tr This is a list of stratigraphic units from which dinosaur body fossils have been recovered. Although Dinosauria is a clade which includes modern birds, this article covers only Mesozoic stratigraphic units. Units listed are all either formation rank or higher (e.g. group).

By preservation

Bone beds and mass graves

Name Age Location Part of Description
Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry Jurassic Morrison Formation Bonebed containing at least 44 Allosaurus as well as remains from Camarasaurus, Stegosaurus, Camptosaurus, Marshosaurus, and many other genera
Ghost Ranch Quarry Late Triassic Chinle Formation Bonebed preserving hundreds of Coelophysis skeletons of all ages as well as remains of many other contemporary animals
Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park Early Maastrichtian Horseshoe Canyon Formation Bonebed containing several Albertosaurus specimens of various ages
Egg Mountain Campanian Two Medicine Formation Bonebed preserving several nesting Maiasaura as well as other taxa
Hilda mega-bonebed Campanian Dinosaur Park Formation Group of several bonebeds containing numerous Centrosaurus
Shishugou Death Pits Middle or Late Jurassic Shishugou Formation Believed to have been formed in the footprints of large sauropods and preserve mired specimens of Limusaurus, Guanlong, and other small animals


Name Age Location Description

Crato Formation

Late Aptian

Preserves birds like Cratoavis alongside the compsognathid “Ubirajara jubatus

Jiufotang Formation[1]


Las Hoyas[2]


Part of the La Huérguina Formation

Pietraroja Plattenkalk


Romualdo Formation

Early Albian

Known primarily for well-preserved pterosaur fossils, but also preserves dinosaurs like Irritator

Solnhofen limestone


Origin of all specimens of Archaeopteryx; includes the Torleite Formation and the Painten Formation
Smoky Hill Chalk Santonian Birds are known from this unit, but no non-avian dinosaurs have been found; part of the Niobrara Formation

Tanis site

Very end of the Maastrichtian Part of the Hell Creek Formation, is believed to have been deposited at the moment the shockwave from the Chicxulub impactor reached North America

Tiaojishan Formation


Xiagou Formation


Yixian Formation[4]


Other productive localities

Name Age Location Part of Description

Big Al Quarry

Late Jurassic Morrison Formation

Brown Hills

Campanian Djadochta Formation Also called "Ukhaa Tolgod"

Flaming Cliffs

Campanian Djadochta Formation Also called "Bayn Dzak"

By diversity

Here the units are sorted by the number of genera that have been reported as being represented in their respective fossil yields. Since the creation or synonymy of genera can be subjective, the sorting of the units can only roughly approximate their known paleobiodiversities. Named genera of birds are included in biodiversity estimates.

