Relaxation stands quite generally for a release of tension, a return to equilibrium.
In the sciences, the term is used in the following ways:
- Relaxation (physics), and more in particular:
- Relaxation (NMR), processes by which nuclear magnetization returns to the equilibrium distribution
- Dielectric relaxation, the delay in the dielectric constant of a material
- Vibrational energy relaxation, the process by which molecules in high energy quantum states return to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
- Chemical relaxation methods, related to temperature jump
- Relaxation oscillator, a type of electronic oscillator
In mathematics:
- Relaxation (approximation), a technique for transforming hard constraints into easier ones
- Relaxation (iterative method), a technique for the numerical solution of equations
- Relaxation (extension method), a technique for a natural extension in mathematical optimization or variational problems
In computer science:
- Relaxation (computing), the act of substituting alternative program code during linking
In physiology, hypnosis, meditation, recreation:
- Relaxation (psychology), the emotional state of low tension
- Relaxation technique, an activity that helps a person to relax
In ecclesiastical law:
- Relaxation in person, transfer of a condemned person so that secular authorities execute a death sentence
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