Diagram inspired by those in
Levy, Hanoch, and Moshe Sidi. "Polling systems: Applications, modeling, and optimization." Communications, IEEE Transactions on 38.10 (1990): 1750-1760.
\pgfdeclareshape{queueing box}{
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north east}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south east}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north west}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south west}
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y % south west is (xa,ya)
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y % north east is (xb,yb)
\tikzstyle{queueing area}=[queueing box,thick,draw=black,minimum size=1cm,left color=white]
% Diagram inspired by those in
% Levy, Hanoch, and Moshe Sidi. "Polling systems: Applications, modeling, and optimization." Communications, IEEE Transactions on 38.10 (1990): 1750-1760.
% https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/26.61446
\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=2.3cm,semithick]
\tikzstyle{every state}=[fill=white,draw=black,text=black,minimum size=1.1cm]
\coordinate (Origin) at (0,0);
% centre
\node (C) {};
% server
\node[state] (S) [below right of=C,node distance=1cm] {};
% server arc
\draw [->] ($(C)+(\ArcRadius,0)$) arc (0:\ArcAngle:\ArcRadius);
% queueing areas
\node[queueing area] (Q1) [left of=C] {};
\node[queueing area,rotate=315] (Q2) [left of=C] {};
\node[queueing area,rotate=270] (Q3) [left of=C] {};
\node[queueing area,rotate=225] (Q4) [left of=C] {};
\node[queueing area,rotate=180] (Q5) [left of=C] {};
\node[queueing area,rotate=135] (Q6) [left of=C] {};
\node[rotate=90] (Q7) [left of=C] {$\vdots$};
\node[queueing area,rotate=45] (Q8) [left of=C] {};
\node (A1) [below left of=C] {};
\node (A2) [left of=C] {};
\node (A3) [above left of=C] {};
\node (A4) [above of=C] {};
\node (A5) [above right of=C] {};
\node (A6) [right of=C] {};
\node (A7) [below right of=C] {};
\node (S1) [below left of=A1] {\Large $\lambda_6$};
\node (S2) [left of=A2] {\Large$\lambda_5$};
\node (S3) [above left of=A3] {\Large$\lambda_4$};
\node (S4) [above of=A4] {\Large$\lambda_3$};
\node (S5) [above right of=A5] {\Large$\lambda_2$};
\node (S6) [right of=A6] {\Large$\lambda_1$};
\node (S7) [below right of=A7] {\Large$\lambda_n$};
\path (S1) edge ($(A1)+(-0.5,-0.5)$);
\path (S2) edge ($(A2)+(-0.7,0)$);
\path (S3) edge ($(A3)+(-0.5,0.5)$);
\path (S4) edge ($(A4)+(0,0.7)$);
\path (S5) edge ($(A5)+(0.5,0.5)$);
\path (S6) edge ($(A6)+(0.7,0)$);
\path (S7) edge ($(A7)+(0.5,-0.5)$);
Then converted using pdf2svg.
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