> 10

Name Age Location Notes
Aguja Formation Campanian[5] Divided into lower and upper shale members[5]
Allen Formation Campanian
Argiles et Grès à Reptiles Formation[6] Early Maastrichtian[6]
Bajo de la Carpa Formation Late Santonian
Barun Goyot Formation[7] Middle Campanian (?)[7] sometimes spelled "Baruungoyot Formation"; has been argued to be either contemporaneous with the Nemegt Formation or immediately preceding it
Bayan Mandahu Formation Campanian
Bayan Shireh Formation[8] Cenomanian to Santonian[8]
Bissekty Formation[9] Late Turonian to Coniacian[9]
Cañadón Asfalto Formation Toarcian paleobiota list here
Candeleros Formation Cenomanian
Cedar Mountain Formation[10] Barremian to basal Cenomanian Composed of several members (in ascending order of age): Buckhorn Conglomerate, Yellow Cat, Poison Strip Sandstone, Ruby Ranch, and Mussentuchit members
Cerro del Pueblo Formation Campanian[5]
Dinosaur Park Formation Late Campanian[5] subdivided into the lower Sandy Zone and the upper Muddy Zone as well as the uppermost Lethbridge Coal Zone[5]
Djadochta Formation[11] Middle Campanian[11] sometimes spelled "Djadokhta", "Djadokata", or "Dzhadokhtskaya Formation"
Elliot Formation[12] Norian to Sinemurian Lower Elliot is Late Triassic in age, Upper Elliot is Early Jurassic in age
Foremost Formation[5] Campanian
Hell Creek Formation[5] Late Maastrichtian[5] See paleobiota list here
Horseshoe Canyon Formation Late Campanian to Early Maastrichtian[5] Divided into several members (in ascending order of age): the Drumheller, Horsethief, Morrin, Tolman, Carbon, and Whitemud members[5]
Huincul Formation Late Cenomanian to early Turonian
Iren Dabasu Formation[13] Uncertain (some time in the Late Cretaceous)[13]
Jiufotang Formation[1] Aptian[1]
Judith River Formation Late Campanian[5] Composed of the lower McClelland Ferry and upper Coal Ridge members[5]
Kaiparowits Formation Campanian[5] Divided into three members (lower, middle, and upper)[5]
Kimmeridge Clay[14] Kimmeridgian to Late Tithonian[14]
Kirtland Formation Late Campanian[5] Divided into three members (in ascending order of age): the Hunter Wash, Farmington, and De-na-zin members[5]
Lameta Formation[15] Late Maastrichtian
Lance Formation Late Maastrichtian[5]
Lourinhã Formation Late Kimmeridgian-earliest Berriasian
Lufeng Formation[16] Hettangian to Pliensbachian
Morrison Formation[17] Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian See paleobiota list here and list of dinosaurs here
Nanxiong Formation Maastrichtian
Nemegt Formation[18] Early Maastrichtian[18]
Oldman Formation Late Campanian[5] Comprised of a lower and upper member which are non-conforming[5]
Oxford Clay[19] Callovian[19]
Portezuelo Formation Late Turonian to early Coniacian
Prince Creek Formation Late Campanian to Maastrichtian[5]
Rio Colorado Formation[20] Campanian
Scollard Formation Late Maastrichtian[5] Only the lower Scollard Formation was deposited during the Mesozoic[5]
Shaximiao Formation[21] Bathonian to basal Oxfordian Subdivided into the lower (Shangshaximiao) and upper (Xiashaximiao) sections; these roughly correspond to the Shunosaurus-Omeisaurus assemblage and Mamenchisaurus assemblage respectively
Shishugou Formation Callovian-Oxfordian
Tendaguru Formation[22] Kimmeridgian[22]
Tremp Formation Maastrichtian-Thanetian
Trossingen Formation Norian-Rhaetian
Two Medicine Formation Campanian[23] Divided into several members (in ascending order of age): the Rock City, Shields Crossing, Hagans Crossing, "lacustrine interval", and Flag Butte members[23]
Wahweap Formation Middle Campanian
Wangshi Group[24] Campanian to early Maastrichtian Consists of the Linjiazhuang, Jiangjunding, Xingezhuang, Hongtuya, Jingangkou, and Shijiatun formations
Wessex Formation[25] Barremian[25]
Xiagou Formation Aptian
Xinminbao Group[26] Barremian to Albian[26] Composed of the Chijinbao, Digou, and Zhonggou formations
Yixian Formation[4] Barremian[4] See list of paleobiota here


Name Age Location Description

Adamantina Formation[27]

Late Cretaceous [28][29]

Alcobaça Formation[30]


Also known as "Camadas de Guimarota"

Almond Formation[31]

Antlers Formation[32]

Late Aptian to Middle Albian[32]

Arcillas de Morella Formation

Arundel Clay[33]

Middle Aptian to Early Albian.[33]

Baharija Formation[34]

Bajo Barreal Formation[35]

Cenomanian to Coniacian[35]

Chipping Norton Formation[36]

Clarens Formation[37]


Cloverly Formation[38] Late Aptian[38]

Csehbanya Formation

Denver Formation[39]


Elrhaz Formation[40]

Late Aptian[40]

Eumeralla Formation

Fengjiahe Formation

Ferris Formation[41]

Late Maastrichtian[42]

Forest Marble Formation

Frenchman Formation[43] Late Maastrichtian[43]

Great Oolite Group

Gosau Group

Griman Creek Formation

Haoling Formation

Huajiying Formation

Ilek Formation

Ischigualasto Formation[44]


Javelina Formation

Kayenta Formation[45]

Sinemurian to Pliensbachian

Khok Kruat Formation

Kitadani Formation[46]

Aptian to Albian[46]

La Huérguina Formation[2]

Laramie Formation[47]

Late Maastrichtian[47]

Lecho Formation[48]

