Charlemagne 742/748–814King of the Franksr. 800–814
Ermengarde of Hesbayec. 778 –818 Louis Ithe Pious 778–840King of the Franksr. 813–840 Judith of Bavaria 797/805–843
Gebhard d. 879 Count of the LahngauLouis IIthe German c. 810 –876King of East Francia r. 843–876 Hemma 803/808–876 Gisela b. 821Eberhard c. 815 –866Duke of Friuli
Udo of Neustria 860–879 Berengar I of Neustriac. 836 –aft. 879 Count of HesseLiutswind Carloman 830–880King of Bavaria r. 876–880 Irmgardof Chiemsee c. 830 /833–866Louisthe Younger 830/835–882King of Saxony r. 876–882 Liutgard of Saxonyc. 845 –885 Giselaof Alsacec. 840 –895 Berthold Ic. 838 –896 Count Palatine of Swabia Charles IIIthe Fat 839–888King of East Francia Richardisc. 840 –c. 895
Conrad d. 906 Duke of ThuringiaOta c. 874 – 899/903Arnulfof Carinthia 850–899King of East Francia r. 887–899 Hugh of Saxonyc. 850 –880 Louis876–879 Hildegard Bernhart Henry of Franconia ?–886 ? Ingeltrude837/840–870
Conrad Ithe Younger c. 890 –918King of Germanyr. 911–918 Cunigunde of Swabiab. c. 880 Louis IIIthe Child 893–911King of East Francia r. 900–911 Ratold King of Italy Zwentibold 870–900King of Lotharingia Odaof Saxony 875/880–aft. 952 Otto Ithe Illustrious c. 851 –912 Duke of SaxonyHedwiga of Babenbergc. 856 –903
Matilda of Ringelheimc. 895 –968 Henry Ithe Fowler 876–936King of Germanyr. 919–936 Hatheburg
Gilbert c. 890 –939 Duke of LorraineGerberga of Saxonyc. 913 –984? Louis IV 920–954 King of the Franks Bruno the Great 925–965 Archbishop of Cologne Thankmar c. 908 –938
Hughthe Great 898–956Duke of the Franks Hedwig of Saxonyc. 910 –965 Eadgyth of England 910–946 Otto Ithe Great 912–973King of Germanyr. 936–973Holy Roman Emperor r. 962–973 Adelaide of Italy 931–999 Henry I 919/921–955 Duke of Bavaria Judith of Bavaria 925–c. 985
Hugh Capet c. 941 –996 King of the FranksLiudolf c. 930 –957 Duke of SwabiaLiutgarde 931–953 Conrad c. 922 –955 Duke of LorraineWilliam 929–968 Archbishop of Mainz Otto IIthe Red 955–983King of Germanyr. 961–983Holy Roman Emperor r. 967–983 Theophanu c. 955 –991Bruno954–957? Matilda 954–999 Abbess of Quedlinburg Henry IIthe Wrangler 951–995 Duke of Bavaria Gisela of Burgundyd. 1006
Otto I c. 948 –1004 Duke of CarinthiaJudithof Carinthiad. 991 Sophia I 975–1039 Abbess of Gandersheim Adelaide I 977–1044 Abbess of Quedlinburg Matilda of Germany 979–1025 Ezzo c. 955 –1034 Count Palatine of LotharingiaOtto III 980–1002King of Germanyr. 983–1002Holy Roman Emperor r. 996–1002 Cunigunde of Luxembourgc. 975 –1040 Henry II 973–1024King of Germanyr. 1002–1024Holy Roman Emperor r. 1014–1024
Henry of Speyer 965/970– 989/992 Adelaideof Alsaced. 1039/1046? Liudolf of Lotharingiac. 1000 –1031 Otto II d. 1047 Duke of SwabiaHerman II 995–1056 Archbishop of Cologne Theophanu d. 1058 Abbess of EssenRicheza d. 1063 Queen of PolandMieszko II Lambert c. 990 –1034 King of Poland
Conrad II 990–1039King of Germanyr. 1024–1039Holy Roman Emperor r. 1027–1039 Gisela of Swabia 989/990 –1043 Ernest I ?–1012–1015 Duke of Swabia Brun I of Brunswickc. 975 –c. 1010 Casimir Ithe Restorer 1016–1058 Duke of Poland Maria Dobroniega of Kievc. 1012 –1087
