Haysimo (Somali: Xaysimo, Arabic: حايسمو) was a region of Somaliland that had existed since 2014. The constituent districts are Taleh, Sarmaanyo, Halin, Carroolay, and Godaalo.[1]
However, it is only the area determined by Presidential Decree and has not been approved by the Parliament, including the latest Somaliland Law, No: 23/2019. In the Law No: 23/2019, Somaliland is considered to be six regions: Maroodi Jeex, Togdheer, Sanaag, Awdal, Sool, and Sahil.[2]
- Governor (Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Xaysimo)
- Cabdirashiid Maxamed Axmed (Xiir) 2014-[3]
- Lieutenant governor (Guddoomiye Ku-xigeenka Gobolka Xaysimo)
- Jaamac Ciise X. Shaacuur 2015-[4]
- District Coordinator
- Rooble Ciise Shacuur 2018-[5]
Before its formation in mid 2014, the Haysimo territory was part of the Sanaag and Sool regions.[6]
In July 2014, Somaliland forces captured Taleh, but quickly withdrew under pressure from the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union.[7]
In July 2014, President Silanyo signed Presidential Decree JSL/M/XERM/249-2613/072014 elevating the Taleh district to the Haysimo region. This was stated to be based on Article 109, Section 3 of the Constitution of Somaliland.[8] Silanyo elevated several districts to first-level administrative regions in order to attract the interest of local clans.[9] However, at that time there was still no Somaliland government or administrative service agency in Taleh.[10]
According to ACAPS report, FEWSNET stated in its 2014 report that the Somaliland President created this region because of "following increased tensions with Puntland over Sool and Sanaag border regions."[11]
In April 2015, Somaliland troops were deployed to the Haysimo region because of inter-clan fighting.[12]
In February 2016, the Haysimo region participated in the Somaliland presidential election.[13]
In January 2018, Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi elected a new governor of the Somaliland regions, but kept Haysimo Governor in office.[14]
In November 2018, Boqor Burhaan Boqor Muuse requested that the Puntland government elevate Taleh from a district to a region.[15]
In December 2019, Somaliland's Minister of Information and Culture Suleiman Yusuf Ali visited Taleh, the capital of Haysimo; Suleiman told Taleh residents not to listen to the Puntland government.[16]
In June 2021, Haysimo governor Xiir visited Halin.[17]
In June 2021, Taleh in the Haysimo region participated for the first time in the Somaliland secondary school entrance exam.[18]
- ^ "Madaxweynaha Somaliland Oo Magacaabay Gobolka Cusub Ee Xaysimo Ee Magaalo Madaxdiisu Tahay Taleex". hargeisapress.com. 2014-07-06. Retrieved 2022-03-14.
- ^ "The Current New Principal Local Government Law". March 2020. Retrieved 2022-03-15.
- ^ "Badhasaab Cusub oo Loo Magacaabay Gobolka Cusub Ee Xaysimo". wargeyskadawan.com. 2014-08-25. Retrieved 2022-03-13.
- ^ "Somaliland: Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo Caawa Sameeyay Magacaabis, Isku Bedel iyo Xil Ka Qaadis". hargeisapress.com. 2015-12-22. Retrieved 2022-03-14.
- ^ "Isku Shaandhayn Lagu Sameeyey Agaasime Waaxeedyada Wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud". wargeyskadawan.com. 2018-06-13. Retrieved 2022-03-15.
- ^ "Somaliland President declares new district of Shahda". Archived from the original on 2017-02-18. Retrieved 2016-09-03.
- ^ "Gobolka Xaysimo Dhaqaale ahaan iyo Istaraatiji ahaan ma isu bixin karaa, mase u qalmaa Gobol? – Fal-celiska Siyaasiyiinta iyo Shacabka Taleex". somalilandpost.net. 2014-07-06. Retrieved 2022-03-15.
- ^ "Xukuumadda Oo Magacawaday Gobol Cusub Oo Ay Xaruntiisu Tahay Talleex". berberanews.net. 2014-07-05. Retrieved 2022-03-14.
- ^ interpeace (August 2015). "Somaliland's progress towards peace4.2.4 Proliferation of Districts and Regions" (PDF). Retrieved 2022-03-13.
- ^ ""Waxaannu ku Tallo-galnay Wejiga Hore in Aanu Awoodda Saarno Xagga Nabadda" Xildhibaan Koore". wargeyskadawan.com. 2015-05-04. Retrieved 2022-03-15.
- ^ "Global Emergency Overview Snapshot, 10 - 16 September 2014". reliefweb.int. 2014-09-16. Retrieved 2022-03-16.
- ^ "Ciidanka Somaliland Oo Gaadhay Taleex Iyo Wasiirka Warfaafinta Oo Ka Hadlay U jeedada Ay Ciidanku U Tageen". afkashacabka.com. 2015-04-23. Retrieved 2022-03-16.
- ^ "Waxgaradka Gobolka Xaysimo Oo Go'aamiyay In Diwaan-gelinta Codbixiyeyaasha Iyo Doorashooyinka Laga Fuliyo Deegaankaas". wargeyskadawan.com. 2016-02-04. Retrieved 2022-03-15.
- ^ "Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi oo 11 masuul u magacaabay xilal kala duwan". hiiraan.com. 2018-01-29. Retrieved 2022-03-16.
- ^ "Boqor Burhaan iyo Isimmo kale oo madaxweynaha Puntland ka codsaday in gobol loo magacaabo magaalada Taleex". hiiraan.com. 2018-11-26. Retrieved 2022-03-16.
- ^ "Wasiir koore oo lagu Soo Dhaweeyay Degmada Taleex". wargeyskadawan.com. 2019-12-02. Retrieved 2022-03-15.
- ^ "Wefti Uu Hogaaminayay Badhasaabka Xaysimo Oo Komreer Ku Tegay Degmadda Xaliim". hargeisapress.com. 2021-06-18. Retrieved 2022-03-14.
- ^ "Somaliland: Ardayda dugsiyada sare iyo dhexe oo u fadhiistay imtixaanka shahaadiga ah". hiiraan.com. 2021-06-19. Retrieved 2022-03-16.
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