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:Has anybody considered what will happen if someone adds "<code>:!rm -rf ~/*</code>" to Wikipedia.vim? (Hint: it's not something nice and it is exactly as simple as it looks.) I'd strongly suggest showing the contents of Wikipedia.vim on a separate page to cut and paste (so users will at least look at it) instead of in a download-only mime-typed file. |
:Has anybody considered what will happen if someone adds "<code>:!rm -rf ~/*</code>" to Wikipedia.vim? (Hint: it's not something nice and it is exactly as simple as it looks.) I'd strongly suggest showing the contents of Wikipedia.vim on a separate page to cut and paste (so users will at least look at it) instead of in a download-only mime-typed file. |
== Default on the bottom == |
Why would you have the first links in the Mozilla section of the article about editor instruction - The top most line should describe the need for the UTF-8 ready editor. |
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== Default on the bottom == |
Revision as of 02:29, 1 April 2006
- Please don't remove the detailed instruction for the editors, they are important to some people!
Discussion about development of Wikipedia enhanced editor functions
Is there also a solution for "UltraEdit-32"??? --C167
Does anyone know a method to use for example gvim as an internet browsers 'textbox'/'editbox'? for example the win32 version, has vim as an OLE, shouldn't that allow any win32 browser to use vim as the 'editbox' ei, with 'as-advertised' "without copying and pasting" your text?
The mozex extension for Firefox will allow you to use any external editor to edit the contents of text fields. It needs a little massaging to work with Firefox 1.5+, but it does work, and I couldn't live without it. I've used it in the past with gvim, and I'm using it now with gnuclient/Xemacs. More information at
Editing offline with a text editor
from the village pump
Is there any software I can download to enable me to see texts I am editing whilst off line? I make use of stuff from 1911 Encyclopaedia, edited in NoteTab Pro, which enables me to get foreign accents and also the spelling right. I would like to be able to do this and then go online to upload only when I am satified the job looks right. Apwoolrich 19:39, 14 Jul 2004 (UTC)
- I was working on an application called WikiEdit that would allow you to WYSIWYG edit text (and images, tables, etc.) for Wikipedia. It'd let you see the rendered text in one pane while editing with Wikimarkup in the other pane. It also had spell check and such. The text would then save out in wikimarkup, ready to be uploaded to the 'pedia. But no one else seemed interested in it, so I abondoned the project. I haven't heard, but perhaps someone else has such an editor. — Frecklefoot | Talk 20:32, Jul 14, 2004 (UTC)
- I'd be interested in such a project, even if it wasn't full WYSIWYG. At present I often copy from an edit box, in order to get the unformatted Wikitext, and then edit that offline using a dumb editor. It wouldn't be hard to improve on that, surely! On the other hand, it seems to work quite well, perhaps because I'm accustomed to using the edit box online, which is also a dumb editor (even dumber than the ones I use offline) and seems to work well too.
- But the main problem with the approach I currently use is it doesn't even warn of edit conflicts, you need to check for these manually. I see a potential problem there if a smarter editor was available for offline editing use than for online editing. The prospect of a generation of newbies all innocently editing offline with no edit conflict warnings is horrible to contemplate. This is IMO not a trivial thing to solve, I may be wrong there. Andrewa 21:41, 14 Jul 2004 (UTC)
- That would just be divine. -- कुक्कुरोवाच|Talk‽ 03:37, 16 Jul 2004 (UTC)
- Edit conflicts are a concern, but it is rare that I edit an article and run into one (I guess I don't edit popular articles often). That being said, since conflicts are a concern, the user would need to check to see if anyone edited his article since the time they "grabbed" the text from the edit box (I envisioned taking existing text from the edit box to get the current wikimarkup). If not, they could paste their text in with no worries. If they authored a brand new article, however, no worries. :-) — Frecklefoot | Talk 15:13, Jul 15, 2004 (UTC)
What's wrong with MozEx? :) --ssd 04:30, 16 Jul 2004 (UTC)
- See Wikipedia:Text editor support for more info about MozEx and discussion of wikipedia support in emacs and vim. - Brona 02:29, 17 Jul 2004 (UTC)
BTW, for those who use MozEx + Emacs, and are annoyed by Auto Fill Mode messing up lists, tables, and similar markup: try putting the following line into the body of 'wikipedia-mode' near the end of 'wikipedia-mode.el'
(set (make-local-variable 'auto-fill-inhibit-regexp) "^[ *#:|;]")
EJ 13:25, 24 Aug 2004 (UTC)
- There is an extra bit of code for OpenOffice that claims to give this functionality. A link to it is available at the official bug report for this issue. If you think an OpenOffice to MediaWiki export filter is a good idea, VOTE FOR IT on that page!--None Error 15:33, 8 February 2006 (UTC)
Okay, how about built-in stuff?
