ISO 3166-2:LV is the entry for Latvia in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.
Currently for Latvia, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for 36 municipalities and 7 state cities. The seven state cities have special status equal to the municipalities.
Each code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen. The first part is LV, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of Latvia. The second part is either of the following:
- three digits: municipalities
- three letters: state cities
Current codes
Subdivision names are listed as in the ISO 3166-2 standard published by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA).
Subdivision names are sorted in Latvian alphabetical order: a, ā, b-c, č, d-e, ē, f-g, ģ, h-i, ī, j-k, ķ, l, ļ, m-n, ņ, o-s, š, t-u, ū, v-z, ž.
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Code | Subdivision name (lv) | Local variant | Subdivision category |
LV-002 | Aizkraukles novads | Aizkraukle | municipality |
LV-007 | Alūksnes novads | Alūksne | municipality |
LV-111 | Augšdaugavas novads | Augšdaugava | municipality |
LV-011 | Ādažu novads | Ādaži | municipality |
LV-015 | Balvu novads | Balvi | municipality |
LV-016 | Bauskas novads | Bauska | municipality |
LV-022 | Cēsu novads | Cēsis | municipality |
LV-DGV | Daugavpils | state city | |
LV-112 | Dienvidkurzemes Novads | Dienvidkurzeme | municipality |
LV-026 | Dobeles novads | Dobele | municipality |
LV-033 | Gulbenes novads | Gulbene | municipality |
LV-JEL | Jelgava | state city | |
LV-041 | Jelgavas novads | Jelgava | municipality |
LV-042 | Jēkabpils novads | Jēkabpils | municipality |
LV-JUR | Jūrmala | state city | |
LV-047 | Krāslavas novads | Krāslava | municipality |
LV-050 | Kuldīgas novads | Kuldīga | municipality |
LV-052 | Ķekavas novads | Ķekava | municipality |
LV-LPX | Liepāja | state city | |
LV-054 | Limbažu novads | Limbaži | municipality |
LV-056 | Līvānu novads | Līvāni | municipality |
LV-058 | Ludzas novads | Ludza | municipality |
LV-059 | Madonas novads | Madona | municipality |
LV-062 | Mārupes novads | Mārupe | municipality |
LV-067 | Ogres novads | Ogre | municipality |
LV-068 | Olaines novads | Olaine | municipality |
LV-073 | Preiļu novads | Preiļi | municipality |
LV-REZ | Rēzekne | state city | |
LV-077 | Rēzeknes novads | Rēzekne | municipality |
LV-RIX | Rīga | state city | |
LV-080 | Ropažu novads | Ropaži | municipality |
LV-087 | Salaspils novads | Salaspils | municipality |
LV-088 | Saldus novads | Saldus | municipality |
LV-089 | Saulkrastu novads | Saulkrasti | municipality |
LV-091 | Siguldas novads | Sigulda | municipality |
LV-094 | Smiltenes novads | Smiltene | municipality |
LV-097 | Talsu novads | Talsi | municipality |
LV-099 | Tukuma novads | Tukums | municipality |
LV-101 | Valkas novads | Valka | municipality |
LV-113 | Valmieras Novads | Valmiera | municipality |
LV-102 | Varakļānu novads | Varakļāni | municipality |
LV-VEN | Ventspils | state city | |
LV-106 | Ventspils novads | Ventspils | municipality |
The following changes to the entry have been announced by the ISO 3166/MA since the first publication of ISO 3166-2 in 1998:
Newsletter | Date issued | Description of change in newsletter | Code/Subdivision change |
Newsletter II-3 | 2011-12-13 (corrected 2011-12-15) |
Administrative re-organization and source list update. | Subdivision layout: 26 districts (see below) → 110 municipalities Subdivisions added: (republican cities) LV-JKB Jēkabpils LV-VMR Valmiera |
Online Browsing Platform (OBP) |
