In control theory and in particular when studying the properties of a linear time-invariant system in state space form, the Hautus lemma (after Malo L. J. Hautus), also commonly known as the Popov-Belevitch-Hautus test or PBH test,[1][2] can prove to be a powerful tool.
A special case of this result appeared first in 1963 in a paper by Elmer G. Gilbert,[1] and was later expanded to the current PBH test with contributions by Vasile M. Popov in 1966,[3][4] Vitold Belevitch in 1968,[5] and Malo Hautus in 1969,[5] who emphasized its applicability in proving results for linear time-invariant systems.
There exist multiple forms of the lemma:
Hautus Lemma for controllability
The Hautus lemma for controllability says that given a square matrix and a the following are equivalent:
- The pair is controllable
- For all it holds that
- For all that are eigenvalues of it holds that
Hautus Lemma for stabilizability
The Hautus lemma for stabilizability says that given a square matrix and a the following are equivalent:
- The pair is stabilizable
- For all that are eigenvalues of and for which it holds that
Hautus Lemma for observability
The Hautus lemma for observability says that given a square matrix and a the following are equivalent:
- The pair is observable.
- For all it holds that
- For all that are eigenvalues of it holds that
Hautus Lemma for detectability
The Hautus lemma for detectability says that given a square matrix and a the following are equivalent:
- The pair is detectable
- For all that are eigenvalues of and for which it holds that
- Sontag, Eduard D. (1998). Mathematical Control Theory: Deterministic Finite-Dimensional Systems. New York: Springer. ISBN 0-387-98489-5.
- Zabczyk, Jerzy (1995). Mathematical Control Theory – An Introduction. Boston: Birkhauser. ISBN 3-7643-3645-5.
- ^ a b Hespanha, Joao (2018). Linear Systems Theory (Second ed.). Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691179575.
- ^ Bernstein, Dennis S. (2018). Scalar, Vector, and Matrix Mathematics: Theory, Facts, and Formulas (Revised and expanded ed.). Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691151205.
- ^ Popov, Vasile Mihai (1966). Hiperstabilitatea sistemelor automate [Hyperstability of Control Systems]. Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
- ^ Popov, V.M. (1973). Hyperstability of Control Systems. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
- ^ a b Belevitch, V. (1968). Classical Network Theory. San Francisco: Holden–Day.
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