Is anybody working on some JavaScript/DHTML magic stuff that you can use in the browser itself? Either just syntax highlighting, or possibly something that shows something close to what the Wikipedia engine would actually output (like what HTMLArea does for regular sites)? Of course, getting a totally accurate "active" preview would be difficult, since JavaScript stuff presumably can't look up if a wikilink actually exists or not, or what a template looks like, for instance) —User:Mulad (talk) 21:20, Aug 28, 2004 (UTC)
Discussion about sections proposed for the page
Removal of "common text editors" section and "bot" section
See this diff for background. Oleg Alexandrov 03:24, 1 May 2005 (UTC)
I'm pretty disappointed at your removal of so much of Wikipedia:Text editor support. I'm not sure what your motive is; there are specific instructions for the use of such obscure editors as SubEthaEdit. I'm not a big fan of Devil Gates, but Microsoft Word is pretty popular -- I even use it myself. And the content you removed speaks to more than this one application.
I think it's nasty to revert war, so I'd rather see if we can't work this out as friends. — Xiong熊talk* 03:13, 2005 May 1 (UTC)
- No, we don't want an edit war. I had a couple more of objections besides what I wrote. First, is the style. I believe one needs to keep the formal style, not say things "it might be clumsy way but...". That page is a "how to", and should keep formal concise style.
- Also, people visiting that page are expected to know that one uses Ctrl-A to select and Ctrl-C to copy.
- The most important thing, this article is not about teaching people how to use an editor. The purpose of this page is how to transfer things to an editor and back. I would like to ask you to read the sections below in the article, then this will become clear.
- There is a huge amount of text editors out there. We cannot explain what is the best way of editing in each one of them. We should not explain people how to use an editor at all.
- We can certainly arrive at a compromise. I would think however, that one paragraph about how to do cut&paste should be enough. Oleg Alexandrov 03:24, 1 May 2005 (UTC)
- And no, it is not our job to tell people that previews are not saved.
- You could add some of the contents I removed for example as a stand-alone section for Microsoft Word towards the bottom, in line with the other editors. And it is not good advice to turn off spell-checking, as spell-checking is one of the most important reasons to use an editor — not the reason you put, that your changes might not be saved otherwise. Oleg Alexandrov 03:32, 1 May 2005 (UTC)
I'm not sure what you mean about spell-checking. You need to turn off automatic spell-checking, the kind that arbitrarily "fixes" your "mistakes", because markup and other wiki-specific weirdness will run afoul of this. I never gave any such reason as you describe.
- I misunderstood you then, sorry. That's right, automatic spellchecking is not necessary, but spellchecking itself must be there.
- Above, what I wanted to say, is that you listed saving the text locally as one of the reasons to use an external editor. You are right, that's a good reason. But other reasons are more important, and among which I will certainly list spellchecking. I did not word well what I wrote above, hope it is clearer now. Oleg Alexandrov 01:19, 3 May 2005 (UTC)
This is Wikipedia namespace, not article mainspace. We can be a little chatty and how-to here; it's what this is for.
- Writing things like "rest assured that your work will not be lost" is a bit off I think. Besides, it is good to keep up with the overall article style, which was not chit-chatty. But this is arguable. Oleg Alexandrov 01:19, 3 May 2005 (UTC)
I request a statement of personal bias. I am, in theory, strongly against anything that comes out of Redmond -- my platform is Mac, my browser Mozilla, my email client Eudora. I gratuitously villify Devil Gates at every convenient opportunity.
