Three hundred and twenty-two Guggenheim Fellowships were awarded in 1958.[1][2][3] $1,412,000 in funds was disbursed.[3]

1958 U.S. and Canadian Fellows

Category Field of Study Fellow Institutional association Research topic Notes Ref
Creative Arts Drama and Performance Art Lionel Abel State University of New York [4]
Loften Mitchell State University of New York at Binghamton [5]
Fiction Doris Betts Novel writing [6][7]
Margaret Currier Boylen
Josephine Carson Rider [1]
Daniel Curley University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [8][9]
James Purdy Also won in 1963 [10]
Fine Arts Emil John Antonucci Graphic design [11]
Al Blaustein The Art Center of Northern New Jersey Painting Also won in 1961 [12]
Dennis Byng Purdue University Also won in 1959 [13][14][15]
Richard Charles Gilkey [16]
Paul Theodore Granlund Minneapolis School of Art Sculpture Also won in 1957 [17]
William A. Kienbusch Painting
James Chan Leong [18][1]
Ezio Martinelli Sarah Lawrence College, Parsons School of Design Graphic arts Also won in 1962 [19]
Dean Jackson Meeker University of Wisconsin Creative printmaking [20]
Tetsuo Ochikubo Lithography
Nathan Oliveira Graphic arts [21][3]
Charles Robert Oscar Museum of Modern Arts Painting [22]
Norman Rubington [23]
Aubrey E. Schwartz Harpur College, State University of New York Graphic art Also won in 1959 [24]
Sahl Swarz Sculpture Also won in 1955 [25]
Romas Viesulas (de) Lithography Also won in 1964, 1969 [26]
Frans Wildenhain Rochester Institute of Technology Ceramic sculpture in relation to architecture [27]
Music Composition James MacArthur Beale University of Washington Composing [28]
Jack Hamilton Beeson Columbia University
Irving Gifford Fine Brandeis University Also won in 1950 [29]
Lee Henry Hoiby [28][30]
Stanley Hollingsworth Oakland University [28][31]
Teo Macero TEO Productions Also won in 1957 [32]
Vincent Persichetti Juilliard School Also won in 1968, 1973 [28]
Jerome W. Rosen (nl) (de) University of California, Davis [3][28]
Photography W. Eugene Smith Magnum Photos Pittsburgh Also won in 1956, 1968 [33]
Poetry Philip Booth Syracuse University Writing Also won in 1964 [29]
Edgar Bowers Harpur College Also won in 1969 [34][35]
Katherine de Montalant Hoskins [29]
Alastair Reid Also won in 1958 [36]
Humanities American Literature James Franklin Beard, Jr. Clark University James Fenimore Cooper Also won in 1952 [29]
Travis Miller Bogard University of California, Berkeley Plays of Eugene O'Neill [3]
John Espey University of California, Los Angeles Critical study of the poetry of Ezra Pound [1]
Ihab Habib Hassan Wesleyan University American novel since World War II Also won in 1962 [29]
Alfred Kazin Amherst College Historical and literary studies of 20th century American writing Also won in 1940, 1947, 1969 [29]
Jacob Clavner Levenson University of Minnesota [17]
Gardner Blake Taplin Longwood College Influence of Italian life and culture upon American literature in the 19th century [37]
Architecture, Planning and Design Ada Louise Huxtable Art in America, Progressive Architecture [38]
John William Reps Cornell University City planning prior to the Chicago World's Fair Columbian Exposition of 1893 [34][39]
Thomas D. Schocken St. Louis City Plan Commission Relationship between city planning controls and design in European countries [40][41]
Bibliography William Richard Matthews University of California, Los Angeles Works of Sir Thomas Malory as printed by William Caxton Also won in 1946 [42][1][43]
Biography William Johnson Time Life Harold Osman Kelly, 1884-1955 [1]
Elizabeth Stevenson Lafcadio Hearn Also won in 1951 [44][45]
British History Richard Wall Lyman Washington University in St. Louis James Ramsay MacDonald [40][41][46]
Classics Thomas R. S. Broughton Bryn Mawr College Also won in 1945 [47][46]
Norman O. Brown University of Pennsylvania, Wesleyan University Irrational factor in ancient Greek politics [48][29]
John Francis Callahan Georgetown University [49]
Joseph Fontenrose University of California, Berkeley Cults of Delphi in ancient Greece [3][46]
