Below is a list of members of the European Parliament serving in the ninth term (2019–2024). It is sorted by list position or in cases of multiple constituencies, an English perception of surname treating all variations of de/di/do, van/von, Ó/Ní/Uí, and so forth as part of the collation key, even if this is not the normal practice in a member's own country. The term began on 2 July 2019 and ended on 15 July 2024.
At the beginning of the 2019–2024 term, there were 751 members of parliament divided among the 28 member states, which changed after the United Kingdom left the European Union. 27 MEPs were seated after the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (those elected but not yet seated MEPs are shown separately). The number of MEPs decreased to 705 after that.
Political groups
The European Parliament is divided into several political groups:
- European People's Party Group (EPP)
- Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
- Renew Europe (RE)
- Greens–European Free Alliance (G/EFA)
- Identity and Democracy (ID)
- European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR)
- The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL (GUE/NGL)
Members of the European Parliament
MEP | National party | EP Group | Notes | ||||||
Elected | Current | Initial | Current | ||||||
Othmar Karas | ÖVP | ÖVP | EPP | EPP | ÖVP list leader | ||||
Karoline Edtstadler | ÖVP | ÖVP | EPP | EPP | Replaced by Sagartz in 2020 | ||||
Christian Sagartz | ÖVP | ÖVP | EPP | EPP | Replaced Edtstadler in 2020 | ||||
Angelika Winzig | ÖVP | ÖVP | EPP | EPP | |||||
Simone Schmiedtbauer | ÖVP | ÖVP | EPP | EPP | Replaced by Pirchner in 2023 | ||||
Wolfram Pirchner | ÖVP | ÖVP | EPP | EPP | Replaced Schmiedtbauer in 2023 | ||||
Lukas Mandl | ÖVP | ÖVP | EPP | EPP | |||||
Barbara Thaler | ÖVP | ÖVP | EPP | EPP | |||||
Alexander Bernhuber | ÖVP | ÖVP | EPP | EPP | |||||
Andreas Schieder | SPÖ | SPÖ | S&D | S&D | SPÖ list leader | ||||
Evelyn Regner | SPÖ | SPÖ | S&D | S&D | |||||
Günther Sidl | SPÖ | SPÖ | S&D | S&D | |||||
Bettina Vollath | SPÖ | SPÖ | S&D | S&D | Replaced by Muigg in 2022 | ||||
Theresa Muigg | SPÖ | SPÖ | S&D | S&D | Replaced Vollath in 2022 | ||||
Hannes Heide | SPÖ | SPÖ | S&D | S&D | |||||
Harald Vilimsky | FPÖ | FPÖ | ID | ID | FPÖ list leader | ||||
Georg Mayer | FPÖ | FPÖ | ID | ID | |||||
Roman Haider | FPÖ | FPÖ | ID | ID | Heinz-Christian Strache and Petra Steger were elected but chose not to take their seats | ||||
Sarah Wiener | GRÜNE | GRÜNE | G/EFA | G/EFA | GRÜNE list leader | ||||
Monika Vana | GRÜNE | GRÜNE | G/EFA | G/EFA | Werner Kogler was elected but chose not to take his seat | ||||
Thomas Waitz | GRÜNE | GRÜNE | G/EFA | G/EFA | Gained seat after Brexit | ||||
Claudia Gamon | NEOS | NEOS | RE | RE | NEOS list leader |
Dutch-speaking college
MEP | National party | EP Group | Notes | ||||||
Elected | Current | Initial | Current | ||||||
Geert Bourgeois | N-VA | N-VA | ECR | ECR | N-VA list leader | ||||
Assita Kanko | N-VA | N-VA | ECR | ECR | |||||
Johan Van Overtveldt | N-VA | N-VA | ECR | ECR | |||||
Gerolf Annemans | VB | VB | ID | ID | VB list leader | ||||
Filip De Man | VB | VB | ID | ID | |||||
Tom Vandendriessche | VB | VB | ID | ID | Patsy Vatlet was elected but chose not to take her seat | ||||
Guy Verhofstadt | Open VLD | Open VLD | RE | RE | Open VLD list leader | ||||
Hilde Vautmans | Open VLD | Open VLD | RE | RE | |||||
Kris Peeters | CD&V | CD&V | EPP | EPP | CD&V list leader, replaced by Vandenkendelaere in 2021 | ||||
Tom Vandenkendelaere | CD&V | CD&V | EPP | EPP | Replaced Peeters in 2021 | ||||
Cindy Franssen | CD&V | CD&V | EPP | EPP | |||||
Kathleen Van Brempt | Vooruit | Vooruit | S&D | S&D | Vooruit list leader | ||||
Petra De Sutter | Groen | Groen | G/EFA | G/EFA | Groen list leader, replaced by Matthieu in 2020 | ||||
Sara Matthieu | Groen | Groen | G/EFA | G/EFA | Replaced De Sutter in 2020 |
French-speaking college
MEP | National party | EP Group | Notes | ||||||
Elected | Current | Initial | Current | ||||||
Marie Arena | PS | PS | S&D | S&D | PS list leader | ||||
Marc Tarabella | PS | PS | S&D | S&D | Paul Magnette was elected but chose not to take his seat | ||||
Philippe Lamberts | Ecolo | Ecolo | G/EFA | G/EFA | Ecolo list leader | ||||
Saskia Bricmont | Ecolo | Ecolo | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Olivier Chastel | MR | MR | RE | RE | MR list leader | ||||
Frédérique Ries | MR | MR | RE | RE | |||||
Marc Botenga | PTB | PTB | GUE/NGL | GUE/NGL | PTB list leader | ||||
Benoît Lutgen | CDH | CDH | EPP | EPP | CDH list leader |
German-speaking college
MEP | National party | EP Group | Notes | ||||||
Elected | Current | Initial | Current | ||||||
Pascal Arimont | CSP | CSP | EPP | EPP | CSP list leader |
On the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria list: (EPP Group) On the Bulgarian Socialist Party list: (S&D)
On the Movement for Rights and Freedoms list: (Renew)
On the IMRO – Bulgarian National Movement list: (ECR) On the Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria list: (EPP Group)
On the Croatian Democratic Union list (EPP Group)
On the Social Democratic Party of Croatia list: (S&D)
On an Independent list: (Non-Inscrits) On the Croatian Conservative Party-led list: (ECR)
On the Human Shield list: (Non-Inscrits) On the Amsterdam Coalition list:
On the Democratic Rally list: (EPP Group)
On the Progressive Party of Working People list: (GUE–NGL)
On the Democratic Party list: (S&D) On the Movement for Social Democracy list: (S&D)
