This is the TemplateData for this template used by TemplateWizard, VisualEditor and other tools. See a monthly parameter usage report for Template:Number table sorting hidden in articles based on its TemplateData.
fatal JSON error: mw.text.jsonDecode: Syntax error
TemplateData for Number table sorting hidden
{ "description": "'''Ntsh''' ('''<u>N</u>'''umber '''<u>T</u>'''able '''<u>S</u>'''orting, '''<u>H</u>'''idden) generates a hidden sort key that allows numbers to sort correctly when a column of a sortable table needs to be sorted alphabetically. This template is a hidden version of <span class="nowrap">{{</span>Number table sorting<span class="nowrap">}}</span>. See Help:Sortable tables#Sorting with a hidden key. It can be used to prefix non-numeric entries; for example, using <code>{{ntsh|0}}None</code> will cause \"None\" to be sorted as if it had a numeric value of zero.<p>This template has the same limitation as <span class="nowrap">{{</span>Number table sorting<span class="nowrap">}}</span>. Please read Template:Number table sorting#Limitations.</p>", "params": { "1": { "label": "Sort value", "description": "The value which this table row will sort as, when sorted against the output of other cells using ntsh or number table sorting.", "type": "number", "required": true }, "debug": { "label": "Debug mode", "description": "If set to yes, causes the search key to be displayed in a box followed by the number. Do not use in article space." } } }
{{ntsh|some number}}
This template is not intended for use with non numeric input. Doing so will result in an error message.
No output is displayed when using almost all browsers. If a text browser is used the result is undefined. See Wikipedia:Accessibility#Users with limited CSS/JavaScript support.
generates<span data-sort-value="7008123456789001230♠" style="display:none"></span>
generates<span data-sort-value="2991876543210998770♠" style="display:none"></span>
See also
- {{Number table sorting}}
- {{val}} - displays numbers and quantities with various formatting options
- {{sort}} – used to generate any sort key with visible text
- {{hidden sort key}} – used to generate any hidden sort key
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