This page tests most parameters of {{Infobox element}}. (Not yet complete, as of 07:16, 6 September 2017 (UTC))
- Some parameters are hidden (e.g.,
will not show when|abundance in earth's crust=
is used). Values uses are for illustration demonstrating only (from various elements).
Live values (1)
- parser overflow so nowiki / old data anyway
{{testcase table |name=copper |number=29 |symbol=Cu |abundance= |abundance in earth's crust= |abundance in oceans= |abundance in solar system= |left=[[nickel]] |right=[[zinc]] |above=– |below=[[Silver|Ag]] |category=transition metal |category comment= |group=11 |period=4 |block=d |category color= |appearance=red-orange metallic luster |image name=NatCopper.png |image size= |image name comment=Native copper (~4 cm in size) |image name 2= |image name 2 comment= |standard atomic weight ref= |electrons per shell=2, 8, 18, 1 |color= |phase=solid |phase comment= |density gplstp= |density gpcm3nrt=8.96 |density gpcm3nrt 2= |density gpcm3mp=8.02 |melting point K=1357.77 |melting point C=1084.62 |melting point F=1984.32 |boiling point K=2835 |boiling point C=2562 |boiling point F=4643 |triple point K= |triple point kPa= |critical point K= |critical point MPa= |heat fusion=13.26 |heat fusion 2= |heat vaporization=300.4 |heat capacity=24.440 |vapor pressure 1=1509 |vapor pressure 10=1661 |vapor pressure 100=1850 |vapor pressure 1 k=2089 |vapor pressure 10 k=2404 |vapor pressure 100 k=2834 |vapor pressure comment= |crystal structure=face-centered cubic |electronegativity=1.90 |number of ionization energies=4 |ionization energy 1=745.5 |ionization energy 2=1957.9 |ionization energy 3=3555 |atomic radius=128 |atomic radius calculated= |covalent radius=132±4 |Van der Waals radius=140 |magnetic ordering=[[diamagnetism|diamagnetic]] |magnetic ordering ref=<ref>{{cite book |url=|chapter=Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds| editor = Lide, D. R. | title = CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics | edition = 86th | location = Boca Raton (FL) | publisher = CRC Press | year = 2005 | isbn = 0-8493-0486-5 }}</ref> |electrical resistivity unit prefix=n |electrical resistivity at 0= |electrical resistivity at 20=16.78 |thermal conductivity=401 |thermal conductivity 2= |thermal diffusivity= |thermal expansion= |thermal expansion at 25=16.5 |speed of sound= |speed of sound rod at 20= |speed of sound rod at r.t.=(annealed)<br/>3810 |magnetic susceptibility= −5.46·10<sup>−6</sup> |magnetic susceptibility ref= <ref>{{Cite book|title=CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics|last=Weast|first=Robert|publisher=Chemical Rubber Company Publishing|year=1984|isbn=0-8493-0464-4|location=Boca Raton, Florida|pages=E110|quote=|via=}}</ref> |Young's modulus=110–128 |Shear modulus=48 |Bulk modulus=140 |Poisson ratio=0.34 |Mohs hardness=3.0 |Vickers hardness=343–369 |Brinell hardness=235–878 |Brinell hardness comment= |CAS number=7440-50-8 |isotopes= {{Infobox element/isotopes stable | mn=63 | sym=Cu | na=69.15% | n=34 |firstlinks=yes}} {{infobox element/isotopes decay2 | link=copper-64 | mn=64 | sym=Cu | na=[[synthetic radioisotope|syn]] | hl=12.70 h | dm1=[[electron capture|ε]] |de1=– | link1=nickel-64 | pn1=64 | ps1=Ni |dm2=[[beta decay|β<sup>−</sup>]] | de2=– | link2=zinc-64 | pn2=64 | ps2=Zn}} {{Infobox element/isotopes stable | mn=65 | sym=Cu | na=30.85% | n=36 |firstlinks=no}} {{infobox element/isotopes decay | mn=67 | sym=Cu | na=syn | hl=61.83 h | dm=β<sup>−</sup> | de=– | link1=zinc-67 | pn=67 | ps=Zn}} |isotopes comment= |naming=after [[Cyprus]], principal mining place in Roman era (''{{lang|la|Cyprium}}'') |discovered by=[[Middle East]] |discovery date=[[9000 BC]] |QID=Q753 }}
Live values (2)
- overflow so nowiki