Fred Walter Householder, Jr. Indiana University Early history of Greek language [13][50][15]
Georg Hans Bhavani Luck Harvard University Ovid's language, style and literary technique [29]
William Andrew McDonald University of Minnesota Also won in 1967 [17]
Helen F. North Cornell University Also won in 1975 [51][39]
Roger A. Pack University of Michigan Artemidorus Daldianus' Oneirocritica [52][53]
Lawrence Richardson, Jr. Yale University Painters of ancient Pompeii [29]
Chester G. Starr University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Early Greek civilization Also won in 1950 [54][9][46]
Myra L. Uhlfelder University of Iowa History of ancient Roman religion [55][56][46]
John Howard Young Johns Hopkins University Sounion in the Athenian state period [57]
East Asian Studies John Whitney Hall University of Michigan Okayama Domain Also won in 1976 [53][46]
Economic History Wytze Gorter University of California, Los Angeles Economic study of the dissolution of the Dutch Empire in the Far East [1][46]
Louis Morton Hacker Columbia University Early history of the United States Steel Corporation Also won in 1948 [58][46]
Jacob Myron Price University of Michigan Anglo-American tobacco trade, 1660-1775 Also won in 1965 [53][46]
English Literature Roy Wesley Battenhouse Indiana University Elizabethan poetic and moral theory [13][50][15][43]
Gerald Eades Bentley, Jr. University of Chicago [59]
Donald F. Bond University of Chicago Also won in 1966 [59][60]
Fredson Thayer Bowers University of Virginia Bibliographical study of all English plays published between 1660 and 1700 Also won in 1970 [37]
Jackson Irving Cope Washington University in St. Louis Renaissance Italian critics' influence upon Elizabethan playwrights Also won in 1984 [40][41][43]
Joseph Frank University of Rochester History of English newspapers Also won in 1961 [27][43]
William Frost University of California, Santa Barbara Also won in 1979 [35]
David Hayman University of Texas Finnegans Wake [61][62]
John Emory Jordan University of California, Berkeley William Wordsworth [3]
William Rea Keast Cornell University Lives of the English Poets by Samuel Johnson [39]
Harry Thornton Moore Southern Illinois University Collected volume of D. H. Lawrence's works Also won in 1960 [63]
William R. Mueller University of North Carolina Literary and theological study of John Donne's sermons [6][43]
Stephen Maxfield Parrish Cornell University Poetic theory and technique of William Wordsworth Also won in 1985 [39]
Robert Torsten Petersson Smith College Comparative study of certain literary works and paintings of the 17th century [29][43]
Lawrence Vincent Ryan (de) Stanford University Works of Roger Ascham, 1515-1568 [3][43]
Grover C. Smith, Jr. Duke University History of contemporary English poetic drama [6]
Robert Donald Thornton University of South Carolina [64]
Ian Pierre Watt University of California, Berkeley Joseph Conrad's development as a novelist Also won in 1972 [3]
Fine Arts Research François Bucher Yale University Antique sources of medieval art Also won in 1966 [29]
George Heard Hamilton Yale University History of modern painting and sculpture [29]
John Franklin Haskins University of Pennsylvania Thomas Jefferson Also won in 1963 [46]
Hylton Armond Thomas University of Minnesota [17]
Martin Weinberger (de) New York University Nicola Pisano and Giovanni Pisano and their relation to sculpture in the 13th and 14th centuries [43]
Folklore and Popular Culture Austin Edwin Fife Occidental College Cowboy songs and ballads [1]
French Literature Bruce Archer Morrissette (fr) Washington University in St. Louis Alain Robbe-Grillet [40][41]
Marvin Mudrick University of California, Santa Barbara [35]
Warren Ramsey University of California, Berkeley Symbolism in European literature [3]
Roger W. Shattuck University of Texas Literary works of Remy de Gourmont [61][62]
General Nonfiction Edwin Emery University of Minnesota History and development of American press associations [17][46]