Czech Republic
On the Civic Democratic Party list: (ECR) On the Czech Pirate Party list: (Greens-EFA)
On the TOP 09–Mayors and Independents list: (EPP Group) On the Freedom and Direct Democracy list: (ID) On the Christian and Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party list: (EPP Group) On the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia list: (GUE–NGL)
On the Social Democrats list: (S&D) On the Socialist People's Party list: (Greens-EFA)
On the Danish Social Liberal Party list: (Renew) On the Danish People's Party list: (ID)
On the Conservative People's Party list: (EPP Group) On the Red-Green Alliance list: (GUE–NGL)
On the Estonian Reform Party list: (Renew) On the Social Democratic Party list: (S&D) |
On the Estonian Centre Party list: (Renew) On the Conservative People's Party of Estonia list: (ID) On the Pro Patria and Res Publica Union list: (EPP Group)
On the National Coalition Party list: (EPP Group)
On the Green League list: (Greens-EFA)
On the Social Democratic Party list: (S&D) |
On the Finns Party list: (ID)
On the Centre Party list: (Renew) On the Left Alliance list: (GUE–NGL) On the Swedish People's Party of Finland list: (Renew)
On the National Rally list: (ID)
On the La République En Marche! list: (Renew)
On the Europe Ecology – The Greens list: (Greens-EFA)
On The Republicans list: (EPP Group)
On the La France Insoumise list: (GUE–NGL)
On the Socialist Party-Place Publique–New Deal list: (S&D)
MEP | National party | EP Group | Notes | ||||||
Elected | Current | Initial | Current | ||||||
Hildegard Bentele | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Stefan Berger | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Daniel Caspary | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Lena Düpont | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Jan Christian Ehler | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Michael Gahler | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Jens Gieseke | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Niclas Herbst | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Peter Jahr | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Peter Liese | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Norbert Lins | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
David McAllister | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Markus Pieper | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Dennis Radtke | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Christine Schneider | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Sven Schulze | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | Replaced by Braunsberger-Reinhold in 2021 | ||||
Karolin Braunsberger-Reinhold | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | Replaced Schulze in 2021 | ||||
Andreas Schwab | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Ralf Seekatz | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Sven Simon | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Sabine Verheyen | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Axel Voss | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Marion Walsmann | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Rainer Wieland | CDU/CSU | CDU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Manfred Weber | CDU/CSU | CSU | EPP | EPP | CDU/CSU list leader | ||||
Angelika Niebler | CDU/CSU | CSU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Markus Ferber | CDU/CSU | CSU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Monika Hohlmeier | CDU/CSU | CSU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Christian Doleschal | CDU/CSU | CSU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Marlene Mortler | CDU/CSU | CSU | EPP | EPP | |||||
Ska Keller | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | Greens list leader | ||||
Sven Giegold | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | Replaced by Gallée in 2021 | ||||
Malte Gallée | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | NI | Replaced Giegold in 2021, replaced by Ovelgönne in 2024 | ||||
Jan Ovelgönne | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | Replaced Gallée in 2024 | ||||
Terry Reintke | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Reinhard Bütikofer | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Hannah Neumann | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Martin Häusling | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Anna Cavazzini | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Erik Marquardt | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Katrin Langensiepen | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Romeo Franz | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Jutta Paulus | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Sergey Lagodinsky | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Henrike Hahn | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Michael Bloss | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Rasmus Andresen | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Alexandra Geese | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Niklas Nienaß | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Viola von Cramon-Taubadel | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Daniel Freund | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana | Greens | Greens | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Katarina Barley | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | SPD list leader | ||||
