This is a list of rulers and office-holders of Madagascar.

Below is a list of the line of Merina monarchs[1] that ruled in the Central Highlands of Madagascar and from whom were issued the first true monarchs of a united Kingdom of Merina:


Monarchs of the Kingdom of Madagascar (1810–1897)

NameLifespanReign startReign endNotesFamilyImage
Radama I
  • the Great
1793 – 27 July 1828
(aged 35)
6 July 181027 July 1828Son of AndrianampoinimerinaMerinaRadama I of Madagascar
Ranavalona I1778 – 16 August 1861
(aged 83)
1 August 182816 August 1861Wife of Radama IMerinaRanavalona I of Madagascar
Radama II(1829-09-23)23 September 1829 – 12 May 1863(1863-05-12) (aged 33)16 August 186112 May 1863
Son of Ranavalona IMerinaRadama II of Madagascar
Rasoherina1814 – 1 April 1868
(aged 54)
12 May 18631 April 1868Wife of Radama IIMerinaRasoherina of Madagascar
Ranavalona II1829 – 13 July 1883
(aged 54)
1 April 186813 July 1883Wife of Radama IIMerinaRanavalona II of Madagascar
Ranavalona III(1861-11-22)22 November 1861 – 23 May 1917(1917-05-23) (aged 55)30 July 188328 February 1897
Niece of Ranavalona IIMerinaRanavalona III of Madagascar

After the fall

Niece and heir apparent of the Queen Ranavalona III, Marie-Louise, in 1900

After the fall of the Royal House, and the death of the last ruling Sovereign, Queen Ranavalona III's heir apparent, Princess Marie-Louise of Madagascar, remained. She died childless in 1948 Protectorate

Portrait Name


Term of Office Political Party
Malagasy Protectorate (1882–1897)
1 Jules Grévy(1807–1891) 1882 2 December 1887 Independent politician
2 Maurice Rouvier


2 December 1887 3 December 1887 Independent
Colony of Madagascar and Dependencies (1897–1958)
3 Marie François Sadi Carnot


3 December 1887 25 June 1894 Opportunist Republican
4 Charles Dupuy


25 June 1894 27 June 1894 Independent
5 Jean Casimir-Perier


27 June 1894 16 January 1895 Opportunist Republican
Charles Dupuy


16 January 1895 17 January 1895 Independent
6 Félix Faure


17 January 1895 16 February 1899 Opportunist Republican;

Progressive Republican

Charles Dupuy


16 February 1899 18 February 1899 Independent
7 Émile Loubet


18 February 1899 18 February 1906 Democratic Republican Alliance
8 Armand Fallières


18 February 1906 18 February 1913 Democratic Republican Party
9 Raymond Poincaré


18 February 1913 18 February 1920 Democratic Republican Party
10 Paul Deschanel


18 February 1920 21 September 1920 Democratic Republican and Social Party
11 Alexandre Millerand


21 September 1920 11 June 1924 Independent
12 Frédéric François-Marsal


11 June 1924 13 June 1924 Independent
13 Gaston Doumergue


13 June 1924 13 June 1931 Radical-Socialist Party
14 Paul Doumer


13 June 1931 7 May 1932 Radical-Socialist Party
15 André Tardieu


7 May 1932 10 May 1932 Independent
16 Albert Lebrun


10 May 1932 11 July 1940

(de facto)

Democratic Alliance

French State (1940–1944)

Chief of State

  Vichy collaborationist

Portrait Name


Term of Office Political Party
17 Philippe Pétain


11 July 1940 19 August 1944 Independent

Provisional Government of the French Republic (1944–1946

Portrait Chairman Took office Left office Time in office Party
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle
3 June 194426 January 19461 year, 268 days Independent
Félix Gouin
Félix Gouin
26 January 194624 June 1946118 days SFIO
Georges Bidault
Georges Bidault
24 June 194628 November 1946188 days MRP
Vincent Auriol
Vincent Auriol
28 November 194616 December 194618 days
Léon Blum
Léon Blum
16 December 194622 January 194737 days SFIO

French Fourth Republic (1946–1958)


Portrait Name Term of Office;

Electoral mandates

Political Party
16 Vincent Auriol


16 January 1947 16 January 1954 French Section of the Workers' International
17 René Coty


16 January 1954 8 January 1959 National Centre of Independents and Peasants

French Madagascar (1958–1959)


Political Party:

Portrait Name


Term of Office;

Electoral mandates

Political Party
18 Charles de Gaulle


8 January 1959 26 June


Union for the New Republic

(renamed Union of Democrats for the Fifth Republic in 1967)

List of rulers of French Madagascar

Malagasy Protectorate (1882–1897)

Incumbent Tenure
Léon Frédéric Hubert Metzinger      1 May 1895 — 6 May 1895
Jacques Charles René Achille Duchesne 6 May 1895 —


Émile Jean François Régis Voyron 1895 — 1895
Joseph Simon Gallieni 1895 — 1886
Charles Le Myre de Vilers, Plenipotentiary 28 April 1886 to March 1888
Paul Augustin Jean Larrouy, Resident-General March 1888 to 12 December 1889
Maurice Bompard, Resident-General 12 December 1889 to 11 October 1891
Jean Aurélien Lacoste, Acting Resident-General 11 October 1891 to October 1892
Paul Augustin Jean Larrouy, Resident-General October 1892 to 8 September 1894
Albert d'Anthouard de Waservas, Acting Resident-General October 1894
Charles Le Myre de Vilers, Plenipotentiary 14 October 1894 to 1 December 1895
Achille Ranchot, Acting Resident-General September 1894 to 21 February 1895
Robert Édouard Alphonse Chaloin, Acting Resident-General February 1895 to 1 December 1895
Hippolyte Laroche, Resident-General 1 December 1895 to 28 September 1896
Joseph Gallieni, Resident-General 28 September 1896 to 31 July 1897

Colony of Madagascar and Dependencies (1897–1958)

Incumbent Tenure
Joseph Gallieni, Military Governor (6 Aug. 1896 to 31 Jul. 1897) then Governor-General (31 Jul. 1897 to 11 May 1905) 6 August 1896 to 11 May 1905
Charles Louis Lépreux, Acting Governor-General 11 May 1905 to 1 January 1906
Victor Augagneur, Governor-General 1 January 1906 to 13 December 1909
Hubert Auguste Garbit, Acting Governor-General 13 December 1909 to 16 January 1910
Henri François Charles Cor, Acting Governor-General 16 January 1910 to 31 October 1910
Albert Jean George Marie Louis Picquié, Governor-General 31 October 1910 to 5 August 1914
Hubert Auguste Garbit, Governor-General 5 August 1914 to 24 July 1917
Martial Henri Merlin, Governor-General 24 July 1917 to 1 August 1918
Abraham Schrameck, Governor-General 1 August 1918 to 12 July 1919
Marie Casimir Joseph Guyon, Acting Governor-General 12 July 1919 to 22 June 1920
Hubert Auguste Garbit, Governor-General 22 June 1920 to 13 March 1923
Auguste Charles Désiré Emmanuel Brunet, Acting Governor-General 13 March 1923 to 20 February 1924
Marcel Achille Olivier, Governor-General 20 February 1924 to 30 January 1929
Hugues Jean Berthier, Acting Governor-General 30 January 1929 to 1 May 1930
Léon Henri Charles Cayla, Governor-General 1 May 1930 to 22 April 1939
Léon Maurice Valentin Réallon, Acting Governor-General 22 April 1939 to 10 June 1939
Jules Marcel de Coppet, Governor-General 10 June 1939 to 30 July 1940
Léon Henri Charles Cayla, Governor-General 30 July 1940 to 11 April 1941
Armand Léon Annet, Governor-General 11 April 1941 to 30 September 1942
Robert Grice Sturges, Commander 5 May 1942 to 11 October 1942
Gerald Russell Smallwood, Commander 11 October 1942 to 1945
Anthony Sillery, Occupied Territories Administrator 25 September 1942 to 7 January 1943
Victor Marius Bech, Acting Governor-General 30 September 1942 to 7 January 1943
Paul Louis Victor Marie Legentilhomme, High Commissioner of Free French Possessions in the Indian Ocean 7 January 1943 to 3 May 1943
Pierre de Saint-Mart, Governor-General 3 May 1943 to 27 March 1946
Robert Boudry, Acting Governor-General 27 March 1946 to 19 May 1946
Jules Marcel de Coppet, High Commissioner 19 May 1946 to 23 December 1947
Pierre Gabriel de Chevigné, High Commissioner February 1948 to 3 February 1950
Robert Isaac Bargues, High Commissioner 3 February 1950 to October 1954
Jean Louis Marie André Soucadaux, High Commissioner October 1954 to 1 May 1959