Paul G. Horgan Santa Fe Opera Jean-Baptiste Lamy Also won in 1945 [49][58][65][66]
John Frederick Muehl University of Michigan East India Company [53][46]
Marion Lena Starkey University of Connecticut History of the African Negro in the United States Also won in 1953 [29]
German and East European History Sten Gunnar Flygt Vanderbilt University Karl Friedrich Bahrdt [67][68]
Reginald H. Phelps Harvard University Early evolution of the National Socialist movement in Bavaria, 1919 to 1924 [29][46]
German and Scandinavian Literature Heinz Politzer Oberlin College Also won in 1966, 1974 [69]
Herbert William Reichert University of North Carolina Friedrich Nietzsche [6]
Thomas Auraldo Riley Bowdoin College Writings of the Viennese romantics, 1808-1813 [29]
H. Stefan Schultz University of Chicago [59]
History of Science and Technology Alex Berman University of Michigan Comparative study of hospital pharmacy in France and the United States [53]
Thomas Neville Bonner University of Omaha Completion of his book The Influence of German Universities on American Medicine, 1870-1914 Also won in 1964 [70][56][46]
Iberian and Latin American History Woodrow Borah University of California, Berkeley Mexican colonial history Also won in 1951 [3]
Stanley J. Stein Princeton University The role of merchants in the Mexican independence movement, 1778-1827 Also won in 1972 [46]
Italian Literature Aldo D. Scaglione University of California, Berkeley Italian literary history since the Renaissance [3][43]
Linguistics Stanley Martin Sapon Ohio State University [69]
Thomas A. Sebeok Indiana University Poetic language in folksongs Also won in 1980 [50][13][15]
Ralph Charles Wood
Literary Criticism Wylie Sypher Simmons College Structure in painting, architecture and sculpture to interpret forms of literature Also won in 1949 [29]
Medieval Literature Joseph Anthony Mazzeo Cornell University Dante and medieval culture [39][43]
Nicholas M. Haring Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Also won in 1962
Henry David Hurst Portsmouth Priory School Commentaries of the Venerable Bede on the Gospels of Mark and Luke [29][49]
William Thomas Hobdell Jackson Columbia University Also won in 1967 [71]
Medieval History Charles Till Davis Tulane University [46]
Katherine Fischer Drew Rice University Fusion of Lombrd and Frankish institutions in Italy between the 8th and 10th centuries [62][46]
Lynn Townsend White, Jr. Mills College Technology and social change during the European Middle Ages [3][43][46]
Music Research Putnam C. Aldrich Stanford University Dance rhythms of the Baroque period [3][43]
Joseph Wilfred Kerman University of California, Berkeley Italian madrigals [3][43]
Carl George Parrish Vassar College Notations employed in vocal music and instrumental tablatures of the Renaissance [72][43]
Milton Steinhardt University of Kansas Music of Jacobus Vaet Also won in 1965 [41][43][73]
Edward Arthur Lippman Columbia University Musical philosophy and esthetics [73]
Alfred Mann Rutgers University Baroque music in England and Italy [74]
Near Eastern Studies Ricardo Augusto Caminos Brown University History of the XXII Egyptian Dynasty [29][46]
Florence Ely Day Early Islamic art [29][46]
David Noel Freedman Western Theological Seminary History and culture of Biblical Palestine [75]
Judah Goldin Jewish Theological Seminary [48]
Jacob C. Hurewitz Columbia University [46]
Arthur Võõbus Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary Syrian monasticism from the 2nd to the 5th century, A.D. Also won in 1957, 1968
Philosophy Rudolf Allers Georgetown University Political conduct [49][43]
Charles Augustus Baylis Duke University Ethics [6]
Arthur Child University of California, Davis General theory of interpretation [3]
Philip P. Hallie Vanderbilt University Maine de Biran [67][68]
William Thomas Jones Pomona College Conflict between the scientific and normative conceptions of human life [76]
John Ladd Brown University Nature of reasoning in ethics [29]
Leroy Earl Loemker Emory University Intellectual history of the 17th century [44][45][43]