Udo Bullmann | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | |||||
Maria Noichl | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | |||||
Jens Geier | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | |||||
Delara Burkhardt | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | |||||
Bernd Lange | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | |||||
Birgit Sippel | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | |||||
Dietmar Köster | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | |||||
Gabriele Bischoff | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | |||||
Ismail Ertug | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | Replaced by Rudner in 2023 | ||||
Thomas Rudner | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | Replaced Ertug in 2023 | ||||
Constanze Krehl | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | Replaced by Ecke in 2022 | ||||
Matthias Ecke | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | Replaced Krehl in 2022 | ||||
Tiemo Wölken | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | |||||
Petra Kammerevert | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | |||||
Norbert Neuser | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | Replaced by Lucke in 2022 | ||||
Karsten Lucke | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | Replaced Neuser in 2022 | ||||
Evelyne Gebhardt | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | Replaced by Repasi in 2022 | ||||
René Repasi | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | Replaced Gebhardt in 2022 | ||||
Joachim Schuster | SPD | SPD | S&D | S&D | |||||
Jörg Meuthen | AfD | IND | ID | NI | AfD list leader | ||||
Guido Reil | AfD | AfD | ID | NI | |||||
Maximilian Krah | AfD | AfD | ID | NI | |||||
Lars Patrick Berg | AfD | BD | ID | ECR | |||||
Bernhard Zimniok | AfD | AfD | ID | NI | |||||
Nicolaus Fest | AfD | AfD | ID | NI | |||||
Markus Buchheit | AfD | AfD | ID | NI | |||||
Christine Anderson | AfD | AfD | ID | NI | |||||
Sylvia Limmer | AfD | AfD | ID | NI | |||||
Gunnar Beck | AfD | AfD | ID | NI | |||||
Joachim Kuhs | AfD | AfD | ID | NI | |||||
Nicola Beer | FDP | FDP | RE | RE | FDP list leader, replaced by Kauch in 2024 | ||||
Michael Kauch | FDP | FDP | RE | RE | Replaced Beer in 2024 | ||||
Svenja Hahn | FDP | FDP | RE | RE | |||||
Andreas Glück | FDP | FDP | RE | RE | |||||
Moritz Körner | FDP | FDP | RE | RE | |||||
Jan-Christoph Oetjen | FDP | FDP | RE | RE | |||||
Martin Schirdewan | Left | Left | GUE-NGL | GUE-NGL | Left list leader | ||||
Özlem Demirel | Left | Left | GUE-NGL | GUE-NGL | |||||
Cornelia Ernst | Left | Left | GUE-NGL | GUE-NGL | |||||
Helmut Scholz | Left | Left | GUE-NGL | GUE-NGL | |||||
Martina Michels | Left | Left | GUE-NGL | GUE-NGL | |||||
Martin Sonneborn | PARTEI | PARTEI | NI | NI | PARTEI list leader | ||||
Nico Semsrott | PARTEI | IND | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Ulrike Müller | FW | FW | RE | RE | FW list leader | ||||
Engin Eroglu | FW | FW | RE | RE | |||||
Martin Buschmann | TIER | IND | GUE-NGL | NI | TIER list leader | ||||
Klaus Buchner | ÖDP | ÖDP | G/EFA | G/EFA | ÖDP list leader, replaced by Ripa in 2020 | ||||
Manuela Ripa | ÖDP | ÖDP | G/EFA | G/EFA | Replaced Buchner in 2020 | ||||
Helmut Geuking | Familie | Familie | ECR | EPP | Familie list leader, replaced by Niels Geuking in 2024 | ||||
Niels Geuking | Familie | Familie | NI | NI | Replaced Helmut Geuking in 2024 | ||||
Damian Boeselager | Volt | Volt | G/EFA | G/EFA | Volt list leader | ||||
Patrick Breyer | Piraten | Piraten | G/EFA | G/EFA | Piraten list leader |
On the New Democracy list: (EPP Group)
On the Coalition of the Radical Left list: (GUE–NGL)
On the Movement for Change list: (S&D)
On the Communist Party of Greece list: (Non-Inscrits) On the Golden Dawn list: (Non-Inscrits)
On the Greek Solution list: (ECR)
On the Fidesz–Christian Democratic People's Party list: (EPP Group, from 5 March 2020 Non-Inscrits)
On the Democratic Coalition list: (S&D) On the Momentum Movement list: (Renew) On the Hungarian Socialist Party–Dialogue for Hungary list: (S&D) On the Jobbik list: (Non-Inscrits)
As candidates of Fine Gael: (EPP Group)
As candidates of Independents 4 Change: (GUE–NGL) As candidates of Green Party of Ireland: (Greens-EFA) |
As candidate of Fianna Fáil: (Renew)
As candidate of Sinn Féin: (GUE–NGL)
As an Independent candidate:
On the Democratic Party list: (S&D)
On the Five Star Movement list: (Non-Inscrits)
On the Forza Italia list: (EPP Group)
On the Brothers of Italy list: (ECR)
On the South Tyrolean People's Party list: (EPP Group)
On the Unity list: (EPP Group) On the National Alliance list: (ECR)
On the Movement For! list: (Renew) On the Latvian Russian Union list: (Greens-EFA, from 1 April 2022 Non-Inscrits)
On the Homeland Union list: (EPP Group) On the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania list: (S&D) On the Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union list: (Greens-EFA)
On the Labour Party list: (Renew)
On the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania list: (ECR) On the Liberal Movement list: (Renew) On an Independent list: (EPP Group)
MEP | National party | EP Group | Notes | ||||||
Elected | Current | Initial | Current | ||||||
Charles Goerens | DP | DP | RE | RE | DP list leader | ||||
Monica Semedo | DP | IND | RE | RE | |||||
Christophe Hansen | CSV | CSV | EPP | EPP | CSV list leader, replaced by Kemp in 2023 | ||||
