Comic production technology needed

Some background or related Wikipedia links into the various technologies used to print comic books would be quite helpful. A timeline of production technologies would be most helpful.


Since there's Manga for japanese comics, how does everyone (anyone?) feel about a "Bande Dessinée" page for Franco-Belgian comics? -- Tarquin

I think we might use redirections from common spellings (sing,plur,w/wo accents) of the word, and acronyms such as BD, anyway.
(Right now, BD points to the page for Bangladesh. We could make BD a disambiguation page.)
I created a new page called Bande Dessinée as a redirect to Franco-Belgian comics, and updated BD. I also mentionned these terms in the Franco-Belgian comics page. Lvr 13:08, 16 Nov 2004 (UTC)

I've decided to point the Sandman link here at the Sandman (comic character) page, but it's a tough call, could also go to The Sandman. Anyone disagree? --AW

It seems appropriate to at least make reference to Tintin and/or Asterix in this section, as other regional summaries are making examples of their most popular series...

Popularity in North America

I'm interested in this statement from the article, "Today fewer comics sell in North America than at any time in their publishing history." I'm interested in confirmation that this is actually true. User:ike9898

  • This isn't a scientific confirmation, but should give you some idea: [1] Everyone knows that the market is much smaller, but it's worth throwing in a historical comparison to flag up the scale: when X-MEN was cancelled in 1970, the final issue contained an editorial explaining that "the plain truth is that the magazine's sales don't warrant our continuing the title. We feel that the artists and writers involved can better devote their time to other projects, other characters." Two inches below, the Statement of Ownership appears, revealing that the previous issue had a total paid circulation of 199,571. Dipping below 200,000 was disastrous in those days. Today, IDENTITY CRISIS is considered a hit with sales in the region of 125,000, and FALLEN ANGEL hovers around the 10,000 mark. No wonder the publishers are more interested in licensing. -leigh 07:38, Nov 30, 2004 (UTC)


Anyone thought of doing a section of comic repair techniques, such as are used to repair especially valuable comics? Just an idea; I don't know enough to do it myself, but would like to read some info on it. I hear they can replace rusty staples, take out stains using certain chemicals, even replace some of the covers and artwork (but there are limits to this, of course). Usually only economic for really valuable ones. I saw a repaired Fantastic Four #1 and it looked crappy, but then again I also saw a restored Avengers #1 and it looked really nice and was really well done. --DanielCD 16:17, 3 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Hello, everyone. I've just created a project called WikiProject on Comics in order to establish consensus on the organization and content of articles related to comics and sequential art. See the main project page and please leave comments on the Talk page. Thanks! -leigh (φθόγγος) 23:26, Dec 5, 2004 (UTC)

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