DescriptionP. T. Barnum letter to Henry Ashley, 1882-06-28.jpg
English: Letter from P. T. Barnum to Henry Ashley, amusement editor of the New York Clipper, on Barnum's monogram-headed notepaper.
London England
28 June 1882
My dear Henry Ashley Esq.
Amusement editor New York Clipper.
My partner J. L. Hutchinson cables me from Boston that our show receipts there the first six days were $74,000. I have written you a letter by my agent Mr. J. R. Davis wherein I have left the amount blank. Mr. Davis will see my account books and the … book-keeper and will insert in my letter the exact amount to a penny. I trust you will willingly place the facts on record in your columns for future reference, as nothing like it was ever heard of before
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