Martine Kemp | CSV | CSV | EPP | EPP | Replaced Hansen in 2023 | ||||
Isabel Wiseler-Santos Lima | CSV | CSV | EPP | EPP | |||||
Tilly Metz | Gréng | Gréng | G/EFA | G/EFA | Gréng list leader | ||||
Nicolas Schmit | LSAP | LSAP | S&D | S&D | LSAP list leader, replaced by Angel in 2019 | ||||
Marc Angel | LSAP | LSAP | S&D | S&D | Replaced Schmit in 2019 |
As candidates of the Labour Party: (S&D)
As candidates of the Nationalist Party: (EPP Group)
MEP | National party | EP Group | Notes | ||||||
Elected | Current | Initial | Current | ||||||
Agnes Jongerius | PvdA | PvdA | S&D | S&D | PvdA list leader | ||||
Paul Tang | PvdA | PvdA | S&D | S&D | |||||
Kati Piri | PvdA | PvdA | S&D | S&D | Replaced by Reuten in 2021 | ||||
Thijs Reuten | PvdA | PvdA | S&D | S&D | Replaced Piri in 2021 | ||||
Vera Tax | PvdA | PvdA | S&D | S&D | |||||
Mohammed Chahim | PvdA | PvdA | S&D | S&D | |||||
Lara Wolters | PvdA | PvdA | S&D | S&D | Frans Timmermans was elected but chose not to take his seat | ||||
Malik Azmani | VVD | VVD | RE | RE | VVD list leader | ||||
Jan Huitema | VVD | VVD | RE | RE | |||||
Caroline Nagtegaal | VVD | VVD | RE | RE | |||||
Liesje Schreinemacher | VVD | VVD | RE | RE | Replaced by Rinzema in 2022 | ||||
Catharina Rinzema | VVD | VVD | RE | RE | Replaced Schreinemacher in 2022 | ||||
Bart Groothuis | VVD | VVD | RE | RE | Gained seat after Brexit | ||||
Esther de Lange | CDA | CDA | EPP | EPP | CDA list leader, replaced by Ormel in 2024 | ||||
Henk Jan Ormel | CDA | CDA | EPP | EPP | Replaced de Lange in 2024 | ||||
Jeroen Lenaers | CDA | CDA | EPP | EPP | |||||
Tom Berendsen | CDA | CDA | EPP | EPP | |||||
Annie Schreijer-Pierik | CDA | CDA | EPP | EPP | |||||
Derk Jan Eppink | FvD | JA21 | ECR | ECR | FvD list leader, replaced by Hoogeveen in 2021 | ||||
Michiel Hoogeveen | FvD | JA21 | ECR | ECR | Replaced Eppink in 2021 | ||||
Rob Roos | FvD | JA21 | ECR | ECR | |||||
Rob Rooken | FvD | JA21 | ECR | ECR | |||||
Dorien Rookmaker | FvD | MDD | NI | ECR | Left the FvD before taking office, gained seat after Brexit | ||||
Bas Eickhout | GL | GL | G/EFA | G/EFA | GL list leader | ||||
Tineke Strik | GL | GL | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Kim van Sparrentak | GL | GL | G/EFA | G/EFA | |||||
Peter van Dalen | CU-SGP | CU | EPP | EPP | CU-SGP list leader, replaced by Haga in 2023 | ||||
Anja Haga | CU-SGP | CU | EPP | EPP | Replaced van Dalen in 2023 | ||||
Bert-Jan Ruissen | CU-SGP | SGP | ECR | ECR | |||||
Samira Rafaela | D66 | D66 | RE | RE | D66 list leader | ||||
Sophie in 't Veld | D66 | Volt | RE | G/EFA | |||||
Anja Hazekamp | PvdD | PvdD | GUE/NGL | GUE/NGL | PvdD list leader | ||||
Toine Manders | 50Plus | CDA | EPP | EPP | 50Plus list leader | ||||
Marcel de Graaff | PVV | FvD | NI | ID | PVV list leader, gained seat after Brexit |
On the Law and Justice list: (ECR)
On the European Coalition list:
On the Socialist Party list: (S&D)
On the Social Democratic Party list: (EPP Group)
On the Left Bloc list: (GUE–NGL)
On the Democratic Unitarian Coalition list: (GUE–NGL)
On the CDS – People's Party list: (EPP Group)
On the People Animals Nature list: (Greens-EFA)
On the National Liberal Party list: (EPP Group)
On the Social Democratic Party list: (S&D)
On the Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party+Save Romania Union list: (Renew)
On the PRO Romania list: (S&D)
On the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania list: (EPP Group) On the People's Movement Party list: (EPP Group)
On the Progressive Slovakia–Together list: (Renew)–(EPP Group)
On the Direction – Slovak Social Democracy list: (S&D)
On the Kotleba – People's Party Our Slovakia list: (Non-Inscrits)
On the Freedom and Solidarity list: (ECR)
On the Christian Democratic Movement list: (EPP Group)
On the Ordinary People and Independent Personalities list: (EPP Group)
On the Slovenian Democratic Party-Slovenian People's Party list: (EPP Group) On the Social Democrats list: (S&D)
On the Freedom Movement list: (Renew) On the New Slovenia list: (EPP Group)
On the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party list: (S&D)
On the People's Party list: (EPP Group)
On the Citizens – Party of the Citizenry list: (Renew)
On the Unidas Podemos list: (GUE–NGL)
On the Ahora Repúblicas list: (Greens-EFA)
On Together for Europe list: (Non-Inscrits)
On the Coalition for a Solidary Europe list: (Renew)
On the Social Democratic list: (S&D)
On the Moderate Party list: (EPP Group) On the Sweden Democrats list: (ECR)
On the Green Party list: (Greens-EFA)
On the Centre Party list: (Renew)
On the Christian Democrats list: (EPP Group)
On the Left Party list: (GUE–NGL)
Former MEPs of the United Kingdom
The term of all British MEPs ended with Brexit on 31 January 2020. As candidates of The Brexit Party: (Non-Inscrits)
As candidates of the Liberal Democrats: (Renew) |
As candidates of the Labour Party: (S&D)
As candidates of the Green Party of England and Wales: (Greens-EFA) As candidates of the Conservative Party: (ECR) As candidates of the Scottish National Party: (Greens-EFA)
As a candidate of Plaid Cymru: (Greens-EFA) Northern Ireland As a candidate of Sinn Féin: (GUE–NGL) As a candidate of the Democratic Unionist Party: (Non-Inscrits) As a candidate of the Alliance Party (Renew)
Replacement members
The following MEPs joined the European Parliament mid-term. On 21 January 2020, 27 seats from the British delegation were distributed to other countries as a result of Brexit.
