{{chem2}} is a template used to format a chemical formula or equation.


Formula punctuation

Symbol Gives Example Output
\s {{chem2|CH3\sCH3}} CH3−CH3
\d = {{chem2|CH2\dCH2}} CH2=CH2
\t {{chem2|HC\tCH}} HC≡CH
\q {{chem2|[Cl4Re\qReCl4](2−)}} [Cl4Re≣ReCl4]2−
\- - {{chem2|A\-B}} A-B
\\ \ {{chem2|C\\D}} C\D
\h η {{chem2|\h}} η
\h{1} η1- {{chem2|\h{1} |}} η1-
\m{1} μ1- {{chem2|\m{1} |}} μ1-
-> {{chem2|2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O}} 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
<-> {{chem2|K<->L}} K ⇌ L
* · {{chem2|CoCl2*6H2O}} CoCl2·6H2O
\* * {{chem2|Cp\*2Fe}} Cp*2Fe
_{} subscript {{chem2|C_{''n''}H_{2''n''+2} }} CnH2n+2
^{} superscript {{chem2|^{13}CH4}} 13CH4
&nabla; {{chem2|&nabla;}}
( ) ( ) {{chem2|R\sCH(OH)CN}} R−CH(OH)CN

end }-bracket issue

When input ends correctly with a }-bracket, like with A_{x}H_{1-x}, the final }-brackets are technically mixed up:

{{chem2|A_{x}H_{1-x}}}AxH_{1x} Red XN

The closing bracket } of input and end of template brackets }} are interpreted by Wikipedia software in reversed order.

  • Solutions:
add empty pipe: {{chem2|...{...}|}} (empty parameter #2)
add parameters numbers 1 and 2 (empty): {{chem2|1=...{...}|2=}}
add a space: {{chem2|...{...} }}
Result: {{chem2|A_{x}H_{1-x}|}}AxH1−x Green tickY

Formulas, charges, equations

Formulas (without charge) are just written:

  • {{chem2|CH3(CH2)5CH3}}CH3(CH2)5CH3
  • {{chem2|Fe3S2(CO)9}}Fe3S2(CO)9
  • {{chem2|C_{''n''}H_{2''n''+2}|}}CnH2n+2

Charges are written inside parentheses:

  • {{chem2|SO4(2-)}}SO2−4
  • {{chem2|S19(2+)}}S2+19

Charges +1 and −1 can be written plain:

  • {{chem2|Na+}}Na+
  • {{chem2|O2-}}O2
same as {{chem2|O2(-)}}O2

Chemical equations:

  • {{chem2|2 S + 3 O2 + 2 H2O -> 2 H2SO4}}2 S + 3 O2 + 2 H2O → 2 H2SO4
  • {{chem2|2S + 3O2 + 2H2O -> 2H2SO4}}2S + 3O2 + 2H2O → 2H2SO4

The arrows can be written as -> or just . All characters (and unicode markup) are valid input except \, = (Mediawiki use it), _ and - (endash etc.)

  • {{chem2|2 H2(g) + O2(g) -> 2H2O(g)|}}2 H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(g)
  • {{chem2|NH2RCHCO2H <-> NH3+RCHCO2-}}NH2RCHCO2H ⇌ NH+3RCHCO2

Hapticity and mu:

  • {{chem2|W(CO)3(PiPr3)2(\h{2}H2)}}W(CO)3(PiPr3)22-H2)
  • {{chem2|W(CO)3(PiPr3)2(\h{2}H2)|auto=yes}}W(CO)3(PiPr3)2(η2-H2)

As of March 2023, {{chem2}} should not be used inside wikilinks; this can cause erratic failures to properly render sub/superscripts in other invocations on the same page. Instead, use the following options.