However, I am partial to Microsoft Word -- I use an old version, without a lot of the recent garbage. I've even become a fan of Excel -- although I still prefer FileMaker Pro for most data-handling, nothing beats a damn good spreadsheet. So, you see, I lack commitment to my bias.
Please state your position on Microsoft products. If you are hotly against them, then I am just going to get out of the way of this. I have better things to do, and my heart is not in the fight. — Xiong熊talk* 01:11, 2005 May 3 (UTC)
- I have nothing against Word. Nothing absolutely. As I said above, you are more than welcome to add a section for Microsoft word, along the other editors. My point was, that you tried to make a very long section there, putting lots of things, from Word, to Ctrl-A, to chit-chat and so on. That was bad style, and I still doubt whether one needed an explicit section on how to paste from a browser edit box to an editor. Anybody should know that.
- I hope this clarified things a bit. Oleg Alexandrov 01:19, 3 May 2005 (UTC)
For the record, here is the deleted text:
Editing Wikipedia using common text editors and word processors
It may seem rather clumsy, but you can begin to edit a page, select the entire contents of the edit box (it's usually most convenient to do so using Ctrl+A when positioned in the edit window), copy it (Ctrl+C) and then paste it (Ctrl+V) into your favorite word processor. When you finish editing the wiki markup, again select it all, and copy-and-paste it back to the Wikipedia edit box. Clumsy, but much less work than rewriting your edits after an inadvertant keypress loses it all forever.
Remember, previews are not saved! So if something goes wrong when you press the "Show preview" button, or shortly after, your edits may be lost. It's a common mistake to decide that one's edit is complete and correct, then be distracted for a moment, and close or link away from a "live" editing window. That text is gone. But it is trivial to save an external editor's temporary workfile to your local disk; even if your entire system crashes, you probably will be able to retrieve your work.
You might try to guard against loss by avoiding previews and saving every small revision in the course of your edit using the "Save page" button. We discourage this, because it creates a long list of minor revisions in the page history. Every time you save a page, the previous version is archived "forever". So, use previews to check progressive changes, and only save the page when you're reasonably satisfied with your edits.
You may work to perfect formatting techniques by making small changes in the edit box and previewing them; fine. Just remember to copy out those changes every so often to your external editor.
To ease eyestrain and head off some other complications of using a word processor such as Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect to edit wiki markup, choose a monospaced font such as Courier and turn off automatic spelling and grammar checking. It may be helpful also to choose a Landscape or Wide paper orientation (to delay word wrap). You might also choose a plain text editor such as Optima PageSpinner or the popular BBEdit by Bare Bones Software. Both of these tools will also help you insert standard HTML markup; this is usually discouraged, but there are times it is necessary.
Whatever your external editor, you will discover it outshines your browser's implementation of the edit box. And you'll rest easier knowing your work is safe.
