
Important: When changing the template's output please remember to update {{F1 driver results legend 5}}, {{F1 driver results legend 6}}, {{F1 driver results legend 7}} and {{F1 driver results legend 8}}. This template has a sandbox page at Template:F1 race position/sandbox
Use this template to display pole position and/or fastest lap markers. Usage is as follows:
- {{F1 race position | N | parameters... }}
- The first unnamed parameter must be the race position to display (N),
- To include a pole position marker, include pole as either the second or third unnamed parameters,
- To include a fastest lap marker, include fast as either the second or third unnamed parameters,
- To include a points-scoring position in sprint, include sprint as either the second or third unnamed parameters and the sprint position (Y) as the next right unnamed parameter.
- All other named and unnamed parameters are ignored.
You can use p as a synonym for pole. Likewise, you can use f as a synonym for fast, along with fastlap or fastestlap and s as a synonym for sprint.
Important: When using the template, place {{F1 driver results legend 5}}, {{F1 driver results legend 6}}, {{F1 driver results legend 7}} or {{F1 driver results legend 8}} where appropriate and replace any existing driver results legend/keys where necessary.
Pole position only
All of the following will display a race position with just the pole position marker (e.g. "1 P").
- {{F1 race position | 1 | pole }}
- pole is present as the second unnamed parameter.
- {{F1 race position | 1 | p }}
- p as a synonym for pole is present as the second unnamed parameter.
- {{F1 race position | 1 | abc | p }}
- p is present as the third unnamed parameter. The second unnamed parameter has a value abc, which being unrecognized does nothing.
- {{F1 race position | 1 | param1= | param2=input | pole }}
- p is present as the second unnamed parameter. The named parameters param1 and param2 are ignored.
- {{F1 race position | 1 | p | p }}
- p is present as both the second and third unnamed parameters. Duplication makes no difference.
Fastest lap only
All of the following will display a race position with just the fastest lap marker (e.g. "2 F").
- {{F1 race position | 2 | fast }}
- fast is present as the second unnamed parameter.
- {{F1 race position | 2 | f }}
- f as a synonym for fast is present as the second unnamed parameter.
- {{F1 race position | 2 | xyz | fastlap }}
- fastlap is present as the third unnamed parameter. The second unnamed parameter has a value xyz, which being unrecognized does nothing.
- {{F1 race position | 2 | param1= | param2=xyz | fastestlap }}
- fastestlap is present as the second unnamed parameter. The named parameters param1 and param2 are ignored.
- {{F1 race position | 2 | f | f }}
- f is present as both the second and third unnamed parameters. Duplication makes no difference.
Sprint only
The following will display a race position with just the points-scoring position in sprint (e.g. "6 2 ").
- {{F1 race position | 6 | sprint | 2 }}
- sprint marker is present as the second unnamed parameter and the sprint position as the third unnamed parameter.
Pole position and fastest lap
All of the following will display a race position with both the pole position and fastest lap markers (e.g. "3 PF").
- {{F1 race position | 3 | pole | fast }}
- pole is present as the second unnamed parameter and fast is present as the third unnamed parameter.
- {{F1 race position | 3 | f | p }}
- The order in which p and f appear makes no difference, as long as they are present as the second and third unnamed parameters.
- {{F1 race position | 3 | p | param=xyz | fast }}
- p is present as the second unnamed parameter and fast is present as the third unnamed parameter. The named parameter param is ignored.
Pole position and sprint
The following will display a race position with both the pole position and sprint position (e.g. "2 P 1 ").
- {{F1 race position | 2 | pole | sprint | 1 }}
- pole is present as the second unnamed parameter, sprint marker is present as the third unnamed parameter and sprint position as the fourth unnamed parameter.
Fastest lap and sprint
The following will display a race position with both the fastest lap and sprint position (e.g. "6 F 5 ").
- {{F1 race position | 6 | fastestlap | sprint | 5 }}
- fastestlap is present as the second unnamed parameter, sprint marker is present as the third unnamed parameter and sprint position as the fourth unnamed parameter.
Pole position, fastest lap and sprint
All of the following will display a race position with the pole position, fastest lap markers and sprint position (e.g. "1 P F 1 ").
- {{F1 race position | 1 | sprint | pole | 1 | fastestlap }}
- sprint marker is present as the second unnamed parameter, pole is present as the third unnamed parameter, sprint position as the fourth unnamed parameter and fastestlap as the fifth unnamed parameter.
- {{F1 race position | 1 | s | p | 1 | f }}
The following are either errors or will not do as you expect:
- {{F1 race position | 4 | p | xyz | f }}
- This will only display the pole position marker since f is the fourth unnamed parameter here. The third unnamed parameter is xyz, which being unrecognized does nothing.
- {{F1 race position | p | f }}
- The race position has been neglected. This will interpret "p" as the race position and then only find f. This will this display "p F" (fastest lap only), when "N PF" was intended (pole position and fastest lap).
- {{F1 race position | 4 | p=1 }}
- The pole position and fastest lap markers are not set by a named parameter. Here, p is a named parameter, and all named parameters are ignored.
- {{F1 race position | 1 | p | f | s | 1 }}
- 1 PF
- {{F1 race position | 1 | s | p | f | 1 }}
- 1 P F f
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