Lianmuqin Formation

Los Colorados Formation[49]


Maevarano Formation[50]


Milk River Formation[51]

Early Campanian[51]

Minhe Formation[52]

Moreno Hill Formation

Rio Neuquen Formation[53]

Sânpetru Formation[54]

Late Maastrichtian[54]

Sao Khua Formation[55]

Hauterivian to Valanginian[55]

Sebes Formation

Snow Hill Island Formation

St. Mary River Formation

Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation

Twin Mountains Formation

Udurchukan Formation Maastrichtian
Villar del Arzobispo Formation
Wapiti Formation Early Campanian to Late Maastrichtian

Weald Clay[56]


Xingezhuang Formation

Xinlong Formation

Yuliangze Formation

Ziliujing Formation

< 5

Name Age Location Description

Ain el Guettar Formation

Aïssa Formation

Alagteeg Formation[57]

Late Cretaceous[57]

Alcantara Formation

Allaru Formation[58]


Ambolafotsy Formation

Ampthill Clay[59]

Angostura Colorada Formation[60]

Ankazomihaboka Formation

Arén Formation[61]

Argiles à Plicatules[62]

Argiles d'Octeville[63]

Asencio Formation[64]

Azilal Formation

Aurisina Formation Campanian[65]

Bajada Colorada Formation

Balabansai Formation[66]

Bayin-Gobi Formation[67]

Black Creek Formation[68]

Black Peaks Formation[69]

Bluewater Creek Formation

Bostobe Formation

Bungil Formation[70]

Bauxite of Cornet[71]

Bushveld Sandstone[72]

Calcaire à Spatangues

Calcaire de Caen[73]

Camarillas Formation

Castrillo de la Reina Formation

Castellar Formation[74]

Caturrita Formation[75]


Cerro Barcino Formation Aptian-Cenomanian

Cerro Carnerero Formation[76]

Cerro Fortaleza Formation

Charmouth Mudstone Formation Early Jurassic

Chenini Member

Chorrillo Formation

Chuanjie Formation[77]

Ciechocinek Formation

Colalura Sandstone[78]

Continental intercalaire

Cooper Canyon Formation

Crato Formation

Dabrazinskaya Svita[79]

Dakota Formation[80]

Dalangshan Formation[81]

Dashuigou Formation[82]


Demopolis Chalk Formation[83]

Middle Campanian[83]

Densus Ciula Formation[84]

Dorotea Formation Late Cretaceous

Dukamaje Formation

Ejinhoro Formation[85]

El Castellar Formation

El Gallo Formation[86]

El Mers Formation

Escucha Formation

Eutaw Formation

Evanston Formation

Exter Formation

Feuerletten Formation[87]

Rhaetian to ?Sinemurian[87]

Fleming Fjord Formation

Forest Sandstone[88]

Hettangian to Sinemurian[88]

Fort Crittenden Formation

Frontier Formation

Fruitland Formation

Galula Formation

Gaogou Formation

Glauconie argileuse

Glen Rose Formation[89]

Late Aptian to Early Albian[89]

Goio-Erê Formation

uncertain, Cretaceous

Gosau Group

Grès et sables piquetés

Gres de Labarre Formation

Gres superieurs Formation

Grünbach Formation[90]


Guettioua Sandstone

Guichón Formation

Guyedong Beds

Hall Lake Formation

Hanson Formation

Late Sinemurian to Early Pliensbachian

Hantong Formation

Hasandong Formation

Hekou Group

Hornerstown Formation[91]

Houcheng Formation

Huiquanpu Formation

Ialovachsk Formation


Inferior Oolite

Isalo III Formation

Itapecuru Formation

Itat Formation

Itombe Formation

Jaisalmer Formation

Javkhlant Formation

Jinhua Formation

Kalahari Deposits

Kalaza Formation

Klettgau Formation

Khuren Dukh Formation

Kirkwood Formation

Kota Formation[92]

Hettangian to Pliensbachian[92]

Koum Formation

La Amarga Formation[93]


La Bocana Roja Formation[94]

La Colonia Formation


Laguna Colorada Formation[95]


Lakota Formation

Lisandro Formation

Lisangou Formation

Lohan Cura Formation[96]


