This is a list of Hong Kong football transfers for the 2013 summer transfer window. Only moves featuring at least one First Division club are listed.
The summer transfer window was open from 12 July 2013 to 3 October 2013.[1]
This list also includes transfers featuring at least one First Division club which were completed after the end of the winter 2012–13 transfer window and before the end of the 2013 summer window.
Players without a club may join at any time, and clubs may sign players on loan during loan windows.
All players and clubs without a flag are Hongkonger.
a Player will officially join his club on 1 June 2013.
- ^ "香港足球總會 聯賽章則". Retrieved 8 June 2013.
- ^ "林學曦外借印尼球隊佩斯查". 18 May 2013. Archived from the original on 1 October 2013.
- ^ "傑志2:0挫南區". Sing Tao Daily. 20 May 2013. Archived from the original on 26 September 2013.
- ^ "迪亞斯正式加盟泰乙球隊 Roi Et United". 26 May 2013.
- ^ "體訊速遞:(足球)東方簽入基奧雲尼". Apple Daily. 26 May 2013.
- ^ "體壇傳真:三叉戟". Apple Daily. 30 May 2013.
- ^ a b "李海強周綽豐離開屯門". Ta Kung Pao. 30 May 2013.
- ^ a b "東尼 本地體壇 傑志加強 華人班底". Metropolis Daily. 30 May 2013.
- ^ a b "南華覓外援代替李志豪". Oriental Daily. 31 May 2013. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 31 May 2013.
- ^ "利馬重投南華 李志豪勢上京". Wen Wei Po. 1 June 2013.
- ^ a b "元朗簽公民棄將". Apple Daily. 31 May 2013.
- ^ a b c d "和富大埔中場荊騰投晨曦". Oriental Daily. 1 June 2013. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 1 June 2013.
- ^ "體訊速遞:(足球)歐冲傳下山投橫濱". Apple Daily. 4 June 2013.
- ^ a b c "劉念溢新球季回歸東方". Ta Kung Pao. 2 June 2013.
- ^ "40歲迪天奴續約公民". Apple Daily. 2 June 2013.
- ^ a b c "美亞張志勇加盟元朗". Ta Kung Pao. 3 June 2013.
- ^ a b "東尼 本地體壇 公民組軍稍作調整". Metropolis Daily. 3 June 2013.
- ^ "元朗成功借用趙俊傑". Ta Kung Pao. 4 June 2013.
- ^ "東尼 本地體壇 橫濱擴軍 招兵買馬". Metropolis Daily. 5 June 2013.
- ^ "愉園周六公佈組軍大計". Apple Daily. 5 June 2013.
- ^ "飛馬搞掂金寶". Apple Daily. 6 June 2013.
- ^ "體壇拾趣:公民組軍有出冇入". Apple Daily. 8 June 2013.
- ^ a b c "New Players Transferred to Yokohama FC (HK)". 7 June 2013.
- ^ a b c "體壇快訊﹕歐陽耀冲下山投橫濱". Ming Pao. 8 June 2013.
- ^ a b "流浪簽舊將賴嘉輝陳湛羲". Ta Kung Pao. 8 June 2013.
- ^ a b c d "愉園簽兩「老兵 」亞古沙賓曹". Apple Daily. 8 June 2013.
- ^ a b c d e "體壇拾趣:愉園組軍荷蘭兵冇影". Apple Daily. 9 June 2013.
- ^ "愉園返港甲". Sing Pao. 9 June 2013. Archived from the original on 15 June 2013.
- ^ a b "愉園獲彭梓鍵等加盟". Ta Kung Pao. 9 June 2013.
- ^ a b "南華又易帥張寶春替廖俊輝". Oriental Daily. 9 June 2013. Archived from the original on 24 June 2013.
- ^ "東尼 本地體壇 流浪組軍 昨簽銘剛". Metropolis Daily. 10 June 2013.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j "東方公佈下季大軍名單!". 11 June 2013.
- ^ "東尼 本地體壇 南華軍容 翻天巨變". Metropolis Daily. 11 June 2013.
- ^ 美高上山欲行又止. Hong Kong Daily News (in Chinese). 12 June 2013.
- ^ "飛馬獲林家亮加盟". Apple Daily. 13 June 2013.
- ^ "国安与香港籍球员李志豪正式签约". Beijing Guoan F.C. Official Website. 14 June 2013.
- ^ "簡訊/元朗斟妥第5名洋將". Ta Kung Pao. 16 June 2013.
- ^ a b c d "李毅凱獲阿爾濱邀請試訓". Ta Kung Pao. 17 June 2013.
- ^ "簡訊/英女桌球手寫歷史一頁". Ta Kung Pao. 18 June 2013.
