Mahilpur is a city and a Nagar Panchayat in Hoshiarpur district in the Indian state Punjab Founded by Bains Clan & named after Chaudhary Mahla Bains who was Jagirdar of area, Pur stands for town or settlement so town came to be known as Mahilpur which means( town of Mahlo).It is situated on Hoshiarpur to Garhshankar stretch of State Highway 24. It is famous for the game of football in the region. Mahilpur is connected by road to nearby districts, states and towns such as Jaijon, Jalandhar, Pathankot, Mohali, Chandigarh. Mahilpur is a development block. Mahilpur block has 140 villages in it.[1] It as also known as the soccer-town of India given the craze of football among the people of Mahilpur town and its surrounding villages. It belongs to the Sirowal area in the Doaba region of Punjab. Mahilpur had its first bank as Punjab National Bank in 1946 which operates two branches in the city. Mahilpur is famous for mangoes in the region.
As per history the village was founded by Bains Jatts as the headquarters of this tribe, as well as 16 villages that belongs to this area.[2] they say their ancestor came here from Pothohar region of Punjab during the reign of Firoz Shah Tughlaq.[3][4] Biru Bains was ahalkar in the army of Raja mal dev who ruled area around Pothohar he accepted Islam and became Raja mal khan, during the invasion of Feroz shah Tughlaq Bains Jats joined his army and came eastwards from Pothohar to Doaba the ones who were Ahalkars in army stayed at what is now Mahilpur and the ones who were soldiers settled and founded the remaining 11 villages of Pathrala, Khera, Bharta, Ganeshpur, Gondpur, Nangal Khurd, Daduwal, Chambal kalan, Rasulpur, Nangal Kalan and Sarhala Khurd, this village group is known as Wara of Bains and Bahowal, which is not part of the wara, was founded by Baho Bains.[5]
Biru had a Son Chaudhary Khangan/Sangan Bains, Chaudhary Khangan/ Sangan had a Son Chaudhary Udvesal also known as Udarmal, Chaudhary Uadarmal had a son named Chaudhary Makhan and Chaudhary Makhan had a Son named Chaudhary Bhoola and Chaudhary Bhoola had 3 Sons (Mahla/Mahlo, Bidhi and Baho) Chaudhary Mahla founded Mahalpur/Mahilpur, Bidhi died during the young age, Baho founded Bahowal, Chaudhary Mahla( also known as mahlo) had a son Chaudhary Mehmad, Mehmad had many wives and his descendants founded Pattis of Mahilpur and property of Mehmad got Divided into his sons as per Chundawand, Chaudhary Sagta was Elder son of Mehmad and descendant of Sagta was Chaudhary Durga and son of Chaudhry Durga was Chuadhary Ram rai just like his fathers and grandfathers he was Chaudhary of Mahilpur and the remaining 127 Villages of the area in 1700s.[5] Even earlier During the time of Akbar village Group was known as ਦੋ ਸੌ ਸਤਾਈ ਦਾ ਟਿੱਕਾ means group of 227 villages, but as per other records it was known as ਇੱਕ ਸੌ ਸਤਾਈ ਦਾ ਟਿੱਕਾ and the number of villages were 127.[6]
During the reign of Akbar under the emperors of Delhi, prior to the Sikh contest, the Jullundur Doab was divided into 36 parganas, in Hoshiarpur Parganas/Taluqdaris were held by Ghorewah rajputs of Garhshankar, Bains Jatts of Mahilpur, Jatts of Budipind and Sahota Jatts of Garhdiwala and (Jullundur) city by Patháns.[7]
Chaudhary Ram rai Bains Died while Fighting against raja of kangra and his other enemy Chaudhary of jaijon and due to this Mahilpur lost some villages there was a Small fort constructed by Mahilpur Chaudhries surrounding the village and some other small fortified positions in the villages under their jagir to control & tackle the invasions( full story is below in different section) . In later stages of 18th century Mahilpur again recovered lost areas and Taluqdar/Chaudhary of mahilpur at that time was Chaudhary Gulab Rai Bains who was under the faujdar of jalandhar and Subahdar of lahore later in 1757 Sikh Misls Defeated the former imperial forces, Because Mahilpur's Jagirdar Chaudhary Gulab Rai was Imperial Chaudhary Sikhs also punished him for assisting imperial forces during the anti sikh campaigns and ended Mahilpur jagir as punishment in that year, but 2 years later in year 1759 Chaudhary Gulab Rai Bains due to his fighting and diplomatic skills joined and helped Sikh misls during the invasion of Sarhind Province and fought against the imperial forces and later secured villages in Jagir/Chaudhar like Achharwal and villages in Adampur area and some in Ludhiana and later entered in the services of Nabha Riyasat[5][8][9] (read the remaining story is below in Bains Sardars section). After the Chaudhary Gulab rai Bains, Mahilpur came under Sardar Tara Singh Kang (Ghaiba) of Misl Dallewalia and he gave mahilpur to his son Sardar Jhanda Singh Kang when Maharaja Ranjit Singh captured Dallewalia territory but he let Sardar Jhanda Singh to have Mahilpur as his Chaudhar but after his death Mahilpur again went under the Bains Control.