List of officeholders

(Dates in italics indicate de facto continuation of office)

No. Portrait Name


Elected Term of office Political party
Took office Left office
Malagasy Republic (within the French Community)
1 Philibert Tsiranana


1 May 1959 26 June 1960 PSD
Malagasy Republic (independent country)
(1) Philibert Tsiranana




26 June 1960 11 October 1972


2 André Resampa

(1924 — 1993)

26 June 1970 2 July 1970 Independent
3 Alfred Ramangasoavina

( 1917 — 1989)

2 July 1970 21 July 1970 Independent
4 Philibert Raondry

( 1899 — 1990)

21 July 1970 23 July 1970 Independent
5 Jacques Rabemananjara

(1913 — 2005)

23 July 1970 25 July 1970 Independent
6 Calvin Tsiebo

( 1902 — 2008)

5 October 1970 7 October 1970 Independent
7 Victor Miadana

( 1920— 2002)

7 October 1970 9 October 1970 Independent
8 Eugène Lechat

( 1929 — 1998)

9 October 1970 11 October 1970 Independent
1 Philibert Tsiranana

( 1912 — 1978)

11 October 1970 11 October 1972 Independent
9 Gabriel Ramanantsoa




11 October 1972 5 February 1975


10 Richard Ratsimandrava


5 February 1975 11 February 1975


11 Gilles Andriamahazo


12 February 1975 15 June 1975 Military
12 Didier Ratsiraka


15 June 1975 30 December 1975 Military
12 Didier Ratsiraka




30 December 1975 12 January 1992 Military /


Third Republic of Madagascar
(12) Didier Ratsiraka


12 January 1992 27 March 1993 AREMA
13 Albert Zafy


1992–93 27 March 1993 5 September 1996


14 Norbert Ratsirahonana


5 September 1996 9 February 1997 AVI
(12) Didier Ratsiraka


1996 9 February 1997 (25 February 2002)

15 July 2002

15 Marc Ravalomanana




(22 February 2002)

15 July 2002

17 March 2009


16 Hyppolite Ramaroson


17 March 2009 Military
High Transitional Authority
17 Andry Rajoelina
(born 1974)
(7 February 2009)
17 March 2009
25 January 2014 TGV
Fourth Republic of Madagascar
18 Hery Rajaonarimampianina
(born 1958)
2013 25 January 2014 7 September 2018 HVM
19 Rivo Rakotovao
(born 1960)
7 September 2018 19 January 2019 HVM
17 Andry Rajoelina
(born 1974)
2018 19 January 2019 9 September 2023 TGV
20 Herimanana Razafimahefa
(born 1957)
9 September 2023 9 September 2023 TGV
21 Council of Ministers
Prime Minister:
Christian Ntsay
(born 1961)
9 September 2023 27 October 2023 Independent
22 Richard Ravalomanana
(born 1959)
27 October 2023 16 December 2023 Independent
17 Andry Rajoelina
(born 1974)
2023 16 December 2023 Incumbent TGV

First ladies of Madagascar

Name Portrait Term Began Term Ended President of Madagascar
Justine Tsiranana June 26, 1960 October 11, 1972 Philibert Tsiranana
Marcelle Larguier October 11, 1972 February 5, 1975 Gabriel Ramanantsoa
Thérèse Ratsimandrava February 5, 1975 February 11, 1975 Richard Ratsimandrava
Unknown February 12, 1975 June 15, 1975 Gilles Andriamahazo
Céline Ratsiraka June 15, 1975 March 27, 1993 Didier Ratsiraka
Thérèse Zafy March 27, 1993 September 5, 1996 Albert Zafy
Sahondra Rakotondravaly Ratsirahonana September 5, 1996 February 9, 1997 Norbert Ratsirahonana
Céline Ratsiraka February 9, 1997 May 6, 2002 Didier Ratsiraka
Lalao Ravalomanana May 6, 2002 March 17, 2009 Marc Ravalomanana
Mialy Rajoelina March 17, 2009 January 25, 2014 Andry Rajoelina
Voahangy Rajaonarimampianina January 25, 2014 September 7, 2018 Hery Rajaonarimampianina
Vacant September 7, 2018 January 19, 2019 Rivo Rakotovao (acting)
Mialy Rajoelina January 19, 2019 September 9, 2023 Andry Rajoelina
Vacant September 9, 2023 December 16, 2023 Christian Ntsay (acting)
Richard Ravalomanana (acting)
Mialy Rajoelina December 16, 2023 Incumbent Andry Rajoelina

Vice President

The Vice President of Madagascar was a political position in Madagascar during the era of Malagasy Republic.