Link the whole formula with |link=<wiki pagename>:

  • {{chem2|FeCl3|link=Iron(III) chloride}}FeCl3

Or use wikilink brackets in input like [[ammonia|NH3]]:

  • {{chem2|3[[hydrogen|H2]] + 2[[nitrogen|N2]] <-> 2[[ammonia|NH3]]}}3H2 + 2N2 ⇌ 2NH3

Use |auto=yes to link from the first occurrence of each element symbol, and some functional-group symbols such as Ph

  • {{chem2|CH3CH2CH3CBrFCIClCH3|auto=yes}}CH3CH2CH3CBrFCIClCH3

Some common groups are recognized and linked if you wikilink them using [[ ]]

  • {{chem2|R\-[[COOH]]}}R-COOH
  • {{chem2|[[CH3]]C[[R]]2[[I]]}}CH3CR2I
  • In particular H2O links to water of crystallization in {{chem2|CuSO4 * 5 [[H2O]]}}CuSO4 · 5 H2O, because a link to water is generally unnecessary.

You can link to any article even if chem2 is unaware of it:

To change the default link:

  • {{chem2|[[water|H2O]]}}H2O

All recognised symbols and codes

All link targets recognised by {{chem2}} (elements, general codes, functional groups)

Elements and element-style symbols

These may be automatically linked or used as if they were redirects.

Symbol Link target
Ac Actinium
Ag Silver
Al Aluminium
Am Americium
Ar Argon
As Arsenic
At Astatine
Au Gold
B Boron
Ba Barium
Be Beryllium
Bh Bohrium
Bi Bismuth
Bk Berkelium
Bn Benzyl group
Br Bromine
Bu Butyl group
Bz Benzoyl group
C Carbon
Ca Calcium
Cd Cadmium
Ce Cerium
Cf Californium
Cl Chlorine
Cm Curium
Cn Copernicium
Co Cobalt
Cp Cyclopentadienyl
Cr Chromium
Cs Caesium
Cu Copper
D Deuterium
Db Dubnium
Ds Darmstadtium
Dy Dysprosium
Er Erbium
Es Einsteinium
Et Ethyl group
Eu Europium
F Fluorine
Fe Iron
Fl Flerovium
Fm Fermium
Fr Francium
Ga Gallium
Gd Gadolinium
Ge Germanium
H Hydrogen
He Helium
Hf Hafnium
Hg Mercury (element)
Ho Holmium
Hs Hassium
I Iodine
In Indium
Ir Iridium
K Potassium
Kr Krypton
La Lanthanum
Li Lithium
Ln Lanthanide
Lr Lawrencium
Lu Lutetium
Lv Livermorium
Mc Moscovium
Md Mendelevium
Me Methyl group
Mg Magnesium
Mn Manganese
Mo Molybdenum
Mt Meitnerium
N Nitrogen
Na Sodium
Nb Niobium
Nd Neodymium
Ne Neon
Nh Nihonium
Ni Nickel
No Nobelium
Np Neptunium
Nu Nucleophile
O Oxygen
Og Oganesson
Os Osmium
P Phosphorus
Pa Protactinium
Pb Lead
Pd Palladium
Ph Phenyl group
Pm Promethium
Pn Pentyl group
Po Polonium
Pr Praseodymium
Pt Platinum
Pu Plutonium
R Substituent
Ra Radium
Rb Rubidium
Re Rhenium
Rf Rutherfordium
Rg Roentgenium
Rh Rhodium
Rn Radon
Ru Ruthenium
S Sulfur
Sb Antimony
Sc Scandium
Se Selenium
Sg Seaborgium
Si Silicon
Sm Samarium
Sn Tin
Sr Strontium
T Tritium
Ta Tantalum
Tb Terbium
Tc Technetium
Te Tellurium
Tf Trifluoromethylsulfonyl group
Th Thorium
Ti Titanium
Tl Thallium
Tm Thulium
Ts Tennessine
U Uranium
V Vanadium
W Tungsten
X Halogen
Xe Xenon
Y Yttrium
Yb Ytterbium
Zn Zinc
Zr Zirconium


These must be linked manually; they work as if they were redirects.

Symbol Link target
CH3 Methyl group
CO3 Carbonate
COOH Carboxyl group
ClO Hypochlorite
ClO2 Chlorite
ClO3 Chlorate
ClO4 Perchlorate
H2O Water of crystallization
H3O Hydronium
NH2 Amine group
NH4 Ammonium
NO3 Nitrate
PO3 Phosphite
PO4 Phosphate
SH Thiol group
SO3 Sulfite
SO4 Sulfate
SeH Selenol group

Examples and tests

(The first "→" in each example is not part of the output; it separates the example from its output.)

