The "Honour of the Nation" Decoration (Albanian: Dekorata "Nderi i Kombit") is the highest decoration to be given in Albania, among the Civil awards and decorations of Albania, and was instituted by special law No. 8113, of 28 March 1996, entitled Për dekoratat në Republikën e Shqipërisë (English: On decorations in the Republic of Albania), later amended by law No. 112/2013 Për dekoratat, titujt e nderit, medaljet dhe titujt vendorë të nderit në Republikën e Shqipërisë (English: On decorations, honorific titles, medals and other titles in the Republic of Albania).[1]
This award is granted to Albanian citizens or Foreign nationals, who by their acts and good name contribute to honouring the Albanian nation, inside and outside of the country. The proposal might come from the President of the Republic himself, but also from the institutions included and foreseen in the Rules of Procedures about medals and by Speaker of the Assembly, Prime Minister independent institutions according to the respective field.[2][3]
- Albania national football team
- Pjetër Arbnori
- Fadil Berisha
- Eqrem Çabej
- Dora d'Istria
- Aristidh Kola
- Ibrahim Dalliu
- Kristo Dako (11 July 2017)
- Sulejman Delvina
- Gjergj Fishta
- Kadri Gjata
- Zenel Gjoleka
- Universiteti "Luigj Gurakuqi"
- "28 Nëntori" Gymnasium
- Azem Hajdari
- Tonin Harapi
- Mirash Ivanaj
- Rexhep Jella
- Sadik Kaceli
- Ismail Kadare
- Nexhmije Pagarusha
- Majlinda Kelmendi
- Ibrahim Kodra
- Biblioteka Kombëtare
- Mustafa Krantja
- Bashkia Kukës
- Marie Logoreci
- Petro Marko
- Gjin Marku
- Kel Marubi
- Inva Mula
- Behgjet Pacolli
- Panajot Pano
- Odhise Paskali
- Rosen Plevneliev
- Zef Pllumi
- Gjerasim Qiriazi (11 July 2017)
- Gjergj Qiriazi (11 July 2017)
- Parashqevi Qiriazi (11 July 2017)
- Sevasti Qiriazi (11 July 2017)
- Refik Resmja
- Robert Shvarc
- Nako Spiru
- Shoqata “Tirana”
- Refik Toptani
- Jakov Xoxa
- Kahreman Ylli
- Vaçe Zela
- Petro Zheji
- Rexh Xhakli
- Jim Belushi
- Nora Gjakova
- Distria Krasniqi
See also
External links
- Document Nation's Honor Order found in the 2006 page of the President of Albania webpage.
- ^ "Ligji për Dekoratat, Titujt e Nderit dhe Medaljet" (PDF). Fletorja Zyrtare. Retrieved 8 April 2013.
- ^ Rrumbullaku, Filip (2010). Dekorimet nga Princ Vidi deri sot. Tiranë: Shtëpia Botuese "Onufri". p. 296. ISBN 978-99943-42-80-8.
- ^ Lame, Artan (2010). Medaljet Shqiptare, Vëllimi II. Tiranë: Shtëpia Botuese "Toena". p. 268. ISBN 978-99943-1589-5.
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