Position Name Took office Left office President Notes
Vice President Philibert Raondry May 1959 June 1960 Philibert Tsiranana
Vice President Calvin Tsiebo June 1960 October 1970 Philibert Tsiranana
1st Vice President André Resampa October 1970 February 1971 Philibert Tsiranana
1st Vice President Calvin Tsiebo February 1971 October 1972 Philibert Tsiranana
2nd Vice President Jacques Rabemananjara February 1971 May 1972 Philibert Tsiranana
3rd Vice President Victor Miadana February 1971 May 1972 Philibert Tsiranana
4th Vice President Alfred Ramangasoavina February 1971 May 1972 Philibert Tsiranana
5th Vice President Eugène Lechat February 1971 May 1972 Philibert Tsiranana


No. Portrait Name
Term of office Political party
Took office Left office
Merina Kingdom
1 Andriamihaja
(died 1833)
1828 1833 Independent
2 Rainiharo
(died 1852)
1833 10 February 1852
(died in office.)
3 Rainivoninahitriniony
10 February 1852 14 July 1864
4 Rainilaiarivony
1864 1895
5 Rainitsimbazafy 15 October 1895 September 1896
6 Rasanjy
September 1896 February 1897 Independent
No. Portrait Name
Term of office Political affiliation
Took office Left office
French Madagascar (within the French colonial empire and the French Union)
Post abolished (February 1897 – 27 May 1957)
7 Philibert Tsiranana
27 May 1957 14 October 1958 PSD
Malagasy Republic (within the French Community)
(7) Philibert Tsiranana
14 October 1958 1 May 1959 PSD
Post abolished (1 May 1959 – 26 June 1960)
No. Portrait Name
Term of office Political affiliation
Took office Left office
Malagasy Republic (independent)
Post abolished (26 June 1960 – 18 May 1972)
8 Gabriel Ramanantsoa
18 May 1972 5 February 1975
Post abolished (5 February 1975 – 30 December 1975)
Democratic Republic of Madagascar
Post abolished (30 December 1975 – 11 January 1976)
9 Joël Rakotomalala
11 January 1976 30 July 1976
(died in office.)
10 Justin Rakotoniaina
12 August 1976 1 August 1977 AREMA
11 Désiré Rakotoarijaona
(born 1934)
1 August 1977 12 February 1988 Military
12 Victor Ramahatra
(born 1945)
12 February 1988 8 August 1991 Military
13 Guy Razanamasy
8 August 1991 12 September 1991 AREMA
Third Republic of Madagascar
(13) Guy Razanamasy
12 September 1991 9 August 1993 AREMA
14 Francisque Ravony
9 August 1993 30 October 1995 CSDDM
15 Emmanuel Rakotovahiny
30 October 1995 28 May 1996 UNDD
16 Norbert Ratsirahonana
(born 1938)
28 May 1996 21 February 1997 AVI
17 Pascal Rakotomavo
21 February 1997 23 July 1998 AREMA
18 Tantely Andrianarivo
23 July 1998 31 May 2002[a] AREMA
19 Jacques Sylla
(26 February 2002)
27 May 2002
20 January 2007 Independent
Jean-Jacques Rasolondraibe
(born 1947)
31 May 2002 5 July 2002 AREMA
20 Charles Rabemananjara
(born 1947)
20 January 2007 17 March 2009
High Transitional Authority
21 Monja Roindefo
(born 1965)
(7 February 2009)
17 March 2009
10 October 2009
(13 November 2009)
22 Eugène Mangalaza
(born 1950)
10 October 2009 18 December 2009 Independent
Cécile Manorohanta 18 December 2009 20 December 2009 TGV
23 Albert Camille Vital
(born 1952)
20 December 2009 2 November 2011 Military
24 Omer Beriziky
(born 1950)
2 November 2011 16 April 2014 LEADER-Fanilo
Fourth Republic of Madagascar
25 Roger Kolo
(born 1943)
16 April 2014 17 January 2015 Independent
26 Jean Ravelonarivo
(born 1959)
17 January 2015 10 April 2016 Independent
27 Olivier Mahafaly Solonandrasana
(born 1964)
13 April 2016 6 June 2018 Independent
28 Christian Ntsay
(born 1961)
6 June 2018 Incumbent Independent

