Kokhav Nolad 6 was the 6th season of the popular reality TV show Kokhav Nolad, which focused on finding the next Israeli pop star. It was hosted by Tzvika Hadar with judges Gal Uchovsky, Margalit Tzan'ani, Svika Pik, and Tsedi Tzarfati.
Male participants
- Israel Bar-On (born January 31, 1989) from Beersheba.
- Lee Biran also nicknamed Libi (born December 16, 1989) from Kfar Saba.
- Aviv Meshulam (born August 15, 1990) from Neta'im. Was (eliminated), got (save) but was (eliminated)
- Rotem Katz (born May 21, 1990) from Akko. (eliminated)
- Matan Kauffman (born 1990) from Kfar Saba. (eliminated)
- Ben Tzuk (born September 14, 1980) from Amuka. (eliminated)
- Oz Tzechovoy (born April 14, 1988) from Zikhron Ya'akov. (eliminated)
- Sagi Trabelsi (born August 5, 1989) from Rishon LeZion. (eliminated)
- Alex Krul (born September 26, 1989) from Kiryat Motzkin. (eliminated)
Female participants
- Carmel Eckman (born March 3, 1988) from Bar'am.
- Ma'ayan Hajbi (born August 2, 1991) from Yakhini. (eliminated)
- Adi Avishay (born November 21, 1985) from Kfar Saba. (eliminated)
- Birgitta Växler (born September 20, 1990) from Mevaseret Zion. (eliminated)
- Sisters G (Orly Guetta & Shuli Guy) (born July 15, 1986 and August 22, 1986) from Netanya. Was (eliminated), got (save) but was (eliminated)
- Bat-Hen Hakyia (born May 4, 1984) from Tel Mond. (eliminated)
- Tair Gamliel (born July 14, 1978) from Rehovot. (eliminated)
- Daniel Kri'ef (born February 12, 1991) from Shtulim. (eliminated)
- Michale Jakubowicz (born January 16, 1985) from Kfar Saba. (eliminated)
- Moran Shmueli (born January 17, 1986) from Ein Vered. (eliminated)
First Solo Show - June 30
The first show was held on June 30, again, held in Herzliyya. These were the participants of the first show, and their entries, and also the original performer of the song.
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Bat-Hen Hakyia | "Tavo Achshav" (Come Now) | Offira Yossefi | |
Moran Shmueli | "Al Teshate BaAhava" (Don't fool love) | Yehoram Gaon | Eliminated. |
Maayan Hajbi | "Ein Li Davar" (I've got nothing) | Liat Yitzchaky | |
Matan Kauffman | "Na'ara BeMishkafayim" (A girl with glasses) | Gidi Gov | |
Aviv Meshulam | "Akhrei Hakol At Shir" (After all you're a song) | Shlomo Artzi | Awarded as the best solo of this show by the judges. |
Michale Jakubowicz | "Shalom LaTmimut" (Goodbye to the innocence) | Ronit Shachar | |
Rotem Katz | "Akshav Tov" (It's good now) | Gilad Segev | |
Daniel Kri'ef | "Kulam Medabrim Al Shalom" (Everybody's talking about peace) | Muki | Bottom 2. |
Israel Bar-On | "Melakh HaDma'ot" (The tears' salt) | Aviv Geffen |
During the show, the 19 participants sang also "Akshav Hakol Beseder", originally by Yehudit Ravitz. The first participant to leave the show was Moran Shmueli, who almost participated in Kokhav Nolad 5.
