The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter (Latin: Ordinariatus Personalis Cathedrae Sancti Petri) is a Latin Church ecclesiastical jurisdiction or personal ordinariate of the Catholic Church for Anglican converts in the United States and Canada.[3] It allows these parishioners to maintain elements of Anglican liturgy and tradition in their services. The ordinariate was established by the Vatican in 2012.

Based in Houston, Texas, with the Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham as its principal church, the ordinariate includes 38 parishes and missions with 8,000 members in the United States and Canada.[4][5]

The ordinariate is under the direct authority (exempt) of the Vatican. Former members of communions of "Anglican heritage" such as the United Church of Canada are included.[6] The liturgy of the ordinariate, known as the Anglican Use, is a form of the Roman Rite with the introduction of traditional English Catholic and Anglican elements. Also called "Divine Worship" or the "Ordinariate Use", the Mass is celebrated according to Divine Worship: The Missal and the canonical hours according to Divine Worship: Daily Office.[7][8]

The ordinariate describes itself as "a structure, similar to a diocese, that was created by the Vatican in 2012 for former Anglican communities and clergy seeking to become Catholic. Once Catholic, the communities retain many aspects of their Anglican heritage, liturgy, and traditions".[9] It has also been described as "a special kind of diocese confined to specific national territory – much like a military ordinariate that serves members of a national armed forces".[10]

The original ordinariate territory was the same as that of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).[11] However, the Vatican announced on December 7, 2012, that after consulting the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), it was extending the ordinariate to include Canada.[12] Accordingly, the head of the ordinariate is a full member of both the USCCB and the CCCB.[9]


According to the decree of its erection, the ordinariate is juridically equivalent to a diocese.[13] The parishioners are led by an ordinary who is named directly by the pope. The ordinary may be a bishop, if celibate, or a priest, if married.[11]

Initially, the Vatican named all married ordinaries as apostolic protonotaries – that is, monsignors of the highest rank – soon after the respective appointments to that office. In the case of an ordinary who is an apostolic protonotary, the ordinary holds the same power of governance over the ordinariate that a diocesan bishop holds over a diocese. The only practical difference is that a bishop may ordain clergy for the ordinariate personally, whereas a non-bishop ordinary must ask a bishop to ordain clergy. In 2016, the ordinariate became the first personal ordinariate to receive a bishop with the episcopal ordination and installation of Steven J. Lopes, a bishop, as its second ordinary.[4][14]

The ordinary of an ordinariate is canonically equivalent to a diocesan bishop, and thus wears the same ecclesiastical attire and uses the same pontifical insignia (mitre, crosier, pectoral cross, and episcopal ring) as a diocesan bishop, even if he is not a bishop.[15] The ordinary is also, ex officio, a full member of the episcopal conference(s) of the territory of the ordinariate.[13]


Chancery building in Houston, Texas
Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham in Houston


In the early 21st century, a number of bishops from the Church of England and the bishops of the Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC), a global "continuing Anglican" body, independently approached the Vatican seeking some manner of corporate reunion that would preserve their autonomy and their ecclesial structure within the Catholic Church. Many of these bishops were unhappy with changes within the Anglican Church, such as the ordination of female and LGBT priests, and the consecration of same sex marriages.[16][17]

In response, Pope Benedict XVI promulgated the apostolic constitution Anglicanorum coetibus, permitting erection of personal ordinariates equivalent to dioceses, on November 4, 2009.[18]


Pursuant to Anglicanorum coetibus, the Vatican erected three ordinariates over the next three years in countries where interest among prospective Anglican clergy and communities was strongest:

The decree erecting the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter designated the Church of Our Lady of Walsingham in Houston, Texas, as its principal church, analogous to the cathedral church of a diocese.[13]


In the first weeks after the erection of the ordinariate, over 100 Anglican clergy applied to be Catholic priests in the ordinariate, and over 1,400 lay people joined.[18] Within the first year of the ordinariate's existence, the number of communities joining the ordinariate quickly grew to nearly three dozen. As of 2017, there were 43 parishes and missions (canonically, "quasi-parishes"[19]) within the ordinariate.[20]

Mount Calvary Parish in Baltimore voted to join the ordinariate in 2010. In December 2011, the parish settled in court with the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland over the church and associated properties. Thus, on January 21, 2012, Mount Calvary parish was received together as the first ordinariate parish in North America.[21]

