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Martin Helme
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf suspends Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry on charges of misuse of authority. (IBN)
Following a recent referendum , the Portuguese Parliament votes to legalise abortion until the tenth week of pregnancy . (BBC)
The European Union agrees to new targets to combat climate change including having a fifth of its power from renewable sources and 10% of its vehicles from biofuels . (Canadian Press)
Ugandan judges end a week-long strike after President Yoweri Museveni expressed regret over an incident where security men seized Opposition supporters from the High Court of Uganda. (Reuters Alertnet)
The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit strikes down the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 , a local law in the District of Columbia which banned residents from keeping handguns at home, on Second Amendment grounds. (Bloomberg)
Nepal :
Results from the Northern Ireland Assembly election show the DUP and Sinn Féin making gains, and ensuring that in order for direct rule to cease both parties must agree to cooperate in a powersharing Executive . (BBC)
Cuba-United States relations : The United States Coast Guard stages an exercise in Florida in preparation for a possible mass exodus from Cuba in the event of the death of Cuban leader Fidel Castro . During the drill 40 Cuban exiles reach the United States . (BBC) (BBC)
Kelvin Thomson , the Shadow Attorney-General , in Australia resigns after it is discovered that he provided a reference to fugitive accused drug trafficker Tony Mokbel when Mokbel applied for a liquor licence in 2000. (News Limited)
Iraq War : Abu Omar al-Baghdadi , leader of the insurgency group the Islamic State of Iraq , is captured in Baghdad . (BBC) , (CNN)
Doğu Perinçek is found guilty of genocide denial by a Swiss district court, making him the first person ever convicted for denial of the Armenian Genocide by a court of law.(swissinfo)
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