Je te serai fidèle is a 2003 French language album by Canadian singer Roch Voisine. It includes six new songs and nine entirely revamped hits.
Track listing
- "Ne m’oublie pas"
- "Tant pis"
- "Darlin'"
- "La Berceuse du petit diable" (Little Devil's Lullaby)
- "On mentira"
- "Je l'ai vu"
- "Laisse-là rêver" (She Had A Dream)
- "My lady mio segreto" (Ma Lady, Mon Secret)
- "Délivre-moi" (Deliver Me)
- "Ouvre les yeux"
- "Pourtant"
- "Avant de partir"
- "On a tous une étoile"
- "Je te serai fidèle" ("I'll Always Be There")
- "Hélène"
External links
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