Israel Scheffler Harvard University Philosophy of language Also won in 1972 [29]
Gregory Vlastos Princeton University Also won in 1950 [77]
Religion Frederick A. Norwood Garrett Biblical Institute History of Christian religious refugees since 1500 [43]
Arthur Carl Piepkorn Concordia Seminary Bibliography of Lutheran theologians of the period 1580-1713 [40][41][43]
Amos Niven Wilder Harvard University Interpretation of early Christian imagery and myth [29]
Renaissance History Rosalie Littell Colie Barnard College John Locke's work and development during his Dutch sojourn Also won in 1966 [43][46]
James Hutton Cornell University Concept of peace in Renaissance literature [39][43]
Frederic Chapin Lane Johns Hopkins University Economic history of Venice [57][46]
Slavic Literature William Edward Harkins Columbia University Karel Čapek [78]
George Yury Shevelov Columbia University
Spanish and Portuguese Literature Ernesto Guerra Da Cal New York University Eça de Queiroz [79]
Terrence Leslie Hansen University of California, Riverside Spanish folklore [80]
United States History John Gilchrist Barrett Virginia Military Institute Civil War military operations in North Carolina [6][37][46]
Lyman Henry Butterfield Massachusetts Historical Society Adams family in Europe, 1778-1889 [29][46]
Marion Vernon Brewington Peabody Museum of Salem Ship portrait painters [29]
Carl Bridenbaugh University of California, Berkeley English ?afe in the 17th and 18th centuries Also won in 1962, 1968 [3][46]
David Brion Davis Cornell University American antislavery movement [39][46]
William S. Greever University of Idaho Certain social and economic aspects of the mining rushes in the west [81][46]
Dumas Malone University of Virginia Thomas Jefferson Also won in 1951 [46]
Ernest R. May Harvard University America's emergence as a great power, 1895 to 1900 [29][46]
James Mercer Merrill Whittier College The River War, 1861-1865 [82][46]
Ralph Ernest Morrow Washington University in St. Louis Role of evangelical clergy in the life of midwestern frontier in the early 19th century [40][41][46]
Charles K. O'Neill Varying stages of Kentucky neutrality during 1861 and 1862 Also won in 1959 [29]
Washington Platt Yale University Basic principles of strategic intelligence in relation to national security [29]
Benjamin Arthur Quarles Morgan State College Role of the Negro in the American Revolutionary War [57][46]
David Budlong Tyler Wagner College Wilkes Expedition [46]
John William Ward Princeton University Also won in 1967
Natural Sciences Applied Mathematics Yuan-Cheng Fung California Institute of Technology Thermodynamics of irreversible processes [1]
Alfred Leitner Michigan State University Methods of solving boundary value problems [53]
Astronomy and Astrophysics John Laufer California Institute of Technology Decay of a turbulent shear flow [1]
Chemistry Joseph Frederick Bunnett University of North Carolina New concepts of organic chemistry [6]
Saul G. Cohen Brandeis University Reactions of free radicals in solution [29]
Robert E. Connick University of California, Berkeley Hydrolytic polymerization Also won in 1948 [3]
LeRoy Eyring University of Iowa Chemical reactions in the solid state [55][56]
David Caldwell Grahame (de) Amherst College Dielectric properties of the inner region of the electrical double layer [29]
James Steven Johnson, Jr. Oak Ridge National Laboratory [68]
Daniel Kivelson University of California, Los Angeles Paramagnetic resonance studies on liquids and gases [1]
LeRoy Henry Klemm University of Oregon Certain organic chemical reactions [83]
Darrell Wayne Osborne Argonne National Laboratory [59]
Stephen Prager University of Minnesota Also won in 1966 [17]
Robert Wheaton Taft, Jr. Pennsylvania State University Effects of molecular structure on reactivity [75]
George Charles Turrell Brown University Spectroscopic studies of vibrational energy transfer behind shock waves in gases [29]
Emil Henry White Johns Hopkins University Certain efficient chemiluminescent reactions [57]