MEP before | Replacement | Country | Date of entry | Party | Party | |
Kyriakos Velopoulos | Emmanouil Fragkos | Greece | 10 July 2019 | ECR | Greek Solution | |
André Bradford | Isabel Estrada Carvalhais | Portugal | 3 September 2019 | S&D | Socialist Party | |
Roberto Gualtieri | Nicola Danti | Italy | 5 September 2019 | S&D | Democratic Party | |
Dubravka Šuica | Sunčana Glavak | Croatia | 1 December 2019 | EPP | Croatian Democratic Union | |
Adina Vălean | Vlad Nistor | Romania | 2 December 2019 | EPP | National Liberal Party | |
Nicolas Schmit | Marc Angel | Luxembourg | 10 December 2019 | S&D | Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party | |
Karoline Edtstadler | Christian Sagartz | Austria | 23 January 2020 | EPP | Austrian People's Party | |
Matt Carthy | Chris MacManus | Ireland | 6 March 2020 | GUE/NGL | Sinn Féin | |
Clotilde Armand | Vlad Gheorghe | Romania | 10 November 2020 | RE | Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party+Save Romania Union | |
Mairead McGuinness | Colm Markey | Ireland | 20 November 2020 | EPP | Fine Gael | |
Cristian Ghinea | Alin Mituța | Romania | 28 December 2020 | RE | Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party+Save Romania Union | |
Brexit | Thomas Waitz | Austria | 1 February 2020 | G/EFA | The Greens – The Green Alternative | |
Romana Jerković | Croatia | S&D | Social Democratic Party of Croatia | |||
Linea Søgaard-Lidell | Denmark | RE | Venstre | |||
Riho Terras | Estonia | EPP | Pro Patria and Res Publica Union | |||
Alviina Alametsä | Finland | G/EFA | Green League | |||
Jean-Lin Lacapelle | France | ID | National Rally | |||
Sandro Gozi | France | RE | La République En Marche! | |||
Ilana Cicurel | France | RE | La République En Marche! | |||
Claude Gruffat | France | G/EFA | Europe Ecology – The Greens | |||
Nora Mebarek | France | S&D | Socialist Party | |||
Deirdre Clune | Ireland | EPP | Fine Gael | |||
Barry Andrews | Ireland | RE | Fianna Fáil | |||
Salvatore De Meo | Italy | EPP | Forza Italia | |||
Sergio Berlato | Italy | ECR | Brothers of Italy | |||
Bart Groothuis | Netherlands | RE | People's Party for Freedom and Democracy | |||
Dorien Rookmaker | Netherlands | ECR | JA21 | |||
Marcel de Graaff | Netherlands | ID | Party for Freedom | |||
Dominik Tarczyński | Poland | ECR | Law and Justice | |||
Miriam Lexmann | Slovakia | EPP | Christian Democratic Movement | |||
Marcos Ros Sempere | Spain | S&D | Spanish Socialist Workers' Party | |||
Gabriel Mato Adrover | Spain | EPP | People's Party | |||
Adrián Vázquez Lázara | Spain | RE | Citizens – Party of the Citizenry | |||
Margarita de la Pisa Carrión | Spain | ECR | Vox | |||
Clara Ponsatí | Spain | NI | Together for Europe | |||
Jakop Dalunde | Sweden | G/EFA | Green Party | |||
Klaus Buchner | Manuela Ripa | Germany | 16 July 2020 | G/EFA | Ecological Democratic Party | |
Petra De Sutter | Sara Matthieu | Belgium | 8 October 2020 | G/EFA | Green | |
Miriam Dalli | Cyrus Engerer | Malta | 5 November 2020 | S&D | Labour Party | |
József Szájer | Ernő Schaller-Baross | Hungary | 10 January 2021 | EPP | Fidesz–Christian Democratic People's Party | |
Kris Peeters | Tom Vandenkendelaere | Belgium | 25 January 2021 | EPP | Christian Democratic and Flemish | |
Fredrick Federley | Emma Wiesner | Sweden | 4 February 2021 | RE | Centre Party | |
Kati Piri | Thijs Reuten | Netherlands | 15 April 2021 | S&D | Labour Party | |
Derk Jan Eppink | Michiel Hoogeveen | Netherlands | 15 April 2021 | ECR | JA21 | |
Ruža Tomašić | Ladislav Ilčić | Croatia | 1 July 2021 | ECR | Croatian Conservative Party | |
João Ferreira | João Pimenta Lopes | Portugal | 6 July 2021 | GUE/NGL | Democratic Unitarian Coalition | |
Sven Schulze | Karolin Braunsberger-Reinhold | Germany | 7 October 2021 | EPP | Christian Democratic Union | |
Johan Danielsson | Ilan de Basso | Sweden | 13 December 2021 | S&D | Social Democratic | |
Sven Giegold | Malte Gallée | Germany | 22 December 2021 | G/EFA | Alliance 90/The Greens | |
Norbert Neuser | Karsten Lucke | Germany | 11 January 2022 | S&D | Social Democratic Party of Germany | |
David Sassoli | Camilla Laureti | Italy | 12 January 2022 | S&D | Democratic Party | |
Liesje Schreinemacher | Catharina Rinzema | Netherlands | 18 January 2022 | RE | People's Party for Freedom and Democracy | |