On April 19, 2012, the Archbishop of Ottawa, Terrence Prendergast, received 30 Anglicans into the Catholic Church. They included Carl Reid, until then a bishop of the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada (ACCC). The same week in the Diocese of Victoria in British Columbia, another 23 Anglicans, including Peter Wilkinson, until then the Diocesan Bishop of the ACCC, were received into the Catholic church. These new arrivals immediately formed communities of the ordinariate.[22]

On June 26, 2012, Randy Sly, a former archbishop in the Charismatic Episcopal Church, was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Paul Loverde in Potomac Falls, Virginia.[23] On September 16, 2012, the Cathedral of the Incarnation, the cathedral of the Diocese of Eastern United States of the Anglican Church in America, was received into the ordinariate along with their bishop, Louis Campese.[24]

On February 4, 2015, the ordinariate dedicated a new chancery building, on property adjacent to its principal church (which would become its cathedral with the installation of its first bishop in 2016), Our Lady of Walsingham, in Houston.[25]

On November 24, 2015, Pope Francis appointed Steven J. Lopes as the first bishop of the personal ordinariate. It was announced that on February 2, 2016, that he would succeed the ordinariate's first ordinary, Jeffrey N. Steenson.[4] This appointment was the first time a bishop has been named to any of the three personal ordinariates.[14] With the appointment of a bishop to head the ordinariate, the principal church was elevated to a cathedral, the third in Houston.[4]

In 2017, the ordinariate inducted the last of the Anglican Use parishes originally erected under the provisions of the 1980 Pastoral Provision with the decree, on March 21, by the Vatican that "all parishes of the Pastoral Provision are to be incorporated into the Ordinariate."[26] With this decree, Our Lady of the Atonement in San Antonio – the first and also largest of the Pastoral Provision parishes founded by Rev. Christopher Phillips – became a parish of the ordinariate, along with its clergy.[27] Our Lady of the Atonement also brought with it the ordinariate's first K–12 Catholic school, The Atonement Academy, with over five hundred students enrolled. The other remaining Pastoral Provision parish, the Congregation of St. Athanasius in Boston, also joined the ordinariate pursuant to the Vatican's decree.[28]

In 2022, Cathedral High School welcomed its inaugural freshman class.[29][30]

Liturgy and Eucharist

Upon erection of the first ordinariates, the Vatican established the commission Anglicanae Traditiones to prepare liturgical books of the Anglican tradition for their use, and also for use of the communities of former Anglicans who remain under the jurisdiction of their local dioceses. This commission, under the direction of Steven Lopes, first published Divine Worship: Occasional Services containing rites for baptisms, weddings, and funerals, followed by Divine Worship: The Missal containing the rite for Mass to replace the respective rites in the Book of Divine Worship. The ordinariate missal took effect on November 27, 2015. Bishop (then bishop-elect) Steven Lopes and Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson were the principal celebrants of the first mass at the ordinariate's principal church according to the new missal.[4][14]

In his pastoral letter, "Come, Holy Ghost," released February 14, 2020, Bishop Lopes revealed the ordinariate would become the 14th Latin Church episcopal jurisdiction in the U.S. to make the reception of eucharist normally follow confirmation. It is an arrangement of the sacraments often described as "restored order", with a focus on involving the child's family in sacramental preparation. He said the norm in the ordinariate will be to admit a child to confirmation and eucharist "around the age of discretion, [according to canon law] being sometime between the ages of 7 and 11."[31][32]

In late 2020, the ordinariate published an Anglican Use form of the Liturgy of the Hours, the Divine Worship: Daily Office: North American Edition. The Personal Ordinariates of Our Lady of Walsingham and Our Lady of the Southern Cross published their own version in late 2021, Divine Worship: Daily Office: Commonwealth Edition.