Earth Science Harry Paul Bailey University of California, Los Angeles Pleistocene continental glaciation in Canada and Scandinavia [1]
Bruce Buzzell Benson Amherst College Studies of natural processes in the oceans [29]
Kenneth O. Emery University of Southern California Sediments and water movements of the Dead Sea [1]
Donald Munro Henderson University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Certain coal beds in South Wales [9]
Paul Bigelow Sears Yale University Pleistocene vegetation and climate in North America [29]
Engineering H. Kurt Forster University of California, Los Angeles Heat transfer [1]
Stanley H. Langer United States Bureau of Mines Molecular interactions [75]
John W. Miles University of California, Los Angeles Generation of surface waves by turbulent winds Also won in 1968 [1]
Paul M. Naghdi University of Michigan Theory of elastic-plastic solids of work-hardening materials [53]
Herbert Mark Neustadt U.S. Naval Academy Also won in 1957 [84]
George Sinclair University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
George Henry Sines, Jr. University of California, Los Angeles Interactions between foreign atoms and clusters of foreign atoms in metals [1]
Tau-Yi Toong Massachusetts Institute of Technology Problems in combustion aerodynamics [29]
John Roy Whinnery University of California, Berkeley Streams of electrons [3]
Geography and Environmental Studies William Patterson Cumming Davidson College Discovery and exploration of the North American continent during the 16th and 17th centuries [85][6][43][46]
Mathematics Nesmith Ankeny Massachusetts Institute of Technology Studies on quadratic forms [29]
Edwin Ford Beckenbach University of California, Los Angeles Convex and subharmonic functions [1]
Robert Creighton Buck University of Wisconsin Algebraic and topological properties of linear operators on function spaces [20]
Donald Allan Darling University of Michigan Probability theory [86][53]
William F. Donoghue, Jr. University of Kansas Theory of coercive quadratic integer-differential forms [87][41]
Nathan Fine University of Pennsylvania [48]
Robert Finn California Institute of Technology Non-linear elliptic partial differential equations Also won in 1965 [1]
Robert Elston Fullerton University of Maryland Theory of continuous surfaces [57]
Frederick W. Gehring University of Michigan Boundary behavior of meromorphic functions [53]
Leonard Gillman Purdue University Theory of rings and continuous mathematical functions [13][14][15]
Morris Kline New York University
Medicine and Health S. Spafford Ackerly University of Louisville School of Medicine Frontal lobe function in the brain [88]
Ellen Brown University of California Medical Center Physiology of small vessel circulation and temperature regulation [3]
David Gitlin Harvard University Medical School Intracellular degradation of plasma and cellular proteins [29]
Arnold Bernard Scheibel University of California, Los Angeles Also won in 1952
Lowell Elmond White, Jr. University of South Alabama
Molecular and Cellular Biology Robert Lesh Baldwin University of Wisconsin Thyroglobulin [20]
Eric Glendinning Ball Harvard Medical School Also won in 1937 [89][29]
Orlin N. Biddulph Washington State College Movement of minerals and organic substances in plants [90]
John Eldridge Cushing University of California, Santa Barbara
Abraham Eisenstark Kansas State College Interaction of genetic material of the bacterial virus with that of the host cell [41]
Walton B. Geiger Trinity University Enzymes linking transacetylation with transmethylation [62]
Arthur Charles Giese Stanford University Structure of nucleons Also won in 1946 [3]
Neal B. Groman University of Washington
Daniel L. Kline Yale Medical School White blood cell physiology [29]
Allen Lein Northwestern University [59]
Pauline A. Miller Harvard Medical School Formation of tetanus toxin in the cell Also won in 1959 [29]
Joe Neilands University of California, Berkeley Iron metabolism [3]
Edward Lawrence Powers Argonne National Laboratory [59]
Howard Harold Seliger Johns Hopkins University