Gunhilda of Denmarkc. 1020 –1038 Henry IIIthe Black 1017–1056King of Germanyr. 1028–1056Holy Roman Emperor r. 1046–1056 Agnes of Poitouc. 1025 –1077 Beatrix1020–c. 1036 Mathildeb. 1027
Beatrice I of Quedlinburg 1037–1061 Rudolf of Rheinfeldenc. 1025 –1080 Matilda1048–1060 Adelaide II of Quedlinburg 1045–1096 Bertha of Savoy 1051–1087 Henry IV 1050–1106King of Germanyr. 1053–1105Holy Roman Emperor r. 1084–1105 Eupraxia of Kiev 1067/1070–1109 Conrad II 1052–1055 Duke of Bavaria Solomon 1053–1087 King of Hungary Judith of Swabia 1054–c. 1105 Władysław I 1044–1102 Duke of Poland
Lothair II 1075–1137King of Germanyr. 1125–1137Holy Roman Emperor r. 1133–1137 Richenza of Northeimc. 1087 /1089– 1141 Henry IX 1075–1126 Duke of Bavaria Adelheid1070–1079 Henry1071–1071 Frederick I 1050–1105 Duke of Swabia Agnes of Germany 1072–1143 Leopold III 1073–1136Mgve of Austria Conrad II 1074–1101King of Germanyr. 1087–1098 Henry V 1086–1125King of Germanyr. 1099–1125Holy Roman Emperor r. 1111–1125 Matilda of England 1102–1167
Gertrude 1115–1143 Henry Xthe Proud c. 1108 –1139 Duke of BavariaJudith of Bavaria 1103–1131 Frederick II 1090–1147 Duke of Swabia Agnesof Saarbrücken d. c. 1147 Gertrude of Comburgd. 1130/1131 Conrad III 1093–1152King of Germanyr. 1138–1152 Gertrude of Sulzbachc. 1110 –1146
Henrythe Lion 1129–1195 Duke of Bavaria Matilda of England 1156–1189 Matthias I 1119–1176 Duke of Lorraine Bertha1123–1195 Adelaide of Vohburg 1135–1190 Frederick IBarbarossa 1122–1190King of Germanyr. 1152–1190Holy Roman Emperor r. 1155–1190 Beatrice I 1143–1184 Countess of Burgundy Conrad 1135–1195 Count Palatine of the Rhine Judith of Hohenstaufenc. 1133 –1191 HenryBerengar 1136–1150King of Germanyr. 1147–1150 Frederick IV 1145–1167 Duke of Swabia
Irene Angelina c. 1181 –1208Philipof Swabia 1177–1208King of Germanyr. 1198–1208 Beatrice1162–1174 William IIthe Good 1155–1189 King of Sicily Frederick V 1164–1170 Duke of Swabia Frederick VI 1167–1191 Duke of Swabia Joan I 1191–1205 Countess of Burgundy Otto I btw. 1167/1171–1200 Count of BurgundyBeatrice II 1193–1231 Countess of Burgundy Conrad II 1173–1196 Duke of Swabia
Otto IV 1175–1218King of Germanyr. 1198–1209Holy Roman Emperor r. 1209–1215 Beatrice of Swabia 1198–1212 Kunigunde of Swabia 1202–1248 Wenceslaus I c. 1205 –1253 King of BohemiaRenaud1173 Henry VI 1165–1197King of Germanyr. 1169–1197Holy Roman Emperor r. 1191–1197 Constance 1154–1198 Queen of Sicily William1176 Agnes1181–1184 Gisela1168–1184
Henry II 1207–1248 Duke of Brabant Maria of Swabia 1201–1235 Elisabeth of Swabia 1205–1235 Ferdinand III 1199/1201–1252 King of Castile Constance of Aragon 1179–1222 Frederick II 1194–1250King of Germanyr. 1212–1250Holy Roman Emperor r. 1220–1250 Isabella II Queen of Jerusalem Isabella of England 1214–1241
