Text Appearing Before Image: he agoj;-egate net area of air openings was in- creased from 4792 sii. ft. to 8953 sq. ft., or about 87 percent more area was provided. The fan equipment installed consists of 25 .Vmericanblower exhaust fans, varying in size from 5 ft. to 7 ft.diameter of wheels and generally direct driven. The unitswere duplicated as far as possible and are supplied withpower from a special cable. The combined capacity of thefans at normal speeds exceeds 990,000 cu. ft. per minuteand at maximum speed about 1,230,000 cu. ft. per minute,thus giving an air change in from 15 to 19 minutes. The most interesting feature is, perhaps, the coolingplant installed at the Brooklyn Bridge station and shownin the accompanying engraving. This plant consists of two units, one on the east and oneon the west side of the stations. Each unit consists oftwo artesian wells, from which water is pumped by elec-trically driven triplex pumps through a bank of pipe situ-ated on the unused local platform on each side. This bank Text Appearing After Image: IXTERIOR Ol-- liROOKLVN BRIDGE ST.\TION OF SUBW.W,SHOWING VENTIL.VTION F.\NS 1 of pipe is inclosed in a galvanized iron casing which haskn inlet at one end connected to the discharge of two elec-trically driven fans delivering about 75,000 cu. ft. of airper minute for each unit, or 150,000 cu. ft. of air per min-ute for the entire station. These fans discharge directlyover the station platforms. The fan equipment of the Hudson & Manhattan RailroadCompany, which is also to employ artificial ventilation,includes two i8o-in. plate fans, each driven by a 55-hpmotor, two 140-in. plate fans with 40-hp motors, two iio-in.plate fans, four loo-in. plate fans and two 96-in. cone fans,all supplied by the American Blower Company. The Chicago City Railway Company has put into service50 new pay-as-you-enter cars on its State Street line. Thismakes 300 pav-as-you-enter cars which the company has inoperation in addition to 100 more which it has under con-struction. It is stated that the Brooklyn
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27 July 2014
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