  • {{chem2|[Cl4Re\qReCl4](2-)|}}[Cl4Re≣ReCl4]2−
  • {{chem2|NH2RCHCO2H <-> NH3+RCHCO2−}}NH2RCHCO2H ⇌ NH+3RCHCO2

  • {{chem2|\\hallo}}\hallo
  • {{chem2|H3CC\tCH <-> H2C\dC\dCH2}}H3CC≡CH ⇌ H2C=C=CH2
  • {{chem2|4 NH3 + 5 O2 -> 4 NO + 6 H2O}}4 NH3 + 5 O2 → 4 NO + 6 H2O

  • {{chem2|H2O &#8594; H2O}}H2O → H2O
  • {{chem2|H2O(l) -> H2O(g)}}H2O(l) → H2O(g)

  • {{chem2|4 NH3 + 5 O2 → 4 NO + 6 H2O}}4 NH3 + 5 O2 → 4 NO + 6 H2O
  • {{chem2|4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6H2O}}4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6H2O
  • {{chem2|2Mn2(+)}}2Mn+2
  • {{chem2|2Mn2(+) + 3H2O}}2Mn+2 + 3H2O
  • {{chem2|Mn–}}Mn

  • {{chem2|Mn2(2-)}}Mn2−2
  • {{chem2|Mn2☃+}}Mn2+;
  • {{chem2|Mn2(2☃–)}}Mn2(2)
  • {{chem2|Mn2(+)}}Mn+2
  • {{chem2|Mn2+}}Mn+2
  • {{chem2|Mn2(-)}}Mn2
  • {{chem2|Mn2-}}Mn2

  • {{chem2|C_{''n''}H_{2''n''&nbsp;+&nbsp;2}|}}CnH2n + 2
  • (chem: {{chem|C|''n''|H|2''n''&nbsp;+&nbsp;2}}C
    2n + 2
  • {{chem2|C_{abc}|}}Cabc
  • {{chem2|CoCl2*1.5H2O}}CoCl2·1.5H2O
  • {{chem2|Cu2C2*H2O}}Cu2C2·H2O


  • {{chem2|[Me2Al(\m{2}Me)]2}}[Me2Al(μ2-Me)]2
  • {{chem2|^{13}CO2}}13CO2
  • {{chem2|^{13}CO2|auto=yes}}13CO2
  • {{chem2|\h{5}(C5H5)2TiCl2}}η5-(C5H5)2TiCl2
  • (bad) {{chem2|\h{5}\s(C5H5)2TiCl2}}η5-−(C5H5)2TiCl2
  • {{chem2|CH2\dCH2\sCH2\sC\tCH\qMn}}CH2=CH2−CH2−C≡CH≣Mn

  • {{chem2|RC(OR')3}}RC(OR')3
  • {{chem2|C\\C}}C\C
  • {{chem2|C2*NH3}}C2·NH3
  • {{chem2|C2*2NH3}}C2·2NH3
  • {{chem2|C1.2H3.5}}C1.2H3.5

  • {{chem2|\b\bAbC\e\e}}AbC
  • {{chem2|C2(μ\-C)}}C2(μ-C)

  • {{chem2|SO4(2-)}}SO2−4
  • {{chem2|2Mn2(2+)}}2Mn2+2
  • {{chem2|CH3-CH2-OH}}CH3CH2OH
  • {{chem2|[ZnCl4]-}}[ZnCl4]
  • {{chem2|[ZnCl4](2-)}}[ZnCl4]2−
  • {{chem2|((H2O)5{CoCl2})2|auto=yes}}((H2O)5{CoCl2})2
  • {{chem2|Si(OH)4}}Si(OH)4

  • {{chem2|Cu2C2*H2O|auto=yes}}Cu2C2·H2O
  • {{chem2|Cu2C2*2H2O}}Cu2C2·2H2O
  • {{chem2|CuSO*2H2O}}CuSO·2H2O
  • {{chem2|CuSO4*15H2O}}CuSO4·15H2O
  • {{chem2|CuSO4(H2O)5}}CuSO4(H2O)5
  • {{chem2|H+ + OH- → H2O}}H+ + OH → H2O
  • {{chem2|H → O}}H → O

