"Lletra". lletrA-UOC – Open University of Catalonia.

The Open University of Catalonia website has a rich database of articles about Catalan literature called "lletrA". This template helps to link to it.
Basic usage
The lletrA page of Ramon Llull is located at https://lletra.uoc.edu/en/autor/ramon-llull . Find the name after "/en/autor/", in this case "ramon-llull". This is the value for the URL_name parameter. Enter the template like this:
- {{Lletra|URL_name=ramon-llull|title=Ramon Llull}}
And the result will be:
- "Ramon Llull". lletrA-UOC – Open University of Catalonia.
If you don't enter a title parameter, the page name is used by default.
No description.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
URL_name | URL_name | The string after /en/author/, /ca/autor/, or /es/autor/ | Line | required |
title | title | Title, if different from the article title. | Line | optional |
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