Mahilpur Chaudhries were among70 Chaudhries of Punjab Representing and connected to Delhi Darbar During the Reign of Mughal Emperor Akbar.
There was one more village Paldi which was exhanged by Bains Jats with Minhas rajputs of village kandhola near Jalandhar. as a whole there are 22 Villages of Bains Jatts in District Hoshiarpur and it as known as Bahiya of Bains
Traditional Punjabi folk Vaars related to Bains Jatt Chaudhries of Mahilpur :-
" ਮਾਹਲਪੁਰ ਬੈਂਸਾਂ ਦਾ ਭਾਰਾ, ਇਕੋ ਜੇਡੇ ਸਭ ਸਰਦਾਰਾ
ਇਕਸੇ ਬੈਂਸ ਕਪੂਰੇ ਬਾਝੋਂ, ਹੋਰ ਸਾਰਾ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਗਵਾਰਾਂ ਦਾ।
ਹੀਰਾਂ ਦਾ ਪੁਰ ਰਾਠੀਚਾਰਾ, ਵਡੀ ਵਸੋਂ ਘੁੱਗ ਪਸਾਰਾ।
ਚੜ੍ਹਦੇ ਲਹਿੰਦੇ ਮੱਲ ਗੁਜ਼ਾਰਾਂ, ਖੇੜਾ ਇਹ ਸਰਦਾਰਾਂ ਦਾ। "[10]
Vaar Punjab ki by Mir Ghulam 1740s
" ਗਿਲਾਂ ਦਾ ਖਾਨ ਪੁਰ ਖੇੜਾ, ਸਰਵਰ ਢੋਡੇ ਵਾਲਾ
ਕੰਢੀ ਬੈਂਸ ਵੱਸਣ ਬਲਕੋਰੇ, ਲੀਹਲ ਪਰਵਦਗਾਰਾ
ਹੀਰਾਂ ਦਾ ਪੁਰ ਵੱਡਾ ਖੇੜਾ, ਕਿਲਾ ਖੂਬ ਕਰਾਰਾ
ਖੋਖੋਵਾਲ ਘੁਮਾਣਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਚੌਂਤਰਾ II "[10]
Vaar Jattan Chaudhrian ki by Sidh Jeona 1750s
Mahilpur Bains Sardars ( jagirdars & Diplomats under Riyasat Nabha and Sikh Empire)
The Sirdárs of Alawalpur are Bains Jats, originally of Máhalpur, in Hoshiarpur, and their family has belonged to this Doáb from time immemorial; but it rose to eminence through its connection with the Nábha State, and in history is generally called Jalawála, from Jala, a village in Nábha, about four miles south- west of Sirhind. In 1759 Chaudhri Guláb Rái Bains is said to have made himself master of Jalbhah and two neighbouring villages, near Adampur, after which he attached himself to the Nábha family, and took up his residence in that State. He had five sons, of whom we are concerned with only two, Amar Singh and Himmat Singh.Amar Singh's son was the General Rám Singh who, it is said, was employed by the Sikh Government, in 1845, to induce the Nabha Rája to prove false to the English (The Rájás of the Punjab, pp. 411–414). He was afterwards employed as Judge (adálati) at Lahore and Gujrát. He died in 1852, and his grandson, with other members of the family, resides at Jala, in Nábha.