Evelyne Gebhardt | René Repasi | Germany | 2 February 2022 | S&D | Social Democratic Party of Germany | |
Tanja Fajon | Matjaž Nemec | Slovenia | 18 May 2022 | S&D | Social Democrats | |
Chrysoula Zacharopoulou | Max Orville | France | 20 May 2022 | RE | La République En Marche! | |
Hélène Laporte | Marie Dauchy | 29 July 2022 | ID | National Rally | ||
Joëlle Mélin | Éric Minardi | ID | National Rally | |||
Julie Lechanteux | Patricia Chagnon | ID | National Rally | |||
Manuel Bompard | Marina Mesure | GUE/NGL | La France Insoumise | |||
Manuel Pizarro | João Albuquerque | Portugal | 13 September 2022 | S&D | Socialist Party | |
Jytte Guteland | Carina Ohlsson | Sweden | 26 September 2022 | S&D | Social Democratic | |
Jessica Stegrud | Johan Nissinen | ECR | Sweden Democrats | |||
Constanze Krehl | Matthias Ecke | Germany | 3 October 2022 | S&D | Social Democratic Party of Germany | |
Bettina Vollath | Theresa Muigg | Austria | 10 October 2022 | S&D | Social Democratic Party of Austria | |
Raffaele Fitto | Denis Nesci | Italy (Southern Italy) | 3 October 2022 | ECR | Brothers of Italy | |
Marco Dreosto | Matteo Gazzini | Italy (North-East Italy) | ID | Lega Nord | ||
Andrea Caroppo | Elisabetta De Blasis | Italy (Southern Italy) | ID | Lega Nord | ||
Mara Bizzotto | Paola Ghidoni | Italy (North-East Italy) | ID | Lega Nord | ||
Eleonora Evi | Maria Angela Danzì | Italy (North-West Italy) | NI | Five Star Movement | ||
Simona Bonafé | Beatrice Covassi | Italy (Central Italy) | 2 November 2022 | S&D | Democratic Party | |
Silvio Berlusconi | Alessandra Mussolini | Italy (North-West Italy) | EPP | Forza Italia | ||
Antonio Tajani | Lara Comi | Italy (Central Italy) | EPP | Forza Italia | ||
Carlo Calenda | Achille Variati | Italy (Central Italy) | S&D | Democratic Party | ||
Lefteris Christoforou | Eleni Stavrou | Cyprus | 2 November 2022 | EPP | Democratic Rally | |
Linea Søgaard-Lidell | Bergur Løkke Rasmussen | Denmark | 14 November 2022 | RE | Venstre | |
Søren Gade | Erik Poulsen | Denmark | RE | Venstre | ||
Peter Kofod | Anders Vistisen | Denmark | ID | Danish People's Party | ||
Miroslav Číž | Katarína Roth Neveďalová | Slovakia | 30 December 2022 | S&D | Direction – Slovak Social Democracy | |
Simona Baldassarre | Maria Veronica Rossi | Italy (Central Italy) | 6 April 2023 | ID | Lega Nord | |
Luisa Regimenti | Francesca Peppucci | Italy (Central Italy) | 6 April 2023 | EPP | Forza Italia | |
Pierfrancesco Majorino | Mercedes Bresso | Italy (North-West Italy) | 6 April 2023 | S&D | Democratic Party | |
Laura Huhtasaari | Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner | Finland | 11 April 2023 | ID | Finns Party | |
Nikos Androulakis | Nikos Papandreou | Greece | 2 May 2023 | S&D | PASOK – Movement for Change | |
Éric Andrieu | Christophe Clergeau | France | 1 June 2023 | S&D | Socialist Party | |
Ismail Ertug | Thomas Rudner | Germany | 2 July 2023 | S&D | Social Democratic Party of Germany | |
Álvaro Amaro | Carlos Coelho | Portugal | 7 July 2023 | EPP | Social Democratic Party | |
Véronique Trillet-Lenoir | Catherine Amalric | France | 9 August 2023 | RE | Renaissance | |
Esteban González Pons | Ana Collado Jiménez | Spain | 16 August 2023 | EPP | People's Party | |
Adriana Maldonado López | Laura Ballarin Cereza | Spain | S&D | Spanish Socialist Workers' Party | ||
Peter van Dalen | Anja Haga | Netherlands | 5 September 2023 | EPP | Christian Union | |
Agnès Evren | Laurence Sailliet | France | 14 September 2023 | EPP | The Republicans | |
Yannick Jadot | Lydie Massard | France | 14 September 2023 | G/EFA | Breton Democratic Union | |
Simone Schmiedtbauer | Wolfram Pirchner | Austria | 16 October 2023 | EPP | Austrian People's Party | |
Christophe Hansen | Martine Kemp | Luxembourg | 23 October 2023 | EPP | Christian Social People's Party | |
Michal Šimečka | Jozef Mihál | Slovakia | 26 October 2023 | RE | Independent politician | |
Bartosz Arłukowicz | Witold Pahl | Poland (Lubusz and West Pomeranian) | 16 November 2023 | EPP | Civic Platform | |
Krzysztof Hetman | Włodzimierz Karpiński | Poland (Lublin) | EPP | Polish People's Party | ||
Zbigniew Kuźmiuk | Rafał Romanowski | Poland (Masovian) | 29 November 2023 | ECR | Law and Justice | |
