English: detail of the photograph "Po r. Karolitskhali" or "On the Karolitskhali River" showing Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii as part of his work to document the Russian Empire from 1909 to 1915. Prokudin-Gorsky's camera design required a camera operator to take three individual negatives after each other. Given that Prokudin-Gorsky is seen posing in the image, it is more likely that one of his assistants took the picture.
Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii Collection (Library of Congress)
A quick-and-dirty tutorial on converting Prokudin-Gorskii photographs with Adobe Photoshop
Download an archival tiff image of one of the three-color slides [1]]. (These are huge files, around 70MB.)
Open the file in Photoshop, copy the top image.
Make a new file, and make sure it is RGB format
Make the channels visible in the floating palette
Paste the top image into the Blue channel
Repeat the process; paste the center image into the Green channel, and the bottom image into the Red channel
View the whole thing. The channels will not be aligned; they will need to be nudged with the Move tool. Work with the center of the image; magnify 200-300% for best results.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This work was published before January 1, 1930 and it is anonymous or pseudonymous due to unknown authorship. It is in the public domain in the United States as well as countries and areas where the copyright terms of anonymous or pseudonymous works are 95 years or fewer since publication.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This work is in the public domain in Russia according to article 1281 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, articles 5 and 6 of Law No. 231-FZ of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 (the Implementation Act for Book IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
This usually means that one of the following conditions is fulfilled.
The author of this work died:[1]
(a) before January 1, 1951 or
(b) between January 1, 1951 and January 1, 1955, did not work during the Great Patriotic War and did not participate in it.
This work was originally published anonymously or under a pseudonym:
(a) before January 1, 1943 and the name of the author did not become known during 50 years after publication, counted from January 1 of the year following the year of publication, or
(b) between January 1, 1943 and January 1, 1955, and the name of the author did not become known during 70 years after publication, counted from January 1 of the year following the year of publication.
This work is a film (a video fragment or a single shot from it):
(a) which was first shown before January 1, 1943[2] or
(b) which was created by legal entity between January 1, 1929 and January 1, 1955, provided that it was first shown in the stated period or was not shown until August 3, 1993.
This work is an information report (including photo report), which was created by an employee of TASS, ROSTA, or KarelfinTAG as part of that person’s official duties between July 10, 1925[3] and January 1, 1955, provided that it was first released in the stated period or was not released until August 3, 1993.
[1] If the author of this work was subjected to repression and rehabilitated posthumously, copyright term is counted from January 1 of the year following the year of rehabilitation. If the work was first published after the death (posthumous rehabilitation) of the author, copyright term is counted from January 1 of the year following the year of publication, provided that the work was published within 50 years after the death of the author who died (and was not posthumously rehabilitated) before January 1, 1943, or within 70 years after the death (posthumous rehabilitation) of the author who died (rehabilitated posthumously) between January 1, 1943 years before January 1, 1955.
[2] Amateur films which were first shown on January 1, 1943 or later are subjects of points 1-2 of this template.
[3]ROSTA reports created before July 10, 1925 are subjects of points 1-2 of this template.
This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID prokc.21468. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required.See Commons:Licensing.
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