Himmat Singh was employed in various negotiations for the greater Phúlkián Chiefs with the British authorities, Mr. Metcalfe and Colonel Ochterlony, which he conducted with such skill that he acquired valuable jagírs, not only in Nabha, but also in Patiala and Jind. Abont 1812, the Rája of Núbha introduced him to Ranjit Singh, who gave him the ilága of Aláwalpur, which had lapsed Alawalpur and Dhogri in Jalandhar were held by Pathans Sardar Albel Singh son of himmat singh capured Alawalpur with its fort from pathans and disposed them and gained the area as jagir worth 1,20,000 per anum. He also got Datárpur, Khera, Acharwal and Kutahra in Hoshiarpur and Machhiwára in Ludhiana, and subsequently jágírs in Multan and Peshawar, besides Kalál Mazara' now under riyasat Patiala and other villages in tahsil Samrála, which Fatah Singh, Ahluwalia, gave him. (1) Part of this last grant is still in the family. Albel Singh, eldest son of Himmat Singh, was killed in the Jhang campaign in 1816. When Himmat Singh died, in 1829, his jágirs were largely curtailed through the influence of the Jammu family, and what was left went to Achal Singh, son of, and Kishan Singh, brother of, Albel Singh, who resided, the former at Aliwalpur, the latter at Dhogri. Kishen Singh died in 1841 (?) in the Kohát campaign, and his jágírs were resumed, as his son, Basáwa Singh, was a minor and could not discharge his duties. But Basawa Singh retained some of the Ludhiana estates, where his widow, Mussammát Bishan Kaur, has a small revenue-free-grant in Kalál Mazara'a. Dhogri went for a time through the influence of the Shaikhs to Abdus-Samad Khán, an Afghán, of Dhogri but again Dhogri went under the Jagir of bains Sardars in 1832 Dhogri became a jagir of Sardar Kishan Singh Bains. On the introduction of British rule, Sirdár Achal Singh was exempted from supplying eighty sowárs which he formerly provided, and his jagire were reduced to 6 villages, assessed at Rs. 9,180 at the regular settlement. On his death, in 1857, his sons, Sirdars Partáb Singh and Ajit Singh, were given a pension of Rs. 2,000, which was subsequently (1874) changed into a grant of three-quarters of the revenue of Alawalpur, now worth Rs. 2,065 per annum, to descend in perpetuity to the male heirs of Sirdar Achal Singh. These are now represented by Achar Singh, son of Partáb Singh (b.1875) and Gurbachan (b. 1891) and Gurcharan (b.1895) grandsons of Ajit Singh. Sardar Himmat Singh Singh also Founded Famous Jallianwala Bagh it was known as Bagh Sardara Himmat Singh Jallewalia ( designated due to Jalla Jagir in Nabha Riyasat). the. It came to be known as Jallewalia da bagh and at last Jallianwala after 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre as per the professor Pyara singh Padam's Sankhep Sikh itehas the bagh was purchased by Yadgar committee in 1923 for 5'65'000 rupees () MacGregor (History of the Sikhs 1, 167) says: "Himmat Singh of Jilleewal, who was Vakeel of Maharaja Juswant Singh of Nábha, deserted from his master, and took service with the Mahárájá Ranjit Singh He became Wuzeer or prime minister, and received Alawalpur purgunah in jáger" This account is hardly consistent with the subsequent relations of the family to Nabha. The date according to MacGregor would be 1809. Mr. Barkley says the family property in Jala was confiscated when Himmat Singh left tho Nábha service, This supports MacGregor's story. The above is Sirdár Ajít Singh's sccount of the affair.[8][9][11]
Mahilpur Zail & Zaildars
Zaildaris were Started by British government after the fall of Sikh Empire , Zaildars were grand jagirdars a colonial version of old jagirdars of pre British era though at the same time they allowed old jagirdars to retain their offices in return for collaborating with the government but new chiefs were also needed for tax collection, policing and maintaining Law and order, so based on history British chose previous jagirdar Chaudhary families who previously once held jagirs, Economically and politically Dominant tribe of area the First 40 zaildars were appointed by British government in district Lahore in year 1868, and in whole Punjab in year 1870, in 1870 Zaildar Sardar Nagina Singh Bains Became Zaildar of 42 Villages of Mahilpur Zail with revenue collection of Rs 26,546 in year 1881[12] and the revenue collection in year 1901 was Rs 29,430[13] the Laws related to Zaildari system were standardized in year 1887 as per Punjab Land and revenue act 1887[14] Zaildari, jagirdari , Taluqdari, Mansabdari and Zamindari systems etc were abolished after the independence of india in 1950s[15]
A map depicting Mahilpur Zail 19th century :-

Battles Against Jaswan Dun & it's allies
In 1690s and early 1700s Jaijon border town of jaswan supported by Kangra and Jaswan Dun opted to annex areas of plain at that the main strong Taluqdars/Chaudhries in plains were Pathans Chaudhries of Bassi Kalan, Bains Jatt Chaudhries of Mahilpur and Chaudhries of Garhshankar.