Colonial Governors

Tenure Incumbent Notes Portrait
Malagasy Protectorate (1882–1897)
28 April 1886 to March 1888 Charles Le Myre de Vilers,
1st term
March 1888 to 12 December 1889 Paul Augustin Jean Larrouy,
1st term
12 December 1889 to 11 October 1891 Maurice Bompard,
11 October 1891 to October 1892 Jean Aurélien Lacoste,
Acting Resident-General
October 1892 to 8 September 1894 Paul Augustin Jean Larrouy,
2nd term
October 1894 Albert d'Anthouard de Waservas,
Acting Resident-General
14 October 1894 to 1 December 1895 Charles Le Myre de Vilers,
2nd time; served at the start of the Menalamba rebellion
September 1894 to 21 February 1895 Achille Ranchot,
Acting Resident-General
For de Vilers
February 1895 to 1 December 1895 Robert Édouard Alphonse Chaloin,
Acting Resident-General
For de Vilers
1 December 1895 to 28 September 1896 Hippolyte Laroche,
28 September 1896 to 31 July 1897 Joseph Gallieni,
Colony of Madagascar and Dependencies (1897–1958)
6 August 1896 to 31 July 1897 Joseph Gallieni,
Military Governor
31 July 1897 to 11 May 1905 Joseph Gallieni,
Served during the 1904–1905 uprising
11 May 1905 to 1 January 1906 Charles Louis Lépreux,
Acting Governor-General
1 January 1906 to 13 December 1909 Victor Augagneur,
13 December 1909 to 16 January 1910 Hubert Auguste Garbit,
Acting Governor-General
1st term
16 January 1910 to 31 October 1910 Henri François Charles Cor,
Acting Governor-General
31 October 1910 to 5 August 1914 Albert Jean George Marie Louis Picquié,
5 August 1914 to 14 October 1914 Hubert Auguste Garbit,
Acting Governor-General
2nd term
14 October 1914 to 24 July 1917 Hubert Auguste Garbit,
24 July 1917 to 1 August 1918 Martial Henri Merlin,
1 August 1918 to 12 July 1919 Abraham Schrameck,
12 July 1919 to 22 June 1920 Marie Casimir Joseph Guyon,
Acting Governor-General
22 June 1920 to 13 March 1923 Hubert Auguste Garbit,
3rd term
13 March 1923 to 20 February 1924 Auguste Charles Désiré Emmanuel Brunet,
Acting Governor-General
20 February 1924 to 30 January 1929 Marcel Achille Olivier,
30 January 1929 to 1 May 1930 Hugues Jean Berthier,
Acting Governor-General
1 May 1930 to 22 April 1939 Léon Henri Charles Cayla,
1st term
22 April 1939 to 10 June 1939 Léon Maurice Valentin Réallon,
Acting Governor-General
10 June 1939 to 30 July 1940 Jules Marcel de Coppet,
1st term
30 July 1940 to 11 April 1941 Léon Henri Charles Cayla,
2nd term
11 April 1941 to 30 September 1942 Armand Léon Annet,
Deposed in the Battle of Madagascar
5 May 1942 to 11 October 1942 Robert Sturges,
British occupation
11 October 1942 to 1945 Gerald Smallwood,
25 September 1942 to 7 January 1943 Anthony Sillery,
Occupied Territories Administrator
30 September 1942 to 7 January 1943 Victor Marius Bech,
Acting Governor-General
7 January 1943 to 3 May 1943 Paul Louis Victor Marie Legentilhomme,
High Commissioner of Free French Possessions in the Indian Ocean
3 May 1943 to 27 March 1946 Pierre de Saint-Mart,
27 March 1946 to 19 May 1946 Robert Boudry,
Acting Governor-General
19 May 1946 to 23 December 1947 Jules Marcel de Coppet,
High Commissioner
2nd term; served at the start of the Malagasy Uprising
February 1948 to 3 February 1950 Pierre Gabriel de Chevigné,
High Commissioner
3 February 1950 to October 1954 Robert Isaac Bargues,
High Commissioner
October 1954 to 1 May 1959 Jean Louis Marie André Soucadaux,
High Commissioner

See also


  1. ^ Under house arrest by Ravalomanana from 27 May 2002.


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