Second Solo Show - July 1
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Birgitta Växler | "Yesh Li Zipor Ktana Balev" (I have a little bird in my heart) | Yigal Bashan | Rumored to be the second place in the public's vote. |
Ben Tzuk | "Hakheder HaIntimi Sheli" (My intimate room) | Ta'arovet Eskot | Rumored to be the fifth place in the public's vote. |
Sisters G | "Aba" (Dad) | Shlomi Shabat | Rumored to be the fourth place in the public's vote. |
Libi (Lee) Biran | "Eikh Ze SheKochav..." (How can a star...) | Matti Caspi | Awarded as the best solo of this show by the judges, rumored to be the first place in the public's vote. |
Carmel Eckman | "Kesem HaLayla" (The night's magic) | Milk and Honey | Rumored to be the sixth place in the public's vote. |
Alex Krul | "Modedet" (Measuring) | Yermi Kaplan | Eliminated. |
Adi Avishay | "Yalda Ktana" (Little girl) | The High Windows | Rumored to be the third place in the public's vote. |
Tair Gamliel | "Lolita" | Etti Ankri | Rumored to be the eighth place in the public's vote. |
Sagi Trabelsi | "Hazman Shelakh" (Your time) | HaYehudim | Rumored to be the seventh place in the public's vote. |
Oz Tzechovoy | "Uri Ur" (Wake up) | Aviv Geffen | Rumored to be the ninth place in the public's vote. |
Third Solo Show - July 6
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Carmel Eckman | "Yatsanu Lirkod" (We went to Dance) | HaDorbanim | ??? |
Daniel Kri'ef | "Inyan shel zman" (A matter of time) | Gidi Gov | Bottom 2. |
Birgitta Växler | "KsheHalev Bokhe" (When the heart cries) | Sarit Hadad | ??? |
Matan Kauffman | "Ani Ro'e Ota BaDerekh LaGimnasia" (I see her on the road to the Gymnasium) | Arik Einstein | ??? |
Sisters G | "Ani Shuv BaTmuna" (I'm in the picture again) | Yardena Arazi | ??? |
Adi Avishay | "Tagidi SheTov" (Say it's Good) | Knesiyat Hasekhel | Awarded as the best solo of this show by the judges. |
Oz Tzechovoy | "Shtey Etsba'ot MiTzidon" (Two fingers from Sidon) | Boaz Offri | ??? |
Bat-Hen Hakyia | "Balada LaNa'ivit" (A ballad to the Naïve) | Yael Levy | Bottom 2. |
Aviv Meshulam | "Sham Me'ever LaKeshet" (Somewhere over the Rainbow) | Julie Andrews | ??? |
Bat-Hen and Daniel were the bottom two performers. They had to wait for the second day, where they would meet that day's bottom two and wait for the judges' results to decide the qualifier(s) for the next stage.
Fourth Solo Show - July 7
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Ma'ayan Hajbi | "Shecharchoret" (Black Girl) | Esther Ofarim | Awarded as the best solo of this show by the judges. |
Tair Gamliel | "Kol Kakh Mukar" (So familiar) | Margalit Tzan'ani | ??? |
Israel Bar-On | "Hal'ah" (Further On) | Rivka Zohar | ??? |
Ben Tzuk | "Al Kol Ele" (For Everything) | Naomi Shemer | ??? |
Rotem Katz | "Yom M'eunan" (Cloudy Day) | Hi-5 | ??? |
Sagi Trabelsi | "Im at adayin ohevet oti" (If you still love me) | Boaz Sharabi | Bottom 2. |
Michale Jakubowicz | "Yaldonet" (Little Girl) | Shlomo Artzi | Bottom 2. |
Lee Biran | "Hi tikach otcha" (She'll take you) | Dafna Armoni | ??? |
The bottom two were Sagi Trabelsi and Michale Jakubowicz. The judges could save up to two participants, but three judges voted for Bat-Hen, and only one judge voted for Michale. Therefore, Michale, Sagi and Daniel were eliminated.
First Duet Show - July 13
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Tair Gamliel & Bat-Hen Hakyia | "Berosh Ekhad" (One mind) | Dani Litani and Yehudit Ravitz | |
Carmel Eckman & Rotem Katz | Eden | Irving Berlin | |
Sisters G & Ben Tzuk | Yachad (Together) | Milk and Honey | Bottom 2. |
Israel Bar-On & Birgitta Växler | Shvaesre (Seventeen) | Shlomo Artzi | |
Matan Kauffman & Lee Biran | Siman she'ate tzair (That means you're young) | Gidi Gov | |
Ma'ayan Hajbi & Oz Tzechovoy | Hatmunot sheba'albom (The pictures in the album) | Haim Moshe | Bottom 2. |
Adi Avishay & Aviv Meshulam | Samba bishnayim (Samba for two) | Matti Caspi and Yehudit Ravitz |
The bottom two pairs were Ma'ayan Hajbi and Oz Tzechovoy and Sisters G and Ben Tzuk. Each had the chance to sing solos and voting was opened again. In the end, Sisters G was eliminated.