Mahilpur and its 127 villages were headed by the Taluqdar Chaudhary Ram rai Bains, he and Pathans Chaudhries of Bassi Kalan jointly came forward with their force to stop the advance of jaijon and Jaswan Dun , the joint foce attacked near Jaijon where Chaudhary Ram rai Bains was made prisoner of war in the battle and later executed at the now extinct fort of jaijon
the Queens of Jaswal king were crying on the execution of this brave man and his bravery is remembered sung via Vaars & folk lores as:-
“ਮਾਹਿਲਪੁਰ ਮਾਰੂ ਵੱਜਿਆ ਤੇ ਜੇਜੋਂ ਵੱਜੀ ਡੱਫ,
ਰਾਜਪੁਰੇ ਦੀਆਂ ਰੋਣ ਰਾਣੀਆਂ, ਚੜ੍ਹਿਆ ਰਾਮ ਰਾਏ ਜੱਟ।”
Chaudhary Ram rai & Pathans of Bassi were able to save Mahilpur & Bassi areas by permanently halting their advance.later during Sikh Misl era Sardar Tara Singh Kang(Ghaiba) annexed jaijon and subdued it, later Maharaja Ranjit Singh Captured jaijon as well as his all areas after the death of Sardar Tara Singh Ghaiba jaijon and his all areas then sumitted to the Maharaja Ranjit singh[16] but in 1815 families of former Jaijon jairdars ceased to exist, meanwhile Successor jagirdars of Chaudhary ram rai Bains like Chaudhary Gulab rai Bains continued to be jagirdar of Mahilpur till 1757 and later he became jagirdar of Achharwal, villages of Adampur area and Jallah in sirhind ludhiana area and later his decedents became personal advisors of Maharaja Ranjit Singh they also became Jagirdars of Alawalpur and area also got some jagirs in Kohat, Peshawar and Multan area but later taken away by British except Alawalpur area jagir which they held till abolishen of jagirdari in 1950s after the independence india.
Finance and Banking
The oldest Financial Centre of Mahilpur is Bains Co-operative thrift & Credit Society established in year 1905.

- Punjab National bank
- Canara Bank
- Kotak Mahindra bank
- ICICI Bank
- Allahabad Bank
- Bank of Baroda
- HDFC Bank
- State bank of India
Gurudwara Shahidan

This is a memorial Gurudwara dedicated to Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji and Shaheed Singhs as per history Zabar Khan a Pathan from one the Bassis kidnapped the newly married bride of Devi das Brahmin of jaijon a place 15–16 km away in the kandi mountains, Devi das requested to Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji for help, Guru Gobind Singh Ji send Baba Ajit Singh and 200 Singhs to kill Zabar Khan and to rescue the bride. Baba Ajit Singh and 200 Singhs killed Zabar Khan and saved the bride. Later Baba Ajit Singh Cremated Shahid Singhs, The Gurudwara was built to Commemorate this incident.[17]
Other Gurudwaras
Gurudwara Bunga Sahib

Gurudwara Bunga Sahib is a Known religious place among the Sikhs in Punjab Sahib due to Sant Baba Paramjit Singh Mahilpur wale Damdami Taksal.[18]
Gurudwara Dharamshala sahib

This Gurudwara sahib is also one of the many Gurudwaras of Mahilpur. Other Gurudwaras include Gurudwara damdama sahib and one Gurudwara of ravidas community.
Battle of Mahilpur
Battle of Mahilpur was fought between Afghans and Sikh Misls Allied with faujdar Adina Beg in year 1757 Sikh and Collation forces won the battle.[19]
Mahilpur had a population of 11360 according to census of 2011.[20] the current population estimate of 2024 is around 16000. Males constitute 52% of the population and females 48%. Mahilpur has an average literacy rate of 77%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 80%, and female literacy is 73%. In Mahilpur, 10% of the population is under 6 years of age. The profession of most of the people is agriculture based. Mahilpur is the NRI hub of the Punjab state.