Lopez de Bertodano Formation Maastrichtian-Danian

Los Alamitos Formation

Los Blanquitos Formation

Los Molles Formation

Lulworth Formation

Lunde Formation

Lura Formation

Maastricht Formation

Mackunda Formation

Magnesian Conglomerate[97]

Maleri Formation[98]


Marree Subgroup

Marilia Formation

Marnes a Belemnopsis latesulcatus Formation

Marnes de Chalins

Marnes de Dives

Marnes Irisees Superieures Formation[99]

Late Norian

Marnes a Belemnopsis latesulcatus Formation

Marnes Rouges Inferieures

Mata Amarilla Formation

Marshalltown Formation

McRae Formation

Meng-Yin Formation

Miaogou Formation[100]


Moon-Airel Formation

Mooreville Chalk Formation[101]

Early Maastrichtian[101]

Moreno Formation[102]

Moreno Hill Formation

Murtoi Formation

Nam Phong Formation[103]

Late Norian to Rhaetian[103]

Navajo Sandstone[104]

Pliensbachian to Toarcian[104]

Navesink Formation

Neocomian Sands

Niobrara Chalk

On Gong Formation

Ornatenton Formation

Ouled Abdoun Basin

Oum ed Diab Member

Pab Formation

Packard Formation

Painten Formation

Paluxy Formation

Paw Paw Formation[105]

Late Albian[105]

Penglaizhen Formation

Peruc-Korycany Formation

Pierre Shale

Piedrahita de Muno Formation

Pietraroia Plattenkalk

Plottier Formation

Point Loma Formation

Portland Formation[106]

Pliensbachian to Toarcian[106]

Posidonia Shale


Potton Sands

Poudingue Ferrugineux

Presidente Prudente Formation

Qiketai Formation

Qingshan Formation

Quebrada del Barro Formation[107]


Quirico Formation

Quseir Formation

Rayoso Formation

Reuchenette Formation

Ripley Formation

Romualdo Formation

Ryugase Group

Saltrio Formation Sinemurian
Santa Marta Formation
Sainte-Barbe Clays Formation

Sekmenevsk Formation

Sembar Formation

Sengoku Formation

Seonso Conglomerate

Shanyang Formation

Sharp's Hill Formation

Shestakovskaya Svita

Shinekhudag Svita

Solnhofen limestone[3]


Subashi Formation

Suining Formation

Sunjiawan Formation

Tando Beds

Tangshang Formation

Taynton Limestone Formation

Tiouraren Formation

Toqui Formation

Toolebuc Formation

Torleite Formation

Toutunhe Formation

Tuchengzi Formation[108]


Turney Ranch Formation

Ulansuhai Formation[109]


Vectis Formation

Vitakri Formation

Westbury Formation[110]


Willow Creek Formation

Willow Tank Formation

Winton Formation[111]


Woodbine Formation

Woodbury Formation

Wonthaggi Formation[112]

Valanginian to Aptian[112]

Xert Formation

Xiaoyan Formation

Xinpongnaobao Formation

Xintiangou Formation

Zhenzhuchong Formation

Zhoutian Formation[113] Turonian–early Coniacian


This list includes stratigraphic units that have produced dinosaur remains, although none of these remains have been referred to a specific genus.

Name Location Description

Adaffa Formation

Al-Khod Conglomerate[114]

Amagodani Formation[115]

Amole Formation[116]

Anoual Formation

Ankarafantsika Formation[117]

Arapahoe Formation[118]

Argiles de Châtillon[119]

Argiles du Gault[120]

Argiles Ostreennes

Artoles Formation

Ashizawa Formation[121]

Baiying Bologai Formation[122]

Batylykh Formation

Bearreraig Sandstone Formation

Billman Creek Formation[123]

Birdsong Sandstone[124]

Blesa Formation

Blufftown Formation[125]

Bonnet Plume Formation[126]

Broadford Beds Formation[127]

Buckeburg Formation

Budden Canyon Formation[128]

Burmese amber

Calcare di Zorzino

Calcarintes du Jadet Formation[129]

Calizas de Lychnus Formation

Camas Formation[130]

Cape Sebastian Sandstone[131]

Castlegate Sandstone[132]

Chalk Group

Chandler Formation[133]

Chari Formation[134]

Chico Formation[135]

Chilgog Formation[136]

Chota Formation[137]

Cimarron Ridge Formation[138]