{{testcase table |engvar=en-GB |name=phosphorus |number=15 |symbol=P |abundance= |abundance in earth's crust=5.2 (silicon = 100) |abundance in oceans= |abundance in solar system= |left=[[silicon]] |right=[[sulfur]] |above=[[nitrogen|N]] |below=[[arsenic|As]] |category comment= |group=15 |period=3 |block=p |appearance=Colourless, waxy white, yellow, scarlet, red, violet, black |image name=PhosphComby.jpg |electrons per shell=2, 8, 5 |phase= |phase comment= |density gplstp= |density gpcm3nrt=white: 1.823 g/cm<sup>3</sup><br>red: ≈2.2–2.34 |density gpcm3nrt 2=violet: 2.36 |density gpcm3nrt 3=black: 2.69 |density gpcm3mp= |melting point K=white: 317.3 |melting point C=44.15 |melting point F=111.5 |melting point comment=<br>red: ∼860 K (∼590 °C, ∼1090 °F)<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Phosphorus: Chemical Element |work=Encyclopædia Britannica}}</ref><!-- <br>black: 883 K (610 °C, 1130 °F) --> |sublimation point K=red: ≈689.2–863 |sublimation point C=≈416–590 |sublimation point F=≈780.8–1094 |sublimation point comment=<br>violet: 893 K (620 °C, 1148 °F) |boiling point K=white: 553.7 |boiling point C=280.5 |boiling point F=536.9 |triple point K= |triple point kPa= <!--|triple point K 2=862.6 -?no pressure --> |critical point K= |critical point MPa= |heat fusion=white: 0.66 |heat fusion 2= |heat vaporization=white: 51.9 |heat capacity=white: 23.824 |vapor pressure 1=279 |vapor pressure 10=307 |vapor pressure 100=342 |vapor pressure 1 k=388 |vapor pressure 10 k=453 |vapor pressure 100 k=549 |vapor pressure comment=(white) |vapor pressure 1 2=455 |vapor pressure 10 2=489 |vapor pressure 100 2=529 |vapor pressure 1 k 2=576 |vapor pressure 10 k 2=635 |vapor pressure 100 k 2=704 |vapor pressure 2 comment=(red, b.p. 431 °C) |crystal structure=bodycentredcubic |electronegativity=2.19 |number of ionization energies=4 |ionization energy 1=1011.8 |ionization energy 2=1907 |ionization energy 3=2914.1 |atomic radius= |atomic radius calculated= |covalent radius=107±3 |Van der Waals radius=180 |magnetic ordering=white, red, violet, black: [[diamagnetic]]<ref>{{cite book |url=|chapter=Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds| editor = Lide, D. R. | title = CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics | edition = 86th | location = Boca Raton (FL) | publisher = CRC Press | year = 2005 | isbn = 0-8493-0486-5 }} </ref> |electrical resistivity= |electrical resistivity at 0= |electrical resistivity at 20= |thermal conductivity=white: 0.236 |thermal conductivity 2=black: 12.1 |thermal diffusivity= |thermal expansion= |thermal expansion at 25= |speed of sound= |speed of sound rod at 20= |speed of sound rod at r.t.= |magnetic susceptibility= −20.8·10<sup>−6</sup> |magnetic susceptibility ref= (293 K)<ref>{{Cite book|title=CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics|last=Weast|first=Robert|publisher=Chemical Rubber Company Publishing|year=1984|isbn=0-8493-0464-4|location=Boca Raton, Florida|pages=E110|quote=|via=}}</ref> |Young's modulus= |Shear modulus= |Bulk modulus=white: 5 GPa<br/>red: 11 |Poisson ratio= |Mohs hardness= |Vickers hardness= |Brinell hardness= |CAS number=7723-14-0 |CAS number comment= (red)<br>12185-10-3 (white) |isotopes= {{Infobox element/isotopes stable | mn=31 | sym=P | na=100% | n=16 |firstlinks=yes}} {{infobox element/isotopes decay | mn=32 | sym=P | na=[[trace radioisotope|trace]] | hl=14.28 d | dm=[[beta emission|β<sup>−</sup>]] | de=1.709 | link1=sulfur-32 | pn=32|ps=S}} {{infobox element/isotopes decay | mn=33 | sym=P | na=trace | hl=25.3 d | dm=β<sup>−</sup> | de=0.249 | link1=sulfur-33 | pn=33|ps=S}} |isotopes comment= |predicted by= |prediction date= |discovered by=[[Hennig Brand]] |discovery date=1669 |first isolation by= |first isolation date= |named by= |named date= |history comment label=Recognised as an element by |history comment= [[Antoine Lavoisier]]<ref>cf. "[ Memoir on Combustion in General]" ''Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences'' 1777, 592–600. from Henry Marshall Leicester and Herbert S. Klickstein, ''A Source Book in Chemistry 1400–1900'' (New York: McGraw Hill, 1952)</ref> (1777) |QID=Q674 }}
Parameter list
- See also: Infobox element/testcases-all-params demo.