Mahilpur Falls under Sri Anandpur Sahib Lok Sabha constituency and current MP is Sardar Malwinder Singh Kang from AAP. grahshankar is the vidhan sabha constituency of the area and the current MLA is Jaikishan Singh from AAP.
Notable people
- Buckam Singh Bains, (5 December 1893 – 27 August 1919), World War I First Canadian Sikh war veteran (Private 454819, 28th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force)
- (Air Vice Marshal) Harjinder Singh Bains ( also known as spitfire singh, known for making India's first transport jet aircraft as well as he was India's first IAF corporal and the first Indian warrant officer)
- Sardar Kharak Singh Bains( Martyr of Battle of Mudki Anglo Sikh War 18 December 1845 First Anglo Sikh war)
- Sardar Hakam Singh Bains( Martyr of Battle of Mudki Anglo Sikh War 18 December 1845 First Anglo Sikh war)
- Justice Ajit Singh Bains ( Justice of Punjab & haryana high court)
- Principal Harbhajan Singh Bains (Founder of Sporting Club & first higher education College of Punjab at village level it is famous SGGS Khalsa College Mahilpur, he was also known in the field of education)
- Freedom Fighter Shaheed Sardar Bir Singh Bains Bahowal ( Gadar Party Freedom fighter & Martyr)
- Freedom Fighter Jathedar Partap Singh Bains ( Gadar Party Freedom fighter)
- Freedom Fighter Shaheed Jawandh Singh Bains Nangal ( Gadar Party Freedom fighter)
- Freedom Fighter Sardar Hardit Singh Dhillon ( Gadar Party Freedom fighter)
- Freedom Fighter Sardar Dalip Singh Bains Phahla ( Gadar Party Freedom fighter)
- MLA & Freedom Fighter Sardar Harjap Singh Bains Mahalpuri ( Punjabi: ਸਰਦਾਰ ਹਰਜਾਪ ਸਿੰਘ ਬੈਂਸ), Gadar Party & First MLA of Hoshiarpur South constituency Punjab 1937 elections)
- Sohan Singh Thandal, Chief Parliamentary Secretary, State Government of Punjab
- Shaheed Harbans Singh Bains (Freedom fighter and Martyr)
- Piara Singh Gill, Indian nuclear physicist
- Harcharan Singh Bains ( Punjabi:ਹਰਚਰਨ ਸਿੰਘ ਬੈਂਸ), Advisor (National Affairs & Media) to the Chief Minister of Punjab)
- Harjit Singh Sajjan (Punjabi: ਹਰਜੀਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਸੱਜਣ), Canadian Liberal Member of Parliament and Minister of National Defence,
- Kuldeep Singh Bains ( created the first Indo-Canadian owned travel agency in Canada, recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and Pioneer Award)
- Kulwinder Dhillon (Punjabi: ਕੁਲਵਿੰਦਰ ਢਿੱਲੋਂ). famous Punjabi singer from nearby village Pandori Ladha Singh.
- Manmohan Waris, famous Punjabi Singer from nearby village Halluwal.
- Kamal Heer, famous Punjabi Singer, brother of Manmohan Waris from nearby village Halluwal.
- Sangtar Heer famous Punjabi Singer
- Navdeep Bains ( Punjabi: ਨਵਦੀਪ ਬੈਂਸ), Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada)
- Satinder Sartaaj, from a nearby village Bajrawar.
- Baljit Sahni, Indian football player.
- Sardar Didar Singh Bains known as Peach king own 40,000 acres of land
- insHarmanjot Khabra, Indian football player.
- Jarnail Singh Dhillon, Arjuna awardee Indian football player.
- Puneet Verma, an environmental researcher
- Sardar Himmat Singh Bains Jallewale ( Punjabi: ਸਰਦਾਰ ਹਿੰਮਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਬੈਂਸ, Sardar Himmat Singh Bains Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and jagirdar of Alawalpur area)
- Harmilan Bains, Indian Athlete
- Gurdev Singh Gill (footballer), Arjuna awardee football player.
- Balwant Singh (footballer), Indian Professional footballer.