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Oz Tzechovoy | Yesh li sikuy (I have a chance) | Eviatar Banai | |
Ma'ayan Hajbi | Birkat elohim (God's blessing) | Hofit | |
Ben Tzuk | Yesh bekha (There's something in you) | HaChaverim shel Natasha | |
Sisters G | KsheZe noge'a (When it touches) | Etti Ankri | Eliminated. |
Fifth Solo Show - July 14
This show had a theme of children's songs.
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Lee Biran | Tulik | Oshik Levy | Awarded as the best performance by the judges. |
Oz Tzechovoy | Ani tamid nishar ani (I'm always stays myself) | Uzi Hitman | |
Israel Bar-On | Rivim ktanim (Little fights) | HaKeves HaShisha'asar | |
Carmel Eckman | Ma osot ha'ayalot (What do the does do) | Arik Einstein | |
Matan Kauffman | Yossi | Chava Alberstein | |
Rotem Katz | HaYeled hakhi katan bakita (The littlest kid in the class) | Uzi Hitman | |
Birgitta Växler | Yeled pele (Wonder child) | Yigal Bashan | |
Tair Gamliel | Mak'hela aliza (Happy choir) | Chava Alberstein | |
Ma'ayan Hajbi | Mi ohev et haShabat (Who loves Sabbath) | Various artists | |
Ben Tzuk | Brakim ve'reamim (Lightnings and thunders) | HaKeves HaShisha'asar | |
Bat-Hen Hakyia | Tnu ligdol besheket (Let us grow silently) | Gidi Gov | |
Aviv Meshulam | Nitpayesa (We'll reconcile) | Shmulik Karuss & Josie Katz | Eliminated. |
Adi Avishay | Tni li leakhlit (Let me decide) | Josie Katz |
Second Duet Show - July 20
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Bat-Hen Hakyia & Rotem Katz | Shirim pshutim (Simple songs) | Shlomo Gronich | Bottom 3. |
Ma'ayan Hajbi & Birgitta Växler | Yesh lakh oti (You have me) | Tislam | |
Adi Avishay & Ben Tzuk | Hazmana lehatuna (An invitation for the wedding) | Ori Banai | Bottom 3. |
Matan Kauffman & Oz Tzechovoy | Domino | Arkadi Duchin | Bottom 3. |
Carmel Eckman & Lee Biran | Noladeti leshalom (I was born for peace) | Uzi Hitman | |
Tair Gamliel & Israel Bar-On | Mi ha'ish (Who's the person) | Various Artists |
The bottom three pairs were Bat-Hen Hakyia and Rotem Katz, Adi Avishay and Ben Tzuk, and Matan Kauffman and Oz Tzechovoy. Each participant sang a solo song and voting was opened again. Ben Tzuk and Oz Tzechovoy were eliminated.
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Adi Avishay | Shmor lakh halom katan (Keep your little dream) | Ehud Manor | |
Ben Tzuk | Hadrachim hayedu'ot (The ways of cognition) | Shalom Chanoch | Eliminated. |
Oz Tzechovoy | Sof Ha'olam (End of the world) | Aviv Geffen | Eliminated. |
Matan Kauffman | Tagidi lo (Tell to him) | Ohad Hitman | |
Bat-Hen Hakyia | Hayi sh'ketah (Be quiet) | Rikki Gal | |
Rotem Katz | Geshem aharon (Last rain) | Lehakat Pikud Hatzafon |
Sixth Solo Show - July 21
This show had a theme of songs written by Yitzhak Klepter.
