{{Infobox international baseball tournament
| tourney_name = <!-- blank, if tournament name is like PAGE NAME -->
| year = <!-- to have "2009 World Cup" -->
| year_rear = <!-- to have "World Cup 2009" -->
| other_titles =
| image =
| size =
| caption =
| city =
| country =
| dates =
| num_teams =
| confederations =
| sub-confederations =
| associations =
| venues =
| cities =
| champion = <!-- automatically wraps into {{bb}} template -->
| champion_other = <!-- use instead if the team is not in {{bb}} (enter your own code) -->
| champion-note =
| num_championships =
| second = <!-- automatically wraps into {{bb}} template -->
| second_other = <!-- use instead if the team is not in {{bb}} (enter your own code) -->
| second-note =
| third = <!-- automatically wraps into {{bb}} template -->
| third_other = <!-- use instead if the team is not in {{bb}} (enter your own code) -->
| third-note =
| fourth = <!-- automatically wraps into {{bb}} template -->
| fourth_other = <!-- use instead if the team is not in {{bb}} (enter your own code) -->
| fourth-note =
| medal_type = <!-- options: world major, world minor, world cup, world baseball classic, olympic, africa, america, asia, australia, europe, north america, south america - defaults to blank -->
| games = <!--use no commas or spaces-->
| attendance = <!--use no commas or spaces-->
| best_avg_hitter =
| best_avg =
| most_hr_hitter =
| most_hr =
| most_sb_runner =
| most_sb =
| best_era_pitcher =
| best_era =
| most_k_pitcher =
| most_k =
| mvp =
| updated =
| prevseason =
| nextseason =
| extra information =
{{Infobox international baseball tournament
| tourney_name = Baseball World Cup
| year = 2009
| other_titles = Amateur World Series (1938–1986)
| image = baseball.svg
| size = 200px
| caption = Event logo
| country = Czech Republic
| country2 = Spain
| country3 = Sweden
| country4 = Russia
| country5 = Germany
| country6 = Netherlands
| country7 = Italy
| dates = September 9–27
| num_teams = 22
| venues = 25
| cities = 25
| associations = World Baseball Congress
| champion = Cuba
| num_championships = 26
| second = South Korea
| third = Japan
| third-note = (via tie-breaker)
| fourth_other = {{bb|USA|name=Team USA}}
| medal_type = world cup
| games = 106
| attendance = 123456
| best_avg_hitter = Bob Brown
| best_avg = .375
| most_hr_hitter = Charlie Clark
| most_hr = 8
| most_sb_runner = Dandy Dan
| most_sb = 5
| best_era_pitcher = Elmer East
| best_era = 1.23
| most_k_pitcher = Fred Flack
| most_k = 24
| mvp = George Grey
| prevseason = 2007
| nextseason = 2013
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