Helen A. Stafford Reed College Various aspects of plant tissues [83]
Bernard S. Strauss University of Chicago [60]
J. Herbert Taylor Florida State University
Robert Collett Warner New York University [91]
John Irving White University of Maryland School of Medicine Protein components of skeletal muscle [57]
George Wolf University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Function of vitamin A in metabolism [9]
Stephen Zamenhof (eo) Columbia University [92]
Neuroscience Donald Benjamin Lindsley University of California, Los Angeles Brain organization and behavior [1]
Organismic Biology and Ecology John Maxwell Anderson Cornell University Digestive tract of starfish [39]
Zach M. Arnold University of California, Berkeley Variations of plant life [3]
Arthur Merton Chickering Albion College Taxonomy of spiders Also won in 1957 [93][53]
Howard Ensign Evans Cornell University Solitary wasps Also won in 1969 [39]
William Alonzo Gosline University of Hawaii Classification of modern bony fishes [94]
George Daniel Grice, Jr. National Marine Fisheries Service [95]
William Hansel Cornell University Estrogenic hormone in the blood and tissues of experimental animals [39]
William Stewart Hoar University of British Columbia Young fish [96]
Howard Holtzer University of Pennsylvania [48]
Paul Louis Illg University of Washington [97][98]
Everett Williams Jameson, Jr. University of California, Davis Japanese fleas [3]
Thomas Henry Manning National Museum of Canada Arctic research [99][100]
Robert Baxter Platt Emory University Ecological studies of organisms and communities with reference to their microenvironment [101][44][45]
Charles Remington Yale University Evolutionary processes in the lepidoptera [29]
Elizabeth S. Russell Jackson Memorial Laboratory Physiological genetics of mammals [29]
Robert van den Bosch University of California, Riverside
Physics Robert Adolph Becker University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Application of nuclear physics to astrophysical problems Also won in 1959 [9]
Lawrence C. Biedenharn, Jr. Rice Institute Nuclear reaction theory [62]
Martin M. Block Duke University High energy nuclear physics [6]
Norman Brown University of Pennsylvania
Lawrence Cranberg Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Spin-orbit forces in nuclei [66]
Gordon Charles Danielson Iowa State College [56]
John Gilbert Daunt Ohio State University Also won in 1953 [102][69]
Adrianus Jacobus Dekker University of Minnesota [17]
Hans Frauenfelder University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Investigation of the interaction in beta and muon decay Also won in 1972 [9]
Claude Geoffrion Université Laval Also won in 1957 [103]
Stanley S. Hanna Argonne National Laboratory [59]
Robert Hofstadter Stanford University Also won in 1972 [104]
Jack Marvin Hollander University of California, Berkeley Atomic spectroscopy Also won in 1965 [3]
Arthur F. Kip University of California, Berkeley [3]
Martin Jesse Klein Case Institute of Technology Also won in 1967 [69]
Wallace Conrad Koehler Oak Ridge National Laboratory [68]
Francis Arthur Jenkins University of California, Berkeley Isotopes Also won in 1932, 1947 [3]
Leon M. Lederman University of Chicago [60]
Ralph Stuart Mackay, Jr. University of California, Berkeley, University of California Medical Center Unobservable detail in X-ray images Also won in 1956
Elliott Waters Montroll University of Maryland Statistical mechanics of systems of interacting particles [57]
Franco Rasetti Johns Hopkins University Spectra of ionized gases [57]
Joseph Melvin Reynolds Louisiana State University
Louis D. Roberts Oak Ridge National Laboratory [68]
Emilio G. Segrè University of California, Berkeley [3]
Albert Silverman Cornell University Production of elementary particles by high energy X-rays [39]
John S. Toll University of Maryland Analytic structure of quantum field theories [57]
Luke Chia-Liu Yuan Brookhaven National Laboratory High energy interaction [105]