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Ma'ayan Hajbi | Shir ahava bedu'yi (A Bedouin love song ) | David Broza | |
Lee Biran | Ma she'at ohevet (That what you like) | Gali Atari | |
Adi Avishay | Shir hatembel (Simpletons' song) | Kaveret | |
Matan Kauffman | Hi kol kakh yafa (She's so magnificent) | Ephraim Shamir | Eliminated. |
Rotem Katz | Ha'ahava sheli lo ha'ahava shelo (My sweetheart isn't his sweetheart) | Yitzak Klepter | |
Israel Bar-On | Ani ohev (I love) | Yitzak Klepter | Awarded as the best performance by the judges. |
Carmel Eckman | Kakha hi ba'emtza (Thus she's in the middle) | Kaveret | |
Tair Gamliel | Rak etmol (Only yesterday) | Gali Atari | Eliminated. |
Birgitta Växler | Sof ha'ona (End of the season) | Gali Atari | |
Bat-Hen Hakyia | Nifgashnu (We met) | Yitzak Klepter |
Third Duet Show - July 27
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Lee Biran & Rotem Katz | Nicaht Iti Hakhol (You wan with me everything) | Amir Benyiun | |
Bat-Hen Hakyia & Carmel Eckman | Olam Hadash (New world) | Song from movie Disney | Bottom 2. |
Adi Avishay & Birgitta Växler | Ma omrot einayih (what do your eyes say) | Ofra Haza | Bottom 2. |
Ma'ayan Hajbi & Israel Bar-On | Milionim (Million) | Etti Ankri |
The bottom two pairs were Bat-Hen Hakyia and Carmel Eckman and Adi Avishay and Birgitta Växler. For the solo section, Sisters G and Aviv Meshulam made a surprise return along to participate. After voting was done, Bat-Hen Hakyia was eliminated.
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Carmel Eckman | Balaylot hastav (During autumn nights) | Shem-Tov Levy | |
Bat-Hen Hakyia | Hafec Hayim (Desire for life) | Yardena Arazi | Eliminated. |
Adi Avishay | Gan Meir (public park in Tel Aviv) | Dana Berger | |
Birgitta Växler | Yam harachamim (Sea of mercy) | Kobi Aflalo | |
Sisters G. | Rega prati (Private moment) | Rita | |
Aviv Meshulam | Ze koreh (It happens) | Arik Levy |
Sixth Solo Show - July 28
This show had a theme of songs written by Yehudit Ravitz.
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Birgitta Växler | Rahavat harikudim (Dancefloor) | Yehudit Ravitz | |
Sisters G. | Rey'idat adama (Earthquake) | Yehudit Ravitz | Eliminated. |
Aviv Meshulam | Bach lo noge'a (Don't touch you) | Yehudit Ravitz | |
Israel Bar-On | Ga'agu'a (Longing) | Yehudit Ravitz | |
Ma'ayan Hajbi | Tmuna (Picture) | Yehudit Ravitz | |
Rotem Katz | Yaldut Nishkakhat (Forgotten childhood) | Yehudit Ravitz | |
Carmel Eckman | Mishana leshana (From year to year) | Yehudit Ravitz | Awarded as the best performance by the judges. |
Adi Avishay | Ha'agadat Ophely'ah (The legend of Ophelia) | Yehudit Ravitz | |
Lee Biran | Ahava yomyomit (Everyday love) | Yehudit Ravitz |
Seventh Solo Show - August 3
This show had a theme of Hebrew songs with Greek origin (this style is also called "Yam Hatikhon" - Mediterranean Sea
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Ma'ayan Hajbi | Pne'yi mal'ah (Angel's face) | Yoav Yitzhak | |
Carmel Eckman | A'ylu Hayiti Itkha (If I were with you) | Yehudit Tamir | |
Birgitta Växler | Halom matok (Sweet dream) | Moshik Ofy'ia & Shlomi Sarnega | Eliminated. |
Israel Bar-On | Shek'shenavo (When we arrive) | Miki Gavrielov | |
Rotem Katz | Hakol biglal ha'ahava (Everything because of love) | Yehoram Gaon | |
Lee Biran | Einayim sheli (My eyes) | Yehuda Poliker | Awarded as the best performance by the judges. |
Aviv Meshulam | Kapayim (Applause) | Yehuda Poliker | |
Adi Avishay | Hakolot shel Pire'us (The voices of Piraeus) | Haim Moshe |
Eighth Solo Show - August 4
This show had a theme of songs written by Ivri Lider.