Security update may block some bots/tools
An emergency security release may currently be blocking access to existing bots and tools like editors. "Additional protections have been added against off-site form submissions hijacking user credentials. Authors of bot tools may need to update their code to include additional fields". To get started, you'll have to fetch the wpEditToken value from an edit form after you login, and provide that with your save form submissions. The new release is live on all Wikimedia hosted sites and is a recommended security update for all MediaWiki sites. See the release notes for more details of what you need to do to modify a bot or tool to deal with this. Please also take the opportunity to add rate limiting based on how long the last response took. It's also important that any page saves/updates are single threaded (one edit at a time) and vital that they do not retry after a timeout of less than 3 minutes, or when they see a database error, since those actions amount to a denial of service attack on the site when it is overloaded. Jamesday 20:20, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
Links for maintenance
If I put the text of the example in the edit box it gives
link External link [editorial remark]
- Bullet
- Definition
- Numbered list
- Excessive indenting
This: # is not a numbered list HTML formattingbold-italicbold <a href="Hello">Absence of HTML formatting</a>
italicbold''bold-italic'' bold links are not very bold Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \left<Not-A\right>} =H1= ==H2== This is meant to be at the start of the line: ===H3=== ====H4==== =====H5===== ======H6=====
This looks rather messy and contains an error message. Is the example not supposed to be a colored version of what is in the edit box? - Patrick 12:09 19 Jul 2003 (UTC)
- It's meant to be a compact demostration of the features of the syntax file, not a demonstration of the ideal way to write an article. The error is unfortunate, it looked like valid TeX to me (and to Vim). It could be fixed, I guess. But it is a coloured version of what's in the edit box, isn't it? -- Tim Starling 12:30 19 Jul 2003 (UTC)
Okay, now it is already better:
link External link [editorial remark]
- Bullet
- Definition
- Numbered list
- Excessive indenting
This: # is not a numbered list HTML formattingbold-italicbold <a href="Hello">Absence of HTML formatting</a>
italicbold''bold-italic'' bold links are not very bold =H1= ==H2== This is meant to be at the start of the line: ===H3=== ====H4==== =====H5===== ======H6=====
Note that bold italics should have 5 dashes, not 4. - Patrick 13:35 19 Jul 2003 (UTC)
- Why on earth do you want to put the result shown by the browser on the actual page? -- Tim Starling 14:53 19 Jul 2003 (UTC)
- You can then compare, and see e,g, that bold is already shown bold by Vim, but headers are not shown big. Vim gives an intermediate representation. Also the example of absence of HTML formatting that is included, is demonstrated. - Patrick 15:30 19 Jul 2003 (UTC)
- But it's so ugly :P You're assuming the readers of this page don't know how wiki-markup works. And it's too long now, the idea was to have one section per editor. I'm sure it won't be long before someone writes one for Emacs. I was even thinking about leaving the sample split off, because it was getting long before. -- Tim Starling 16:28 19 Jul 2003 (UTC)
- It seems natural, when constructing something intermediate between two things, to show all three. Here one is not needed, the edit box form, because it is identical to the Vim form without the colors and fonts, so that leaves two. The ugliness is partly due to the example, it can be improved. If it is too long the article can be split. - Patrick 17:11 19 Jul 2003 (UTC)
If you're going to show "how syntax highlighting looks in vim", shouldn't you use an actual screenshot? —Paul A 01:12, 12 Aug 2003 (UTC)
- The HTML version is very realistic (generated by 2html.vim), and takes less time to download. How it looks depends on your OS and your colour scheme, anyway. Do you think it's a problem? -- Tim Starling 00:19, Aug 14, 2003 (UTC)
The Wikipedia.vim file seems to be in dos format, and generated errors on my system. It is probably self-evident, but converting it with :set fileformat=unix :wq fixes that. --Kornelis 20:34, 21 Jun 2004 (UTC)
On "For the less experienced: Help on selecting a text editor
Probably many non-nerd-people who would like to use an wikipedia-enhanced text editor do not use any of the text editors mentioned on the page. Therefore they have to select one. I think we should provide some help about that on the page.
I got critized, because the text below contains only arguments in favor of Eclipse. It would be great if the users of other text editors could add their arguments. Then we could eventually put a not biased version on the page.
Proposed content Section title: For the less experienced: Help on selecting a text editor
This is a collection of hints which help the less computer experienced to choose a external text editor for editing Wikipedia-articles. See below for more info on specific editors.
- The Eclipse plugin displays an automatically updating outline of the article and supports collapsing sections. This is extremely useful for improving the outline of big articles.
- Learning Emacs or Vim can be extremely useful for you, but do that only if you are looking for a good text editor for the rest of your life. If you want a quick solution just to get a little help with editing Wikipedia-arcticles, look for something different. Emacs and Vim are extremely powerful, but take considerable time to getting used working with them. --HelgeHan (signed by Oleg Alexandrov)
- First of all, please sign your posts.
- The problem is that people will never agree on what a good editor is. If you check the edit history, there was a lengthy paragraph before you on how to use Microsoft Word and how it should be the first choice of people or so.
- I think people are smart enough to realize for themselves what their favorite editor is. And please understand, the point of this page is not about which editor to use, it is about how to get a bunch of known editors to work with Wikipedia. Let's keep focused. Oleg Alexandrov 16:00, 24 July 2005 (UTC)
There is no need for people to agree on which is the best text editor; but information about the differences between the editors would be helpful.