Adelaide of Burgundyc. 1223 –1273 Henry III c. 1230 –1261Duke of Brabant Margaret of Austriac. 1204 –1266 Henry (VII) 1211–1242King of Germanyr. 1220–1235 Elisabeth of Bavariac. 1227 –1273 Conrad IV (of Sicily) 1228–1254King of Germanyr. 1237–1254 Margareta1226–1227 Henry Otto1238–1253 Margaret of Sicily 1241–1270 Albert II 1240–1314Mgve of Meissen
Margaret of Flandersd. 1285 John I 1252–1294 Duke of Brabant Albert IV c. 1188 –1239 Count of HabsburgHedwigof Kyburg Conradin 1252–1268 King of Jerusalem Frederick I 1257–1323Mgve of Meissen
Isabella of Burgundy 1270–1323 Rudolf I 1218–1291King of Germanyr. 1273–1291 Duke of Austria Gertrude of Hohenbergc. 1225 –1281
Hartmann1263–1281 Elizabeth of Carinthiac. 1262 –1312 Albert I 1255–1308 Duke of AustriaKing of Germanyr. 1298–1308 Catherine1256–1282 Otto III 1261–1312 Duke of Bavaria Agnesc. 1257 –1322 Albert II c. 1250 –1298 Duke of SaxonyHedwig of Habsburgd. 1285/1286 Otto VI c. 1255 –1303Mgve of BrandenburgClemence of Austria 1262–1293/1295 CharlesMartel of Anjou 1271–1295
Blanche of Francec. 1278 –1305 Rudolf I 1281–1307 King of Bohemia Frederick IIIthe Fair 1289–1330King of Germanyr. 1314–1330 Isabella of Aragon 1305–1330 Agnes of Bohemia Rudolf II 1270–1290 Duke of Austriar. 1282–1283 Wenceslaus II 1278–1305 King of Bohemia Judith of Habsburg 1271–1297 Matilda of Habsburg 1253–1304 Louis II 1229–1294 Duke of Bavaria
Luxembourg Nassau Wittelsbach
Elizabethof Virneburgc. 1303 –1343 Henrythe Friendly of Austria 1299–1327 Leopold I 1290–1326 Duke of Austria Catherineof Savoy 1284–1336 Margaret of Brabant 1276–1311 Henry VII 1275–1313King of Germanyr. 1308–1313Holy Roman Emperor r. 1312–1313 Adolf 1255–1298King of Germanyr. 1292–1298
Anne of Austria 1275–1327 Agnes of Austria 1281–1364 Catherine of Austria 1295–1323 Elisabeth of Austriac. 1285 –1353 John 1296–1346 King of Bohemia Elizabeth of Bohemia 1292–1330 Mechtild of Nassaubef. 1280–1323 Rudolf I 1274–1319 Duke of Bavaria Louis IV 1282–1347King of Germanyr. 1314–1347Holy Roman Emperor r. 1328–1347 Beatrice of Silesia 1290–1322
Joanna of Pfirt 1300–1351 Albert II 1298–1358 Duke of Austria Otto IV 1301–1339 Duke of Austria Anne of Bohemia 1323–1338 Anna of Świdnica 1339–1362 Charles IV 1316–1378King of Germanyr. 1346–1378Holy Roman Emperor r. 1355–1378 Elizabeth of Pomeraniac. 1347 –1393 Adolf 1300–1327 Count Palatine of the Rhine Irmengardof Öttingend. 1399 Matilda of Bavariaaft. 1313–1346 Frederick II 1310–1349 Margrave of Meissen
Leopold III 1351–1386 Duke of Austria Viridis Visconti 1352–1414 Beatrice of Nurembergc. 1362 –1414 Albert III 1349–1395 Duke of Austria Elisabeth of Bohemia 1358–1373 Joanna of Bavariac. 1362 –1386 Wenceslaus IV 1361–1419King of Germanyr. 1376–1400 Sophia of Bavaria 1376–1428 Sigismund 1368–1437King of Germanyr. 1410–1437Holy Roman Emperor r. 1433–1437 Barbara of Cilli 1392–1451 Beatrice of Sicily 1326–1365 Rupert II 1325–1398 Elector Palatine
Frederick IV 1382–1439 Duke of Austria Ernestthe Iron 1377–1424 Duke of Austria Cymburgis of Masovia 1394/1397 –1429 Albert IV 1377–1404 Duke of Austria Joanna Sophia of Bavariac. 1373 –1410 Rupert 1352–1410King of Germanyr. 1400–1410