Cokedale Formation[139]

Coreena Formation[140]

Cornbrash Formation[141]

Craie Chloritee[142]

Crevasse Canyon Formation[143]

Dahkla Formation[144]

Dohoin Usu Formation[145]

Donoho Creek Formation[146]

Douiret Formation[147]

Eagle Sandstone[148]

Enon Formation[149]

Esquias Formation

Fox Hills Formation[150]

Garita Creek Formation[151]

Gerhartsreiter Schichten[152]

Gokwe Formation[153]

Gres a Avicula contorta[154]

Hasle Formation

Hidden Lake Formation[155]

Hoganas Formation[156]

Horsethief Sandstone[157]

Huriwai Measures Formation

Iles Formation[158]

Iljig Formation[159]

In Beceten Formation[160]

Isalo II Formation

Izuki Formation[161]

Jagua Formation

Jinju Formation

Kakanaut Formation

Kaladongar Formation[162]

Kallakurichi Formation[163]

Kanguk Formation

Kcskehát Limestone

Kellaways Formation

Khilok Formation

Khooldzin Svita

Kilmaluag Formation[164]

Koum Formation

Kristianstad Basin

Ksar Metlili Formation

Kootenai Formation[165]

La Boca Formation[166]

Ladd Formation[167]

Lapurr Sandstone

Lastres Formation

Les Sables de Glos Formation[168]

Lestaillats Marls Formation[169]

Livingston Group

Lushangfen Formation

Luxembourg Sandstone

Mabdi Formation[170]

Mahadek Formation[171]

Marnes de Bleville[172]

Marnes de Chalin Formation[173]

Marnes de Villers

Marnes rouges de Roquelongue Formation

Masuk Formation[174]

Matsuo Group[175]

Mecsek Coal Formation

Meeteetse Formation[176]

Mesa Rica Formation

Mifune Group[177]

Miria Formation[178]

Mitsuse Formation

Mizdah Formation

Moenave Formation[179]

Molecap Greensand

Montejunto Formation

Monti Prenestini Carbonatic Platform

Moskvoretskaya Formation

Mugher Mudstone

Nagdong Formation

Naturita Formation

Newark Canyon Formation[180]

Northampton Sands Formation[181]

Okurodani Formation

Ojinaga Formation[182]

Oncala Group

Owl Creek Formation

Palau Formation

Patcham Formation[183]

Pictured Cliffs Formation[184]

Point Lookout Sandstone[185]

Priesener Formation

Qagannur Formation[186]

Qigu Formation

Rabekke Formation

Raritan Formation[187]

Ringbone Formation

Sables de Breze

Sables de Cherre[188]

Sables du Lussant

Sables et Gres a Trigonia gibbosa

Sables vert de l'Albien Formation[189]

Sand Wells Formation[190]

Sangarskaya Svita[191]

Sannine Formation

Sebayashi Formation[192]

Severn Formation

Shendi Formation

Shuttle Meadow Formation[193]

Sinuiju Formation

Snake Ridge Formation

Soledad Beds

Speeton Clay[194]

Summerville Formation

Summit Creek Formation[195]

Sundays River Formation

Tahora Formation

Takatika Grit

Tazukawa Formation

Telegraph Creek Formation

Tilougguit Formation

Tiki Formation[196]

Tres Hermanos Formation

Trichinopoly Group

Tujingzi Formation

Ulan Malgait Formation[197]

Unit S3U1

Valle de Angeles Redbeds

Valtos Sandstone Formation

Vega Formation

Villigen Formation[198]

Wadi Milk Formation

Whitby Mudstone Formation[199]

Williams Formation

Yacoraite Formation[200]

Yongantun Formation[201]

