The Precision Integrated-optics Near-infrared Imaging Experiment (PIONIER) is a visiting instrument at the ESO's Paranal Observatory,[1] part of the VLTI astronomical observatory. It combines the light from four telescopes simultaneously and provide 0.002 arc seconds of angular resolution, the equivalent angular resolution of a 100 m telescope.[citation needed]
PIONIER has been built at LAOG and has been installed at VLTI in November 2010.[citation needed]
See also
- ^ "All Four VLT Unit Telescopes Working as One". ESO Picture of the Week. Retrieved 15 November 2011.
External links
- ipag
.osug .fr /twiki /bin /view /Ipag /Projets /Pionier /WebHome IPAG (Grenoble) - PIONIER project home - OSUG Grenoble – PIONIER instrument
- www
.eso .org /sci /facilities /paranal /instruments /pionier .html ESO PIONIER – instrument description - www
.eso .org /sci /facilities /paranal /telescopes /vlti /index .html ESO VLTI – about the interferometer at the VLT
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