Henri Ramirez is a French-Brazilian linguist known especially for his research on Arawakan languages and other language families of the Amazonian region. He is currently a professor at the Federal University of Rondônia, Guajará-Mirim.
Born in Algeria (then part of France), Ramirez graduated with a master's degree in Engineering from the École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures in 1977.[1] Afterwards, he obtained a Bachelor's, Master's, and doctorate degree at the University of Provence.[2] He has lived among the Yanomami people for years and documented their language in various dissertations and monographs.[3]
Selected works
Ramirez mainly publishes monographs.[1] One of his best-known books is Línguas Arawak da Amazônia Setentrional: Comparação e Descrição (2001). Others include:[4]
- Enciclopédia das línguas Arawak: acrescida de seis novas línguas e dois bancos de dados (2020)
- A Língua dos Hupd'äh do Alto Rio Negro: dicionário e guia de conversação (2006)
- As línguas indígenas do Alto Madeira: estatuto atual e bibliografia básica (2006)
- Dicionário da Língua Baniwa (2001)
- A Fala Tukano dos Ye'pâ-Masa (1997)
- Le Bahuana: une nouvelle langue de la famille arawak (1992)
- Koropó, puri, kamakã e outras línguas do Leste Brasileiro (Ramirez, Vegini & França 2015)
- O warázu do Guaporé (tupi-guarani): primeira descrição linguística (Ramirez, Vegini & França 2017)
- Le Parler Yanomamɨ des Xamatauteri (1994)
- Une nouvelle langue de la famille Arawak (1992)
- Aspects de la morpho-syntaxe du Yanomamɨ (1991)
- ^ a b Denny Moore, "Henry Ramirez–Linguist in Amazonia," International Journal of American Linguistics 75, no. 3 (July 2009): 433-433. doi:10.1086/605419
- ^ Henri Ramirez. Lattes. Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações.
- ^ Ramirez, Henri. Selected vocabulary (fauna, flora, basic lexicon) of 350 languages of Lowland South America. Goeldi Museum.
- ^ Biblioteca Digital Curt Nimuendajú
External links
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