Plant Science Henry Nathaniel Andrews Washington University in St. Louis Critical study of certain groups of early land plants Also won in 1951, 1961 [106][40][41]
Enrique Balech (es) (eo) Ministry of the Navy (Argentina) Also won in 1957 [107]
Robert Norman Goodman University of Missouri Antibiotically active compounds produced by higher plants [40][41]
Harold Franklin Heady University of California, Berkeley Grasslands [3]
Harvey A. Miller Miami University Phytogeography and ecology of the Hawaiian Hepaticae [108][69]
Jack Edgar Myers University of Texas Photosynthetic metabolism of algae [61][62]
James George Ross South Dakota State College [56]
Paul Claude Silva University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Marine algae of California [9]
Oliver Fuhriman Smith United States Department of Agriculture Alfalfa breeding [109]
Thomas Wallace Whitaker University of California, Davis Also won in 1946
Stephen Wilhelm University of California, Berkeley Fungus parasites in plants [3]
Frederick Paul Zscheile, Jr. University of California, Davis Bunt resistance in wheat [3]
Statistics Leonard Jimmie Savage University of Chicago Also won in 1951, 1967 [59]
Herbert Solomon Stanford University
Social Sciences Anthropology and Cultural Studies Richard King Beardsley University of Michigan Spanish small-farm communities [53]
Svend E. Frederiksen Catholic University of America Also won in 1957 [49]
Harry Hawthorn University of British Columbia [96]
Eric Wolf University of Virginia Cultural change and its effects among the Tyrolese peasantry [37]
Economics Mark Blaug Yale University Capital of British industry during the Industrial Revolution [29]
Alfred Dupont Chandler, Jr. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Development of American business corporations [29][46]
Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Vanderbilt University Problems of measurability of human motivation [67][68]
Edward Hastings Chamberlin Harvard University Theory of wages including collective bargaining and the monopoly elements in both labor and product markets [29]
James M. Henderson Harvard University Natural resource utilization patterns [29]
Holland Hunter Haverford College
Gerald Marvin Meier Wesleyan University International trade and economic development in the British tropics, 1870-1914 Also won in 1957 [29][46]
John R. Meyer Harvard University Development of a behavioral theory of the American business firm [29]
Richard E. Quandt Princeton University
Law Michael H. Cardozo Cornell Law School European international organizations in their relations with member governments [39]
Political Science Russell Hunt Fifield University of Michigan Philippine role in Asia since independence [53]
Stephen Denis Kertesz University of Notre Dame Parliamentary diplomacy in the United Nations [13][49][15]
Roland Young Northwestern University Also won in 1968 [59]
Psychology Edward Girden Brooklyn College Psychokinesis Also won in 1941 [110]
Clarence Henry Graham Columbia University [111]
Norman Guttman Duke University Experimental behavior [6]
David McClelland Harvard University Relationship between human motives and economic growth [29]
Sociology Joseph Winfield Fretz (de) Bethel College Cultural interaction of a European ethnic refugee colony in Paraguay with native Paraguayans [41]

1958 Latin American and Caribbean Fellows

Category Field of Study Fellow Institutional association Research topic Notes Ref
Creative Arts Drama and Performance Art Errol John Also won in 1966 [112]
Fine Arts Marcelo Silvestre Bonevardi Also won in 1959 [113][107]
Armando Morales Engraving Also won in 1961 [114][115][107]
María Luisa Pacheco Bolivian art and landscape Also won in 1959, 1960 [116][107]
Music Composition Luis Antonio Escobar Composing Also won in 1959 [107]
Julián Orbón de Soto Also won in 1969 [107]
José Serebrier Also won in 1957 [107]
Humanities Architecture, Planning and Design Teresa Gisbert de Mesa Higher University of San Andrés Also won in 1966 [117]
José de Mesa Figueroa (es) Higher University of San Andrés Also won in 1996