  • {{chem2|ZxPo4}}ZxPo4     Unknown element.
  • {{chem2|((Na)Cl}}((Na)Cl     Too many "(".
  • {{chem2|Si(OH))4}}Si(OH))4     Too many ")".
  • {{chem2|Si&[[☃]]Si}}Si&Si
  • {{chem2|1=CH2=CH2}}CH2=CH2


  • {{chem2|Cl2O6|link=dichlorine hexoxide}}Cl2O6
  • {{chem2|[Fe(Phen)(Phen)3](2+)}}[Fe(Phen)(Phen)3]2+
  • {{chem2|[Fe(Phen)(Phen)3](2+)|auto=yes}}[Fe(Phen)(Phen)3]2+
  • {{chem2|[C2O2](2+)}}[C2O2]2+
  • {{chem2|SI4|link=Tomato}}SI4
  • {{chem2|H2SO4+}}H2SO+4
  • {{chem2|Mn-}}Mn
  • {{chem2|Mn22+}}Mn+22, {{chem2|Mn22-}}Mn22
  • {{chem2|Mn(2+)}}Mn2+
  • {{chem2|Mn2(+)}}Mn+2
  • {{chem2|Mn(22-)}}Mn22−
  • {{chem2|Mn3(22-)}}Mn22−3
  • {{chem2|Mn(22+)}}Mn22+
  • {{chem2|Mn2(22+)}}Mn22+2
  • {{chem2|Mn2(2+)}}Mn2+2
  • {{chem2|Mn22(2+)}}Mn2+22

Chem vs chem2

  • {{chem|(CH|3|)|2|CO}}(CH
  • {{chem2|(CH3)2CO}}(CH3)2CO
  • {{chem|H|2|+}}H+
  • {{chem2|H2+}}H+2

Predefined codes (groups etc.)

Predefined codes
code target article {{chem2|code}} type note
A. Groups etc with element-like names
Bz Benzoyl group Bz A: wl |auto=yes
Et Ethyl group Et A: wl |auto=yes
Ln Lanthanide Ln A: wl |auto=yes
Nu Nucleophile Nu A: wl |auto=yes
Ph Phenyl group Ph A: wl |auto=yes
R Substituent R A: wl |auto=yes
T Tritium T A: wl |auto=yes
Tf Trifluoromethylsulfonyl group Tf A: wl |auto=yes
X Halogen X A: wl |auto=yes
B. Groups which are redirected from their normal target if wikilinked; never autolinked.
CH3 Methyl group CH3 B: wl |..[[code]]..
CO3 Carbonate CO3 B: wl |..[[code]]..
COOH Carboxyl group COOH B: wl |..[[code]]..
ClO Hypochlorite ClO B: wl |..[[code]]..
ClO2 Chlorite ClO2 B: wl |..[[code]]..
ClO3 Chlorate ClO3 B: wl |..[[code]]..
ClO4 Perchlorate ClO4 B: wl |..[[code]]..
H2O Water of crystallization H2O B: wl |..[[code]]..
H3O Hydronium H3O B: wl |..[[code]]..
NH2 Amine group NH2 B: wl |..[[code]]..
NH4 Ammonium NH4 B: wl |..[[code]]..
NO3 Nitrate NO3 B: wl |..[[code]]..
PO3 Phosphite PO3 B: wl |..[[code]]..
PO4 Phosphate PO4 B: wl |..[[code]]..
SH Thiol group SH B: wl |..[[code]]..
SO3 Sulfite SO3 B: wl |..[[code]]..
SO4 Sulfate SO4 B: wl |..[[code]]..
SeH Selenol group SeH B: wl |..[[code]]..


This is the TemplateData for this template used by TemplateWizard, VisualEditor and other tools. See a monthly parameter usage report for Template:Chem2 in articles based on its TemplateData.

TemplateData for Chem2

No description.

Template parameters


no description


no description


no description



See also

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