Sigismund 1427–1496 Archduke of Austria Albert VI 1418–1463 Archduke of Austria Frederick III/Vthe Peaceful 1415–1493 Archduke of Austria King of Germanyr. 1440–1493Holy Roman Emperor r. 1452–1493 Eleanor of Portugal 1434–1467 Margarete1395–1447 Henry XVI 1386–1450 Duke of Bavaria Albert II 1397–1439King of Germanyr. 1438–1439 Elizabeth of Luxembourg 1409–1442
Isabella I 1451–1504 Queen of Castile Ferdinand II 1452–1516 King of Aragon and Castile Albert IV 1447–1508 Duke of Bavaria Kunigunde of Austria 1465–1520 Maximilian I 1459–1519German Kingr. 1486–1519Holy Roman Emperor r. 1508–1519 Mary of Burgundy 1457–1482 William IIIthe Brave 1425–1482 Landgrave of Thuringia Anne of Austria 1432–1462 Ladislausthe Posthumous 1440–1457 King of Hungary Elizabeth of Austria 1436–1505 Casimir IVJagiellon 1427–1492 King of Poland
Joanna 1479–1555 Queen of Castile and Aragon Philip Ithe Handsome 1478–1506 King of Castile John 1478–1497 Prince of Asturias Margaret 1480–1530 Duchess of Savoy Philibert II 1480–1504 Duke of Savoy Vladislaus II 1456–1516 King of Hungary
Maria of Aragon 1482–1517 Manuel I 1469–1521 King of Portugal Eleanor of Austria 1498–1558 Isabella of Austria 1501–1526 Christian II 1481–1559 King of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden Ferdinand I 1503–1564King in Germanyr. 1531–1564Holy Roman Emperor r. 1558–1564 Anne of Bohemia 1503–1547 Mary of Hungary 1505–1558 Louis II 1516–1526 King of Hungary
Isabella of Portugal 1503–1539 Charles V 1500–1558King of Germany and Spainr. 1519–1556Holy Roman Emperor r. 1519–1558 John III 1502–1557 King of Portugal Catherine of Austria 1507–1578 Philippine Welser 1527–1580 Ferdinand II 1529–1595 Archduke of Austria Anna Gonzaga 1566–1621 Anna of Austria 1528–1590 Albert V 1528–1579 Duke of Bavaria
Maria Manuela of Portugal 1527–1545 Joanna of Austria 1535–1573 João Manuel 1537–1554 Prince of Portugal Maria of Austria 1528–1603 Maximilian II 1527–1576King in Germanyr. 1562–1576Holy Roman Emperor r. 1564–1576 Charles II 1540–1590 Archduke of Austria Maria Anna of Bavaria 1551–1608 William V 1548–1626 Duke of Bavaria
Mary I 1516–1558 Queen of England Philip II(I) 1527–1598 King of England, Naples, Sicily, Sardinia, Spain, and Portugal Anna of Austria 1549–1580 Rudolf II 1552–1612King in Germanyr. 1575–1612Holy Roman Emperor r. 1576–1612 Ernest of Austria 1553–1595 Elisabeth of Austria 1554–1592 Charles IX 1550–1574 King of France Anna of Tyrol 1585–1618 Matthias 1557–1619King in GermanyHoly Roman Emperor r. 1612–1619 Maximilian III 1558–1618 Archduke of Austria
Elisabeth of Valois 1545–1568 Isabella Clara 1566–1633 Albert VII 1559–1621 Archduke of Austria Wenceslaus of Austria 1561–1578 Margaret of Austria 1567–1633
Philip III 1578–1621 King of Spain Margaret of Austria 1584–1611 Claudiade' Medici 1604–1648 Leopold V 1586–1632 Archduke of Austria Eleonora Gonzaga 1598–1655 Ferdinand II 1578–1637King in GermanyHoly Roman Emperor r. 1619–1637 Maria Anna of Bavaria 1574–1616