Sira Rego | Patricia Caro | Spain | 30 November 2023 | GUE/NGL | Podemos | |
Michèle Rivasi | François Thiollet | France | 30 November 2023 | G/EFA | The Ecologists | |
Ernest Urtasun | Esther Sanz Selva | Spain | 21 December 2023 | GUE/NGL | Podemos | |
Nicola Beer | Michael Kauch | Germany | 1 January 2024 | RE | Free Democratic Party | |
Radosław Sikorski | Krzysztof Brejza | Poland (Kuyavian-Pomeranian) | 3 January 2024 | EPP | Civic Platform | |
Stéphane Séjourné | Guy Lavocat | France | 12 January 2024 | RE | Renaissance | |
Helmut Geuking | Niels Geuking | Germany | 5 February 2024 | NI | Family Party | |
Esther de Lange | Henk Jan Ormel | Netherlands | 27 February 2024 | EPP | Christian Democratic Appeal | |
Erik Bergkvist | Linus Glanzelius | Sweden | 27 February 2024 | S&D | Social Democratic Party | |
Malte Gallée | Jan Ovelgönne | Germany | 12 March 2024 | G/EFA | Alliance 90/The Greens | |
Marisa Matias | Anabela Rodrigues | Portugal | 26 March 2024 | GUE/NGL | Left Bloc | |
Nuno Melo | Vasco Becker-Weinberg | Portugal | EPP | CDS – People's Party | ||
Maria da Graça Carvalho | Vânia Neto | Portugal | 2 April 2024 | EPP | Social Democratic Party | |
José Manuel Fernandes | Teófilo Santos | Portugal | EPP | Social Democratic Party | ||
Paulo Rangel | Ana Miguel dos Santos | Portugal | EPP | Social Democratic Party | ||
Cláudia Aguiar | Ricardo Morgado | Portugal | 5 April 2024 | EPP | Social Democratic Party | |
Dace Melbārde | Ansis Pūpols | Latvia | 14 May 2024 | EPP | National Alliance | |
Petri Sarvamaa | Eija-Riitta Korhola | Finland | 1 June 2024 | EPP | Christian Democrats |
See also
- 2019 European Parliament election
- List of members of the European Parliament (2014–2019)
- 2024 European parliament election
- List of MEPs who stood down at the 2024 European Parliament election
- List of members of the European Parliament (2024–2029)
- ^ Mariya Gabriel was originally elected but opted to stay as European Commissioner. Lilyana Pavlova who should have taken over the seat, was nominated Vice-President of the European Investment Bank.
- ^ Mustafa Karadayi was originally elected but opted not to take his seat.
- ^ Delyan Peevski was originally elected but opted not to take his seat.
- ^ Dubravka Šuica resigned her seat after joining the European Commission
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w MEP gaining the seat after Brexit.
- ^ Ruža Tomašić resigned her seat after retiring from politics.
- ^ Lefteris Christoforou resigned his seat after being nominated to the European Court of Auditors.
- ^ Solutions, BDigital Web. "EDEK party shrinks as turmoil escalates over ousted MEP". Retrieved 2020-06-02.
- ^ Linea Søgaard-Lidell resigned her seat to sit in the Folketing.
- ^ Jeppe Kofod did not take his seat, as he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. His resignation from this seat was effective on 2 July 2019.
- ^ Karsten Hønge was originally elected but opted not to take his seat.
- ^ Peter Kofod resigned his seat to sit in the Folketing.
- ^ Petri Sarvamaa resigned his seat to serve in the European Court of Auditors.
- ^ Laura Huhtasaari resigned her seat on 11 April 2023 after being elected member of the Parliament of Finland.
- ^ Hélène Laporte resigned her seat on 28 July 2022 after being elected member of the National Assembly.
- ^ Joëlle Mélin resigned her seat on 28 July 2022 after being elected member of the National Assembly.
- ^ Julie Lechanteux resigned her seat on 28 July 2022 after being elected member of the National Assembly.
- ^ Stéphane Séjourné was appointed Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France.
- ^ Chrysoula Zacharopoulou was appointed Minister Delegate for Development, Francophonie and International Partnerships of France.
- ^ Yannick Jadot resigned his seat on 23 September 2023 before being elected senator.
- ^ Michèle Rivasi died on 29 November 2023.
- ^ Agnès Evren resigned her seat on 23 September 2023 before being elected senator.
- ^ Manuel Bompard resigned his seat on 28 July 2022 after being elected member of the National Assembly.
- ^ "Παρουσίασε το κόμμα του «Κόσμος» ο Πέτρος Κόκκαλης -Διακριτικά δίπλα του η Δήμητρα Ματσούκα". (in Greek). 2024-02-15..
