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Martin Helme
- Zimbabwean Minister of Lands Didymus Mutasa says the government will remove all remaining white farmers from their farms and divide their land among landless black citizens. (ReliefWeb)
- Ireland's Green Party (Comhaontas Glas) agrees to go into government with Fianna Fáil as part of Ireland's 30th Dáil when it opens on 14 June. (RTÉ)
- A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hits south of Puerto Quetzal, on Guatemala's Pacific Coast. (USA Today)
- Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom awards Sir Tim Berners-Lee the Order of Merit for his pioneering work on the worldwide web. (BBC)
- Gigantoraptor erlianensis, a gigantic birdlike dinosaur, is discovered in Inner Mongolia by paleontologist Xu Xing. (AFP via Discovery Channel)
- Shimon Peres is elected as the President of Israel after opponents bow out in the first round of the Israeli presidential elections. (Haaretz) (Los Angeles Times)
- An explosion in Beirut kills at least 10 people, including MP Walid Eido. (MSNBC)
- Hamas militants kill at least 16 Palestinians, including 2 UNRWA workers and 13 Fatah members, as clashes intensify in the Gaza Strip. (Haaretz)
- Hamas and Fatah officials claim that they have agreed on a cease-fire, but fighting continues. (BBC)
- A South African public sector strike closes down most of the schools and hospitals in that country. (BBC)
- EADS Astrium unveils its space tourism project, one week ahead of the Paris Air Show. (BBC)
- A landmark ruling by the UK's highest appeal court, the Law Lords, allows the family of an Iraqi who died in UK military custody to sue the British Government and demand a public inquiry into the circumstances of his death. (The Times) (Scotsman)
- A strike by Indian Airlines ground staff disrupts air traffic throughout India. (CNN-IBN)
- An explosion at the Al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, Iraq is reported to have destroyed two of its minarets. (Reuters Alertnet) (BBC) (Reuters)
- Indonesian police claim to have arrested Abu Dujana, the military leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah responsible for the 2002 Bali bombings. (BBC)
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