Deng Zhi and the monkey king

I know there's a story about Deng and a monkey (there are 2 versions of the story), can anyone translate that and put it in the appraisal section? ----EkmanLi (talk) 06:59, 21 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

You mean this: 華陽國志曰:芝徵涪陵,見玄猿緣山。芝性好弩,手自射猿,中之。猿拔其箭,卷木葉塞其創。芝曰:「嘻,吾違物之性,其將死矣!」一曰:芝見猿抱子在樹上,引弩射之,中猿母,其子為拔箭,以木葉塞創。芝乃嘆息,投弩水中,自知當死。 ? LDS contact me 06:53, 14 March 2013 (UTC)[reply]
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