Maria Anna of Spain 1606–1646 Ferdinand III 1608–1657King of GermanyHoly Roman Emperor r. 1637–1657 Eleonora Gonzaga 1630–1686 Maria Leopoldine of Austria 1632–1649 Maria Anna of Austria 1610–1665 Maximilian I 1573–1651 Elector of Bavaria Cecilia Renata of Austria 1611–1644 Władysław IV 1632–1648 King of Poland Grand Duke of Lithuania Leopold of Austria 1614–1662
Philip IV 1605–1665 King of Spain Mariana of Austria 1634–1696 Ferdinand IV 1633–1654King of Germanyr. 1653–1654 Maria Anna of Austria 1654–1689 Johann Wilhelm 1658–1716 Elector Palatine Charles V 1643–1690 Duke of Lorraine Eleanor of Austria 1653–1697 Michał I 1640–1673 King of Poland Grand Duke of Lithuania
Charles II 1661–1700 King of Spain Margaret Theresa of Spain 1651–1673 Leopold I 1640–1705King of GermanyHoly Roman Emperor r. 1658–1705 Claudia Felicitas of Austria 1653–1676 Eleonor Magdalene of Neuburg 1655–1720 Leopold 1679–1729 Duke of Lorraine Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans 1676–1744
Maximilian II 1662–1726 Elector of Bavaria Maria Antonia of Austria 1669–1692 Wilhelmine Amalia of Brunswick 1673–1742 Joseph I 1678–1711King of Germanyr. 1690–1711Holy Roman Emperor r. 1705–1711 Charles VI 1685–1740King of GermanyHoly Roman Emperor r. 1711–1740 Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick 1691–1750 Maria Elisabeth of Austria 1680–1741 Maria Anna of Austria 1683–1754 John V 1689–1750 King of Portugal Maria Magdalena of Austria 1689–1743
Wittelsbach Lorraine
Charles VII 1697–1745King of GermanyHoly Roman Emperor r. 1742–1745 Maria Amalia of Austria 1701–1756 Maria Josepha of Austria 1699–1757 Augustus III 1696–1763 King of Poland Grand Duke of Lithuania Maria Theresa 1717–1780 Archduchess of Austria Francis I 1708–1765 Archduke of AustriaKing of GermanyHoly Roman Emperor r. 1745–1765 Maria Anna of Austria 1718–1744 Charles Alexander of Lorraine 1712–1780
Charles III 1716–1788 King of Spain Maria Amalia of Saxony 1724–1760 Maria Anna of Austria 1738–1789 Maria Christina 1742–1798 Duchess of Teschen Albert Casimir 1738–1822 Duke of Teschen Maria Elisabeth of Austria 1743–1808 Charles Joseph of Austria 1745–1761 Maria Amalia of Austria 1746–1804 Ferdinand 1765–1802 Duke of Parma
Maria Josepha of Bavaria 1739–1767 Joseph II 1741–1790 Archduke of AustriaKing of Germanyr. 1764–1790Holy Roman Emperor r. 1765–1790 Isabella of Parma 1741–1763 Maria Luisa of Spain 1745–1792 Leopold II 1747–1792 Archduke of AustriaKing of GermanyHoly Roman Emperor r. 1790–1792 Ferdinand I 1751–1825 King of the Two Sicilies Maria Carolina of Austria 1752–1814 Ferdinand 1754–1806 Duke of Breisgau Marie Antoinette 1755–1793 Louis XVI 1754–1793 King of France Maximilian Francis of Austria 1756–1801
Rudolf of Austria 1788–1831 Charles 1771–1847 Duke of Teschen Alexander Leopold of Austria 1772–1795 Francis II 1768–1835 Archduke, then Emperor of AustriaHoly Roman Emperor r. 1792–1806 Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily 1772–1807 Joseph 1776–1847 Palatine of Hungary Ferdinand III 1769–1824 Grand Duke of Tuscany Luisa of Naples and Sicily 1773–1802 Anton Victor of Austria 1779–1835 John 1782–1859Imperial regent Rainer Joseph of Austria 1783–1853