{{Infobox element
<!-- image -->
|image name=
|image upright=
|spectral image=<!-- central data list -->
<!-- General properties -->
|pronounce=<!-- central data list -->
|alt name=
|alt names=
|standard atomic weight=<!-- central data list -->
<!-- Periodic table -->
|category ref=
|category comment=
|category color=
|group ref=
|group comment=
|period ref=
|period comment=
|block ref=
|block comment=
|electron configuration=
|electron configuration ref=
|electron configuration comment=
|electrons per shell=
|electrons per shell ref=
|electrons per shell comment=
<!-- Physical properties -->
|physical properties comment=
|phase ref=
|phase comment=
|melting point K=
|melting point C=
|melting point F=
|melting point ref=
|melting point comment=
|boiling point K=
|boiling point C=
|boiling point F=
|boiling point ref=
|boiling point comment=
|sublimation point K=
|sublimation point C=
|sublimation point F=
|sublimation point ref=
|sublimation point comment=
|density gplstp=
|density gplstp ref=
|density gplstp comment=
|density kgpm3stp=
|density kgpm3stp ref=
|density kgpm3stp comment=
|density gpcm3nrt=
|density gpcm3nrt ref=
|density gpcm3nrt comment=
|density gpcm3nrt 2=
|density gpcm3nrt 2 ref=
|density gpcm3nrt 2 comment=
|density gpcm3nrt 3=
|density gpcm3nrt 3 ref=
|density gpcm3nrt 3 comment=
|density gpcm3mp=
|density gpcm3mp ref=
|density gpcm3mp comment=
|density gpcm3bp=
|density gpcm3bp ref=
|density gpcm3bp comment=
|molar volume=
|molar volume unit =
|molar volume ref=
|molar volume comment=
|triple point K=
|triple point kPa=
|triple point ref=
|triple point comment=
|triple point K 2=
|triple point kPa 2=
|triple point 2 ref=
|triple point 2 comment=
|critical point K=
|critical point MPa=
|critical point ref=
|critical point comment=
|heat fusion=
|heat fusion ref=
|heat fusion comment=
|heat fusion 2=
|heat fusion 2 ref=
|heat fusion 2 comment=
|heat vaporization=
|heat vaporization ref=
|heat vaporization comment=
|heat capacity=
|heat capacity ref=
|heat capacity comment=
|heat capacity 2=
|heat capacity 2 ref=
|heat capacity 2 comment=
|vapor pressure 1=
|vapor pressure 10=
|vapor pressure 100=
|vapor pressure 1 k=
|vapor pressure 10 k=
|vapor pressure 100 k=
|vapor pressure ref=
|vapor pressure comment=
|vapor pressure 1 2=
|vapor pressure 10 2=
|vapor pressure 100 2=
|vapor pressure 1 k 2=
|vapor pressure 10 k 2=
|vapor pressure 100 k 2=
|vapor pressure 2 ref=
|vapor pressure 2 comment=
<!-- Atomic properties -->
|atomic properties comment=
|electronegativity ref=
|electronegativity comment=
|ionization energy 1=
|ionization energy 1 ref=
|ionization energy 1 comment=
|ionization energy 2=
|ionization energy 2 ref=
|ionization energy 2 comment=
|ionization energy 3=
|ionization energy 3 ref=
|ionization energy 3 comment=
|number of ionization energies=
|ionization energy ref=
|ionization energy comment=
|atomic radius=
|atomic radius ref=
|atomic radius comment=
|atomic radius calculated=
|atomic radius calculated ref=
|atomic radius calculated comment=
|covalent radius=
|covalent radius ref=
|covalent radius comment=
|Van der Waals radius=
|Van der Waals radius ref=
|Van der Waals radius comment=
<!-- Miscellanea -->
|crystal structure=
|crystal structure prefix=
|crystal structure ref=
|crystal structure comment=
|lattice constant=
|crystal structure 2=
|crystal structure 2 prefix=
|crystal structure 2 ref=
|crystal structure 2 comment=
|lattice constant 2=
|speed of sound=
|speed of sound ref=
|speed of sound comment=
|speed of sound rod at 20=
|speed of sound rod at 20 ref=
|speed of sound rod at 20 comment=