Linguistics Salvador Bucca University of Buenos Aires [107]
Philosophy Eduardo Nicol National Autonomous University of Mexico [107]
Spanish and Portuguese Literature Emilio Carilla (de) National University of Tucumán [107]
Natural Sciences Astronomy and Astrophysics Guido Münch Paniagua California Institute of Technology Motions and spatial arrangement of interstellar gas masses Also won in 1944, 1945 [118][1]
Chemistry Guillermo Arturo Iacobucci University of Buenos Aires [107]
Juan Alejandro McMillan University of Chicago [60][107]
Mathematics Leopoldo Nachbin University of Brazil Also won in 1949, 1957 [119]
Medicine and Health Jonas Beregovich University of Chile [107]
Molecular and Cellular Biology Moisés Behar (de) (es) World Health Organization [107]
Adolfo Max Rothschild Biological Institute of São Paulo Histamine biochemistry Also won in 1956
Organismic Biology and Ecology José Ignacio Borrero University of Valle [107]
Leopoldo E. Caltagirone-Zamora La Cruz National Entomological Station Also won in 1957 [107]
Germán O. Valenzuela Vera Universidad de Caldas [107]
Paulo Emílio Vanzolini Museum of Zoology of the University of São Paulo Also won in 1949, 1955 [107][120]
Physics Gabriel Alvial Cáceres University of Chile [107]
Plant Science Luis A. Camargo Gutiérrez National University of Colombia Also won in 1960 [107]
Ernesto Foldats Andins Central University of Venezuela Also won in 1959 [107]
Juan Héctor Hunziker (es) (pt) Ministry of Agriculture (Argentina) Also won in 1957, 1980 [107]
Oscar Kühnemann National Institute of Industrial Technology Miguelete, Buenos Aires [107]
Jorge Eduardo Nicholson Calle [107]
Eduardo Quisumbing Also won in 1959
Jorge Helios Morello Wyler Universidad Nacional de Tucumán Also won in 1954, 1955 [107]
Social Science Anthropology and Cultural Studies Néstor Uscátegui Mendoza Colombian National Ethnographic Institute Also won in 1957 [107]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t "Guggenheim Fellowships awarded 41 U.C. scholars". Los Angeles Evening Citizen News. Hollywood, California, USA. 1958-04-28. p. 2. Retrieved 2023-02-03 – via
  2. ^ "1958". Guggenheim Foundation. Archived from the original on 2008-02-04. Retrieved 2022-12-31.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae "26 fellowships given in Bay Area". The San Francisco Examiner. San Francisco, California, USA. 1958-04-28. p. 21. Retrieved 2023-02-03 – via
  4. ^ "Lional Abel, UB professor and playwright, dies at 90". Buffalo News. 2001-04-25. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  5. ^ "Loften Mitchell, Playwright During African-American Theatre's Fervent Years, Dead at 82". Playbill. 2001-05-24. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "4 at Duke get Guggenheim Awards". The Herald-Sun. Durham, North Carolina, USA. 1958-04-28. p. 1. Retrieved 2023-02-03 – via
  7. ^ "Doris Betts". Calvin University Center for Faith & Writing. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  8. ^ "Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958". Board of Trustees Minutes, University of Illinois. University of Illinois: 1271. 1958. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g "Fellowships given to 7 University faculty members". The Daily Illini. Urbana, Illinois, USA. 1958-04-29. p. 9. Retrieved 2023-02-12 – via
  10. ^ "James Purdy wins high award for literature". The Post-Crescent. Appleton, Wisconsin, USA. 1958-06-02. p. 18. Retrieved 2023-02-03 – via
  11. ^ "Emil Antonucci". Burfield Penney Art Center. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  12. ^ "Artist of winner of $4,000 award". The Record. Hackensack, New Jersey, USA. 1958-04-30. p. 9. Retrieved 2023-02-03 – via
  13. ^ a b c d e f "Win Guggenheim Awards". The Indianapolis News. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. 1958-04-28. p. 20. Retrieved 2023-02-03 – via
  14. ^ a b "2 at Purdue get grants for study". Journal and Courier. Lafeyette, Indiana, USA. 1958-04-28. p. 11. Retrieved 2023-02-03 – via
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