Napoleon I 1769–1821 Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine r. 1806–1813 Marie Louise 1791–1847 Duchess of Parma Ferdinand I 1793–1875 President of the German Confederation Emperor of Austriar. 1835–1848 Maria Anna of Savoy 1803–1884 Maria Anna of Austria 1804–1858 Clementina of Austria 1798–1881 Leopold 1790–1851 Prince of Salerno Maximilian I Joseph 1756–1825 King of Bavaria Caroline of Baden 1776–1841 Frederick William III 1770–1840 King of Prussia
Pedro Ithe Liberator 1798–1834 Emperor of Brazil Maria Leopoldina of Austria 1797–1826 Marie Caroline of Austria 1801–1832 Franz Karl Archduke of Austria 1802–1878 Sophie of Bavaria 1805–1872 Ludovika of Bavaria 1808–1892 Maximilian Joseph 1808–1888 Duke in Bavaria Victoria 1819–1901 Queen of the United Kingdom Elisabeth Ludovika of Bavaria 1801–1873 Frederick William IV 1795–1861King of Prussia President of the Erfurt Union r. 1849–1850 William I 1797–1888King of Prussia President of the North German Confederation German Emperorr. 1867–1888 Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach 1811–1890
Maximilian I 1832–1867 Emperor of Mexico Karl Ludwig of Austria 1833–1896 Franz Joseph 1830–1916 President of the German Confederation Emperor of Austriar. 1848–1916 Elisabeth of Austria 1837–1898 Victoria 1840–1901 Princess Royal Frederick III 1831–1888German Emperorr. 1888 Frederick I 1826–1907 Grand Duke of Baden Louise of Prussia 1838–1923
Otto Franz 1865–1906 Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand 1863–1914 Archduke of Austria Leopold of Bavaria 1846–1930 Gisela of Austria 1856–1932 Rudolf 1858–1889 Crown Prince of Austria Stéphanie of Belgium 1864–1945 Marie Valerie of Austria 1868–1924 Franz Salvator of Austria 1866–1939 Augusta Victoria of Schleswig 1858–1921 Wilhelm II 1859–1941German Emperorr. 1888–1918 Hermine Reuss of Greiz 1887–1947
Charles I 1887–1922Emperor of Austriar. 1916–1918 Charlotte of Prussia 1860–1919 Bernhard III 1851–1928 Duke of Saxe-Meiningen Henry of Prussia 1862–1929 Irene of Hesse and by Rhine 1866–1953 Viktoria of Prussia 1866–1929 Adolf of Schaumburg-Lippe 1859–1916 Sophia of Prussia 1870–1932 Constantine I 1868–1923 King of the Hellenes Margaret of Prussia 1872–1954 Frederick Charles 1868–1940King of Finland
Wilhelm 1882–1951 German Crown Prince Cecilie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1886–1954 Eitel Friedrich of Prussia 1883–1942 Sophia Charlotte of Oldenburg 1879–1964 Adalbert of Prussia 1884–1948 Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen 1891–1971 August Wilhelm of Prussia 1887–1949 Alexandra Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg 1887–1957 Oskar of Prussia 1888–1958 Ina Marie von Bassewitz 1888–1973 Joachim of Prussia 1890–1920 Marie Auguste of Anhalt 1898–1983
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