|speed of sound rod at r.t.=
|speed of sound rod at r.t. ref=
|speed of sound rod at r.t. comment=
|thermal expansion=
|thermal expansion ref=
|thermal expansion comment=
|thermal expansion at 25=
|thermal expansion at 25 ref=
|thermal expansion at 25 comment=
|thermal conductivity=
|thermal conductivity ref=
|thermal conductivity comment=
|thermal conductivity 2=
|thermal conductivity 2 ref=
|thermal conductivity 2 comment=
|thermal diffusivity=
|thermal diffusivity ref=
|thermal diffusivity comment=
|electrical resistivity=
|electrical resistivity unit prefix=
|electrical resistivity ref=
|electrical resistivity comment=
|electrical resistivity at 0=
|electrical resistivity at 0 ref=
|electrical resistivity at 0 comment=
|electrical resistivity at 20=
|electrical resistivity at 20 ref=
|electrical resistivity at 20 comment=
|band gap=
|band gap ref=
|band gap comment=
|Curie point K=
|Curie point ref=
|Curie point comment=
|magnetic ordering=
|magnetic ordering ref=
|magnetic ordering comment=
|tensile strength=
|tensile strength ref=
|tensile strength comment=
|Young's modulus=
|Young's modulus ref=
|Young's modulus comment=
|Shear modulus=
|Shear modulus ref=
|Shear modulus comment=
|Bulk modulus=
|Bulk modulus ref=
|Bulk modulus comment=
|Poisson ratio=
|Poisson ratio ref=
|Poisson ratio comment=
|Mohs hardness=
|Mohs hardness ref=
|Mohs hardness comment=
|Mohs hardness 2=
|Mohs hardness 2 ref=
|Mohs hardness 2 comment=
|Vickers hardness=
|Vickers hardness ref=
|Vickers hardness comment=
|Brinell hardness=
|Brinell hardness ref=
|Brinell hardness comment=
|CAS number=
|CAS number ref=
|CAS number comment=
<!-- History -->
|predicted by=
|prediction date ref=
|prediction date=
|discovered by=
|discovery date ref=
|discovery date=
|first isolation by=
|first isolation date ref=
|first isolation date=
|discovery and first isolation by=
|named by=
|named date ref=
|named date=
|history comment label=
|history comment=
<!-- Isotopes not here -->
<!-- other -->
{{Infobox element}}; labels & notes: (Image) GENERAL PROPERTIES Name Symbol Pronunciation (data central) Alternative name(s) Allotropes Appearance <element> IN THE PERIODIC TABLE Periodic table Atomic number Standard atomic weight (data central) Element category (also header bg color) (sets header bg color, over 'series='-color) Group Period Block Electron configuration Electrons per shell PHYSICAL PROPERTIES (general note) Color Phase Melting point Boiling point Sublimation point Density [g/L at s.t.p.] Density [kg/m3 at s.t.p.] Density [g/cm3 near room temperature] [g/cm3 near r.t.], #2 [g/cm3 near r.t.], #3 Density (liquid, melting point) [g/cm3] Density (liquid, boiling point) [g/cm3] Molar volume Unit defaults to cm3/mol otherwise set unit prefix=d for dm3/mol (gases) Triple point Critical point Heat of fusion Heat of vaporization Molar heat capacity Vapor pressure Vapor pressure ATOMIC PROPERTIES Electronegativity Ionization energy Atomic radius Covalent radius Van der Waals radius MISCELLANEA Crystal structure Crystal structure Speed of sound Thermal expansion Thermal conductivity Thermal diffusivity Electrical resistivity Band gap Curie point Magnetic ordering Tensile strength Young's modulus Shear modulus Bulk modulus Poisson ratio Mohs hardness Vickers hardness Brinell hardness CAS Number HISTORY Naming Prediction () Discovery () First isolation () Discovery and first isolation (1 or 2 dates) Named by () (History comment) (wp:engvar) |
Index to element pages
- overflow so not here
{{Index to chemical element pages}}
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