Deanery of St John the Baptist

In April 2012, Steenson accepted the proposal that all Canadian Anglican converts should be organized as parishes of a deanery of the ordinariate.[33] On December 7, 2012, the ordinariate formally erected the Deanery of Saint John the Baptist for the Canadian parishes. Steenson appointed Kenyon as its first dean, with the approval of the Vatican and the support of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.[12]

On December 8, 2012, Peter Wilkinson, the former Metropolitan Bishop of Canada of the (ACCC), was ordained as a Catholic priest by Bishop Richard Gagnon at St. Andrew's Cathedral in Victoria.[34] Wilkinson was later named a prelate of honor by Pope Benedict XVI.[35] On January 26, 2013, Carl Reid, a former ACCC bishop, was ordained by Archbishop Terrence Prendergast at the Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica in Ottawa.[36]

Liturgical calendar

The liturgical calendar of the ordinariate was approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in early 2012. It is nearly identical with the two current versions of the Roman liturgical calendar for the dioceses of the United States and Canada, but it has retained some elements that form part of the Anglican patrimony.[37]

Regarding the Proper of Saints, the ordinariate follows the proper calendar of the United States (or in the Deanery of St. John the Baptist, that of Canada), as well as the following observances:[37]

Change Month Day Title of the liturgy Rank Color
Added January 12 Saint Benedict Biscop, Abbot Optional Memorial White
Added February 4 Saint Gilbert of Sempringham, Religious Optional Memorial White
Elevated[a] 22 Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle Solemnity White
Added March 1 Saint David, Bishop Optional Memorial White
Elevated[b] April 23 Saint George, Martyr Memorial Red
Transferred[c] 24 Saint Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr Optional Memorial Red
Added May 4 The English Martyrs Memorial Red
Added 19 Saints Dunstan, Ethelwold, and Oswald, Bishops Optional Memorial White
Added June 9 Saint Columba, Abbot Optional Memorial White
Added 16 Saint Richard of Chichester, Bishop Optional Memorial White
Added 20 Saint Alban, protomartyr of England Optional Memorial White
Elevated[d] 22 Saints John Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More, Martyrs Memorial Red
Transferred[e] 23 Paulinus of Nola, Bishop Optional Memorial White
Added 23 Saints Hilda, Etheldreda, and Mildred, and All Holy Nuns Optional Memorial White
Added July 9 Our Lady of the Atonement Optional Memorial White
Added August 30 Saints Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line, and Margaret Ward, Martyrs Optional Memorial Red
Added 31 Saint Aidan, Bishop, and the Saints of Lindisfarne Optional Memorial White
Added September 4 Saint Cuthbert, Bishop Optional Memorial White
Added 19 Saint Theodore of Canterbury, Bishop Optional Memorial White
Added Saint Adrian, Abbot Optional Memorial White
Added 24 Our Lady of Walsingham, Patroness of the Ordinariate Feast White
Transferred[f] October 8 Saint Denis and Companions, Martyrs Optional Memorial Red
Transferred[g] Saint John Leonardi, Priest Optional Memorial White
Added 9 Saint John Henry Newman, Priest Optional Memorial White
Added 12 Saint Wilfrid Optional Memorial White
Added 13 Saint Edward the Confessor Optional Memorial White
Added November 20 Saint Edmund, Martyr Optional Memorial Red


The following individuals have served as head of the personal ordinariate:

No. Picture Name Position Date installed Term ended Term of office Reason for term end Notes Coat-of-arms
1 Monsignor Jeffrey N. Steenson Ordinary[14] February 12, 2012 November 24, 2015 3 years, 285 days Resigned Developed program for Anglican priests wishing to join the Catholic Church.[18]
Continued as Administrator until successor installed.[4]
2 Bishop Steven Joseph Lopes Bishop[4] February 2, 2016 present 9 years, 33 days (incumbent)

See also


  1. ^ This entry is listed on the General Roman Calendar but with the lower rank of Feast.
  2. ^ This entry is listed on the General Roman Calendar but with the lower rank of Optional Memorial.
  3. ^ This entry is listed under a different date on the General Roman Calendar (April 23) but is transferred here in this calendar.
  4. ^ This entry is listed on the General Roman Calendar but with the lower rank of Optional Memorial.
  5. ^ This entry is listed under a different date on the General Roman Calendar (June 22) but is transferred here in this calendar.
  6. ^ This entry is listed under a different date on the General Roman Calendar (October 9) but is transferred here in this calendar.
  7. ^ This entry is listed under a different date on the General Roman Calendar (October 9) but is transferred here in this calendar.


