Dong Xi's year of death

Dong Xi's biography stated that he was killed at the Battle of Ruxu but there were not enough details (e.g. other Wu generals also involved in the battle) to accurately determine whether it was the Battle of Ruxukou (213) or the Battle of Ruxukou (217). I searched Sun Quan's biography and found mentions of both battles: [213: 十八年正月,曹公攻濡須,權與相拒月餘。 ...] and [217: 二十一年冬,曹公次于居巢,遂攻濡須。]. However, there was nothing on Dong Xi. The battles were also described in volumes 66 and 68 of the Zizhi Tongjian: [213: 孝獻皇帝辛建安十八年(癸巳,公元二一三年) 春,正月,曹操進軍濡須口,號步騎四十萬,攻破孫權江西營,獲其都督公孫陽。權率眾七萬御之,相守月餘。 ...] and [217: 孝獻皇帝癸建安二十二年(丁酉,公元二一七年) 春,正月,魏王操軍居巢,孫權保濡須,二月,操進攻之。]. But again, there was nothing mentioned about Dong Xi. As such, I'm leaving Dong Xi's death year as (unknown) until someone manages to produce a year of death taken from a reliable source. It could be in one of de Crespigny's works or maybe there are clues in someone's biography in Records of the Three Kingdoms, just that I haven't found them. LDS contact me 16:34, 28 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

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