- Chaudhry Gulab rai Bains, ( Punjabi: ਚੌਧਰੀ ਗੁਲਾਬ ਰਾਏ ਬੈਂਸ), Former Jagirdar of mahilpur from Mughal era till 1757, later a prominent jagirdar of villages of Achharwal area, Adampur area and surroundings & Jallah Ludhiana, he was also a Minister under Nabha Riyasat)
- Hardial Bains Founder of Canadian Communist party( Marxist-leninist)
Schools and colleges
- Mahilpur was one of the earlier centers of educational institutions being set up during the time of the British Raj. Its government boys school, formerly known as Khalsa High School, was established in 1909. Khalsa College was established in 1946.
- St. Soldier Divine Public school Mahilpur (CBSE Affiliated School)
- Doaba Public School, Mahilpur (CBSE Affiliated School)
- Sant Baba Hari Singh Model School, (ICSE Affiliated)
- S. Baldev Singh Mahilpuri Govt. Sr. Secondary School, Mahilpur (Boys)
- Govt Sr Secondary School, Mahilpur (Girls)
- S.G.G.S. Khalsa College, Mahilpur
- Guru Nanak National Public Senior Secondary School, Mahilpur
- K.D.International School, Mahilpur (CBSE Affiliated School)
- King Edward Public School, Mahilpur
- K.D College of Nursing, Mahilpur
- Alice High School Mahilpur
- Ankur Public School, Mahilpur
- Adarsh Model School
- Guru Gobind Singh College of Management and Information Technology
- Bite Educational Institute
- Sai College of Nursing, Sardullapur near Mahilpur
- S.G.G.S. School, Paradasi School in Mahilpur
- ^ [bare URL PDF]
- ^ Gazetteer of the Ambala District: 1883. 1883.
- ^ Ibbetson, Sir Denzil; Maclagan (1990). Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North West Frontier Province. Asian Educational Services. ISBN 978-81-206-0505-3.
- ^ CROWTHER, R. T. (1849). Memorandum on Sikhs. MS notes.
- ^ a b c "ਮਾਹਿਲਪੁਰ ਪਿੰਡ | Mahilpur Village - ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੇ ਪਿੰਡਾਂ ਦਾ ਇਤਿਹਾਸ". 22 June 2024. Retrieved 22 October 2024.
- ^ Shāh, Būṭe (1850). A geographical description of the Panjab, in Panjabi (in Punjabi). American Presbyterian Mission Press.
- ^ Gazetteer of the Jullundur District, 1904. Sang-e-Meel Publications. 2000. ISBN 978-969-35-1107-9.
- ^ a b Gazetteer of the Jullundur District, 1904. Sang-e-Meel Publications. 2000. ISBN 978-969-35-1107-9.
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
- ^ a b Lepel, H. Griffin (1 January 2016). Chiefs And Families Of Note In The Punjab Vol-I 1940. Facsimile Publisher. ISBN 978-93-336-2408-4.
- ^ a b "Punjabi Varan ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਾਰਾਂ Book By: Piara Singh Padam". Retrieved 17 October 2024.
- ^ M'Gregor, William Lewis (1846). The history of the Sikhs; containing the lives of the Gooroos; the history of the independent Sirdars, or Missuls, and the life of the great founder of the Sikh monarchy, Maharajah Runjeet Singh;. Oxford University. London, J. Madden.
- ^ Gazetteer of the Ambala District: 1883. 1883.
- ^ Punjab district gazetteers Hoshiarpur district vol.XIIIA; pt.A. 1905.
- ^ The Punjab Record: Or, Reference Book for Civil Officers : Containing the Reports of Civil and Criminal Cases Determined by the Chief Court of the Punjab and Decisions by the Financial Commissioner of the Punjab. Printed and published for the Punjab Printing Company by W.E. Ball, manager. 1895.
- ^ Experts, Disha (1 September 2021). (Free Sample) Bihar Civil Services General Studies Solved Papers Prelim (2011 - 20) & Main (2019 - 21) Exams. Disha Publications.
- ^ History Of The Sikhs Vol. IV The Sikh Commonwealth Or Rise And Fall Of Sikh Misls.
- ^ "Gurdwara Sahib Shahidan, Ladhewal - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia". Retrieved 3 February 2025.
- ^ mann23 (4 September 2015). Sant Paramjit Singh Mahilpur wale - Damdami Taksal June 1984 Shaheedi Samagam. Retrieved 3 February 2025 – via YouTube.
{{cite AV media}}
: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) - ^ Gandhi, Surjit Singh (1980). Struggle of the Sikhs for Sovereignty. Gur Das Kapur.
- ^ [bare URL PDF]
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