Zhirkindek Formation

Zoumagang Formation[202]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f "Jiufotang Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 565-66.
  2. ^ a b "La Huergina Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 561-62.
  3. ^ a b c d e "Solnhofen Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 549.
  4. ^ a b c d e f "Yixian Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 566-567.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x Fowler, Denver Warwick (2017-11-22). "Revised geochronology, correlation, and dinosaur stratigraphic ranges of the Santonian-Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) formations of the Western Interior of North America". PLOS ONE. 12 (11): e0188426. Bibcode:2017PLoSO..1288426F. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0188426. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 5699823. PMID 29166406.
  6. ^ a b c "Gres a reptiles Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 589-90.
  7. ^ a b "Barun Goyot Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 595-597.
  8. ^ a b "Bayan Shireh Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 596-597.
  9. ^ a b "Bissekty Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 594.
  10. ^ "Cedar Mountain Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 554, 579.
  11. ^ a b c d "Djadochta Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 596-98.
  12. ^ a b c "Elliot Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 528-529, 536.
  13. ^ a b c "Iren Dabasu Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 598.
  14. ^ a b c "Kimmeridge Clay Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 546.
  15. ^ "Lameta Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 595.
  16. ^ "Lower Lufeng Series Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 534.
  17. ^ a b "Morrison Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 543-545.
  18. ^ a b c "Nemegt Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 596-597.
  19. ^ a b c "Oxford Clay Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 539-540.
  20. ^ a b "Rio Colorado Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 603-4.
  21. ^ a b "Shaximiao Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 542, 550-1.
  22. ^ a b c "Tendaguru Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 552.
  23. ^ a b Rogers, Raymond R.; Horner, John R.; Ramezani, Jahandar; Roberts, Eric M.; Varricchio, David J. (2024). "Updating the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Two Medicine Formation of Montana: Lithostratigraphic revisions, new CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb ages, and a calibrated framework for dinosaur occurrences". Geological Society of America Bulletin. doi:10.1130/B37498.1.
  24. ^ "Wangshi Group." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 598, 600.
  25. ^ a b c "Wessex Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 558-559.
  26. ^ a b c "Xinminbao Group Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 567.
  27. ^ Weishampel, David B; et al. (2004). "Dinosaur distribution (Late Cretaceous, South America)." In: Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; and Osmólska, Halszka (eds.): The Dinosauria, 2nd, Berkeley: University of California Press. Pp. 600-604. ISBN 0-520-24209-2.
  28. ^ Turner, A.H.; Calvo, J.O. (2005). "A new sebecosuchian crocodyliform from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 25 (1): 87–98. doi:10.1671/0272-4634(2005)025[0087:ANSCFT]2.0.CO;2.
  29. ^ Marco Brandalise de Andrade; Reinaldo J. Bertini (2008). "A new Sphagesaurus (Mesoeucrocodylia: Notosuchia) from the Upper Cretaceous of Monte Alto City (Bauru Group, Brazil), and a revision of the Sphagesauridae". Historical Biology. 20 (2): 101–136. doi:10.1080/08912960701642949.
  30. ^ a b "Camadas de Alcobaça." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 548-549.
  31. ^ "Almond Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 584.
  32. ^ a b c "Early Cretaceous; North America; "Texas" and "Oklahoma;" Antlers Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 555.
  33. ^ a b "Early Cretaceous; North America; "Maryland" and "Washington, D.C.;" Arundel Clay)." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 556.
  34. ^ "Baharija Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 605.
  35. ^ a b "Bajo Barreal Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 602.
  36. ^ "Chipping Norton Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 538,540.
  37. ^ a b "Clarens Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 536.
  38. ^ a b "Cloverly Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 556.
  39. ^ a b "Denver Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 581.
  40. ^ a b c "Elrhaz Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 572.
  41. ^ a b "Ferris Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 585.
  42. ^ Hartman, Joseph Herbert; Johnson, Kirk R.; Nichols, Douglas J. (2002). The Hell Creek Formation and the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in the Northern Great Plains: An Integrated Continental Record of the End of the Cretaceous. Geological Society of America. ISBN 978-0-8137-2361-7.
  43. ^ a b c "Frenchman Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 578.
  44. ^ a b c "Ischigualasto Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 528.
  45. ^ "Kayenta Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 532.
  46. ^ a b c "Kitadani Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 570.
  47. ^ a b c "Laramie Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 581.
  48. ^ "Lecho Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 603.
  49. ^ a b c "Los Colorados Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 528.
  50. ^ a b c "Maevarano Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 605.
  51. ^ a b "Milk River Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 576.
  52. ^ "Minhe Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 598-9.
  53. ^ "Rio Neuquen Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 603.
  54. ^ a b c "Sânpetru Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 592-593.
  55. ^ a b c "Sao Khua Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 569.
  56. ^ a b c "Weald Clay Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 559.