Even for smart people it is a lot of work to install and try out several editors. Having some hints about them before trying them would save many people lots of time. Some people will go for a powerful editors, some will prefer a simple one.
If you want to keep this page focused on the "howto", then how about linking to a new page which gives hints about the differences? Would that be okay with you?
You wrote "There is a huge amount of text editors out there. We cannot explain what is the best way of editing in each one of them." Why do you think so? How many arcticles does Wikipedia have now? Don't you think it could hold one article for each text editor in the world with Wikipedia-specific hints about this editor? If there are people who want to write that, why stop them? HelgeHan 16:40, 26 July 2005 (UTC)
- I will not mind if you create a page explaining the differences between various editors. You can of course link to that from this page. However, I strongly suspect that such a page would not be considered encyclopedic, and somebody (not me) might submit it for deletion. Good luck. :) Oleg Alexandrov 19:27, 26 July 2005 (UTC)
Okay, I will. :) It doesn't need to be encyclopedic, because it will reside in the Wikipedia:Project namespace just as this page. HelgeHan 13:57, 27 July 2005 (UTC)
As a user who came to this article via Help:Contents#Editing_Wikipedia_-_The_Basics and then "edit with an external editor" (Wikipedia:Text_editor_support) I have found both the main page and the discussion to be useless. Those links funnel you to the page as a HELP TOPIC, and the page doesn't provide help. It provides a history of "text editors to wiki" problems and coding issues! Either the Help:Contents pages should be pointing to a different page or the current page should be deleted and started from scratch. <Sigh> All I want to know is how to add to wiki's (not just this one) without having to resort to manually writing [[]] everywhere and '''''' etc. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO WRITE THIS STUFF WITHOUT MANUAL TAGS! (I would also love to know how I can convert 100+ pages of formated text into a wiki format, but that simple functionality just seems crazy now.)None Error 16:08, 8 February 2006 (UTC)
Character set issues
It would be nice to have guidance on preserving the Wikipedia character set while editing in external editors. (SEWilco 14:40, 25 October 2005 (UTC))
- Well, the issue is with the text editors. For example, XEmacs, my favorite editor, will ruin Unicode. I think Emacs, and surely Vim do not have a problem with that. Don't know what else to say. Oleg Alexandrov (talk) 15:24, 25 October 2005 (UTC)
- I'm not sure about Vim being safe. I'm also not sure about it being unsafe. I've seen some odd hints. (SEWilco 15:46, 25 October 2005 (UTC))
- It depends on your 'encoding' and possibly your 'fileencodings'/'fileencoding' option. If your 'encoding' option is set to "utf-8" you'll likely be okay. -- Heptite 01:41, 26 October 2005 (UTC)
- Yup, that's a Vim option. Suggestions for any other editors? (SEWilco 19:01, 1 November 2005 (UTC))
- It depends on your 'encoding' and possibly your 'fileencodings'/'fileencoding' option. If your 'encoding' option is set to "utf-8" you'll likely be okay. -- Heptite 01:41, 26 October 2005 (UTC)
- I'm not sure about Vim being safe. I'm also not sure about it being unsafe. I've seen some odd hints. (SEWilco 15:46, 25 October 2005 (UTC))
Regarding the comment about Wikipedia.vim not being in the Vim distribution/CVS -- It would be accepted if someone were to submit it and accept responsibility for maintaining it, but it's also a very "quick and dirty" syntax file and needs work before it's submitted. -- Heptite (T) (C) (@) 05:16, 23 December 2005 (UTC)
- Has anybody considered what will happen if someone adds "
:!rm -rf ~/*
" to Wikipedia.vim? (Hint: it's not something nice and it is exactly as simple as it looks.) I'd strongly suggest showing the contents of Wikipedia.vim on a separate page to cut and paste (so users will at least look at it) instead of in a download-only mime-typed file.
Default on the bottom
The first links in the Mozilla section of the article about editor instruction - The top most line should describe the need for the UTF-8 ready editor. I'd fix it but my plates full.
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