- ^ Nikos Androulakis resigned his seat before being elected to the Hellenic Parliament.
- ^ Semina Digeni was originally elected but opted not to take her seat.
- ^ Kyriakos Velopoulos resigned his seat on 7 July 2019 when he was elected member of the Hellenic Parliament.
- ^ József Szájer resigned his seat after a scandal.
- ^ Bertalan Tóth was elected but did not take his seat.
- ^ Mairead McGuinness resigned her seat after being appointed European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Markets Union.
- ^ Matt Carthy was elected as Teachta Dála at the 2020 Irish general election.
- ^ Matteo Salvini opted not to take his seat. Adinolfi is his replacement in South
- ^ Mara Bizzotto resigned her seat after being elected to the Senate of Italy.
- ^ Matteo Salvini opted not to take his seat. Campomenosi is his replacement in North-West
- ^ Andrea Caroppo resigned his seat after being elected to the Chamber of Deputies of Italy.
- ^ Matteo Salvini opted not to take his seat. Conte is his replacement in North-East
- ^ Matteo Salvini opted not to take his seat. Donato is his replacement in Insulare
- ^ Marco Dreosto resigned his seat after being elected to the Senate of Italy.
- ^ Bartolo was elected in two constituencies, replacement in Centre is Roberto Gualtieri.
- ^ Simona Bonafé resigned her seat after being elected to the Chamber of Deputies of Italy.
- ^ Carlo Calenda resigned his seat after being elected to the Senate of Italy.
- ^ Roberto Gualtieri was appointed Minister of Finance in September 2019.
- ^ David Sassoli died on 11 January 2022.
- ^ Eleonora Evi resigned her seat after being elected to the Chamber of Deputies of Italy.
- ^ Berlusconi was elected in three constituencies, he chose North-West.
- ^ Silvio Berlusconi resigned his seat after being elected to the Senate of Italy.
- ^ Berlusconi's replacement in South.
- ^ Berlusconi's replacement in Insulare
- ^ Antonio Tajani resigned his seat after being elected to the Chamber of Deputies of Italy.
- ^ Giorgia Meloni opted not to take her seat. Fiocchi is her replacement in North-West
- ^ Giorgia Meloni opted not to take her seat. Fitto is her replacement in South
- ^ Raffaele Fitto resigned her seat after being elected to the Chamber of Deputies of Italy.
- ^ Giorgia Meloni opted not to take her seat. Procaccini is her replacement in Centre
- ^ Giorgia Meloni opted not to take her seat. Stancanelli is her replacement in Insular
- ^ Valdis Dombrovskis decided to stay in the European Commission and did not take his seat.
- ^ Originally Šarūnas Marčiulionis was elected but opted not to take the seat.
- ^ Miriam Dalli resigned her seat after she was co-opted to the Maltese Parliament.
- ^ Zbigniew Kuźmiuk resigned his seat after being elected to the Sejm.
- ^ Bartosz Arłukowicz resigned his seat after being elected to the Sejm.
- ^ Radosław Sikorski was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland.
- ^ Krzysztof Hetman resigned his seat after being elected to the Sejm.
- ^ André Bradford died on 18 July 2019.
- ^ Manuel Pizarro was appointed to the XXIII Constitutional Government of Portugal.
- ^ a b c d Paulo Rangel, José Manuel Fernandes, Maria da Graça Carvalho, and Cláudia Aguiar were appointed to the XXIV Constitutional Government of Portugal.
- ^ Marisa Matias resigned her seat after being elected to the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal.
- ^ João Ferreira resigned his seat after announcing his candidacy in the Lisbon local elections.
- ^ Nuno Melo resigned his seat after being elected to the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal.
- ^ Adina Vălean resigned her seat after joining the European Commission.
- ^ Cristian Ghinea resigned his seat after being appointed Minister of Investments and European Projects of Romania.
- ^ Clotilde Armand resigned her seat after being elected as mayor of Sector 1 of Bucharest.
- ^ Victor Ponta was originally elected but did not take the seat.
- ^ Michal Šimečka resigned his seat to sit on the Slovak National Council.
- ^ Miroslav Číž died on 29 December 2022.
- ^ Tanja Fajon was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia.
- ^ Josep Borrell opted not to take his seat.
- ^ Esteban González Pons resigned his seat to sit in the Chamber of Deputies of Spain.
- ^ Luis Garicano resigned on 1 September 2022
- ^ Sira Rego was appointed Minister of Youth and Children of Spain.
- ^ Ernest Urtasun was appointed Minister of Culture of Spain.
- ^ a b c "European Parliament goes against Spain and recognises Catalan politicians as MEPs". Retrieved 2020-01-07.
- ^ Oriol Junqueras who was originally elected was not seated.
- ^ Pernando Barrena resigned on 2 September 2022.
- ^ Johan Danielsson resigned his seat after being appointed Minister of Housing of Sweden.
- ^ Jytte Guteland resigned her seat after being elected to the Swedish Riksdag.
- ^ Jessica Stegrud resigned her seat after being elected to the Swedish Riksdag.
- ^ Fredrick Federley resigned his seat on 12 December 2020.
- ^ Alyn Smith was elected MP for Stirling in the House of Commons.
- Full list of MEPs,
- List of EPP MEPs,
- List of S&D MEPs,
- List of Greens–EFA MEPs,
- Leadership and MEPs of the ECR Group,
- List of GUE–NGL MEPs,
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