  57. ^ a b Weishampel, David B; et al. (2004). "Dinosaur distribution (Late Cretaceous, Asia)." In: Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; and Osmólska, Halszka (eds.): The Dinosauria, 2nd, Berkeley: University of California Press. Pp. 593-600. ISBN 0-520-24209-2.
  58. ^ a b c "Early Cretaceous; Australasia; Queensland, Australia; Allaru Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 574.
  59. ^ "Ampthill Clay." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 546.
  60. ^ "Angostura Colorada Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 603.
  61. ^ "Aréen Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 591.
  62. ^ "Argiles à plicatules Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 559-60.
  63. ^ "Argiles d'Octeville." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 547.
  64. ^ "Asencio Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 601.
  65. ^ Chiarenza, Alfio Alessandro; Fabbri, Matteo; Consorti, Lorenzo; Muscioni, Marco; Evans, David C.; Cantalapiedra, Juan L.; Fanti, Federico (2021-12-02). "An Italian dinosaur Lagerstätte reveals the tempo and mode of hadrosauriform body size evolution". Scientific Reports. 11 (1): 23295. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-02490-x. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 8640049. PMID 34857789. S2CID 244862730.
  66. ^ "Balabansai Svita." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 550.
  67. ^ "Bayin-Gobi Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 568.
  68. ^ "Black Creek Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 587.
  69. ^ "Black Peaks Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 582.
  70. ^ "Bungil Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 573.
  71. ^ "Bauxite of Cornet." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 562.
  72. ^ "Bushveld Sandstone Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 535, 528.
  73. ^ "Calcaire de Caen Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 541.
  74. ^ "Castellar Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 560-1.
  75. ^ a b "Caturrita Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 527.
  76. ^ "Cerro Carnerero Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 542.
  77. ^ "Chuanjie Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 542.
  78. ^ "Colalura Sandstone." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 543.
  79. ^ "Dabrazinskaya Svita." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 594.
  80. ^ "Dakota Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 554, 579.
  81. ^ "Dalangshan Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 600.
  82. ^ a b "Dashuigou Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 567.
  83. ^ a b "Demopolis Chalk Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 587.
  84. ^ "Densus Ciula Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 593.
  85. ^ "Ejinhoro Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 568.
  86. ^ "El Gallo Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 587-8.
  87. ^ a b c "Feuerletten Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 524.
  88. ^ a b c "Forest Sandstone Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 535.
  89. ^ a b c "Glen Rose Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 555.
  90. ^ a b c "Gosau Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 592.
  91. ^ "Hornerstown Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 586.
  92. ^ a b c "Kota Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 534.
  93. ^ a b c "La Amarga Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 571.
  94. ^ "La Bocana Roja Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 588.
  95. ^ a b c "Laguna Colorada Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 528.
  96. ^ a b c "Lohan Cura Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 571.
  97. ^ "Magnesian Conglomerate Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 521-22.
  98. ^ a b c "Maleri Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 525.
  99. ^ "Marnes Irisees Superieures Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 523.
  100. ^ Hao, Mingze; Li, Zhiyu; Wang, Zhili; Wang, Shuqiong; Ma, Feimin; Qinggele; King, J. Logan; Pei, Rui; Zhao, Qi; Xu, Xing (2024-10-24). "A new oviraptorosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Miaogou Formation of western Inner Mongolia, China". Cretaceous Research (in press): 106023. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2024.106023.
  101. ^ a b c "Mooreville Chalk Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 587.
  102. ^ "Moreno Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 582.
  103. ^ a b c "Nam Phong Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 527.
  104. ^ a b c "Navajo Sandstone Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 532.
  105. ^ a b c "Paw Paw Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 555.
  106. ^ a b c "Portland Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 532.
  107. ^ a b c "Quebrada del Barro Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 528.
  108. ^ a b c "Tuchengzi Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 551.
  109. ^ a b "Ulansuhai Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 568.
  110. ^ a b "Westbury Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 521.
  111. ^ a b c "Winton Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 606.
  112. ^ a b c "Wonthaggi Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 574.
  113. ^ Xing, Lida; Niu, Kecheng; Mallon, Jordan; Miyashita, Tetsuto (2023). "A new armored dinosaur with double cheek horns from the early Late Cretaceous of southeastern China". Vertebrate Anatomy Morphology Palaeontology. 11. doi:10.18435/vamp29396. ISSN 2292-1389.
  114. ^ "Al-Khod Conglomerate." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 593.
  115. ^ "Amagodani Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 569.
  116. ^ "Amole Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 555.
  117. ^ "Ankarafantsika Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 605.
  118. ^ "Arapahoe Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 581.
  119. ^ "Argiles de Chatillon Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 547.
  120. ^ "Argiles du Gault." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 560.
  121. ^ "Ashizawa Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 600.
  122. ^ "Bayan Bologai Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 565.
  123. ^ "Billman Creek Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 584.
