Hal'lu is the first Rabbis' Sons album. It contained one of the only two songs they ever released with Yiddish lyrics ("A Sukkele"). "Mi Ho-ish", "Rabos Machshovos" and "Hal'lu" were among the group's most popular songs.

Track listing

Side one
1."Hu Elokeinu" (הוא אלוקינו)Kedushah of Musaf of Shabbat and FestivalsChaitalso appears on Greatest Hits as track 11:52
2."V'ani S'filosi" (ואני תפילתי)Psalms 69:14Mark Davidowitzvocal: Zheutlin2:45
3."Kavei" (קוה)Psalms 27:14Chaitvocal: Zheutlin; also appears on Greatest Hits as track 42:49
4."Mi Ho-ish" (מי האיש)Psalms 34:13-15Chaitvocal: Weinberger; also appears on Greatest Hits as track 103:39
5."Rabos Machshovos" (רבות מחשבות)Proverbs 19:21, Psalms 33:11 3:35Chaitvocal: Sharfman; also appears on Greatest Hits as track 23:35
6."Be'tzeis Yisroel" (בצאת ישראל)Psalm 114Chait3:34
Side two
1."Hal'lu" (הללו)Psalm 117Chaitalso appears on Greatest Hits as track 73:06
2."Even Moasu" (אבן מאסו)Psalms 118Chaitvocal: Sharfman2:45
3."Kadsheinu" (קדשינו)Amidah of ShabbatChait3:24
4."Hoyso Li" (היתה לי)Psalms 42:4Chaitvocal: Weinberger; also appears on Greatest Hits as track 123:31
5."A Sukkele (Yiddish)" (א סוכה-לה)Traditional Yiddish Folk SongTraditional Yiddish Folk Song4:47


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