This is a list of public holidays in Kazakhstan:[1][2]
Public holidays
Date | English name | Local name/s | Notes |
1-2 January | New Year's Day | Жаңа жыл (Jańa jyl) Новый Год (Novyy God) |
7 January | Orthodox Christmas | Рождество Христово (Rojdestvo hrıstovo / Rozhdestvo Khristovo) |
An official holiday since 2007 |
8 March | International Women's Day | Халықаралық әйелдер күні (Xalyqaralyq áıelder kúni) Международный женский день (Mezhdunarodnyy zhenskiy den') |
21-23 March | Nauryz Meyramy | Наурыз мейрамы (Naýryz meıramy) | Originally the Persian New Year, is traditionally a springtime holiday marking the beginning of a new year. |
1 May | Kazakhstan People's Unity Day | Қазақстан халқының бірлігі мерекесі (Qazaqstan xalqynyń birligi merekesi) |
7 May | Defender of the Fatherland Day | Отан Қорғаушы күні (Otan Qorǵaýshy kuni) День Защитника Отечества (Den' Zashchitnika Otechestva) |
An official holiday since 2013 |
9 May | Great Patriotic War Against Fascism Victory Day | Жеңіс күні (Jeńis kúni) День Победы (Den' Pobedy) |
A holiday in the former Soviet Union carried over
to present-day Kazakhstan and other former republics (Except Baltic countries) |
6 July | Capital City Day | Астана күні (Astana kúni) День столицы (Den' stolitsy) |
Birthday of the first President of Kazakhstan |
30 August | Constitution Day | Конституция күні (Konstıtýcıya kúni) День Конституции (Den' Konstitutsii) |
Last day of Hajj |
Kurban Aita | Құрбан айт (Kurban ait) Курбан айт (Kurban ait) |
An official holiday since 2007 |
25 October | Republic Day | Республика күні (Respublika kúni) День Республики (Den' Respubliki) |
An official holiday since 2022 |
16 December | Independence Day | Тәуелсіздік күні (Táýelsizdik kúni) День независимости (Den' nezavisimosti) |
Independence from the Soviet Union |
a Eid al-Adha, the Islamic "Feast of Sacrifice".
Other holidays
- National Guard Day - 10 January
- Day of the State Security Service of Kazakhstan - 21 April[3]
- Police Day - 23 June
- Border Guards Day - 18 August
- Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions - 30 October
- ^ Kazakhstan Public Holidays Archived 9 February 2016 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 14 January 2013.
- ^ "Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Archived from the original on 16 October 2015. Retrieved 31 May 2013.
- ^ День Службы государственной охраны Республики Казахстан
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