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Israel Bar-On | Nissim (Hebrew boy name) | Ivri Lider | Awarded as the best performance by the judges. |
Rotem Katz | Zachiti le'ehov (I have won love) | Ivri Lider | Eliminated. |
Lee Biran | Tamid ahava (Always love) | Ivri Lider | |
Adi Avishay | K'shehakol ya'avor (When all will pass) | Ivri Lider | |
Aviv Meshulam | Kama kokhav (How much a star) | Ivri Lider | |
Carmel Eckman | Zeh lo oto davar (It's not the same) | Ivri Lider | |
Ma'ayan Hajbi | (Didn't perform because of religious reasons). |
Fourth Duet Show - August 10
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Adi Avishay & Lee Biran | Lo omeret klum ((She) Doesn't say anything) | Metropolin | |
Carmel Eckman & Ma'ayan Hajbi | Shlah et ami (Send my people) | Folk | |
Lee Biran & Israel Bar-On | Yesh bi ahava (There is love in me) | Arkadi Duchin | |
Carmel Eckman & Aviv Meshulam | Egda Yapanit (A Japanese legend) | Arik Sinai | |
Adi Avishay & Ma'ayan Hajbi | Gan na'ul (Locked garden) | Shuki & Dorit | |
Aviv Meshulam & Israel Bar-On | Hakol ad lekhan (All up to this point) | Amir Beniun | Top Duet |
In this round only performers of the best duet passed to next day, it means, that Adi, Ma'ayan, Libi and Carmel all sang solos and the voting was opened again and finally, Adi Avishay was eliminated.
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Adi Avishay | Adaber itkha (I will talk with you) | Chava Alberstein | Eliminated. |
Ma'ayan Hajbi | Gavriel | Ofra Haza | |
Lee Biran | Sivan | yigal Bashan | |
Carmel Eckman | Al nu telekh (You mustn't go) | Shlomo Gronich |
As a special host, performed in this round Keren Peles her new single "Peugeot ´92"
Ninth Solo Show - August 11
This show had a theme of songs written by Shlomo Artzi.
Participant | Song | Original Performer | Info |
Carmel Eckman | Talpeni talpeni (Make a phone call) | Shlomo Artzi | |
Aviv Meshulam | Akhrei Hakol At Shir (After all you're a song) | Shlomo Artzi | Eliminated. |
Israel Bar-On | Sha'alti mah karah (I asked what happened) | Shlomo Artzi | |
Ma'ayan Hajbi | Melekh ha'olam (King of the world) | Shlomo Artzi | |
Lee Biran | Ha'ahava hayeshanah (The old love) | Shlomo Artzi | |
Carmel Eckman | Gever holekh le'ibud (Man walks to ruin) | Shlomo Artzi | |
Aviv Meshulam | Anakhnu lo tz'rihim (We don't need) | Shlomo Artzi | Eliminated. |
Israel Bar-On | Absurd | Shlomo Artzi | |
Ma'ayan Hajbi | Ma'avir daf (Flipping a page) | Shlomo Artzi | |
Lee Biran | Hardufim (Oleanders) | Shlomo Artzi | Awarded as the best performance by the judges. |
Live shows
Contestant | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | ||
Israel Bar-On | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Winner (week 9) | ||
Lee Biran | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | 2nd Runner Up (week 9) | ||
Carmel Eckman | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | 1st Runner-Up (week 9) | ||
Ma'ayan Hajbi | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Eliminated (week 8) | |||
Aviv Meshulam | Safe | Safe | Eliminated | Returned | Safe | Safe | Eliminated (week 7) | ||||
Adi Avishay | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Eliminated (week 7) | ||||
Rotem Katz | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Eliminated (week 6) | |||||
Birgitta Växler | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Eliminated (week 6) | |||||
Sisters G | Safe | Safe | Eliminated | Returned | Eliminated (week 5) | ||||||
Bat-Hen Hakyia | Safe | Safe | Safe | Eliminated (week 5) | |||||||
Tair Gamliel | Safe | Safe | Safe | Eliminated (week 4) | |||||||
Matan Kauffman | Safe | Safe | Safe | Eliminated (week 4) | |||||||
Ben Tzuk | Safe | Safe | Safe | Eliminated (week 4) | |||||||
Oz Tzechovoy | Safe | Safe | Safe | Safe | Eliminated (week 4) | ||||||
Sagi Trabelsi | Safe | Eliminated (week 2) | |||||||||
Michal Jakubowicz | Safe | Eliminated (week 2) | |||||||||
Daniel Kri'ef | Safe | Eliminated (week 2) | |||||||||
Alex Krul | Eliminated (week 1) | ||||||||||
Moran Shmueli | Eliminated (week 1) |
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