  124. ^ "Birdsong Sandstone." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 574.
  125. ^ "Blufftown Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 587.
  126. ^ "Bonnet Plume Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 575-76.
  127. ^ "Broadford Beds Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 533.
  128. ^ "Budden Canyon Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 555-56.
  129. ^ "Calcarintes du Jadet Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 590.
  130. ^ "Camas Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 588.
  131. ^ "Cape-Sebastian-Sandstone-Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 582.
  132. ^ "Castlegate Sandstone." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 579.
  133. ^ "Chandler Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 556.
  134. ^ "Chari Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 541.
  135. ^ "Chico Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 582.
  136. ^ "Chilgog Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 568.
  137. ^ Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 600.
  138. ^ "Cimarron Ridge Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 581.
  139. ^ "Cokedale Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 583.
  140. ^ "Coreena Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 574.
  141. ^ "Cornbrash Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 540.
  142. ^ "Craie Chloritee." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 590.
  143. ^ "Crevasse Canyon Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 580.
  144. ^ "Dahkla Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 605.
  145. ^ "Dohoin Usa Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 597.
  146. ^ "Donoho Creek Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 587.
  147. ^ "Douiret Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 572.
  148. ^ "Eagle Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 583.
  149. ^ "Enon Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 573.
  150. ^ "Fox Hills Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 585.
  151. ^ "Garita Creek Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 519.
  152. ^ "Gerhartsreiter Schichten." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 592.
  153. ^ "Gokwe Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 552.
  154. ^ "Gres a Avicula contorta Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 523.
  155. ^ "Hidden Lake Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 606.
  156. ^ "Hoganas Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 521.
  157. ^ "Horsethief Sandstone." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 583.
  158. ^ "Iles Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 581.
  159. ^ "Iljig Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 568.
  160. ^ "In Beceten Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 605.
  161. ^ "Izuki Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 570.
  162. ^ "Kaladongar Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 541.
  163. ^ "Kallankurichi Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 593-600.
  164. ^ Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 538.
  165. ^ "Kootenai Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 556.
  166. ^ "La Boca Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 538.
  167. ^ "Ladd Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 582.
  168. ^ "Les Sables de Glos Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 546.
  169. ^ "Lestaillats Marls Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 590.
  170. ^ "Mabdi Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 550.
  171. ^ "Mahadek Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 595.
  172. ^ Weishampel, David B; et al. (2004). "Dinosaur distribution (Late Jurassic, Europe)." In: Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; and Osmólska, Halszka (eds.): The Dinosauria, 2nd, Berkeley: University of California Press. Pp. 545–549. ISBN 0-520-24209-2.
  173. ^ "Marnes de Chalin Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 523.
  174. ^ "Masuk Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 579.
  175. ^ "Matsuo Group." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 569.
  176. ^ "Meeteetse Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 584.
  177. ^ "Mifune Group." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 600.
  178. ^ "Miria Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 606.
  179. ^ "Moenave Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 532.
  180. ^ "Newark Canyon Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 582.
  181. ^ "Northampton Sands Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 539.
  182. ^ "Ojinaga Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 588.
  183. ^ "Patcham Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 541.
  184. ^ "Pictured Cliffs Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 580.
  185. ^ "Point Lookout Sandstone." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 580.
  186. ^ "Qagannur Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 567.
  187. ^ "Raritan Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 586.
  188. ^ Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 547.
  189. ^ "Sables vert de l'Albien Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 560.
  190. ^ "Sand Wells Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 555.
  191. ^ "Sangarskaya Svita." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 563.
  192. ^ "Sebayashi Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 570.
  193. ^ "Shuttle Meadow Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 532.
  194. ^ "Speeton Clay." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 558.
  195. ^ "Summit Creek Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 575.
  196. ^ "Tiki Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 525.
  197. ^ "Shar Teeg Beds." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 550.
  198. ^ "Villigen Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 549.
  199. ^ "Whitby Mudstone Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 533.
  200. ^ "Yacoraite Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 603.
  201. ^ "Yongantun Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 599.
  202. ^ "Zoumgang Formation." Weishampel, et al. (2004). Pg. 599.
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