2021-11-25 | Deletion of republican city LV-JKB, LV-VMR; Deletion of municipality LV-001, LV-003, LV-004, LV-005, LV-006, LV-008, LV-009, LV-010, LV-012, LV-013, LV-014, LV-017, LV-018, LV-019, LV-020, LV-021, LV-023, LV-024, LV-025, LV-027, LV-028, LV-029, LV-030, LV-031, LV-032, LV-034, LV-035, LV-036, LV-037, LV-038, LV-039, LV-040, LV-043, LV-044, LV-045, LV-046, LV-048, LV-049, LV-051, LV-053, LV-055, LV-057, LV-060, LV-061, LV-063, LV-064, LV-065, LV-066, LV-069, LV-070, LV-071, LV-072, LV-074, LV-075, LV-076, LV-078, LV-079, LV-081, LV-082, LV-083, LV-084, LV-085, LV-086, LV-090, LV-092, LV-093, LV-095, LV-096, LV-098, LV-100, LV-103, LV-104, LV-105, LV-107, LV-108, LV-109, LV-110; Change of category name from republican city to state city for LV-DGV, LV-JEL, LV-JUR, LV-LPX, LV-REZ, LV-RIX, LV-VEN; Addition of municipality LV-111, LV-112, LV-113; Update List Source | Subdivisions added: LV-111 Augšdaugavas novads LV-112 Dienvidkurzemes Novads LV-113 Valmieras Novads Subdivisions deleted: LV-JKB Jēkabpils LV-VMR Valmiera LV-001 Aglonas novads LV-003 Aizputes novads LV-004 Aknīstes novads LV-005 Alojas novads LV-006 Alsungas novads LV-008 Amatas novads LV-009 Apes novads LV-010 Auces novads LV-012 Babītes novads LV-013 Baldones novads LV-014 Baltinavas novads LV-017 Beverīnas novads LV-018 Brocēnu novads LV-019 Burtnieku novads LV-020 Carnikavas novads LV-021 Cesvaines novads LV-023 Ciblas novads LV-024 Dagdas novads LV-025 Daugavpils novads LV-027 Dundagas novads LV-028 Durbes novads LV-029 Engures novads LV-030 Ērgļu novads LV-031 Garkalnes novads LV-032 Grobiņas novads LV-034 Iecavas novads LV-035 Ikšķiles novads LV-036 Ilūkstes novads LV-037 Inčukalna novads LV-038 Jaunjelgavas novads LV-039 Jaunpiebalgas novads LV-040 Jaunpils novads LV-043 Kandavas novads LV-044 Kārsavas novads LV-045 Kocēnu novads LV-046 Kokneses novads LV-048 Krimuldas novads LV-049 Krustpils novads LV-051 Ķeguma novads LV-053 Lielvārdes novads LV-055 Līgatnes novads LV-057 Lubānas novads LV-060 Mazsalacas novads LV-061 Mālpils novads LV-063 Mērsraga novads LV-064 Naukšēnu novads LV-065 Neretas novads LV-066 Nīcas novads LV-069 Ozolnieku novads LV-070 Pārgaujas novads LV-071 Pāvilostas novads LV-072 Pļaviņu novads LV-074 Priekules novads LV-075 Priekuļu novads LV-076 Raunas novads LV-078 Riebiņu novads LV-079 Rojas novads LV-081 Rucavas novads LV-082 Rugāju novads LV-083 Rundāles novads LV-084 Rūjienas novads LV-085 Salas novads LV-086 Salacgrīvas novads LV-090 Sējas novads LV-092 Skrīveru novads LV-093 Skrundas novads LV-095 Stopiņu novads LV-096 Strenču novads LV-098 Tērvetes novads LV-100 Vaiņodes novads LV-103 Vārkavas novads LV-104 Vecpiebalgas novads LV-105 Vecumnieku novads LV-107 Viesītes novads LV-108 Viļakas novads LV-109 Viļānu novads LV-110 Zilupes novads |
Codes before Newsletter II-3
Former code | Subdivision name | Subdivision category |
LV-AI | Aizkraukles Apriņķis | district |
LV-AL | Alūksnes Apriņķis | district |
LV-BL | Balvu Apriņķis | district |
LV-BU | Bauskas Apriņķis | district |
LV-CE | Cēsu Apriņķis | district |
LV-DA | Daugavpils Apriņķis | district |
LV-DO | Dobeles Apriņķis | district |
LV-GU | Gulbenes Apriņķis | district |
LV-JL | Jelgavas Apriņķis | district |
LV-JK | Jēkabpils Apriņķis | district |
LV-KR | Krāslavas Apriņķis | district |
LV-KU | Kuldīgas Apriņķis | district |
LV-LE | Liepājas Apriņķis | district |
LV-LM | Limbažu Apriņķis | district |
LV-LU | Ludzas Apriņķis | district |
LV-MA | Madonas Apriņķis | district |
LV-OG | Ogres Apriņķis | district |
LV-PR | Preiļu Apriņķis | district |
LV-RE | Rēzeknes Apriņķis | district |
LV-RI | Rīgas Apriņķis | district |
LV-SA | Saldus Apriņķis | district |
LV-TA | Talsu Apriņķis | district |
LV-TU | Tukuma Apriņķis | district |
LV-VK | Valkas Apriņķis | district |
LV-VM | Valmieras Apriņķis | district |
LV-VE | Ventspils Apriņķis | district |
See also
- Subdivisions of Latvia
- FIPS region codes of Latvia
- NUTS codes of Latvia
- Neighbouring countries: BY, EE, LT, RU
External links
- ISO Online Browsing Platform: LV
- Municipalities of Latvia,
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