  1. ^ a b "The Chair of Saint Peter (Personal Ordinariate) [Catholic-Hierarchy]".
  2. ^ "The Chair of Saint Peter (Personal Ordinariate) [Catholic-Hierarchy]".
  3. ^ "How To Join the Ordinariate". Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. Archived from the original on March 11, 2015. Retrieved December 31, 2022.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g Barned-Smith, St. John; Turner, Allan (November 24, 2015). "From Houston, new bishop will reach out across the nation". The Houston Chronicle. Retrieved November 27, 2015.
  5. ^ "About Us". Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter. Retrieved October 5, 2022.
  6. ^ "How To Join the Ordinariate". Archived from the original on March 11, 2015. Retrieved March 7, 2018.
  7. ^ "Latest News - Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham". Retrieved June 17, 2020.
  8. ^ "Ordinariate unveils new Mass text that draws on Cranmer". Catholic Herald. London, England, UK. October 11, 2013. Retrieved June 29, 2016.
  9. ^ a b "Ordinariate Questions & Answers". Archived from the original on August 30, 2015. Retrieved December 26, 2013.
  10. ^ "Mt. Calvary Catholic Church". Retrieved March 15, 2018.
  11. ^ a b Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (January 1, 2012). "Decree of Erection of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter". Holy See. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  12. ^ a b "Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops". Archived from the original on December 25, 2013. Retrieved December 24, 2013.
  13. ^ a b c Patel, Purva (February 12, 2012). "Cardinals install Catholic convert in rarefied post". Houston Chronicle. Retrieved February 13, 2012.
  14. ^ a b c d SMITH, PETER JESSERER (November 25, 2015). "Historic Day for Catholics of Anglican Heritage as Pope Francis Names First Ordinariate Bishop". National Catholic Register. EWTN News, Inc. Archived from the original on April 24, 2016. Retrieved May 27, 2016.
  15. ^ Ceremonial of Bishops, Congregation for Divine Worship, September 14, 1984, No. 1206.
  16. ^ "Why Are Anglican Bishops Becoming Catholic?". NCR. March 17, 2022. Retrieved October 5, 2022.
  17. ^ "Vatican welcomes Anglicans into Catholic Church -". Retrieved October 5, 2022.
  18. ^ a b c "Anglicans have U.S. home in Catholic church". USAToday. AP.
  19. ^ Canon 516, Codex juris canonici.
  20. ^ "Parish Finder". Retrieved July 19, 2017.
  21. ^ Sutton, Eugene Taylor (January 21, 2012). "One spiritual family living in two houses". Baltimore Sun. Retrieved May 27, 2016.
  22. ^ Gyapong, Deborah (April 19, 2012). "Canadian Anglican groups welcomed into Catholic Church". The Catholic Register. Retrieved June 13, 2020.
  23. ^ "Area Man Transitions from Anglican Archbishop to Catholic Priest". Leesburg Today. Archived from the original on April 11, 2013. Retrieved March 8, 2013.
  24. ^ "American Anglican bishop goes to Rome, brings cathedral congregation with him". Virtue Online. Retrieved March 8, 2013.
  25. ^ STAFF, ORDINARIATE (February 4, 2015). "New Chancery dedicated and blessed". Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. Retrieved March 22, 2017.
  26. ^ FABER, JENNY (March 21, 2017). "Becoming One". Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. POCSP. Retrieved March 22, 2017.
  27. ^ "Becoming One". Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter. Retrieved June 17, 2020.
  28. ^ "Congregation of St. Athanasius celebrates 20th year". Retrieved June 17, 2020.
  29. ^ "Cathedral High School". Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church. Retrieved September 20, 2022.
  30. ^ "About Cathedral".
  31. ^ "Ordinariate Becomes 14th U.S. 'Restored Order' Diocese". National Catholic Register. March 22, 2020. Retrieved March 22, 2020.
  32. ^ Lopes, Most Rev. Steven J. (February 14, 2020). ""Come, Holy Ghost"" (PDF). Pastoral Letter to the Clergy and Faithful of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter. Archived from the original (PDF) on March 22, 2020. Retrieved March 22, 2020.
  33. ^ "Canadian Anglican Bishops Received Into Church". ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome. Archived from the original on April 22, 2012.
  34. ^ "Former Anglican Archbishop is Happy to be a Catholic parish priest". s-National Catholic Register. Archived from the original on December 12, 2012. Retrieved December 10, 2012.
  35. ^ Pope Bestows Papal Honor on Canadian Ordinariate Priest Archived April 16, 2013, at
  36. ^ "Former Anglican Archbishop ordained as Catholic priest". s-The B.C. Catholic Peper. Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved January 26, 2013.
  37. ^ a b "Liturgical Calendar for the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter" (PDF).

Further reading

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