- ^ "東尼 本地體壇 引入蘇沙元朗成軍". Metropolis Daily. 17 June 2013.
- ^ "高尼路返港任東方助教". Ta Kung Pao. 19 June 2013.
- ^ a b "日之泉JC晨曦成軍在望". Oriental Daily. 20 June 2013.
- ^ 南區借羅志焜獲車潤秋. Hong Kong Daily News (in Chinese). 21 June 2013.
- ^ "體壇連線:車潤秋加盟南區". Wen Wei Po. 23 June 2013.
- ^ "東尼 本地體壇 南華增兵得咕上山". Metropolis Daily. 28 June 2013.
- ^ "體訊速遞:(足球)陳偉豪北上發展傳變數". Apple Daily. 28 June 2013.
- ^ "愉園季前新聞發佈會". Happy Valley AA. 28 June 2013. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016.
- ^ a b "南華明天開操". Steven Lo's blog. 1 July 2013. Archived from the original on 4 July 2013.
- ^ "パクテホン選手 横浜FC香港へ期限付き移籍のお知らせ" (in Japanese). 4 July 2013. Archived from the original on 6 July 2013.
- ^ "村井泰希選手 横浜FC香港への期限付き移籍期間延長のお知らせ" (in Japanese). 4 July 2013.
- ^ a b c "愉園開操重用非洲兵". Oriental Daily. 5 July 2013.
- ^ 科夫簽中甲毅騰半年. Ta Kung Pao (in Chinese). 9 July 2013.
- ^ "東尼 本地體壇 愉園援兵 正式曝光". Metropolis Daily. 9 July 2013.
- ^ "Liang Zicheng transferred to Yokohama FC (Hong Kong)". 9 July 2013.
- ^ "傑志獲西乙新援加盟". Apple Daily. 10 July 2013.
- ^ a b "飛馬加強攻力爭亞協入場券". 11 July 2013.
- ^ "體訊速遞:(足球)林學曦有保險先返佩斯查". Apple Daily. 14 July 2013.
- ^ "東尼 本地體壇 公民引入 塞國中場". Metropolis Daily. 15 July 2013.
- ^ 屯門晨操午練將勤補拙. Ta Kung Pao (in Chinese). 18 July 2013.
- ^ 屯門國產式谷操. Apple Daily (in Chinese). 18 July 2013.
- ^ 公民冀重振雄風. Ta Kung Pao (in Chinese). 19 July 2013.
- ^ "流浪門將僅1人或覓外援". Sing Pao Daily News. 20 July 2013. Archived from the original on 21 September 2013.
- ^ 公民新前鋒史提芬彭利拿抵港報到 (in Chinese). Sportsroad. 22 July 2013.
- ^ a b c "愉園豪簽6貴價兵". Metropolis Daily. 1 August 2013.
- ^ "季前新動向". Steven Lo's blog. 6 August 2013. Archived from the original on 10 August 2013.
- ^ "體訊速遞:(足球)東方友賽2:0贏晨曦". Apple Daily. 7 August 2013.
- ^ "晨曦羅致美高". Ta Kung Pao. 7 August 2013.
- ^ "傑志踢亞協盃外援未定". Oriental Daily. 8 August 2013. Archived from the original on 17 December 2013.
- ^ a b "晨曦新巴西中鋒殺到". Oriental Daily. 11 August 2013. Archived from the original on 17 December 2013.
- ^ "流浪增兵未完 想簽史高斯". Apple Daily Hong Kong. 17 August 2013.
- ^ "巴西兵對辦晨曦挫屯門". Sing Pao. 23 August 2013. Archived from the original on 14 December 2013.
- ^ a b c "晨曦屯門落實外援名單". Hong Kong Daily News. 23 August 2013.
- ^ "少林寺簽南韓中堅高敬峻". Oriental Daily. 28 August 2013. Archived from the original on 17 December 2013.
- ^ "橫濱聘日援原田慎太郎". Sing Pao. 28 August 2013. Archived from the original on 14 December 2013.
- ^ "東尼 本地體壇 流浪克援 下周抵港". Metro Daily Hong Kong. 4 September 2013.
- ^ a b "【港甲】東方外借兩將予晨曦". Apple Daily. 16 September 2013.
- ^ "元朗羅致流浪馬其仕". Sing Pao Daily News. 18 September 2013. Archived from the original on 14 December 2013.
- ^ a b "巴西射手史高斯重返港甲". Sing Pao Daily News. 20 September 2013. Archived from the original on 14 December 2013.
- ^ "東尼 本地體壇 公民新援今報到". Metro Daily Hong Kong. 27 September 2013.
- ^ "李志豪轉會手續辦妥". Steven Lo's blog. 30 September 2013. Archived from the original on 18 October 2013.
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