use of comma as a thousands separator is optional. Can be left out, in which case 100 will be used as the Denominator, and the Numerator will be the direct percentage used.
| Number | suggested |
Decimals | 3 | Number of decimals to round to (zero or greater); if pad is not Yes, 0-digits will be cropped from the end.
| Number | optional |
Pad / actual number of digits | pad | If yes, use all digits given in Decimals. If a number, pad to that number of decimals. | String | optional |
Significant figures | sigfig | If set to a positive integer, the precision of the returned number will be adjusted to match the requested number of significant figures. | Number | optional |
% replacement | % | Replacement for % symbol
| String | optional |
See also
- {{Number and percent}}
- {{Winning percentage}}
- {{Round}}
- {{Significant figures}}
- {{Fractions and ratios}}
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