A Royal Commissioner, or panel of Royal Commissioners, is appointed by letters patent to preside over the commission of inquiry. The Commissioner has considerable powers, generally greater than those of a judge. However, the powers of the Commissioner are restricted to the terms of reference of the commission handed down by the Governor-General in the letters patent. Once a Commission has started the government cannot end it, and thus the government is careful in framing the terms of reference,[2] and may place a time limit for an inquiry. The terms of reference may be amended and the time for an inquiry may be extended, at the government's discretion.
The Royal Commissions Act 1902 received Royal Assent on 8 August 1902. The Act allows the Governor-General to issue letters patent in the name of the Crown for a Commission of Inquiry. Specifically, the Act grants the Governor-General the power to make or authorise any inquiry, or to issue any commission to make any inquiry. The terms of reference of the inquiry must relate to the peace, order and good government of the Commonwealth, any public purpose or any power of the Commonwealth.[3]
The legislation provides that a Royal Commissioner has the power to issue a summons to a person to appear before the Commission at a hearing, to give evidence or to produce documents or other things specified in the summons.[4] The commission has a discretion whether it will require a person appearing at a hearing to take an oath or give an affirmation to tell the truth.
A person served with a summons or a notice to produce documents must comply with that requirement, or face prosecution for an offence. The penalty for conviction upon such an offence is two years imprisonment.[5] However, the Act excuses the penalty for failing to attend if a reasonable excuse can be provided (self-incrimination is not a reasonable excuse, however, as statements or documents tended by witnesses are not admissible in evidence against the witness).
Terence Cole, who presided over the Cole Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry (2001 – 2003) and also presided over the Cole Inquiry into certain Australian companies in relation to the UN Oil-For-Food Programme (2005 – 2006)
H. C. Coombs, who presided over the Royal Commission on Australian Government Administration (1974 – 1976)
Frank Costigan, who presided over the Costigan Commission on the activities of the Federated Ship Painters and Dockers Union (1980 – 1984)
Elizabeth Evatt, who presided over the Royal Commission on human relationships (1974 – 1978)
Ronald Wilson, who jointly presided over the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families (1995 – 1997); published as the Bringing Them Home report
to inquire into and report upon the arrangements made for the transport of troops returning from service in South Africa in the S.S. "Drayton Grange" (1902)
on sites for the seat of government of the Commonwealth (1903)
on the Bonuses for Manufactures Bill (1903–1904)
on the butter industry (1904–1905)
on the Navigation Bill (1904–1906)
on the affray at Goaribari Island, British New Guinea, on the 6th of March, 1904 (1904)
on customs and excise tariffs (1904–1907)
on old-age pensions (1905–1906)
on the tobacco monopoly (1905–1906)
on ocean shipping service (1906)
British New Guinea—Royal Commission of inquiry into the present conditions, including the method of government, of the Territory of Papua, and the best means of their improvement (1906–1907)
on secret drugs, cures, and foods (1906–1907)
on postal services (1908–1910)
on insurance (1908–1910)
on stripper harvesters and drills (1908–1909)
on Tasmanian customs leakage (1910–1911)
on the sugar industry (1911–1912)
on the pearl-shelling industry (1912–1916)
on the fruit industry (1912–1914)
to inquire into certain charges against Mr. Henry Chinn (1913)
on Northern Territory railways and ports (1913–1914)
on powellised timber (1913–1914)
upon the Commonwealth electoral law and administration (1914–1915)
on meat export trade (1914)
on food supplies and trade and industry during the war (1914)
on mail services and trade development between Australia and the New Hebrides (1915)
on Liverpool Military Camp, New South Wales (1915)
on the charges made by D. L. Gilchrist concerning the construction of the western section of the Kalgoorlie to Port Augusta Railway (1916)
to inquire into and report upon certain charges against the Administrator and other officers of the Northern Territory Administration (1916)
on Federal Capital Administration (1916–1917)
on Java and the East Indies, Singapore and the Straits Settlements (1917–1918)
on Navy and Defence Administration (1917–1919)
on the war—Australian Imperial Force. Report as to number of members fit for active service and number of reinforcements and enlistments required (1918)
on Public Service administration, Commonwealth of Australia (1918–1920)
upon the public expenditure of the Commonwealth of Australia with a view to effecting economies (1918–1921)
on taxation of leasehold estates in Crown lands (1918–1919)
on the basic wage (1919–1920)
on the sugar industry (1919–1920)
on industrial troubles on Melbourne wharfs (1919–1920)
on late German New Guinea (1919–1920)
to inquire into complaints by the munition worker passengers to Australia by the transport "Bahia Castillo" (1919)
on Northern Territory Administration (1919–1920)
on taxation (1920–1923)
on the increase of the selling price of coal (1920)
upon the loyalty to the British Crown of German Nationals resident in Australia whose property is liable to a charge created by the Treaty of Peace Regulations made under the Treaty of Peace (Germany) Act 1919–1920 (1921)
on the circumstances attending the supposed loss at sea of the steamship "Sumatra" (1923)
in connection with sugar purchases by the Commonwealth through Mr. W. E. Davies in September and October, 1920 (1923–1924)
in connection with joinery supplied to the War Service Homes Commissioner in March, 1920 (1923–1924)
on the method for determining the unimproved value of land held under Crown leases (1924–1925)
on the assessment of war service disabilities (1924–1925)
to inquire into extracts from the reports in Parliamentary Debates of speeches made by Mr. Scullin in the House of Representatives on 7 and 19 August 1924, in relation to land tax matters (1924–1925)
on the finances of Western Australia, as affected by Federation (1924–1925)
on health (1925–1926)
on Norfolk Island affairs (1926)
on certain matters in connexion with the British Phosphate Commission (1926)
to inquire into allegations affecting members of the Parliamentary Joint Committee of Public Accounts in connexion with claims made by broadcasting companies against the Commonwealth Government (1930)
on Jacob Johnson (1931)
on performing rights (1932–1933)
on taxation (1932–1934)
on mineral oils and petrol and other products of mineral oils (1933–1935)
on the wheat, flour and bread industries (1934–1936)
to inquire into and report upon the circumstances associated with the retirement of Lieutenant-Commander Alan Dermot Casey from the Royal Australian Navy (1934)
to inquire into the monetary and banking systems at present in operation in Australia (1935–1937)
on doctors' remuneration for national insurance service and other contract practice (1938)
to inquire into and report upon the contract or contracts with Abbco Bread Co. Pty. Limited for the supply of bread to the Department of the Army, and other matters (1941)
to inquire into circumstances under which certain public monies were used and to whom, and for what purposes such moneys were paid (1941)
an inquiry into a statement that there was a document missing from the official files in relation to "The Brisbane Line" (1943)
to inquire into and report upon certain transactions of the Sydney Land Sales Control Office, and the Canberra Land Sales Control Office of the Treasury (1947)
to inquire into certain transactions in relation to timber rights in the Territory of Papua-New Guinea (1949)
on the Port Augusta to Alice Springs Railway (1951–1952)
on alleged improper practices and improper refusal to co-operate with the Victoria Police Force on the part of persons employed in the Postmaster-General's Department in Victoria in relation to illegal gambling (1962–1963)
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